How to use selectById selector generated from createEntityAdapter - reactjs

All examples on redux-toolkit website show usage of either selectIds or selectAll.
Using either of them is simple. I have a redux-slice from where I am exporting
export const {
selectById: selectUserById,
selectIds: selectUserIds,
selectEntities: selectUserEntities,
selectAll: selectAllUsers,
selectTotal: selectTotalUsers
} = usersAdapter.getSelectors(state => state.users)
then I am importing the selectors in my components and using like
const valueIAmInterestedIn = useSelector(selectUserIds)
I am interested in the code related to the usage of selectUserById.

According to the documentation the by id selector has the following signature: selectById: (state: V, id: EntityId) => T | undefined.
So you can call it in your component in the following way:
const Component = ({ id }) => {
const item = useSelector((state) =>
selectUserById(state, id)
This implementation of "normalization" may not work if you sort/filter entities on the server because the state would look more like:
data: {
entityType: {
//query is key and value is status and result
// of the api request
'sort=name&page=1': {
loading: false,
requested: true,
error: false,
stale: false,
ids: [1, 2],
'sort=name:desc&page=1': {
//would have loading, requested ....
ids: [2, 1],
data: {
//all the data (fetched so far)
'1': { id: 1 },
'2': { id: 2 },
I have not worked with the "helpers" so have to look into it as it may facilitate for server side filtering and sorting.
I also doubt it will memoize the selector:
const List = ({ items }) => (
{{ id }) => (
<Item key={id} id={id} />
const Item = React.memo(function Item({ id }) {
//selectUserById is called with different id during
// a render and nothing will be memoized
const item = useSelector((state) =>
selectUserById(state, id)
I have created a short documentation on how you can use selectors created with reselect.

Selector can be created on top of selectById as below:
export const getLanguageById = (entityId: number) => {
return createSelector(selectLanguageState, (state) =>
selectById(state, entityId)
This can be used in your component as below:
const language = useSelector(languageSelectors.getLanguageById(18));
I guess it's more straightforward and easy to read/ understand.


How to effectively do optimistic update for deeply nested data in react query?

So I'm making a kanban board style task manager using react and react query. My current implementation of the data fetching is like the following:
const { data } = useQuery('listCollection', getListCollection)
and the content of data is something like this:
// data
listOrder: number[]
lists: IList[]
interface IList {
id: number
title: string
todoOrder: number[]
todos: ITodo[]
interface ITodo {
id: number
text: string
checked: boolean
So basically a list collection contains multiple lists and each lists contain multiple todos.
Now, I want this application to do optimistic update on each mutation (add a new todo, delete, check a todo, etc).
Here is my current implementation of optimistic update when toggling a todo check:
const mutation = useMutation(
(data: { todoId: number; checked: boolean }) =>
onMutate: async (data) => {
await queryClient.cancelQueries('listCollection')
const previousState = queryClient.getQueryData('listCollection')
queryClient.setQueryData('listCollection', (prev: any) => ({
lists: IList) =>
? {
todos: => === data.todoId
? { ...todo, checked: data.checked }
: todo,
: list,
return { previousState }
onError: (err, newTodo, context) => {
queryClient.setQueryData(parent, context?.previousState)
onSuccess: () => queryClient.invalidateQueries(parent),
As you can see, that's overly complicated. How should I approach this?
The best way to update the deeply nested data in react query is by using "Immer" library. It is very light weight and it uses proxies to change the reference of only updated data, and reducing the cost of rendering for non-updated data.
import produce from "immer";
const mutation = useMutation(
(data: { todoId: number; checked: boolean }) =>
onMutate: async (data) => {
await queryClient.cancelQueries('listCollection')
const previousState = queryClient.getQueryData('listCollection')
const updData = produce(previousState, (draftData) => {
// Destructing the draftstate of data.
let {lists} = draftData;
lists = IList) => {
// Mapping through lists and checking if id present in todoOrder and todo.
if(list.todoOrder.includes(data.todoId) && list.todo[]){
list.todo[].checked = data.checked;
return list.
// Updating the draftstate with the modified values
draftData.lists = lists;
// Setting query data.
queryClient.setQueryData("listCollection", updData);
return { previousState }
onError: (err, newTodo, context) => {
queryClient.setQueryData(parent, context?.previousState)
onSuccess: () => queryClient.invalidateQueries(parent),
This will solve your case. You can modify the listOrder if needed just the way I updates lists.

How to query a React query only when the values ​of certain parameters are changed?

The following is the part where I actually used React Query.
I coded as follows, and React Query keeps refetching the API.
How can I make the API call only when the parameters prodCode and pageable are changed?
// react-query
const getReviewList = useQuery(
['getReviewList', prodCode, pageable],
() =>
enabled: !!prodCode,
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
onSuccess: (data) => {
if (!_.isUndefined(data)) {
const copiedReviewList = reviewList.slice();
// recoil state setting
onError: () => {
setReviewList([] as Array<ReviewModel>);
React Query will not refetch. You should let React take care for that by having propCode and pageable as state variables. onSuccess and onError are meant to be used for data-related stuff, so don't update React state variables in there.
I would suggest creating a specific query class - useReviewListFetcher and then use that one in your components. Somewhat like this:
const useReviewListQuery = (prodCode, pageable) =>
["getReviewList", prodCode, pageable],
() =>
enabled: !!prodCode,
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
interface Props {
prodCode: string;
pageable: boolean;
const ReviewList = (props: Props) => {
const reviewListQuery = useReviewListQuery(
if ( === undefined) {
return <div>Loading.</div>;
return (
{ => (

Patch multiple id's with one request with React Query

I have a very basic prototype of app that allows to book a seat. User selects the seat/seats, clicks book, patch request with available: false is sent to the fake api (json-server) with React Query, library invalidates the request and immediately shows response from the server.
Database structure looks like this:
"hallA": [
"id": 1,
"seat": 1,
"available": false
"id": 2,
"seat": 2,
"available": true
"id": 3,
"seat": 3,
"available": false
and the logic for selecting, booking seats looks like this:
const App = () => {
const { data, isLoading } = useGetHallLayout("hallA");
const [selected, setSelected] = useState<
{ id: number; seat: number; available: boolean }[]
const handleSelect = useCallback(
(seat: { id: number; seat: number; available: boolean }) => {
const itemIdx = selected.findIndex((element) => ===;
if (itemIdx === -1) {
setSelected((prevState) => [
{ id:, seat:, available: !seat.available },
} else {
setSelected((prevState) =>
prevState.filter((element) => !==
const takeSeat = useTakeSeat({
onSuccess: () => {
const sendRequest = useCallback(() => {
selected.forEach((item) =>
takeSeat.mutateAsync({ id:, hall: "hallA" })
}, [selected, takeSeat]);
return (
{!isLoading && (
<button disabled={isLoading} onClick={sendRequest}>
Take selected
Queries look like this:
export const useGetHallLayout = (hall: string) => {
const { data, isLoading } = useQuery(["hall"], () =>
axios.get(`http://localhost:3000/${hall}`).then((res) =>
return { data, isLoading };
export const useTakeSeat = (options?: UseMutationOptions<unknown, any, any>) =>
(data: { hall: string; id: number }) =>
axios.patch(`http://localhost:3000/${data.hall}/${}`, {
available: false,
useGetHallLayout.invalidate = () => {
return queryClient.invalidateQueries("hall");
The problem of the above code is that I perform very expensive operation of updating each id in a for each loop (to available: false) and query invalidates it after each change not once all of them are updated.
The question is: is there any better way to do this taking into account the limitations of json-server? Any batch update instead of sending request to each and every id seperately? Maybe some changes in a logic?
Thanks in advance
You can certainly make one mutation that fires of multiple requests, and returns the result with Promise.all or Promise.allSettled. Something like:
useMutation((seats) => {
return Promise.allSettled( => axios.patch(...))
then, you would have one "lifecycle" (loading / error / success) for all queries together, and onSuccess will only be called once.
Another gotcha I'm seeing is that you'd really want the hall string to be part of the query key:
- useQuery(["hall"], () =>
+ useQuery(["hall", hall], () =>

How to get all elements from an atomFamily in recoil?

