Remove objects within array in MongoDB - arrays

I need to remove all the objects within array who meet the conditions i will show down below. I'll let here the documents and an example of what i've done.
//document 1
"_id" : ObjectId("5ec73abebd7e4d618a057350"),
"code" : "X20",
"title" : "Full stack developer",
"location" : "Paris",
"date" : ISODate("2020-05-22T02:36:46.272Z"),
"candidates" : [
"name" : "David",
"last_name" : "Broncano",
"telephone" : "642025552",
"email" : ""
"name" : "Pablo",
"last_name" : "Claros",
"telephone" : "628721784",
"email" : ""
// document 2
"_id" : ObjectId("4ec73abebd7e4d618a057350"),
"code" : "X50",
"title" : "Full stack developer",
"location" : "Madrid",
"date" : ISODate("2020-05-22T02:36:46.272Z"),
"candidates" : [
"name" : "Maria",
"last_name" : "Mars",
"telephone" : "642024582",
"email" : ""
"name" : "Pablo",
"last_name" : "Claros",
"telephone" : "628721784",
"email" : ""
So i need to remove all the candidates where location is Madrid.I have done this but it removes the field. Is it possible to just remove the content of it using $pull or something?
{ location : "Madrid"},
} } ,
multi : true

According to my understanding, you need to just clear the candidates array and maintain that as candidates: []. For this, you can use use $set operator to set candidates to [] based on your condition
db.offers.update({ location : "Madrid"}, { $set:{ "candidates": [] } } , { multi : true })


MongoDb sort on list of objects

I have some dummy data in my database. I'm trying to perform mongodb aggregation functions in order to sort based on a given title
{ "_id" : 1, "item" : "ABC1", "fields" : [ { "title" : "firstName", "value" : "Trish" }, { "title" : "zipcode", "value" : "01001" } ] }
{ "_id" : 2, "item" : "ABC2", "fields" : [ { "title" : "firstName", "value" : "Peter" }, { "title" : "zipcode", "value" : "00011" } ] }
The query that i'm able to come up with so far is this and the following is what mongodb returns.
db.test.aggregate([ {$unwind: "$fields"}, {$match: {"fields.title" : "firstName"}}, {$sort: {"fields.value" : 1} }])
{ "_id" : 2, "item" : "ABC2", "fields" : { "title" : "firstName", "value" : "Peter" } }
{ "_id" : 1, "item" : "ABC1", "fields" : { "title" : "firstName", "value" : "Trish" } }
However the result I would the returned dataset should include the other object in the fields list like so. The main thing that I am trying to accomplish is being able to sort the documents based on a specific field title
{ "_id" : 2, "item" : "ABC2", "fields" : [ { "title" : "firstName", "value" : "Peter" }, { "title" : "zipcode", "value" : "00011" } ] }
{ "_id" : 1, "item" : "ABC1", "fields" : [ { "title" : "firstName", "value" : "Trish" }, { "title" : "zipcode", "value" : "01001" } ] }
If you can guarantee the position of the fields, firstName always the first, and so on. You can sort by that. like this:
db.test.find().sort({'fields.0.value': -1})
db.test.find().sort({'fields.0.value': 1})

MongoDB Transform element fields into array of values only

I need help with following thing in MongoDB, what I'm trying to do is to get only marks in reviews into it's own array of values only.
Code i got so far:
{$unwind: "$reviews"},
JSON Example:
"host" : {
"name" : "Grimes",
"surname" : "Terrell",
"gender" : "male",
"age" : NumberInt(55),
"picture" : "",
"reviews" : [
"reviewer" : "Mae Ryan",
"date" : "2015-06-01T02:41:46 -02:00",
"helpful" : NumberInt(8),
"kind" : NumberInt(1),
"responsive" : NumberInt(5)
"reviewer" : "Nixon Johnson",
"date" : "2016-02-08T10:35:12 -01:00",
"helpful" : NumberInt(1),
"kind" : NumberInt(1),
"responsive" : NumberInt(9)
This is what im trying to achieve:
"host" : {
"name" : "Grimes",
"surname" : "Terrell",
"gender" : "male",
"age" : NumberInt(55),
"picture" : "",
"reviews" : [
"marks" : [8,1,5],
"marks" : [1,1,9],
Assuming your marks' field names are always helpful, kind, responsive, you can use $map.
Here is a mongo playground for you reference

