Nextjs 404 error on reload/ refresh action - reactjs

I'm using Nextjs for a front-end application and dotnet core 3.1 for the Web API. There are some pages that are static and other that are dynamic I followed the official documentation to achieve this. On development mode (local machine) everything works fine. Both static and dynamic routes are working properly and fetching data from the dontnet core Web API.
However, when publishing the Nextjs app following this steps:
yarn build
yarn export
An out folder is generated at the root of the project
The content of that folder is uploaded to the server
After, the deployed files are uploaded and when loging to the app, it redirects to the main page (until here is working OK), but as soon as I click on the reload page botton (Chrome) I am gettint the 404 error.
Looking at the console in the developer tools I got this:
I found this Stackoverflow link with same issue but there the answer is to use Express for server routing. In my case I am using dotnet core Web API for server requests. So, not sure how to do that.
Is there a way to fix this from the client side? Might be a configuration is missing?
The only thing I noticed while doing the export was a message saying: No "exportPathMap" found. Not sure if that would the the reason.

I had got similar issue in react when all of my pages after building and exporting had ".html" extensions. I solved it by the following code in next.config.js file.
module.exports = {
exportTrailingSlash: true,
Note: Do not work with the above code while in development. Use it just before building the project.
You can find the documentation link here:
The above code was for next.js v9.3.4 which I was using at that time. For newer versions below code should be used according to docs.
module.exports = {
trailingSlash: true,

it has been fixed update your nextjs package
npm install next#latest
based on the current version of Next js you have, visit here to see if there's any breaking change before updating what you have

I had a similar issue where after deploying the out folder created by next export all URL's would redirect me to the homepage. Everything was working fine during development and all URL's were accessible with next/link but in order to access pages with a URL I had to add a .html extension at the end of the URL.
Because I needed a quick workaround I added a useEffect block in the _app.tsx file for rerouting so that upon landing on the homepage it would act as if a Link component was clicked redirecting to the entered URL.


Firebase .web App Showing ( Site Not Found )

here is .web link:
here is my .firebaseapp link:
The Web showing me Site not found!
But the FirebaseApp showing everything is all Right
I am Using in my code:
React Router
and there is no error on my code. It running on netlify and .firebaseapp but not only .web app
There are usually 3 situations where people are making mistake.
They set up bad public folder when firebase init. This setup is in firebase.json file.
"hosting": {
"public": "dist/public",
They build project then init and by mistake when init they overwrite index.html file.
They have server side rendering app. Hosting should redirect requests to a firebase function but what they not know is that every home page request is equal to when hosting has this file it not trigger function and return file. So you need to rename it before deploying.
Might be late to this but for anyone having this problem. The solution is just to wait. Most likely the google servers near you don't have the latest information about your site. You can usually access the site anyway by using USA VPN.

How to deploy Next.js app without Node.js server?

I was hoping to deploy a Next.js app with Laravel API. I had developed React apps with CRA and in those I used the API server to serve the index.html of the CRA as the entry point of the app.
But in Next.js, after development I get to know that it needs a Node.js server to serve (which is my bad, didn't notice that). There is an option next export that builds a static representation of the Next.js app and it has an index.html. I am serving the index.html as the entry of the app by my Laravel API. It is serving the page, but just some of the static contents.
What I was hoping to know is it possible to host the aPI and the Next app from a single PHP shared hosting without any node server? If so, how? If not so, what could be the alternatives?
Actually the acepted answer is completly wrong, when you do yarn build and in your package.json is set like "build": "next build && next export", you will get an out folder which all the items in there are used to build without node.js server
Now since you are using laravel, and you use the out folder you will only load half of the page because the routes are not set properly. for that to work you need to edit your next.config.js edit it to
module.exports = {
distDir: '/resources/views',
assetPrefix: '/resources/views',
These will set the root directory to the root one in Laravel. now this will work for SPA (single page application) only for the dynamic routes you need to match with a view file for each one that you have in your out folder
For each route that you have you need to create a new "get" route in laravel
Route::get('/', function () {
return require resource_path('views/index.html');
Route::get('/contacts', function () {
return require resource_path('views/contacts.html');
Route::get('/post/{slug}', function () {
return require resource_path('views/post/[slug].html');
Notice that you can pass a wildcard for dynamic routes and they are all gonna work. once you do that and you deploy route out folder inside /resources/views in Laravel it's going to work
Apparently there is no alternative to nodejs server, which is not an option for me currently, so I unfortunately had to abandon next.js and create a CRA app and used as much from the next.js as I could.

If I refresh the browser my react app are being page not supported error message

I'm new in react app development, I just build my practice app and deployed it through Netlify. I can visit my app and everything is fine till I refresh my window. Refreshing the window comes with an error page not found. what should I do to solve this problem?
You may need to look at providing a _redirects file in your root directory. See
For example,
/* /index.html 200
As cra is single page application, you need server setting to redirect everytime to index.html,
You might want to check this link

Cannot access pages with direct url after building project for deployment Spring and React

When running my spring app from my IDE and running the React app from within VSCode, everything worked perfectly. I used the build script to build my React project, and then put the output into my /static folder of Spring. Then I used mvn clean install to build the .jar file. After running the entire app from the .jar file, I can access my homepage with localhost:5000. I can also use my navbar links to access different parts of the website, like the Home page and the About page... But if I try to manually enter the url localhost:5000/about I get a 404 Not found error.. What am I doing wrong?
My guess is that your Spring (webmvc?) application is not configured to listen to different URLs other than /. And while it may seem as if the navbar successfully redirects to http://localhost:5000/about, in reality the single page application uses JavaScript client-side routing to change the URL in the browser, unload the currently rendered page, and load another page.
If you are indeed using Spring MVC, you could (among other options) modify your Spring static resource configuration, modify your #RequestMapping to listen to multiple endpoints, or use a ViewControllerRegistry.

Hosting a React app with React Router on a static server

I'm building a React app with React Router.
It was generated from create-react-app.
I need to host it statically.
If I visit the home page first and then click around, everything works fine.
When visiting a sub page directly such as server returns 404 error because /path/page is not a valid directory on the server.
For as far as I can tell, the server is just serving up files statically, and I cannot change how the server is written (I know I could solve this problem by routing all accesses to the react app with some server code, but this is not an option).
How can I make all urls directly visitable by only changing code in my react app?
After some research, I figured out that what I needed was a static site generator.
There are a couple of options available that works with React.js
React Static
Next JS
Some useful articles on getting started:
For Gatsby:
For React Static:
