Ionic React - do you have to use Ionic UI components and routing? - reactjs

Looking at the ionic documentation they are pushing very heavily towards using Ionic components for UI and routing.
Is it possible to use your own components and frameworks instead of Ionic and simply use Ionic for its native feature support?

Actually, You can just use Cordova. Because the Ionic is built on top of Cordova (It's just the wrapper). So you can reuse all Libs of Ionic with Cordova.
You can check these repositories:


Embedding a react native inside Cordova App

we want to build new functionality in React Native but the main app is cordova app.
current production app created in cordova. but is it possible to call production cordova app to React Native app?
example: cordova app->Footer menu button click-> trigger/invoke the React Native screens
is it possible to embedding a react native inside existing cordova app?.
we have an app build using cordova. However, the client is not happy about the performance. so we like to build new screens in react-native and we thought about combining the current state of the app, embedding a react native inside cordova app. Does this make any sense?

Integrate a React MFE with Angular JS project(parent project) using webpack(or webpack module federation)

We have a parent or host project which is on Angular JS and we are creating a new React app, and would like to integrate React app as MFE with the host project.
We would not like to make lot of changes in the host project but wanted to check if we can use webpack/webpack module federation in the Angular JS project to do the MFE integration.
Thanks in advance for any examples or suggestions that you provide
What you are trying to do is not possible with Webpack 4 (unless you use the Single SPA JS library to polyfill support for MFEs). You will need Angular version 11 or higher (but I'd recommend version 12, as Webpack 5 support is stable in that version).
Some examples and references:

How to integrate a react widget in a symfony project?

I created my own widget in react (frentend) with my own oAuth2 system for authentication in php (backend), I wanted to know how I could integrate it into a symfony (frentend) project? Thank you.
To use React with Symfony, you'll have to integrate Webpack in your project:
Once you've enabled the React preset, you'll be able to integrate your components directly in your Twig templates.
I really encourage you to learn more about how Symfony integrates frontend frameworks with these resources:

is there any CDN link for extjs reactor

I want to develop extjs-reactor application using extjs-reactor CDN .I have not found any CDN link in extjs site. Is there a CDN link for extjs-reactor and please share with me If there is any extjs-reactor CDN example.
You can't develop an extjs-reactor application, but you can use the library extjs-reactor with React and use the ExtJS components. There is no CDN link for this, you would have to install it to your React application through NPM, see the documentation from Sencha.

How can I use ng-upgrade in ionic 2 framework

I have a code written in AngularJS1.5 and I want to use this code in another app that will be built on ionic 2 framework. I tried to follow the guidelines of using the ngupgrade module to make the AngularJS1.5 code compatible with ionic 2 framework which uses the AngularJS 2.0.
My question is when using the ngupgrade we must call the bootstrap method from UpgradeAdapter, but the ionic framework calls its own bootrstrap method. So any ideas on how to achieve that?
According to the Ionic Team, ngUpgrade won't work to convert Ionic 1 to Ionic 2:
Ionic1 and Ionic2 will not work with ngUpgrade.
