Should I use local storage in Electron for database config? - database

I have written an Electron app. It's working fine. I use local storage to save all the options that can be made in the app. That includes database configuration.
In a browser this is may a good idea because a website may be able to hack it?
This is not a website but an Electron app that does not load any webpages except for the main index html file.
Should I use local storage for database config?
So, should I use local storage for database config if I care about basic security? It's not a bank (hash not needed), but it should not be open to the world to get.
Except for the main questions, there are some optional subquestions around it.
If it's not a good idea, what should I use instead?
If it's not a good idea, how could it be hacked when I decide what goes into the html?
Local storage is not a file. Is there a chance the settings may be lost and gone?

I assume following:
You use a two tier architecture. Client written in Electron and a database.
You put credentials to the database into the local storage operated by the Electron app.
The database is storing non-public data, or other data that needs some kind of protection regarding integrity or confidentiality.
The database and the schema are multi-tenant.
If what I claim above is true, then no, your solution is not secure. The solution you provide does not fall into the category of hardcoded secret, but is pretty close. In memory you may hold secrets that may give the user the same level of right he already has, like his session cookies or tokens. You are not allowed to put anything which - when obtained - would allow the user to have bigger access rights.
So, how to solve this. Simply said you can't. You might be tempted to obfuscate or hide or encrypt data, but obfuscation can be broken, hidden can be found and encrypted data must be decrypted with a key at some point that must be lying around somewhere.
Solution is rather a three tier architecture with an application server doing authentication, authorization and access control. Unless you want to play and give every user his own db schema/access rights in the database, which might be a solution too, but I don't know anyone who would be doing this.

As others have noted, you should definitely not put database connection secrets on the client. Secrets only stay secret if you can control its location. Living on a client machine is not a good spot for this and no amount of encryption will save you. Configure an application server with authentication and access control, and have the client communicate through this gate keeper before getting to the data layer.


What are the security issues for exposing the database connection string at the client side for 2-tier applications

Recently I am doing an investigation for creating a multiple tier application. Every topic that I have read suggests that the 3-tier architecture is better than the 2-tier architecture because by exposing the connection string of the database at the client side you create a big security hole at your system. All of these articles just explains that it is a bad idea to expose the location of the database and none of them explains why.
Can anybody help me and explain to me the threads of exposing the location of the database? I mean they will know the location but they will not know the username and the password in order to log in and to modify the database. What make the 3-tier architecture more safe than the 2-tier architecture? Is it only the extra hope in order to reach the database?
Thanks in advance,
Constantin Patak
The connection string includes the username and password. If your client application can hit the database directly, then the user can inspect the client application and extract the connection credentials to do the same.
The middle tier will provide APIs which correspond to the operations you want clients to be able to perform. The client is shielded from the internal implementation which may or may not include a database. You will be able to change the implementation without affecting the client. Perhaps you will find that the load is so high you need to switch from RDS to NoSQL. The client doesn't need to know or change. Perhaps you will start caching some results without hitting your database. Again, the client doesn't need to know or change. This is why the industry has standardized around not hitting the database directly from client applications.


Recently I had to make an application that later on had to be uploaded to multiple web-servers. Doing this I realized that when storing the admin pass and username's into a json file does not need a db connection so it works all the time. Also when saving the configuration inside json I can just copy my application to web-server and then just go to the browser to do the configuration.
When using a database for this I have to configure this hard coded. Than the db connection would be declared inside a connect.php or config.php. When uploading the application I can't use it because there is no db connection. And I cant set A db connection from within the application itself because I can't login even if I could it would be like a car-key inside a closed car.
My dilemma: Is this the right way, is this save, is this efficient and above all how did you guys do this.
What is the best way to store admin login and configuiration data
The usual solution is to move the password out of source-code into a configuration file. Then leave administration and securing that configuration file up to your system administrators. That way developers do not need to know anything about the production passwords, and there is no record of the password in your source-control.
In other words, it is perfectly normal to have a config.php containing a define("DB_PASS", "topSecret");
Provided access to the config.php file is correctly administered, this method is secure.
Lynks is correct that this is common and is better than having the password in your source control, however if this is a production system that you are designing, I strongly recommend using a different mechanism for user authentication.
Most databases will allow you to use local system users and groups, or external LDAPs to manage your user credentials. Most application servers will have mechanisms for this as well, this is not a new problem. Some systems will allow you to create secure keys (like SSH keys) for trusted users to allow password-less login.
Having passwords in clear anywhere on a production systems is a BAD IDEA, at least use a lossy hashing method to scramble it. Remember as soon as you are dealing with passwords it is YOUR responsibility as a designer and developer to make your best effort to keep it safe. Please evaluate all your options before deciding on the easy solution that could cost you and your customer serious embarrassment later. What technologies are you using? Maybe we can help you find the options available to you.
Remember, nothing lives in total isolation. For example even if this is not a critical system, a lot of places will use a certain pattern for passwords which will give potential hackers a clue for hacking other accounts. If you manage passwords for multiple users, some users use the same password for a lot of things.
This post is not meant as a lecture but a plea for you to make sure you explore all avenues available to you to keep you reputation and your customer safe. Think of it as a challenge, or puzzle and have fun tackling it.

