How to open a generated file on Vaadin Flow? - file

On my app I want to open a generated PDF with PdfBox on a new tab, I have seen a couple of documentations but they are for old version of Vaadin or won't work in my case. I don't want to save it on the server or attach the file to any link or button, I want to write a method to automatically open it on a new tab.
PdfBox gives an option to save the file on an OutputStream, is there any way to open that OutputStream file on a new tab? Or at least download it without attaching it to an Anchor widget like Flow Viritin does?

The problem lies in the fact that because you don't want to save the file on the server, you cannot then have a direct url of said file to link to. You also cannot pass the pdf file as parameter to another View.
The solution is to store the pdf in the VaadinSession (as byte[] is probably easiest), and when the user then opens another tab by clicking a certain anchor/routerlink, that view will read the pdf from the VaadinSession and add the it to the view. (How to display pdf with Vaadin 14). Please remember to remove the pdf again from the VaadinSession :)


Access Specific PDF Page in WPF WebBrowser Control

I have a webbrowser control in my application that is used to display pdf files that have been created in iTextSharp and are stored locally on the hard drive.
I would like to be able to navigate the file (next, previous, first, last, toc) from my application rather than using the inbuilt nav of the reader in the browser.
I have seen that you can navigate to specific pages by using
This works the first time but when trying to navigate to a different page, it makes the browser disappear completely with no errors. However, I can reload the file without problem if I don't have the #page=? suffix on the file url though. Any ideas on this?
Alternatively, is there anyway in iTextSharp of adding something to the file to allow for it to be navigated from an external command?
All the official parameters that can be used to navigate through a PDF using parameters in the query string after the ? character are listed in a document published by Adobe: Parameters for Opening PDF Files
You already mentioned the page parameter. Another option could be using named destinations: nameddest=destination. In this case, you need to add the anchor with name destination to the file using iTextSharp.
Note that not all viewers implement these parameters. Adobe supports them in Adobe Reader and in the Adobe Reader plug-in, but there is no guarantee that they will work in pdf.js (Firefox), Pdfium (Google Chrome),... If your browser disappears when using an open parameter, you may have hit a bug in the browser or the viewer plug-in that causes the browser to crash. iTextSharp nor iText can crash a browser ;-)
There are no other ways you can navigate a PDF from an external application. The only thing you can do, is to add JavaScript to the PDF so that it always opens at the same page. This is done using an open action. I don't think this solves your problem as it would mean that you have to change the PDF file every time you want it to open at a different page.

Make a hyperlink to a ClearCase file?

In ClearCase, is there anyway to make a straight hyperlink to file? Like of the form
where all a user has to do is click on the link to view a page or download a file?
We have several non-technical people at our organization who want to look at some of the documentation that developers are storing on ClearCase.
On Windows, you can try and version (add to source control) an xxx.lnk file: a shortcut file, which is set to open an http url.
Once loaded in a snapshot view (or even accessed in a dynamic view), a simple click should open a browser.
An even simpler solution would be to store an xxx.html static page, which would:
open the same browser when double-clicked
list all the actual documentation urls you want.
One file, multiple links!

How to create a file and make it downloadable in GWT?

I want to export the data in a celltable to a CSV file. I understand this must be done in the server side. I'm a bit lost on how to create a file, write the lines and then make the client download it.
One it's served, it could be downloaded automatically or by a "Download" button, is the same.
If you just want to generate file and serve it directly you can create a servlet and hit the servlet url in a Window, You may want to take the same datasource and use it at the server side to convert it into a csv. Please follow along the steps as described in (Download a generated pdf from client) and for downloading that from GWT Window follow (How to download a file via a button click i GWT?),

ExtJS 3 export textarea content to a text file

I need to export the contents of an ExtJS TextArea to a text file. I searched around the documentation but I didn't find anything related to a textarea. Is this possible?
It would be also ideal to prepare the filename as well together with the ability to export the textarea content to the file.
Help is appreciated.
You can't just save something from JS file into any place on user's local computer file system. It's huge security hole and it's just doesn't work this way. You have couple options however:
Send this information to your server and provide user with a link to a file. User clicks that link server will respond with the information - browser saves that data. You can even make so content will automatically be downloaded by the browser (well, by most of them anyway)
Or you can ask user to right click and copy this information into the clipboard.

Silverlight and XtraReports - opening generated PDF report in new tab in browser

I'm trying to send a PDF file from a WCF to silverlight client. PDF is generated by DevExpress XtraReports (in method XtraReport CreateReport(string reportTypeName, RootGenericReportParameterContainer reportInformation)).
Acually PDF is saved somewhere on clients computer after choosing save path in file save dialog - DevExpress takes care of everything - but I don't have a clue how to open the PDF in new tab in browser.
And here is another problem. Silverlight 4 has no access to local file system right? So information about local PDF location is useless. Maybe it would be better to save the PDF in WCF and send a link to it to the client - but how?
I would first question why you need to send the file to the Silverlight client. Get rid of that requirement and the solution becomes much simpler. Silverlight can provide a link that opens a new browser tab. That link would be handled by the web domain, processing it as an HttpHandler, generating the PDF file for the browser. Your PDF url doesn't have to reference a physical file, you can still generate it on request, handle querystring values, etc... Lots of different ways to do this.
Seems that the question isn't really about DevExpress or Silverlight - you're just looking to open a [document of some kind] in a new tab. Each browser natively handles things differently, and users can change tab handling to whatever they want. And (as you mentioned) once the user has downloaded the file, you no longer control it.
Your best bet (and the way I do it) is probably to have a link pointing to a handler/file using "target='_blank' " in the anchor tag on the webpage. From the server side, you would want to set the "Content-Disposition" header to "Inline" to indicate to the browser that the document should be displayed in place instead of downloaded ("Attachment").
