Image with `full-width` format not centered in Wagtail's RichTextField? - wagtail

I'm a beginner of Wagtail, and trying to follow the tutorial to build a blog website.
The question I have is about RichTextField, inserting an image in the editor, and I have chosen the "Full Width" format, expecting the image should be centered (as said in the doc).
However it's not centered, as shown in the picture below.
What's wrong?

The docs don't say anything about the image being centred. On the contrary, the developer docs say:
The CSS classes added to images do not come with any accompanying stylesheets, or inline styles. e.g. the left class will do nothing, by default. The developer is expected to add these classes to their front end CSS files, to define exactly what they want left, right or full-width to mean.
So, to centre the image, you could define a CSS rule such as:
img.full-width {
display: block;
margin: auto;


Finite Icon Colors in Draftail Editor

I am trying to implement a finite number of colors (like square icons) on the Draftail editor itself. What will be the best way to approach this?
It should be similar to how Microsoft Word displays the font color or something along those lines.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if it's the best approach but here is what I came up with:
This defines a new inline style which encloses the selected text between <span class="mycustomclass"></span> (change feature_name according to the CSS class you want to use).
Then, you just have to define the corresponding .mycustomstyle CSS class in your frontend as usual:
.mycustomstyle {
color: purple;
You can also modify control['style'] to change the way this style will be displayed in the editor.
You will get 1 icon/label per CSS class, so it's not really like in Word as you won't get a proper selector. I haven't tried it myself, but according to Wagtail docs icon can reference SVG, so you might be able to display color squares instead of labels.
Hope it fits your needs.

CSS shows overwritten styles for a split second

Currently, I am using a directive from a third-party library for a UI toggle button. I changed the background color and left/right positions of the toggle button a bit to meet my business specifications. E.g. the out-of-the-box style came as light green for true, light red for false; I changed this to a darker green for true, and a light grey for false. I also moved the toggle positionally a bit to the left. All of this works fine.
The one issue I'm experiencing is that for a split millisecond when the page with the toggle button renders, I see the old style quickly change from what came out-of-the-box, to my updated style. There aren't any other glitches in style after this fact, just the initial loading shows some quick shifting around on the element. This isn't a huge issue but I can't seem to pinpoint the issue or know why it is happening. Any thoughts? Something in an issue for CSS hierarchy perhaps?
Notes relevant to the issue:
I used the inspector to find the classes I needed to override, since the directive itself just uses an nz-toggle tag.
I am using !important to override. I've read that this is bad practice in itself but it is being used across the entire project and has been established as "our standard" of overriding styles
Here's an example of one rule from my CSS file compared to what comes out of the box:
.nz-toggle-wrap.true {
background-color: #089900 !important;
right: -16px !important;
width: 50px !important;
height: 28px !important;
.nz-toggle-wrap.true {background-color: #60bd68;}
Any thoughts?
This happens because your "new" CSS loads after the "old" CSS.
Of course that should be true anyway, because you want to override the old style, but it seems that the old and new code are too far away from each other hence you manage to see it change.
To solve this you have to move the new style "closer" to the old style.
The way to do it depends on your project architecture and your build process.
Another option is that the class "true" is added only after page load, and so only then your new style kicks in.
If you are loading this "third party library" locally, you might have to directly edit the CSS files of the plug-in.
With the plug-in you linked, maybe you need to edit this file directly to prevent the "flicker", which is caused by the styles loading in sequence:

WYSIWYG Responsive( Adaptive, Fluid, etc, ...) Image in Drupal 7

How can I make inline Images ( Images used in the text of article ) responsive in Drupal 7.( I use Wysiwg and CKEditor). I can make Image Field files responsive with Adaptive Image Module but apparently it doesn't have any option for doing such action for inline images.
Other module like Picture and some thing like that make Image styles for different styles of theme( breakpoints indeed) but I want to make may image adaptive with all resolutions in other word I want all of my images be fluid, not conditional.The have the best image styles in my opinion and I want exactly this behavior for my project.
For more information I studied all forums in about this issue but I can't find any reliable solution.
Add this to your css (make to fit your own css rules for wanted images):
img {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;

How to make align images top and show captions on top?

How do I make all images align to top, not the middle? Also how do I adjust the position of the caption? For example to align it to the top left corner.
The images are center aligned by CSS with the !important Flag asigned.
you could either:
donwload a developement version, and change the css,
Apply a new css after loading the fotorama.css, also use the important flag
overwrite the css rule with javascript with the style.setProperty method
(note, you have to use this method on every image using the fotorama api
the caption can be easily modified just by css with the class fotorama__caption - for example:
left: 2%;
font-size: 200%;

need to keep items inline but must use display:block with div tags

this is pretty frustrating...
basically i'm creating a menubar on a site, and have used css sprite to have a hover effect where the image changes as you hover over it. this is working fine, but i can't display multiple images inline because i have to use display:block in the css for the sprite/hover class for it to work.
here is some of the css code i have:
.x a {display:block; width:100px; height:100px; overflow:hidden;}
.x a:hover img {margin-left:-100px;}
/* ie6 needs this fix*/
.x a:hover {zoom:1;}
and then here is the code in the php file (it's part of a wordpress theme, this bit going in the header.php file):
<div class='x'><a href='#' alt='#'><img src='#' /></a></div>
note: the image used is a horizontal sprite, so two images merged into one (100x100 turned into 200x100).
this alone works fine, but then when i add something to it like:
<div class='x'><a href='#' alt='#'><img src='#' /></a></div>
<div class='x'><a href='#2' alt='#2'><img src='#2' /></a></div>
it makes it go to a new line. i thought it may be a padding issue where it's overflowing on the line, but i've tried doing just two images (total area taken up maybe 210px) and it's in a 911px container area and still goes to a new line.
i've tried using < span> tags, tables, inline-block, and several other things but still no success. at one point i got it to stay inline but then the image was placed beneath all the others, in the correct horizontal position but wrong vertical position.
the goal is to have about 8 100x100 images all in a row in the menu bar, with one spacing in between each one, in a container with width 911px. they all will be in the 'x' class so that the image changes when hovered over.
sorry for writing so much but wanted to get it clear. please help!
The divs are rendering as blocks, which is why the images aren't sitting beside eachother.
If I understand what you're trying to achieve correctly, adding a rule
.x { display: inline-block }
will do what you want.
I made a JSFiddle to try it out:
