Users from on-prem AD aren't synced to Azure AD as Guest - azure-active-directory

I have a setup where I have installed the Azure AD on-prem cloud provisioning agent on a Domain joined server. The setup was successful. I followed the documentation here:
After configuring the agent in Azure AD, Users can only be synced as Member.
Is there a way to sync users as Guest using the provisioning agent?
Also, is there a Microsoft Graph API to validate the agent and do the configuration?

On-prem AD isn't synced to Azure AD as Guest and those synced users cannot be a Guest user and it's as per design.
You can invite guest users to the directory, to a group, or to an application. After you invite a user through any of these methods, the invited user's account is added to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), with a user type of Guest. The guest user must then redeem their invitation to access resources. Any user sync via AD connect will not be a guest user.


Azure AD + B2C, public facing website with enterprise and public users

I want to build a public facing SaaS website. My users will either be:
enterprise customers and I will want them to be able to login with their corporate credentials.
non-enterprise customers. I will want the ability for them to register and use local credentials.
What would the solution look like? I'm thinking:
Use Azure AD and federate with the identity providers of my enterprise customers.
Use Azure B2C for my website, and configure #1 as my identity provider with the ability to create local accounts.
Is this the correct solution?
In your case, you can use Azure AD B2C for both the enterprise and non-enterprise customers
Enterprise customers and I will want them to be able to login with
their corporate credentials
You can use Azure AD B2C policy for the enterprise customers to use their corporate credentials for sign-in and sing-up
This policy uses a multi-tenant Azure AD application and the /common Azure AD endpoint to federate Azure AD B2C with any Microsoft 365 customer in the world
Non-enterprise customers. I will want the ability for them to register
and use local credentials
The users can sign-in and sign-up with their local accounts in the Azure AD B2C
You can refer this use-case provided by Microsoft for more info:
Azure Active Directory B2C | Overview with Example

Is a connection between Azure AD & Azure AD B2C user accounts possible?

We use Azure AD for our organisation's AD to manage our users. We are also setting up an Azure AD B2C environment for our external websites. As part of this we are allowing our staff to log into these sites using their windows accounts.
Is it possible to manage the staff's B2C user account from Azure AD? For example, in B2C we have setup groups. We would ideally like to be able to create new user accounts in B2C from our Azure AD, and assign users to groups. Is this possible? Or can we only manage these users from only within B2C or through using the Microsoft Graph API?
Finally, when a user is disabled in our Azure AD, would this then prevent their account being used to sign into one of our websites as that user is no longer active in the identity provider?
Is it possible if your Azure AD B2C tenant federates with the Azure AD tenant. If the user account id disabled it won't be able to sigin any application.

How to join Azure VM to AAD in a scripted way?

Clarification: This is about joining to Azure Active Directory - but not the Directory Services under the AAD.
I have a Server 2019 Azure VM - not joined to any AAD. The subscription is tied to Tenant X. I would like to "Azure AD join" this VM to a different AAD, belonging to Tenant Y. The scenario is to enable a user from tenant Y be able to use his/her credentials to login to this VM.
If you have ideas on how to do this in a scripted way - in the same tenant. That is welcome too.

Can I using azure services rbac with on-premise authenticate without sync user to AAD?

Can one use ADFS/pass-through authentication to authenticate to Azure service (Portal) by on-premise AD without synchronizing user accounts? Can one assign RBAC for an on-premise user with Azure services?
For example, grant a VM contributor role to an on-premise user without sync all user information between on-premise AD and AAD.
You need to sync users to Azure AD. Password hashes do not need to be synced, you can use ADFS for login. But you do need to sync users so Azure AD knows what users exist.

On prem Active directory synced to Azure AD to allow on prem credentials to login to the portal

We have synced our on prem active directory to our Azure instance active directory using Azure AD connect (Express install). We can see the users in Azure from our on prem AD. The sync shows as successful.
Now we would like to use the domain name that we have synced to azure for user authentication in to the azure portal. The documentation that we have read says this is possible, but we can get it to work.
When we try to use an existing AD user we get the message that “We don’t recognize this users ID or password” but if we create a new user in Azure and assign it to our synced AD we can use it to login to the azure portal.
We have searched for a detailed document on prem AD synced to Azure AD to use for portal login and found some documents that we followed but did not help.
Can we use our on prem AD user name and password to allow users to login to the Azure portal?
Thanks for your help
yes, you can use users in Azure AD with tag "Sourced from: Local Active Direcotry" to login to azure portal.
The custom domain should be verified.
Password Synchronization should be enabled.
Also, assign coadmin right for at least one subscription to login to Management Portal.
