I am attempting to setup CI/CD for a frontend project using Docker, ExtJS and open tooling. Because of the odd authentication process, I am unable to use npm to build a production version of the app. It appears that the build process keeps checking in with the sencha repo. You can overcome this with most git repos by generating a token and including that in the docker file. Question is: is it possible to do the same with the sencha npm repo?
I am following this guide to deploy MERN stack app, using heroku and github pages -https://github.com/juliojgarciaperez/deploy-mern
Q1. Do I need to create 2 different repositories, 1 for backend and 1 for frontend to connect to heroku? (t.ex backend repository to the heroku pipeline) I originally developed both backend and frontend under same repository.
Q2. I managed to get the step:3 in guide, and created the new base set up for react app, following the guide mentioned - https://elements.heroku.com/buildpacks/mars/create-react-app-buildpack
after generating the react app using this buildpack command, I replace the src and public with what I have written before, also install the dependencies.
but when I run the git push heroku master command in terminal,
I get errors saying
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://git.heroku.com/apprepositorynamehere.git'
And when I read the process, it says
engines.node (package.json): unspecified
Cannot find module: 'react-router-dom'. Make sure this package is installed.
You can install this package by running: yarn add react-router-dom.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
To solve each problem, I add the node with specified version in package.json
"engines": {
"node": "13.7.0"
and also ran the yarn add command to install the react-router-dom
But none of the issues goes away when i re-run the git push heroku master.
I originally create the react app and developed in npm setting not yarn.
I wonder if this is causing the issue where copy pasting my previous src?
I wanted to use the github pages bcs it is easy to deal with but If anyone has any other suggestion, to deploy MERN stack app, I am opened to it!
To anybody who is looking for an answer to my previous question.
I did not use the github page to deploy my MERN stack app,
but used this tutorial 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdoiwouykAg'
A1. You do not need 2 different repository, but need to configure your package.json in both frontend and backend.
A2. I still see this in terminal, but it does resolve.
Resolving node version 12.x...
I'm new to yarn, nodejs and react apps. I've tried running the Sizzy app and it works on my local XAMPP server if I first run yarn start in the cmd terminal and then access via http://localhost:3033, but after a while I have to rerun the same command. I've tried yarn build and then navigating to the build directory but that just loaded a page with a header, it didn't have the same functionality. And the contents of the build directory looks very similar to the contents of the public directory anyway.
I've had a look at this SO post and this one but still unsure why I need to run yarn start everytime.
I'm still not sure how node, react, and electron fit together and why each is required, much research and learning still to do! Rather than a 'react app' I believe I'm looking at an 'Electron app'. I think if I run the command npm run package-win then I think I should get an exe file and some dlls. But how to instead setup for running on an Apache web server without having to start using the command line, or would you just have to build it with different architecture?
Starting to get a vague understanding from reading this.
If you used the npx create-react-app <app-name> then you just have to change the "start" script in the package.json file as "serve -s build". Run yarn add serve to add For deployment, Heroku is a good choice. Create a Heroku app and connect your git repo to the newly created app. Then go to the deploy tab and deploy your branch.
I'm new to the ASP.NET Boilerplate framework. I just downloaded the template, which builds with .NET Core and React.js, from ABP website "Get started" page. I created the database and updated the database. The database seems correct, now I don't know how to run it.
I set the Workflow.Web.Host.csproj as the startup project and ran it. I just got a page with a list of APIs.
My question is how can I login to the system by React.js?
From reactjs/README.md in the downloaded template:
After cloning repository, first install npm packages:
cd reactjs
npm install
And then start:
npm start
I create a reactJs App. But for now I run this app through Intellij idea and I would like to deploy it and run permanently in my machine without turning on through Intellij idea. How I could deploy react app and run it as deployment in my machine
If you created your app with create-react-app, you should be able to start local development server from the command line. To do this, open you project's root directory in the terminal and type npm start.
If you would like to create and serve a production bundle, you should build your project with npm run build and then serve build directory with a web server. The easiest way to do this is install serve via npm (npm install -g serve) and run serve -s build
For this purpose only webservers available like Tomcat, Payara, Whildfly, etc. You can install any one of those servers and deploy your application into that. As on when you started the server your application will be accessible.
Approach 1:
You can set up the server into your IDE and simply run the project on server mode.
Approach 2:
By using your project code, create a war file with the help of any build tool like MAVEN/GRADLE, etc. Then login into the server manager(Tomcat Manager) and deploy the generated .war file in deployment section.
Note: With the 2nd approach, you can access the application as on when you start the server.
I would like to deploy my react app to IIS and I tried a step by step guide.
I already tried a create-react-app and I already added a new website but when I run It says:
this site can't reach
I tried that way but some steps are not understood.=>create-react-app on IIS 10
I am newbie and May I know step by step if possible.
I suggest you could try belwo steps to host a reasct app on the IIS.
If you don't have the react app, I suggest you could install the npm and generate a react app for testing.
1.Open cmd and locate a folder by using cd yourfoldername
2.Run below command to add the package
npm i -g create-react-app
3.Run below command to create the react app in the folder, wait for creating the application
create-react-app my-app
Build the project to production folder.
npm run build
5.Open IIS management console and create a new web sites and use the build path as the physical path. for example: D:\ReactAppTest\my-app\build
Notice: You should pay attention to your port number.
Then you could use that port number to access your react application. For example: