Google Smarthome Local Fulfillment SDK onQuery - google-smart-home

I am currently implementing a local fulfillment path for my IoT device integration with Google Home. Following this documentation, I can see that the smarthome.App Class lets one define handlers for onIdentify, onReachable and onExecute, but I cannot see anything for onQuery. Is this simply not possible or am I missing a point here?
Thanks in advance for the help.

QUERY events are not part of the Local Home SDK. This intent should be handled in the server fulfillment logic.


Recover Cloud functions default service account with the undelete POST call

I have used Google Cloud Functions for quite a long time, with no real authentication problem for now.
Today I meet this error while deploying a new function
ERROR: (gcloud.functions.deploy) ResponseError: status=[400], code=[Bad Request], message=[Default service account '' doesn't exist. Please recreate this account (for example by disabling and enabling the Cloud Functions API), or specify a different account.]
I tried several things :
disable/enable GCF API : no service account recovered
gcloud beta app repair reference here
No default service account recovered
the undelete API POST call
If I understand well the current GCP features, using the last option is my best solution, but somehow I keep getting a 400 error
I found my unique-id in my log activity at the creation of the default service account
I really can't see where is the problem in the undelete API call and would be really thankful if you could help with it
Thanks to #Maxim, I know now that my problem comes from the fact that the deleting of this service account happened more than 30 days ago. Which means that it has already been purged from the system and it's not recoverable anymore.
In case you meet this same kind of problem, please try out this link :
I see three alternative ways in how to proceed here next:
Create a new project from scratch to work from.
File a support case via the support center.
Open a private issue by providing your project number in the following component.
I believe it's convenient in reaching out GCP Support for help at this stage, and recommend you to do so; seeing as you've attempted most if not all ways of Service Account recovery to no success.
On a last note, as for the latter option, the contents of the private issue will only be visible to you, and to the GCP Support staff (us). If you choose this option, please let me know when it's opened, and I'll start working on it as soon as possible.

why i couldn't see any text in "!article"?

Ok, i found this link that explain how you can make your GWTP app crawlable.
I got some GWTP experience, but i know nothing about AppEngine.
Google said its "" can parse any Ajax page. Now I have a page "!article" that has an artice that was pulled from Database. Say that page has the text "this is my article". Now I open this link:!article, then i can see all javascript but I couldn't find the text "this is my article".
Now let check with a real life example
open this link!topic/google-web-toolkit/Syi04ArKl4k & you will see the text "If i open that url in IE"
Now you open!topic/google-web-toolkit/Syi04ArKl4k you can see all javascript but there is no text "If i open that url in IE",
Why is it?
SO if i use!article then Can google crawler be able to see the text in mydomain#!article?
also why the key=123456, it means everyone can use this service? do we have our own key? does google limit the number of calls to their service?
Could you explain all these things?
Extra Info:
Christopher suggested me to use this example
However, I ran into other problem. My app is a pure GWTP, it doesn't have appengine-web.xml in WEB-INF. I have no idea what is appengine or GAE mean or what is Maven.
DO i need to register AppEngine?
My Appp may have a lot of traffic. Also I am using Godaddy VPS. I don't want to register App Engine since I have to pay for Google for extra traffic.
Everything in my GWTP App is ok right now except Crawler Function.
So if I don't use Google App Engine, then how can i build Crawler Function for GWTP?
I tried to use HTMLUnit for my app, but HTMLUnit doesn't work for GWTP (See details in here Why HTMLUnit always shows the HostPage no matter what url I type in (Crawlable GWT APP)? )
I believe you are not allowed to crawl Google Groups. Probably they are actively trying to prevent this, so you do not see the expected content.
There's a couple points I wish to elaborate on:
The Google Code documentation is no longer maintained. You should look on Github instead:
You shouldn't use This isn't a Google service, it's out of date and we may decide to delete it down the road. This only serves as a public example. You should create your own application on App Engine (
There is a sample here ( using GWTP's Crawler Service. You can basically copy-paste it. Just make sure you update the <application> tag in appengine-web.xml to the name of your application and use your own service key in CrawlerModule.
Finally, if your client uses GWTP and you followed the documentation, it will work. If you want to try it manually, you must encode the Query Parameters.
For example!service will not work because the hash (everything including and after #) is not sent to the server.
On the other hand!service will work.

Creating a channel for webRTC video chat

I've been following the HTML5rocks webRTC guide and I have the Javascript set up as described, however the guide is not clear on how to receive a channelToken, roomKey, and User ID. The guide says,
"Note that values used in the JavaScript, such as the room variable and
the token used by openChannel(), are provided by the Google App Engine
app itself: take a look at the index.html template in the repository
to see what values are added."
Unfortunately the link provided is no good and I'm left with very little information regarding the most essential step in this process. The guide isn't clear about whether or not the Google App Engine is a necessary component and I don't see why it should be. I have searched the web in an attempt to find a more useful source, but I was unsuccessful. I also took a look at the webRTC Demo(https://apprtc.appspot[dot]com), that too was no help seeing that the channel information is generated server side. I feel like I should just be able to make a simple http request to some Google server and then run from there. Any information regarding my problem would be much appreciated.
Apologies: the code for this example has been moved to here.
(Been meaning to update the article, but haven't had a chance...)
The apprtc.appspot example uses the Channel API on App Engine for signaling, but there are lots of other ways to do this. Signaling mechanisms are not defined by the WebRTC spec. (Note that signaling, which is accomplished via a signaling service, is the exchange of network and media metadata in order to set up a WebRTC 'call': the actual data is communicated directly between peers.)
We ran a codelab at Google I/O, which describes from start to finish how to build a video chat application that uses on Node.js for signaling (it's very simple!) You might want to try that instead.