storing original password text

My web application stores external website login/passwords for interaction with them. To interact with these websites I need to use the original password text, so storing just the hash in my database is not going to work.
How should I store these passwords?
I am concerned if someone gets access to my server. If I use some kind of 2-way encryption and they have server access then they can just check how the passwords are decrypted in my backend code.
It seems to me that you want to store passwords in a similar fashion as Firefox and Chrome. So why not look at how they do it?
This is how Chrome does it:
If you MUST do this, you should use a two-way encryption. There are a lot algorithms (ciphers) for this, but basically you encrypt your data with an encryption key, and use the same key for decrypting them again.
Choosing the right cipher depends on which are supported by the programming language of your choice, but examples are:
They come in different complexity and some are harder to crack than others. You should realize though, that no two-way encryption is safe from cracking, given enough time. So it all depends on, how sensitive these passwords are.
Decide what you are protecting them against. Options include (but are not limited to): Accidental disclosure, disclosure by you, disclosure in transmission, disclosure due to code error, disclosure due to physical theft of hardware, etc.
If this is a web application, and each user is storing his/her own set of passwords, then you might encrypt these passwords with their login password to your application. If this is an application that each user installs separately, and which keeps its own local database, you could have an optional master password (like Firefox does).
If you are just ensuring that the data is safe if the hardware is stolen, you might use a full disk encryption solution like TrueCrypt or PGP WDE, or Ubuntu, Debian, or Fedora's built-in approach, and require a PIN or password on every boot.
If you just care about secure transmission, have code to ensure that you use transport security, and don't worry about encrypting the data in your database.
I would go about this in the following way.
Protect data against hardware being stolen:
Use disc encryption as discussed in previous posts.
Protecting data if server is compromised (hacked):
I would use two different servers for this project, one worker server and one front server.
A) Worker server
This has the DB with passwords etc,
it also connects to other services.
To connect to worker server, users
can do it through an API. API should
have on function, insertUserData,
which allows userdata to be inserted,
API escaped all the input.
API uses
a DB user which only has input
privilegies on the userData table.
This would be the only way to contact
this server.
Only allow SSL
This server in turn runs chron jobs that connect to external services, pulls data from them and populate it's DB. Use a different DB with different user privileges.
This server runs another chron JOB which connects to the front server and pushes new data to front server.
Minimal amount of services running
Only SSH/SCP from your IP, tight firewalling. Block if connections exced X / min etc as they only would do an occasional insert.
NO FTP etc.
B) Front server
Receives data from Worker server, never uses the passwords itself. Only way to contact worker server is through API mentioned above, only for new user information. This is where all users login to see their information etc.
The problem with doing it all on the same server, if you get hacked the hacker can sit and sniff all incoming data / passwords etc.. so even if they are stored / encrypted / decrypted securely, with some patience he would sniff them all.
When the application is first run, it will generate a random key. This key will be used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data. Store the key in a local file, and set the file permissions so that nobody else can read it. Ensure that the user running the web server has no login access (this is a good idea anyway).
Possible ways to break this system:
Get root access.
Get sudo access.
Deploy a malicious application on the web server - this application will then have access to the key, and may be able to send it elsewhere.
As long as you take reasonable precautions against all of these, you should be OK.
EDIT: Come to think of it, you could just store the sensitive data right in the key file. Encryption would provide an extra layer of security, but it wouldn't be a very strong layer; if an attacker gets access to the file, chances are good that he also has access to the DB.