Im playing around with recoil for the first time and cant figure out how I can read all elements from an atomFamily. Let's say I have an app where a user can add meals:
export const meals = atomFamily({
key: "meals",
default: {}
And I can initialize a meal as follows:
const [meal, setMeal] = useRecoilState(meals("bananas"));
const bananas = setMeal({name: "bananas", price: 5});
How can I read all items which have been added to this atomFamily?
You have to track all ids of the atomFamily to get all members of the family.
Keep in mind that this is not really a list, more like a map.
Something like this should get you going.
// atomFamily
const meals = atomFamily({
key: "meals",
default: {}
const mealIds = atom({
key: "mealsIds",
default: []
When creating a new objects inside the family you also have to update the mealIds atom.
I usually use a useRecoilCallback hook to sync this together
const createMeal = useRecoilCallback(({ set }) => (mealId, price) => {
set(mealIds, currVal => [...currVal, mealId]);
set(meals(mealId), {name: mealId, price});
}, []);
This way you can create a meal by calling:
createMeal("bananas", 5);
And get all ids via:
const ids = useRecoilValue(mealIds);
Instead of using useRecoilCallback you can abstract it with selectorFamily.
// atomFamily
const mealsAtom = atomFamily({
key: "meals",
default: {}
const mealIds = atom({
key: "mealsIds",
default: []
// abstraction
const meals = selectorFamily({
key: "meals-access",
get: (id) => ({ get }) => {
const atom = get(mealsAtom(id));
return atom;
set: (id) => ({set}, meal) => {
set(mealsAtom(id), meal);
set(mealIds (id), prev => [...prev,]);
Further more, in case you would like to support reset you can use the following code:
// atomFamily
const mealsAtom = atomFamily({
key: "meals",
default: {}
const mealIds = atom({
key: "mealsIds",
default: []
// abstraction
const meals = selectorFamily({
key: "meals-access",
get: (id) => ({ get }) => {
const atom = get(mealsAtom(id));
return atom;
set: (id) => ({set, reset}, meal) => {
if(meal instanceof DefaultValue) {
// DefaultValue means reset context
reset(mealIds (id));
set(mealsAtom(id), meal);
set(mealIds (id), prev => [...prev,]);
If you're using Typescript you can make it more elegant by using the following guard.
import { DefaultValue } from 'recoil';
export const guardRecoilDefaultValue = (
candidate: unknown
): candidate is DefaultValue => {
if (candidate instanceof DefaultValue) return true;
return false;
Using this guard with Typescript will look something like:
// atomFamily
const mealsAtom = atomFamily<IMeal, number>({
key: "meals",
default: {}
const mealIds = atom<number[]>({
key: "mealsIds",
default: []
// abstraction
const meals = selectorFamily<IMeal, number>({
key: "meals-access",
get: (id) => ({ get }) => {
const atom = get(mealsAtom(id));
return atom;
set: (id) => ({set, reset}, meal) => {
if (guardRecoilDefaultValue(meal)) {
// DefaultValue means reset context
reset(mealIds (id));
// from this line you got IMeal (not IMeal | DefaultValue)
set(mealsAtom(id), meal);
set(mealIds (id), prev => [...prev,]);
You can use an atom to track the ids of each atom in the atomFamily. Then use a selectorFamily or a custom function to update the atom with the list of ids when a new atom is added or deleted from the atomFamily. Then, the atom with the list of ids can be used to extract each of the atoms by their id from the selectorFamily.
// File for managing state
//Atom Family
export const mealsAtom = atomFamily({
key: "meals",
default: {},
//Atom ids list
export const mealsIds = atom({
key: "mealsIds",
default: [],
This is how the selectorFamily looks like:
// File for managing state
export const mealsSelector = selectorFamily({
key: "mealsSelector",
get: (mealId) => ({get}) => {
return get(meals(mealId));
set: (mealId) => ({set, reset}, newMeal) => {
// if 'newMeal' is an instance of Default value,
// the 'set' method will delete the atom from the atomFamily.
if (newMeal instanceof DefaultValue) {
// reset method deletes the atom from atomFamily. Then update ids list.
set(mealsIds, (prevValue) => prevValue.filter((id) => id !== mealId));
} else {
// creates the atom and update the ids list
set(mealsAtom(mealId), newMeal);
set(mealsIds, (prev) => [...prev, mealId]);
Now, how do you use all this?
Create a meal:
In this case i'm using current timestamp as the atom id with Math.random()
// Component to consume state
import {mealsSelector} from "your/path";
import {useSetRecoilState} from "recoil";
const setMeal = useSetRecoilState(mealsSelector(Math.random()));
name: "banana",
price: 5,
Delete a meal:
// Component to consume state
import {mealsSelector} from "your/path";
import {DefaultValue, useSetRecoilState} from "recoil";
const setMeal = useSetRecoilState(mealsSelector(mealId));
setMeal(new DefaultValue());
Get all atoms from atomFamily:
Loop the list of ids and render Meals components that receive the id as props and use it to get the state for each atom.
// Component to consume state, parent of Meals component
import {mealsIds} from "your/path";
import {useRecoilValue} from "recoil";
const mealIdsList = useRecoilValue(mealsIds);
//Inside the return function:
.map((mealId) => (
// Meal component to consume state
import {mealsSelector} from "your/path";
import {useRecoilValue} from "recoil";
const meal = useRecoilValue(mealsSelector(;
Then, you have a list of components for Meals, each with their own state from the atomFamily.
Here is how I have it working on my current project:
(For context this is a dynamic form created from an array of field option objects. The form values are submitted via a graphql mutation so we only want the minimal set of changes made. The form is therefore built up as the user edits fields)
import { atom, atomFamily, DefaultValue, selectorFamily } from 'recoil';
type PossibleFormValue = string | null | undefined;
export const fieldStateAtom = atomFamily<PossibleFormValue, string>({
key: 'fieldState',
default: undefined,
export const fieldIdsAtom = atom<string[]>({
key: 'fieldIds',
default: [],
export const fieldStateSelector = selectorFamily<PossibleFormValue, string>({
key: 'fieldStateSelector',
get: (fieldId) => ({ get }) => get(fieldStateAtom(fieldId)),
set: (fieldId) => ({ set, get }, fieldValue) => {
set(fieldStateAtom(fieldId), fieldValue);
const fieldIds = get(fieldIdsAtom);
if (!fieldIds.includes(fieldId)) {
set(fieldIdsAtom, (prev) => [...prev, fieldId]);
export const formStateSelector = selectorFamily<
Record<string, PossibleFormValue>,
key: 'formStateSelector',
get: (fieldIds) => ({ get }) => {
return fieldIds.reduce<Record<string, PossibleFormValue>>(
(result, fieldId) => {
const fieldValue = get(fieldStateAtom(fieldId));
return {
[fieldId]: fieldValue,
set: (fieldIds) => ({ get, set, reset }, newValue) => {
if (newValue instanceof DefaultValue) {
const fieldIds = get(fieldIdsAtom);
fieldIds.forEach((fieldId) => reset(fieldStateAtom(fieldId)));
} else {
set(fieldIdsAtom, Object.keys(newValue));
fieldIds.forEach((fieldId) => {
set(fieldStateAtom(fieldId), newValue[fieldId]);
The atoms are selectors are used in 3 places in the app:
In the field component:
const localValue = useRecoilValue(fieldStateAtom(fieldId));
const setFieldValue = useSetRecoilState(fieldStateSelector(fieldId));
In the save-handling component (although this could be simpler in a form with an explicit submit button):
const fieldIds = useRecoilValue(fieldIdsAtom);
const formState = useRecoilValue(formStateSelector(fieldIds));
And in another component that handles form actions, including form reset:
const resetFormState = useResetRecoilState(formStateSelector([]));
const handleDiscard = React.useCallback(() => {
}, [..., resetFormState]);

