I am trying to create a blog style app with an "articles" page that has a list of posts which will render by postId. I have gotten the urls to generate and even my small <Post /> component to render, but when a post page renders the Articles content doesn't go away and the post content just renders below it. How do I fix this?
I have
<Route exact path="/">
<Home />
<Route exact path="/articles">
<Articles />
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-router-dom';
import Post from '../Components/Post';
import Banner from './Banner';
const Articles = () => {
let match = useRouteMatch();
return (
<div className='Articles'>
<Banner title='Articles'/>
<h3>Please select a topic.</h3>
<Link to={`${match.url}/geojsons`}>Geojsons</Link>
<Link to={`${match.url}/props-v-state`}>
Props v. State
<Route path={`${match.url}/:postId`}>
<Post />
export default Articles;
function Post() {
let { postId } = useParams();
return <h3>POST - Requested topic ID: {postId}</h3>;
export default Post;
Screen shot of problem page:
This screenshot shows the page after you click on an article link. The Post content is what I have in the dashed red box and everything above it should only be a part of the Articles page.
I know it is only a couple files but to make it easier to mess with I put a simplified version of the repo on github. No styling or anything just an html version of the problem.
Since you want Article and Posts pages to be separate, you need to decouple your post route from Article route and render it in App.js instead of Articles.js
<Route exact path="/">
<Home />
<Route path="/articles/:postId">
<Post />
<Route exact path="/articles">
<Articles />
and in Article.js
const Articles = () => {
let match = useRouteMatch();
return (
<div className='Articles'>
<Banner title='Articles'/>
<h3>Please select a topic.</h3>
<Link to={`${match.url}/geojsons`}>Geojsons</Link>
<Link to={`${match.url}/props-v-state`}>
Props v. State
This question already has an answer here:
Nested routing in react-router-dom V6
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a folder structure in my project like this :
in the App I implement routing like this that works fine for me :
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route} from 'react-router-dom';
<div className="App">
<Route path="/" element={<Login />} />
<Route path="/main" element={<Main />} />
but my problem starts here . When I go to the main page, I want to render the nested routing inside of the main page . I code like that but unfortunately nothing work for me fine.
here is the code in my main component .
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from 'react-router-dom';
hello Home
<Link to="/main/child1">
child 1
<Link to="/main/child2">
child 2
<Link to="/">
log out
<Outlet />
<Route path="/main/child1" element={<Children1 />} />
<Route path="/main/child2" element={<Children2 />} />
I want to render the child at the under of my main component but nothing happen. and want to url change to "/main/child1" .
I would be really appreciate it if you can explain the detail .
here is the sample code sample is here
You can use the following code:
import React from "react";
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from "react-router-dom";
export default function App() {
return (
<Link to="/">Login</Link>
<Link to="/main">Main</Link>
<Route path="/">
<Login />
<Route path="/main">
<Main />
function Login() {
return <h2>LoginPage</h2>;
function Main() {
let match = useRouteMatch();
return (
<h2>Main Page</h2>
<Link to={`${match.url}/children`}>children</Link>
<Link to={`${match.url}/child1`}>
<Route path={`${match.path}/:childId`}>
<Child />
<Route path={match.path}>
<h3>Please select a child.</h3>
function Child() {
let { childId } = useParams();
return <h3>Requested child ID: {childId}</h3>;
The Main page has its own with more routes that build on the /main URL path. You can think of the 2nd here as an "index" page for all children of the main page, or the page that is shown when no child is selected.
For more info, please refer: link
My App.js:
<Route exact path="/" component={HomeScreen} />
<Route exact path="/screenOne" component={OneScreen} />
<Route exact path="/screenTwo" component={TwoScreen} />
The <Header /> has three links to the respective components viz. HomeScreen, OneScreen, TwoScreen.
I want my <TwoScreen /> to be exactly like this baseComponent(i.e App.js) where I have some links and when I click those links, the components corresponding to the link/path gets rendered.
What is the best way to approach this?
there is an example on the react-router site that meets your need, under nesting, you can check it out https://reactrouter.com/web/example/nesting (for just web)
But for me, I simply declare them all in one place/component, especially on react-router-native, if you're doing react-native.
below is the example from their website for web
import React from "react";
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from "react-router-dom";
// Since routes are regular React components, they
// may be rendered anywhere in the app, including in
// child elements.
