How I add an object to an existing array? React - reactjs

recently I started to work in a proyect and I notice that I need some way to modify a value without losing my previous state. Basically work with an array. However I don't know how to do that.
Can anyone help me by telling me how can I modify an state (I'm using react hooks by the way...) to add more values to the previous state in an array?
Sorry not posting code or something like that, I don't even know how to write that.
Thank you in advance.

Use ES6 spread operator to push new object to the existing array.
Adding a new object to an Array:
const [todo, setTodo] = useState([{ task: "Todo 1" }]);
const addTodo = () => {
let newTodoTask = { task: `Task ${todo.length + 1}` };
setTodo(tasks => [...tasks, { ...newTodoTask }]);
Modifying an object in an Array:
const editTask = (e, taskId = 0) => {
setTodo(tasks =>, idx) =>
idx === taskId ? { task: "Edited Todo 1" } : { ...task }
Deleting an object from an array
const deleteTask = (e, taskId = 0) => {
setTodo(tasks => tasks.filter((task, idx) => idx !== taskId));
Find the simple working example here.
First, Learn basic ES6 before start working on the project.

You can use the previous value returned from the setState to update the existing Array
import { useState } from 'react';
export default function Test() {
const [state, setstate] = useState([1,2,3,4);
return <div onClick={() => setstate((prev) => [...prev,99])}>Heyy{state}</div>;


React Native add to state array if value does not exist

I would like to know the best way to add a value to an array of the value does not exist in my state variable. The current code works but I a newbie and not sure if I am doing this correctly. This function is fired when a button is pressed
const App = () => {
const [answered, setAnswered] = useState([])
const handleConnectionAnswer = deviceId => {
if (!anwsered.includes(deviceId)) {
setAnswered(prev => [...prev, deviceId]);
you're doing it right or you can simply do it like
if (!anwsered.includes(deviceId)) {
setAnswered([...answered, deviceId]);

Trouble converting a class to function in React Native

I'm trying to rewrite this code from class to a function. I've never used classes but I got this test code for a calendar app while learning react native but I seem to get stuck somewhere when I'm trying to replace componentDidUpdate to useEffect.
This is the old code:
export default class DaysInMonth extends React.PureComponent{
state = {
lastCalendarDayIndex: 0,
currentCalendarDayIndex: 0,
changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex = (index) => {
currentCalendarDayIndex: index
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){
if(this.state.currentCalendarDayIndex !== prevState.currentCalendarDayIndex){
lastCalendarDayIndex: prevState.currentCalendarDayIndex
{, index) => (
key = {'calendar row ' + index}
rowData = {rowData}
lastCalendarDayIndex = {this.state.lastCalendarDayIndex}
changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex = {this.changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex}
month_index = {this.props.month_index}
current_month_index = {this.props.current_month_index}
chooseDifferentMonth = {this.props.chooseDifferentMonth}
And this is the new code everything works except for some functions which has to do with the useEffect, I don't understand what properties I should add to get the same functionality as before. Thanks
export default function DaysInMonth({row_days_array, month_index, current_month_index, chooseDifferentMonth}) {
const [lastCalendarDayIndex, setLastCalendarDayIndex] = useState(0)
const [currentCalendarDayIndex, setCurrentCalendarDayIndex] = useState(0)
const changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex = (index) => {
useEffect(() => {
if(currentCalendarDayIndex !== currentCalendarDayIndex){
return (
{, index) => (
key = {'calendar row ' + index}
rowData = {rowData}
lastCalendarDayIndex = {lastCalendarDayIndex}
changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex = {changeCurrentCalendarDayIndex}
month_index = {month_index}
current_month_index = {current_month_index}
chooseDifferentMonth = {chooseDifferentMonth}
What this does:
useEffect(() => {
if(currentCalendarDayIndex !== currentCalendarDayIndex){
It runs the code inside useEffect every time the array changes. Because it's an empty array it will just run once (once the component mounts, this is basically the old ComponentDidMount), to mimic the behaviour of ComponentDidUpdate you need to keep track of the props so it should be a matter of passing them into the array (so React can track when it changes):
useEffect(() => {
if(currentCalendarDayIndex !== currentCalendarDayIndex){
It's probably easier to change the destructuring you have in the component definition {row_days_array, month_index, current_month_index, chooseDifferentMonth} to props and then destructure a bit bellow, so you can use the whole object in you useEffect array
You can pass a callback in setState to access previous state, and pass currentCalendarDayIndex in useEffect dependency to update lastedCalendarState every currentCalendar changes. Hope this can help!
useEffect(() => {
setLastCalendarDayIndex((prevCalendarDayIndex) =>
prevCalendarDayIndex !== currentCalendarDayIndex
? currentCalendarDayIndex
: prevCalendarDayIndex)
}, [currentCalendarDayIndex])