What is the best way to keep passwords configurable, without having them too easily available to the casual human reader?

I have a database that many different client applications (a smattering of web services, some java apps and a few dot net applications) connect to. Not all of these are running on windows (Sadly, otherwise it would make this an easy answer question with just enabling windows authentication for database connections). At the moment, the passwords are stored in various configuration / properties files lying around the systems. Ideally, only the support staff have access to the servers where the files are running, but if someone else gains access to one of the servers, they would have enough database permissions to get a fair whack of data as it stands now.
My question then, What is the best way to keep the passwords configurable, without having it too easily available to the casual human reader?
Edit Just to clarify, DB server is Windows Server 2003, running MSSQL 2005.
PS: I don't see any questions that this duplicates, but if there are, please feel free to close this one.
I'm assuming you want to hide the passwords from casual observers. If they were evil, steely eyed observers with access to all the source code on one of the machines that connects, then they can get the password with a bit of reverse engineering.
Remember that you do not need to use the same protection for each different client. A few steps:-
Create different database accounts for different systems that access your database
Limit access on the database to only what they need using your inbuilt database GRANTs
Store a triple DES (or whatever) key inside a password manager class on your database. Use this to decrypt an encrypted value in your properties file.
We have also considered having the application prompt for a pass-phrase on startup but have not implemented this as it seems like a pain and your operations staff then need to know the password. It's probably less secure.
Let's assume the following common scenario:
You use the same code base for all environments and your code base has the database passwords for each environment.
The personnel (sysadmins, configuration managers) that have access to your production application server are allowed to know the production database passwords and no one else.
You don't want anyone with access to the source code to know what the production passwords are.
In a scenario like this, you can encrypt and store the production passwords in property files that your application. Within the application you can include a class that reads the passwords from the property file and decrypts it before passing it to the database driver. However, the key and the algorithm used to decrypt the password are not part of the source code but rather passed to the application as a system property at runtime. This decouples the knowledge of the key from the application source code and anyone with access to just the application source code will no longer be able to decrypt the password because they do not have access to the application's runtime environment (app server).
If you are using Java take a look at this for a more concrete example. The example uses Spring and Jasypt. I am confident that some thing like this can be extrapolated to other environments like .Net
At my old workplace we used to have a system whereby all passwords were encrypted (using Triple DES or whatever we were using at the time). The passwords were often stored in properties files (this was in a Java system).
When the password needed to be changed, we could simply use "!plaintext" as the value, and then our code would load it up, encrypt it, and store the encrypted value back in the properties file.
This meant that it was possible to change the password without knowing what the original value was - not sure if that's the kind of thing you were asking for!
It sounds like there is no easy answer (because of the different types of applications that connect)... really, the only issue I see is the Java Apps which seem to connect directly to your database. Is that correct?
If so, here's what you can do:
1) Change any client-side applications that connect directly to the DB to go through a service. (If they have to connect directly, then at least give them a first step to "get password" from a service, then they can connect directly).
2) Store the passwords in the web.config file (if you chose to do .Net web services), and then encrypt the "connection strings" section of the file.
Don't use passwords, server to server authentication can usually be performed by using a key file or a client cert or some other way other than a password.
You could use a reversible encryption algorithm e.g. Blowfish to store the passwords as a stopgap measure. There should be a number of free libraries you can use to build this into all your programs that need this access.
Bruce Schneier's page on Blowfish
Wikipedia article on Blowfish
For the java stuff, if you're using an app server see if you can define a data source, and your apps can get at the data source using JNDI. That way, managing the datasource (including connection details) is handled by the app server, and your application code has to do is ask for a datasource.
NTLM Authentication or LDAP-based (Active Directory) authentication should be available to you with a bit of effort. This would allow you to use your "windows authentication" across applications.
It may mean a bit of a migration for your operations staff, but SSO for a set of applications is nice.
Yes I have to agree with the option of storing the (salted) hashes. I would recommend a (salted) SHA256 hash of the password stored in the database. Also don't forget to enforce secure password rules.
My interpretation of your question is that you are asking specifically how to store configuration passwords that your code will use to connect to services it depends on such as a database or third party API. In that case, you may want to consider using a service which provides a secrets container such as Hashicorp's Vault.
You can think of vault as a web service your application can connect to in order to lookup the secrets your application needs at application runtime.
As an example, lets assume your application needs to connect to a database but you don't want to store your database credentials with your application source code in your version control system. Furthermore, lets assume that you want the database credentials used by your application to be different each time your application starts. In this case, you could enable and configure the database secret back end in vault. This means that vault will dynamically create your database credentials as a service, and then provide your application with a revocable leased token for some duration of time. Vault, of course, will allow you to store any secret in it.
Vault provides secure ways for your application to connect to it. One such authentication method uses what is known in vault as the Cubbyhole Secrets Engine.
Using encryption is not a good idea. If someone compromize the key he can decrypt it. Use a hash algorith with salt to store paswords. Hash algorithms are one way so its not reversible. But they are vulnerable to dictionary attacks so use salt (concatane plain text with something long and verbose than hash it). It also protect database from internal attacks.