Filtering out data React Native best practice

I need advice on where to perform data filtering to achieve best performance. Let's say I receive a big array of products from one endpoint of a remote API and product categories from another endpoint. I store them in Redux state and also persist to Realm database so that they are available for offline usage.
In my app, I have a Stack.Navigator that contains 2 screens: ProductCategories and ProductsList. When you press on a category it brings you to the screen with products that fall under that category. Currently, I perform the data filtering right inside my component, from my understanding it fires off every time the component is rendered and I suspect this approach slows down the app.
So I was wondering if there is a better way of doing that? Maybe filter the data for each category in advance when the app is loading?
My code looks as follows:
const ProductCategories = (props) => {
const isFocused = useIsFocused();
useEffect(() => {
if (isFocused) {
}, [isFocused]);
return (
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
productCategories: state.catalog.productCategories,
const ProductsList = (props) => {
const isFocused = useIsFocused();
const productsFilteredByCategory = props.products.filter((product) => {
return product.category === id;
useEffect(() => {
if (isFocused) {
}, [isFocused]);
return (
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
products: state.catalog.products,
You have to normalize (you can see main principles here) data in redux, to the next view:
// redux store
categories: {
1: { // id of category
id: 1,
title: 'some',
products: [1, 2, 3] // ids of products
products: {
1: { // id of product
id: 1,
title: 'some product',
Then you can create few selectors which will be even without memoization work much faster then filter, because time of taking data from object by property is constant
const getCategory = (state, categoryId) => state.categories[categoryId]
const getProduct = (state, productId) => state.products[productId]
const getCategoryProducts = (state, categoryId) => {
const category = getCategory(state, categoryId);
if (!category) return [];
return => getProduct(state, productId))
