Limits for simultaneous connections Firebase - database

I am new with Firebase and I have heard that there is a limit for simultaneous connections.
My app doesn't require to store who is online at a specific moment, just some details about each account(name, picture, etc.). So, I do not know if those limitations will apply to this type of app or not. If they do, what is the limit? In a previous post somebody said it is 100,000 users, but on their documentation I have found something about 1,000,000 users (Maximum concurrent connections for mobile/web clients per database 1,000,000). Furthermore, there is no mention for simultaneous connection on their price calculator.
Also, if I have misunderstood anything about "simultaneous connections", please explain here.
Have a good day and thank you for your time!

There is no cost for simultaneous collections. See my answer to Price for simultaneous database connection in firebase.
The Firebase Realtime Database allows up to 100 concurrent connections per project on its free plan, and up to 200,000 concurrent connections per database on its paid plans.
Cloud Firestore has no limit on the number of concurrent connections, neither on the free nor the paid plan.
These limits is regardless of the application type, and depends on how your code uses the database. Since you didn't share (and it seems didn't write) any code yet, it's hard to say more.


Requests per second vs. IO per seconds (IOPS) AND concurrent users vs connections

I'm pretty new to the world of databases and I was wondering - what is the difference between "Requests per second (RPS)" and "IO per second (IOps)"
From what I know 1 Request can be made up of several I/Os (which are input ouputs). Is this a correct understanding?
Also, in the context of databases, are concurrent connections the same as concurrent users? I would assume that every connection would equate to a user. Is this right?
Please feel free to correct me or throw me examples, links, resources to read up on. I'm a total newbie at this, and would absolutely love to ramp up on my database basics!

Passing on goog-app-engine costs to the client

I have a google app engine application that uses the cloud datastore. My application usage is increasing, I cannot maintain it as “free” since I am paying
for the read/write operations to the datastore
the storage of data in the cloud
instance hours
I plan to charge “by the drink.” In other words, as I am charged for application usage, I will pass on that charge on to my clients. Before developing my own solution to do this, I realize that there must be countless others who have solved this problem. If so, what technique(s) have you employed?
Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
Unfortunately there is no silver bullet for this situation. Be advised, unless you really think this through keeping track of your users consumption might end up costing as much as the actual usage.
Without knowing anything else about your app its hard to help but my advice would be to use appstats to figure out the actual cost of a given service and charge the user per time accessed.
Most users do not like (actually, hate) to be charged for something they (a) do not understand, and (b) have no control over. If a phone company tells its customers to go ahead and use their service without telling them how much - exactly - they are going to pay, it will lose all customers in no time. How are you going to explain read/write datastore costs to your users, with indexed properties and all? How about query costs and instance hours? It's a difficult task even if all of your customers are software engineers.
I recommend charging users for something they understand, like creating a free and a premium version of your app with additional features, or charging per game, or per document processed (you did not tell us what your app is doing), etc.

What is a Google App Engine instance?

I am trying to estimate the monthly costs for having GAE for in-app store and I do not really understand what is an instance and what can I do within one instance.
Can I just have one instance with multiple threads to deal with multiple clients? And as I have 28 hours of free instance per app per day (, does it mean that I would not pay for my server app running all the time?
An instance is an instance of a virtual server, running your code, that is able to serve requests to clients. This is usually done in parallel (Goroutines, Java threads, Python threads with 2.7) for most efficient usage of available resources.
Response times depends on what you're doing in your code, and it's usually IO dependent. If you have a waterfall of serial database lookups, it takes longer than if you only have a single multiget and perhaps an async write.
Part of the deal with GAE is that Google handles the elasticity for you. If there are a lot of connections waiting, new instances will start as needed (until your quota is exhausted). That means it can be difficult to estimate cost upfront, because you don't know exactly how efficient your code is and how much resources you'll need. I recommend a scheme where more usage means more income, and income per request is higher than cost per request. :)
You can tweak settings, saying you want requests to wait in queue, or always have a couple of spare instances ready to serve new requests, which will affect cost for you and response times for users.
In an IaaS scenario you could say that you will use five instances and that's the cost, but in reality you might need only 1 at night local time, and 25 the rest of the day, which means your users would most likely see dropped connections or otherwise have a negative user experience.
A free instance is normally able to handle test traffic during development without exhausting the quota.
Well AppEngine may decide you need to have more than one instance running to handle the requests and so will start another one. You won't be able to limit it to one running instance. In fact, it's sometimes unclear why AE starts another instance when it seems like the requests are low, but it will if it decides it needs another warm instance to be ready to handle requests if the serving instance(s) are too near their limit.