How do I create a web application where I do not have access to the data?

Premise: The requirements for an upcoming project include the fact that no one except for authorized users have access to certain data. This is usually fine, but this circumstance is not usual. The requirements state that there be no way for even the programmer or any other IT employee be able to access this information. (They want me to store it without being able to see it, ever.)
In all of the scenarios I've come up with, I can always find a way to access the data. Let me describe some of them.
Scenario I: Restrict the table on the live database so that only the SQL Admin can access it directly.
Hack 1: I rollout a change that sends the data to a different table for later viewing. Also, the SQL Admin can see the data, which breaks the requirement.
Scenario II: Encrypt the data so that it requires a password to decrypt. This password would be known by the users only. It would be required each time a new record is created as well as each time the data from an old record was retrieved. The encryption/decryption would happen in JavaScript so that the password would never be sent to the server, where it could be logged or sniffed.
Hack II: Rollout a change that logs keypresses in javascript and posts them back to the server so that I can retrieve the password. Or, rollout a change that simply stores the unecrypted data in a hidden field that can be posted to the server for later viewing.
Scenario III: Do the same as Scenario II, except that the encryption/decryption happens on a website that we do not control. This magic website would allow a user to input a password and the encrypted or plain-text data, then use javascript to decrypt or encrypt that data. Then, the user could just copy the encrypted text and put the in the field for new records. They would also have to use this site to see the plain-text for old records.
Hack III: Besides installing a full-fledged key logger on their system, I don't know how to break this one.
So, Scenario III looks promising, but it's cumbersome for the users. Are there any other possibilities that I may be overlooking?
If you can have javascript on the page, then I don't think there's anything you can do. If you can see it in a browser, then that means it's in the DOM, which means you can write a script to get it and send it to you after it has been decrypted.
Aren't these problems usually solved via controls:
All programmers need a certain level of clearance and background checks
They are trained to understand that rolling out code to access the data is a fireable or worse offense
Every change in certain areas needs some kind of signoff
For example -- no JavaScript on page without signoff.
If you are allowed to add any code you want, then there's always a way, IMO.
Ask the client to provide an Non-disclosure Agreement for you to sign, sign it, then look at as much data as you want.
What I'm wondering is, what exactly will you be able to do with encrypted data anyway? Pretty-much all apps require you to do some filtering of the data, whether it be move it to a required place, modify it, sanitize it, or display it. Otherwise, you're just a glorified pipe, and you don't have to do any work.
The only way I can think of where you wouldn't be looking at the data or doing anything with it would be a simple form to table mapping with CRUD options. If you know what format the data will be coming in as you should be able to roll something out with RoR, a simple skin, put SSL into the mix, and roll it out. Test with dummy data in the same format, and you're set.
In fact, is your client unable to supply dummy data for testing? If they can, then your life is simple as all you do is provide an "installable" and tell them how to edit a config file.
I think you could still create the app in the following way:
Create a dev database and set up a user for it.
Ask them for: the data type, size, and name of each field that needs to be on the screen.
Set up the screens, create columns in the database that accept the data type and size they specify.
Deploy the app to production, hooked up to an empty database. Get someone with permission (not you) to go in and set the password on the database user and set the password for the DB user in the web app.
Authorized users can then do whatever they want and you never saw what any of the data looked like.
Of course, maintaining the app and debugging is gonna be a bitch!
--In answer to comments:
Ok, so after setting up the password for the Username in the database and in the web app's config, write a program that connects to the database, sets a randomized password, then writes that same randomized password to the web config.
Prevent any outgoing packets from the machine except to a set of authorized workstations - so you can't install your spyware.
Then set the Admin password on both servers to the same random password, then delete all other users on the servers, delete the program, and delete the program source code.