React state is not updating immediately after setState is being called

I am building the frontend of a web based software and I want to add new note every time I press add button.
But it's simply not happening. New note is being rendered only when I change the state of another object. Right below I ma attaching the code. Please help, I am stuck here.
const [allnotes, setAllNotes] = useState(notes)
const addNote = () => {
let notesAllTemp = allnotes;
allnotes.forEach((n, index) => {
if(( === clickedId)){
If anyone can figure this out, please help.
Please don't make mistake by directly updating the array element by its index you should first copy the array into a new array, otherwise, it will directly update the array which will cause reacjs to not to re-render the component.
Check this out
const [allnotes, setAllNotes] = useState(notes)
const addNote = () => {
let notesAllTemp = [...allnotes]; // !IMPORTANT to copy array
allnotes.forEach((n, index) => {
if(( === clickedId)){
Better if you first modify the array then update at once
const [allnotes, setAllNotes] = useState(notes)
const addNote = () => {
let notesAllTemp = allnotes;
allnotes.forEach((n, index) => {
if(( === clickedId)){

React useState is not re-rendering while it is referring cloned array by spreading

I am trying to sort an array and reflect its sort result immediately by useState hook.
I already new that react is detecting its state change by, so trying to spread array before using useState like below;
const [reviews, setReviews] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const sortedReviews = []
.sort((review1: IReview, review2: IReview) =>
sortBy(review1, review2, sortRule));
}, [sortRule])
After sorting I checked the value of variable sortedReviews and it was sorted as expected, but react did not re-render the page so this sorting was not reflected to UI.
I already searched solutions and it seemed many could solve the issue by spreading an array to before calling useState like this stack overflow is explaining: Why is useState not triggering re-render?.
However, on my end it is not working.. Any help will be very appreciated. Thank you!
And my rendering part is like below;
.map((review: IReview) => (
<ReviewBlock id={}
Sometimes I facing this issue too, in my case I just "force" render calling callback.
First solution:
const [reviews, setReviews] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const sortedReviews = []
.sort((review1: IReview, review2: IReview) =>
sortBy(review1, review2, sortRule));
setReviews(()=> [...sortedReviews]) // <-- Here
}, [sortRule])
second solution:
You can use useRef to get data in real time, see below:
const [reviews, setReviews] = useState([]);
const reviewsRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
const sortedReviews = []
.sort((review1: IReview, review2: IReview) =>
sortBy(review1, review2, sortRule));
}, [sortRule])
function setReviewRef(data){
reviewsRef.current = data;
So, instead use the state reviews use reviewsRef.current as u array
I hope you can solve this!
When components don't re-render it is almost always due to mutations of state. Here you are calling a mutating operation .sort on reviews. You would need to spread the array before you mutate it.
useEffect(() => {
const sortedReviews = [].sort((review1: IReview, review2: IReview) =>
sortBy(review1, review2, sortRule)
}, [sortRule]);
But there are other issues here. reviews is not a dependency of the useEffect so we would want to use a setReviews callback like setReviews(current => [...current].sort(....
In general sorted data makes more sense as a useMemo than a useState. The sortRule is a state and the sortedReviews are derived from it.
The way that you are calling sortBy as a comparer function feels a bit off. Maybe it's just a confusing name?
Also you should not need to include the type IReview in your callback if book is typed correctly as {reviews: IReview[]}.
If you include your sortBy function and sortRule variable then I can be of more help. But here's what I came up with.
import React, { useState, useMemo } from "react";
type IReview = {
rating: number;
type Book = {
reviews: IReview[]
type SortRule = string; // just a placeholder - what is this really?
declare function sortBy(a: IReview, b: IReview, rule: SortRule): number;
const MyComponent = ({book}: {book: Book}) => {
const [sortRule, setSortRule] = useState("");
const reviews =;
const sortedReviews = useMemo( () => {
return [].sort((review1, review2) =>
sortBy(review1, review2, sortRule)
}, [sortRule, reviews]);
Typescript Playground Link

ReactJs UseState : insert element into array not updating

I am trying to use React Hooks but somehow my state is not updating. When I click on the checkbox (see in the example), I want the index of the latter to be added to the array selectedItems, and vice versa
My function looks like this:
const [selectedItems, setSelectedItems] = useState([]);
const handleSelectMultiple = index => {
if (selectedItems.includes(index)) {
setSelectedItems(selectedItems.filter(id => id !== index));
} else {
setSelectedItems(selectedItems => [...selectedItems, index]);
console.log("selectedItems", selectedItems, "index", index);
You can find the console.log result
An empty array in the result, can someone explain to me where I missed something ?
Because useState is asynchronous - you wont see an immediate update after calling it.
Try adding a useEffect which uses a dependency array to check when values have been updated.
useEffect(() => {
}, [selectedItems])
Actually there isn't a problem with your code. It's just that when you log selectedItems the state isn't updated yet.
If you need selectedItems exactly after you update the state in your function you can do as follow:
const handleSelectMultiple = index => {
let newSelectedItems;
if (selectedItems.includes(index)) {
newSelectedItems = selectedItems.filter(id => id !== index);
} else {
newSelectedItems = [...selectedItems, index];
console.log("selectedItems", newSelectedItems, "index", index);