// This helps when it's time to code-split your app
// into multiple bundles because code-splitting a
// React Router app is the same as code-splitting
// any other React app.
export default function NestingExample() {
return (
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Link to="/topics">Topics</Link>
<hr />
<Route exact path="/">
<Home />
<Route path="/topics">
<Topics />
function Home() {
return (
function Topics() {
// The `path` lets us build <Route> paths that are
// relative to the parent route, while the `url` lets
// us build relative links.
let { path, url } = useRouteMatch();
return (
<Link to={`${url}/rendering`}>Rendering with React</Link>
<Link to={`${url}/components`}>Components</Link>
<Link to={`${url}/props-v-state`}>Props v. State</Link>
<Route exact path={path}>
<h3>Please select a topic.</h3>
<Route path={`${path}/:topicId`}>
<Topic />
function Topic() {
// The <Route> that rendered this component has a
// path of `/topics/:topicId`. The `:topicId` portion
// of the URL indicates a placeholder that we can
// get from `useParams()`.
let { topicId } = useParams();
return (
I have 3 components: Header.js, Main.js, and Footer.js, and App.js is like
const App = () => {
In the Header.js I have links like About and Projects. I would like to be able when I click About in the header for example to display the page About.js in Main.js, and when I click Projects to display the page Projects.js in the Main.js component. I tried to use Routing in the Main.js component like
const Main = () => {
<Route exact path='/' component={About.js} />
<Route exact path='/projects' component={Projects.js} />
but it wouldn't allow me, saying that I cannot use Link outside a router, where I use Link in the Header.js. How can I achieve this?
The Header.js is the following
const Header = () => {
return (
<Link to="/">
<Link to="/projects">
You simply need to make sure your Router component surrounds any components doing routing. For simplicity, here’s the router surrounding your whole app at the App level.
const App = () => {
Edit: make sure you’re passing your components correctly to the Routes:
const Main = () => {
<Route exact path='/' component={About} />
<Route exact path='/projects' component={Projects} />
I`m beginner in React and I want to create page where I include a Navbar and Sidebar and the main to by changed by Sidebar link. How I do that?
import Sidebar from '../Sidebar';
import Navbar from '../Navbar;
import {Page1,Page2,Page3} from './menu'
export default function UserPage(){
<Navbar />
<Sidebar />
//Here i want to component be loaded based on Navlink
I found the problem!
If you keep the navbar or sidebar in path="/" don`t use exact in the route because when you will go to "/dashboard" he will not add them
Use a Router
For routing in react you can look up react router here
You then define your routes and that will fill your content based on url.
See how this is like a normal react component, each route will load some specified components. Anything that exists on every page can be put outside of the Switch component. You cna see the Nav bar here that will exist on every page.
export default function App() {
return (
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Link to="/about">About</Link>
<Link to="/users">Users</Link>
{/* A <Switch> looks through its children <Route>s and
renders the first one that matches the current URL. */}
<Route path="/about">
<About />
<Route path="/users">
<Users />
<Route path="/">
<Home />
I have:
return (
<h1>Here Some Text</h1>
<Link to={'/path/to/my/component/test'}>Test</Link>
<Route exact path={"/path/to/my/component/test"} component={MyOtherComponent} />
I am able to render MyComponent, but when I click on the link to .../test route it does not render the route below. It goes to a 404 page that I have defined.
Am i missing something?
So, after testing some answers, i got a problem that, the route that the link is redirecting to, does not display.
Given the following code (be aware that, all this code is already a route and is inside a <switch>).
render() {
const { match } = this.props;
return (
<div className="advanced-configuration">
<div className="advanced-configuration__content userManagement__body">
<Link to={`${match.url}/test`}>Test</Link>
<Route exact path={`${match.url}/test`} component={() => <h1>test123</h1>} />
<Route exact path={match.url} component={() => <h2>Hi from main compoponent</h2>} />
The statement: "Hi from main component" Gets loaded as i arrive in this route, but as i click on the test link, it falls into my "404" route, which is:
<Route component={NotFound} />
This NotFound route is sibling of MyComponent, and it is in the end of the root switch, the first one that i posted on this question.
What else can i look into, to try to see what is breaking this link?
Have you tried using match.url. Something like this. Here is what documentation says about it.
const Topics = ({ match }) => (
<Link to={`${match.url}/rendering`}>Rendering with React</Link>
<Link to={`${match.url}/components`}>Components</Link>
<Route path={`${match.url}/:topicId`} component={Topic} />
render={() => <h3>Please select a topic.</h3>}
const Topic = ({ match }) => (
Have you tried something like :
let match = this.props.match
<h1>Here Some Text</h1>
<Link to={match.url + '/test'}>Test</Link>
<Route exact path={match.url + "/test"} component={MyOtherComponent} />
In your updated question, I am able to see the rendered JSX by clicking on the link using this markup :
<Link to={match.url + '/test'}>Show Test!</Link>
<Route path={match.url + "/test"} component={() => <h1>test123</h1>} />