How to get menu item below the icon in reactjs? - reactjs

I have given Menu Items for an Icon but i couldn't able to see Icon while i click on the icon. It is getting hide due to Menu item. My Objective is to show icon even when we click on the icon(Drop down is shown) as shown in this link In the above link, we can we see a button, when we click on button, we could see the menu items as well as the button too. Can anyone help me in getting the in this way?
Here is the code:
<AccountBalanceIcon />
<MenuItem onClick={this.handleClose}>Profile</MenuItem>
<MenuItem onClick={this.handleClose}>My account</MenuItem>
<MenuItem onClick={this.handleClose}>Logout</MenuItem>
Here is the sample code


popupState Menu is not Closing after click in React Admin

Anyone please can help? have been looking for solution all over with no luck:(
want to create a popupMenu that opens Dialog page, but should close menu item on click.
<IconButton {...bindTrigger(popupState)}>
<i className="fa-solid fa-ellipsis-vertical"></i>
<Menu {...bindMenu(popupState)}>
<EditEventModal />
<DeleteEventConfirmation />
not closing

How to get a specific ListItem from Menu Component in MUI for React

I have a List that has several ListItems which I get from an array, let's call it myCollection. Each ListItem has a MenuIcon which opens a Menu, showing an option to delete the item. The simplified code looks like this:
<MenuItem onClick={() => handleDelete(⚡collectionItem)}>Delete</MenuItem>
{ => (
<ListItem secondaryAction={
<IconButton onClick={(e) => setAnchorEl(e.currentTarget)}>
<MoreVertIcon />
My problem is that I need to know which item in myCollection was selected to pass it to the delete function. However, I don't have a reference to the current collectionItem in the myCollection array from the Menu. Moving the Menu into the map function makes no sense because multiple menus would be rendered. How can I solve this problem?
I solved it by giving the IconButtons custom HTML data attributes, e.g.
<IconButton data-collection-id={} onClick={...}>
Then, in the onClick function, we can retrieve it by using event.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-collection-id").

how to set MenuItem be <a> inside <li>

I'm new to Material-UI.
I want to make some popover and saw Menu and MenuItem in Menu Demo. They are perfect except for one thing. I want the menu item to be link.
By default MenuItem is li, (I think) because Menu is ul. But it is not so hard that make an item link by setting component="a" or component={RouterLink}. But in this case, they lose li.
For Screen Reader like program, I heard that using an appropriate Html tag is important. (It is called Semantic Web. Right?)
In this perspective, I want to menu items to be a inside li.
-- Trial --
<a>link text</a>
a is inside li. But it looks different from the case below.
<MenuItem component="a" href="/">
link text
Then, I try
<a style={{all: "inherit"}}>
link text
It looks satisfactory, but the color changes after clicking it, (I think) because a:visited { color: ...; } is not inherited.
Finally I tried
<MenuItem component="a" href"/">
link text
Yeah. It solves all problems. But, what if I forget to add li?
My menu contains many items. Some of them are link and others are not. Then should I add li directly by distinguishing only the cases of link?
-- Question --
Is my solution is best? How about you? Please share your way.
Semantically, MenuItem is more suitable for li because it represents an item in a list. The component props's default value of MenuItem is 'li' after all. So I'd go for:
<a style={{all: "inherit"}}>
link text
But, what if I forget to add li?
That's one reason to use React, you can easily de-duplicate part of your components by creating another component and reuse it:
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
root: {
"& a:visited": {
color: theme.palette.primary.main
function MenuItemLink({ children, href, onClick }) {
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<MenuItem onClick={onClick} className={classes.root}>
<a href={href}>{children}</a>
<MenuItemLink href="/" onClick={handleClose}>
<MenuItemLink href="/" onClick={handleClose}>
My account
<MenuItemLink href="/" onClick={handleClose}>
Live Demo

Unable to show Menu item by clicking on the icon using Reactjs

I'm new to framework, I wanted to show menu item when we click on the icon, I couldn't able to figure it out where I'm going wrong.
here is the code:
<AccountBalanceIcon />
<MenuItem onClick={this.handleClose}>Profile</MenuItem>
<MenuItem onClick={this.handleClose}>My account</MenuItem>
<MenuItem onClick={this.handleClose}>Logout</MenuItem>
Can anyone help me in getting a popup while I click on the icon
The IconButton does not have a value, so you're setting state to undefined. You just want the target anyway, since its the element itself that will serve as the anchor, not the value.
Change your handler to this:
handleClick = event => {
this.setState({ anchorEl: });
Also: Please provide all the relevant code the the question itself. The event handlers are the most important part of the problem and they are only located off-site.

antd dropdown is not closing on mouse leave

Using antd for adding an dropdown menu.Its not closing on mouse leave and click of an item inside remains open in the same place when page is scrolled.
<Dropdown className="buy-dropdown" overlay={menu} placement="topLeft" trigger={["click"] >
<Button className="cxe-buy-game-btn" >
<img src="/static/images/cart-buy.svg" /> Buy
It's because you have mentioned click as trigger. remove this prop so default will be hover or add hover
<Dropdown className="buy-dropdown" overlay={menu} placement="topLeft" trigger={["hover"] >
<Button className="cxe-buy-game-btn" >
<img src="/static/images/cart-buy.svg" /> Buy