Problems with JSON

I'm trying to Order in ascending order the requirements that are not between 25,000 and 30,000. The requirements are information of an array which is inside of a document and the condition is that they can't be in that determined range. I'm trying to do it properly but i can't find any information about this.
Document structure
"_id" : ObjectId("5ec73abebd7e4d618a05734e"),
"code" : "A47",
"title" : "Software engineer",
"description" : "Analyze, design, create, test computer and software systems.",
"city" : "Madrid",
"date" : ISODate("2020-05-22T02:36:46.271Z"),
"salary" : 30000.0,
"active" : true,
"requirements" : [
"info_company" : {
"cif" : "A00000000",
"name" : "FUTURE S.A",
"location" : "Madrid",
"web" : "",
"about" : "We are a leading company in new technologies."
"pyme" : true
{ $ne : [ salary: {
$gte : 25000,
$lte : 35000 ]
} },
$push : {
requirements: {
$each : [] ,
$sort : 1
multi : true
} )

Array Query after finding the object MongoDB with node.js

"_id" : ObjectId("5abce64d86d3289de052a639"),
"username" : "doggy",
"email" : "",
"password" : "iLoveDoggy",
"friends" : [
"username" : "djBackend",
"status" : "2"
"username" : "eggroid",
"status" : "1"
"username" : "Berk",
"status" : "2"
"_id" : ObjectId("5ab90f25e7708f0f4455075a"),
"username" : "guiBOI",
"email" : "iDoGUI#sabanciuniv.edı",
"password" : "animeKeyfisi",
"friends" : [
"username" : "djBackend",
"status" : "2"
"username" : "eggroid",
"status" : "1"
I have the format of JSON as storage in my mongoDB. What i would like to do is that find the username with "doggy" which is
"_id" : ObjectId("5abce64d86d3289de052a639"),
"username" : "doggy",
"email" : "",
"password" : "iLoveDoggy",
"friends" : [
"username" : "djBackend",
"status" : "2"
"username" : "eggroid",
"status" : "1"
"username" : "Berk",
"status" : "2"
and change its status of username named as "eggroid" "1" to "2". I have been trying it with db.collection.findAndModify(document); but no success, i am new to mongoDB so sorry if this is a newbie question but i have been struggling ober 3 hours.
You can use $ (positional operator)
db.collection.update({username: "doggy", "friends.username" : "eggroid"}, { $set: { "friends.$.status": 2} })
Based on your filtering conditions (first parameter) MongoDB will figure out which item of nested array you want to update (works only for first matched subdocument)

Mongo matching only where first element of array has certain field value

I have a query below that extracts a couple of values from a large nested document. It tells me the user id and the first item name for each order.
This works fine, however I want it to only return the record where the first item's name is not null and is not blank. I can't figure out how to add a second query to the $match operator below to achieve this
{ $match : { "Items.1" : { $exists : true }}, ???},
{ $project: {
'UserId': '$User.EntityId',
'ItemName': {$arrayElemAt: ['$Items.Details.ItemName', 0]}
Edited to show sample document
"_id" : "order-666156",
"State" : "ValidationFailed",
"LastUpdated" : {
"DateTime" : ISODate("2017-09-26T08:54:16.241Z"),
"Ticks" : NumberLong(636420128562417375)
"SourceOrderId" : "666156",
"User" : {
"EntityId" : NumberLong(34450),
"Name" : "Bill Baker",
"Country" : "United States",
"Region" : "North America",
"CountryISOCode" : "US",
"Region" : null,
"Currency" : null,
"Items" : [
"ClientOrderId" : "18740113",
"OrigClientOrderId" : "18740113",
"Quantity" : NumberDecimal("7487.0"),
"TransactDateTime" : {
"DateTime" : Date(-62135596800000),
"Ticks" : NumberLong(0)
"Text" : null,
"LocateRequired" : false,
"Details" : {
"ItemName" : "Test Item 1",
"ItemCost" : 1495.20
"ClientOrderId" : "18740116",
"OrigClientOrderId" : "18740116",
"Quantity" : NumberDecimal("241.0"),
"TransactDateTime" : {
"DateTime" : Date(-62135596800000),
"Ticks" : NumberLong(0)
"Text" : null,
"LocateRequired" : false,
"Details" : {
"ItemName" : "Test Item 2",
"ItemCost" : 2152.64
You need to add the two conditions to your existing $match (not null and not blank) to check the Items as:
$match : { "Items.1" : { $exists : true, "$ne": null,"$ne":""}
If you want to check the element Items[0].Details.ItemName you can doing using the operator $and
{ $match : {
$and: [
{"Items.1" : { $exists : true }},
{"Items.Details.ItemName" : { $ne : null}},
{"Items.Details.ItemName" : { $ne : ""}},