How to calculate hours/month usage on Amazon RDS and Pricing?

I never used Amazon EC2 or RDS Service. I am trying to calculate my cost using
I searched a little but could locate answers to some basic things. Can you help me out with this:
What does DB Instance means? 1 Database = 1 Instance or 1 Connection = 1 Instance
How to calculate hours/month usage? It should depend on the transfer rates or processing time. Is there a way I can get rough Idea about it?
What if I already have my DB Ready and want to upload it directly (it would be few GBs) then how will it be calculated.
I am new to amazon EC2 and searched stackoverflow and serverfault before posting this question. Got some idea but not specific what I am looking for. Can someone help me out here?
In general, one database = one instance. You spin up instances, and do what you like with them. Definitely possible to have more connections to it.
Hours per month is just that. How many hours per month you have the instance active. If you plan to have the instance active 24/7, you may find more cost effective alternatives with other cloud providers. If you run it less often than that, you save money when it's not active. It's billed hourly to your account at the rate specified.
Upload data is counted at the standard transfer rates. A few GBs doesn't cost much, but you will be paying for the service starting the moment you spin up the instance.

Calculate server requirements based on programming specs

Have you ever encountered something so easy to develop but stopped a while to think of server requirements for your project ? It is my case.
I want to compete with a gaming site, they have multiplayer Flash games like poker, rummy, backgammon, and other card games, 8 games in total. For each game they have rooms and tables.
I'll use Silverlight with Sockets. I already managed to develop the policy server, the Socket Server app using WinForms, the Client Socket app in Silverlight. I own a VPS for tests, so there is no problem in developing what I want, the problem is How to calculate server requirements, RAM, bandwidth, internet speed based on the following requirements:
Server should support 24.000 users / day or 1000 users / hour
Each game room should have it's own tables where users can play
Users should not lose scores and game speed should be fast in general
I just wonder how to handle the following situation: if 1000 users are connected through Socket connection to a room full of tables and one user leave a table, all 1000 users must be updated and UI should reflect the changes. Let's say that I'll update the clients by sending a small Message of 100 bytes to each user, this will eat 100 bytes * 1000 users = 100 kb, and this just for 1 UI change, for 1 Game and for 1 Room, not counting all my other games and rooms. Also 1000 iterations that sends bytes to clients should be very time consuming.I am a developer, but not experienced in those situations. Please advice. Numbers will be great.
Until you've built -- and optimized -- your actual applications, you cannot predict much about the hardware required for some level of performance.
You have to finish the apps first. Then you can measure their performance under load. Then you can decide how much to spend on what levels of performance.
The best answer I can offer you is to run stress tests and see how much load a single server can support. While running those tests, monitor memory, IO, CPU and disk activity (if relevant) to understand which resource is running out first.
We deploy our applications on Amazon's EC2 cloud infrastructure. That lets us easily (within minutes) add or remove capacity as needed. Perhaps it's worth considering for your situation.
Always follow these two rules
“The First Rule of Program Optimization: Don't do it. The Second Rule of Program Optimization (for experts only!): Don't do it yet.” - Michael A. Jackson
First of all you should think more about how and when to send what information to which clients. Not every client needs to be informed about every table change.
That there are only so much informations that a client needs, and you need to decide when/how it will be transmitted. Also you should pack the informations into meaningfull packets. Whats happening at a table is only interesting for that table.
Also you need to profile your application to make sure you know what ressources it consumes. Cardgames should not eat up so much ressources. But the important point is to FIRST build it, and when you HAVE a bottleneck, then try to fix it.
It's very difficult to guess at these things at this point.
From a pragmatic standpoint, you may eventually want to look into a) a cloud-hosting type service for better bandwidth price-scaling for you, or b) a very experienced full-service hosting company that can help you calculate your needs based on prior experience.
Disclaimer: I work for Rackspace Hosting which provides both of the above.