Using a subdomain to identify a client

I'm working on building a Silverlight application whereas we want to be able to have a client hit a url like:
and login, where the {client} part is their business name. so for example, google's would be:
What I was wondering was if anyone has been able, in silverlight, to be able to use this subdomain model to make decisions on the call to the web server so that you can switch to a specific database to run a query? Unfortunately, it's something that is quite necessary for the project, as we are trying to make it easy for their employees to get their company specific information for our software.
Wouldn't it work to put the service on a specific subdomain itself, such as, and then setup a cross domain policy file on the service to allow it to access it?
As long as this would work you could just load the silverlight in the proper subdomain and then pass that subdomain to your service and let it do its thing.
Some examples of this below:
Silverlight Cross Domain Services
Silverlight Cross Domain Policy Helpers
On the server side you can check the HTTP 1.1 Host header to see how the user came to your server and do the necessary customization based on that.
I think you cannot do this with Silverlight alone, I know you cannot do this without problems with Javascript, Ajax etc. . That is because a sub domain is - for security reasons - treated otherwise than a sub-page by the browsers.
What about the following idea: Insert a rewrite rule to your web server software. So if is called, the web server itself rewrites the URL to something like (or better: Would that help?
That would help if it would be static, but alas, it's going to all be dynamic. My hope was to have 1x deployment for the application, and to use the idea to switch to the correct database for the user. I recall doing this once when we built an website, using the domain context to figure out what skin to use, etc.
Ates: Can you explain more about what you are saying... sounds like you are close to what I am trying to come up with. Have you seen such a tutorial for this?
The only other way I have come up with to make this work is to have a metabase that when the user logs in, it will switch them to the appropriate database as required... was just thinking as well that telling Client x to hit: would have been sweeter than saying to hit and login. It seemed as if they were to hit their name, and to show it personalized for them right from the login screen would have been much more appealing for the client base.
#Richard B: No, I can't think of any such tutorial that I've seen before. I'll try to be more verbose.
The server-side approach in more detail:
Direct * to the same IP in your DNS settings.
The backend app that handles login checks the Host HTTP header (e.g. the "HTTP_HOST" server variable in some platforms). That would contain the exact that the client used for reaching your server. Extract the subdomain part and continue...
There can also be a client-side-only approach. I don't know much about Silverlight but I'm assuming that you should be able to interface Silverlight with JavaScript. You could read document.location with JavaScript and pass it to your Silverlight applet, whereon further data fetching etc. logic would rely on the subdomain that was passed in by JavaScript.
That is what we did when we wrote the ASP.Net system... we pushed a slew of * hosts against the web server, and handled using the HTTP headers. The hold-up comes when dealing with WCF pushing the info between the client and the server... it can only exist in one domain...
So, for example, when you have {client} and {sandbox}, the WCF service can't be registered to both. It also cannot be registered to just * or, so that's where the catch 22 is coming in at. everything else I have the prior knowledge of handling.
I recall a method by which an application can "spoof" another domain name in certain instances. I take it in this case, I would need to do such a configuration? Much to research yet I believe.

Get position data from mobile browser

I am developing a web app that will be hit frequently by mobile browsers. I am wondering if there is a way to get enough information from the browser request to lookup position data (triangulation or GPS) Not from the request directly, of course. A colleague suggested there some carriers supply a unique identifier in the request header that can be sent to a web service exposed by said provider that will return position data if the customer has enabled that. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this or any other method for gleaning position data, even very approximate. Obviously this is app candy, e.g. if the data is not available the app doesn't really care...
Or perhaps a web service by carrier that will provide triangulated data by IP?
Google has ClientLocation as part of their AJAX APIs. You'll need to load Google's AJAX API (requires an API key) and it'll try to resolve the user's location data for you.
I've got blackberry gps to javascript working OK in a GMaps mashup. Pretty simple, actually. -- help yrself to view source.
(I don't currently have a bb. A user emailed me with "... it seems to be polling every 15 seconds or so, so it keeps adding new locations ... ".)
I'm looking for javascript gps info on an iPhone equivalent. And Nokia, and ... .
Any information appreciated.
I have used this javascript library sucessfully:
The examples work great. The user will always be prompted to share their location--don't know a way to avoid that.
Use the source IP address to approximate a network location. No, you won't get latitude and longitude in an HTTP request from an iPhone. Not unless you write a 3rd party app and ask them to run it.
You might be better off just running a poll on your website.
I know that some providers in Japan have a tracking service for location of cellphones.
I also know that the information is not public. I think you need to have a very good reason before the provider gives that information free as it is in my opinion sensitive personal data. Of course they will give the information to police officers but not to the general public.