Wipe the hard drives of the developer machines with the DOD algorithm, and then toss them into an industrial shredder.
10. If the server ever needs debugging, toss it in the trash, buy a new one, and start back at #1.
But seriously - this is an insolvable problem. The best answer to this really is:
Tell them they can't have an application. Write your stuff on paper. Put it in a folder. Lock it in a vault. Thrust, repeat.
Wouldn't scenario 3 just expose all the data to the magic website? This doesn't sound like a solvable problem (at least I can't think of a solution).
Go with whatever solution is easiest for you to implement, I think the requirements show the the client does not understand software development and so it should be easy to sell any approach you take.
I have to say I really don't like the idea of using JavaScript on the client to decrypt the data. That is a huge hole as any script (hacker, GreaseMonkey, IE7Pro, etc.) can access the DOM and get data out of the page.
Also, it is very hard to get around the problem of key stroke loggers. If you throw those into the mix, then your options are limited. At that point you need a security FOB such as RSA (commonly used with corporate VPNs) to generate truly random PINs. That will probably be expensive, and it is a pain, and I have only seen it used with VPNs but I assume it could work with websites as well.
As far as the website, I'd stick with HTTPS and find a way to encrypt/decrypt through the WebServer rather than relying on JavaScript. The SSL traffic isn't very prone to sniffing (very difficult to decrypt), so that allows the encryption and decryption to happen server-side which (IMHO) is more secure.
Look at banking scenarios and other financial institutions for a starting point, and then go from there. Try not to over-complicate if possible.
You can't guarantee against hacking into the data as long as you have access to the server it lives on. So tell the employer they have to host the data somewhere else and grant access to the client's browser via a secure HTTPS connection.
You can design your web page to dynamically load an XML data stream securely, and format it into a web page using an XSLT script on the client.
See for examples
That way you produce the code, but you never have access to the data. Only the user has access to their own data.
As for how the employer is going to host the data without granting any IT people access to it, that's their problem. It's a foolish requirement.
I think that I'll just tell them that they either have to trust a couple of us to have access (and not look at it) or they don't get a project.
Thanks for the answers. Feel free to post more thoughts if you have them.
You can never have 100% security, and extra security comes at a cost of speed/price/convenience etc.
Let's suppose you take scenario 3 - one of your programmers can use social engineering to get the password from one of the users. Goodbye security.
There's no point having a high-security iron door as a gate if people can just walk around it. Just implement a decent level of security.
(They want me to store it without being able to see it, ever.)
Hey, the recording industry wants people to be able to listen to their music, but not copy it. Sounds like they should get together sometime!
Their idea won't work for the same reason DRM doesn't work: the trust chain is inherently compromised. Encryption examples often use Alice, Bob, and Charlie where Alice is trying to communicate with Bob without Charlie listening in. With DRM, the trust chain is compromised because Bob and Charlie are the same person. With your situation, Charlie is the guy writing the software that Alice and Bob use to communicate. There's an implied trust, because if you don't trust Charlie then you can't trust Charlie's software, either.
That's the root of the issue: trust. If they can't trust the programmer, the game is over before it starts.
There are lots of options based on what their goal really is, but I am confused by their paranoia, er, intent:
Is this their (and end-user) data that they wish to keep private or end-user data to be kept private from everyone?
Is it just that your (or any contracted) company is suspect?
Are they afraid of over-the-wire snooping?
Are they afraid of DOM access through JavaScript or browser plugins?
Are they planning staged deployment? In that case you work on test/dev server w/o real data but have no access to the production server with the real data, and DNS logging and/or firewall rules inhibit all of your hacks from working undetected.
Ultimately if the data is stored in a DB then the programmer and DB admin can, by working together, get it. Period. A good audit should uncover that, though.
If this is truly a requirement, the only way to guard against this is to hire an outside firm to audit the code prior to releasing the software, and that's going to be very expensive.
