I need to set camera rotation to 90 degree due to hardware constrains of the project I am building.
I have tried using PiCamera examples and set camera.rotation = 90. That rotates preview correctly, however inference stops working.
Setting camera.rotation = 180 works and does not break inference.
I'm trying to follow this youtube tutorial on making a heatmap in QGIS. However, my data is in degrees and not meters. The documentation for the data I'm using says the CRS should be EPSG:4326 - WGS 84, which is what I imported it as. Do I still need to reproject?
, but I'm trying to get meters and not degrees. The data I'm using comes from this tutorial.
If you set CRS to EPSG: 6487 - NAD83 (2011) / Maryland, you can enter value in terms of meters.
Do depth values in AVDepthData (from TrueDepth camera) indicate distance in meters from the camera, or perpendicular distance from the plane of the camera (i.e. z-value in camera space)?
My goal is to get an accurate 3D point from the depth data, and this distinction is important for accuracy. I've found lots online regarding OpenGL or Kinect, but not for TrueDepth camera.
FWIW, this is the algorithm I use. I'm find the value of depth buffer at a pixel found using some OpenCV feature detection. Below is the code I use to find real world 3D point at a given pixel at let cgPt: CGPoint. This algorithm seems to work quite well, but I'm not sure whether small error is introduced by the assumption of depth being distance to camera plane.
let depth = 1/disparity
let vScreen = sceneView.projectPoint(SCNVector3Make(0, 0, -depth))
// cgPt is the 2D coordinates at which I sample the depth
let worldPoint = sceneView.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3Make(cgPt.x, cgPt.y, vScreen.z))
I'm not sure of authoritative info either way, but it's worth noticing that capture in a disparity (not depth) format uses distances based on a pinhole camera model, as explained in the WWDC17 session on depth photography. That session is primarily about disparity-based depth capture with back-facing dual cameras, but a lot of the lessons in it are also valid for the TrueDepth camera.
That is, disparity is 1/depth, where depth is distance from subject to imaging plane along the focal axis (perpendicular to imaging plane). Not, say, distance from subject to the focal point, or straight-line distance to the subject's image on the imaging plane.
IIRC the default formats for TrueDepth camera capture are depth, not disparity (that is, depth map "pixel" values are meters, not 1/meters), but lacking a statement from Apple it's probably safe to assume the model is otherwise the same.
It looks like it measures distance from the camera's plane rather than a straight line from the pinhole. You can test this out by downloading the Streaming Depth Data from the TrueDepth Camera sample code.
Place the phone vertically 10 feet away from the wall, and you should expect to see one of the following:
If it measures from the focal point to the wall as a straight line, you should expect to see a radial pattern (e.g. the point closest to the camera is straight in front of it; the points furthest to the camera are those closer to the floor and ceiling).
If it measures distance from the camera's plane, then you should expect the wall color to be nearly uniform (as long as you're holding the phone parallel to the wall).
After downloading the sample code and trying it out, you will notice that it behaves like #2, meaning it's distance from the camera's plane, not from the camera itself.
I'm currently developing some TPS game. I have my player model and camera snapped to its shoulder, and some Empty game object in front of player at some distance for calculating vector for bullets (Yellow diamond at screenshot).
I'm developing for mobile platforms, so there is no mouse; just that Empty game object that points direction of the gun.
So when a fire event occurs I want to apply force to bullet and it will fly in right direction. Here is my code
b.transform.position = transform.position;
b.transform.position += transform.forward;
var rb = b.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
print((Aim.position - transform.position).normalized);
rb.AddForce((Aim.position - transform.position).normalized * Thrust);
Aim is my EmptyGameObject that points direction, transform is GunEnd gameobject, and b is my bullet instance. So if I try shoot from default player position bulet flies correct from GunEnd to Aim object.
But if I rotate character for example more that 90 degree left, bullets start to fly in some weird trajectory
So, can anybody help me how to correct send bullets?
When you move it´s position with b.transform.position += transform.forward; you might be setting it in an odd place if the transform does not rotate when you aim (and by what I can see in the screenshot, it is not rotating as its components in the transform.rotate remain the same in y). Try moving it with the vector you find with the Aim, like this:
b.transform.position += (Aim.position - transform.position).normalized;
Hello I have a SCNScene that is the basis of my game. The lighting was tricky and to get the effect I wanted I ended up duplicating three lights three times. This increased the intensity of the lights to create the affect and colors I wanted. However I know that 9 lights all casting shadows has been taking a toll on my fps. Is there any way to increase the intensity of the lights like i did by duplicating them without destroying my fps?
what type of light do you have ? Do they have non-default attenuation values ? (see attenuationStartDistance, attenuationEndDistance and attenuationFalloffExponent).
You can try to increase the brightness of your lights colors if that's possible (if they're aren't already 100% white for instance).
Otherwise you can use shader modifiers. The SCNShaderModifierEntryPointLightingModel entry point will let you customize the effect of each light.
In iOS 10 & macOS 10.12, SCNLight now has an intensity: CGFloat property which'll let you multiply the brightness of each light. Assuming you're not using PBR/IES, intensity acts as a permille multiplier— 1000 = 1×, 3000 = 3×, 100 = 0.1×, etc. (When using PBR or IES lighting, intensity instead controls the luminous flux of the light.)
To triple the brightness of each SCNLight, simply do:
myLight1.intensity = 3000
I am now working on an eye tracking project. In this project I am tracking eyes in a webcam video (resolution if 640X480).
I can locate and track the eye in every frame, but I need to locate the pupil. I read a lot of papers and most of them refer to Alan Yuille's deformable template method to extract and track the eye features. Can anyone help me with the code of this method in any languages (matlab/OpenCV)?
I have tried with different thresholds, but due to the low resolution in the eye regions, it does not work very well. I will really appreciate any kind of help regarding finding pupil or even iris in the video.
What you need to do is to convert your webcam to a Near-Infrared Cam. There are plenty of tutorials online for that. Try this.
A Image taken from an NIR cam will look something like this -
You can use OpenCV then to threshold.
Then use the Erode function.
After this fill the image with some color takeing a corner as the seed point.
Eliminate the holes and invert the image.
Use the distance transform to the nearest non-zero value.
Find the max-value's coordinate and draw a circle.
If you're still working on this, check out my OptimEyes project: https://github.com/LukeAllen/optimeyes
It uses Python with OpenCV, and works fairly well with images from a 640x480 webcam. You can check out the "Theory Paper" and demo video on that page also. (It was a class project at Stanford earlier this year; it's not very polished but we made some attempts to comment the code.)
Depending on the application for tracking the pupil I would find a bounding box for the eyes and then find the darkest pixel within that box.
Some psuedocode:
box left_location = findlefteye()
box right_location = findrighteye()
image_matrix left = image[left_location]
image_matrix right = image[right_location]
image_matrix average = left + right
pixel min = min(average)
pixel left_pupil = left_location.corner + min
pixel right_pupil = right_location.corner + min
In the first answer suggested by Anirudth...
Just apply the HoughCirles function after thresholding function (2nd step).
Then you can directly draw the circles around the pupil and using radius(r) and center of eye(x,y) you can easily find out the Center of Eye..