How to map from an Array into a Google react Chart (React)? - reactjs

I actually face a problem with react I did not expect so far. Actually I have a google-react-chart Calender and an array, that I have parsed from different Date formats in one. Now i want to parse through my array and to map it's data to my google-react-chart calender. Unfortunatley I did most of my coding on the web in php so far, and guys, I don't have any idea how I can bring this construction to work :))
I tried to replace my hard coded data with a mapping function, but - as you may know - that only leads to a parsing error :)
So my simple question is: How can I process my arrayData to my Google react chart calender?
//did not work =>{JSON.parse{item)}

The problem is that you are trying to parse a string, instead of a JSON object.
If you are getting this array from PHP, try passing it as a json_encode($variable), but not with the new Date() class. You can just pass it as the date string itself in the first position and the amount in the second position of the array;
Assuming you have the date and the data as something like this in PHP (before the json_encode):
$variable = [['MM/DD/YYYY', 50126],['MM/DD/YYY', 50126], and so on];
After you pass to React your PHP variable (via fetch or the dataset),
you can do something like:
mydateArray = JSON.parse(phpVariable);
and THEN, you can map it: => [new Date(item[0]), item[1]);
Just some Date warnings:
- Date in javascript must be constructed using Month/Day/Year, unfortunatelly. There is no createFromFormat, like PHP.
- The date ranges from 0 to 11, so october (10th month) must be written as 09/day/year, and so on.


Firebase: Storing multiple strings inside an array of the same data

I'm making a scheduling app, and storing all the scheduled things in firebase with arrays. When I try to schedule something with the same string value, it fails and doesn't add it to the array. I don't know if this is something in swift I can edit, or if it's a firebase setting.
If it's something in swift, here's the code updating the array:
"Instructor": FieldValue.arrayUnion(["\(scheduleinstructor)"])
If it's something in firebase, could someone please explain a way around this or a simple fix I overlooked?
According to the documentation on adding items to an array:
arrayUnion() adds elements to an array but only elements not already present
So the fact that the duplicate entry is not added is by design. If you want to allow that, you'll have to:
Read the document with the array from the databae.
Extract the array from the document into your application code.
Add the item to the array.
Write the entire modified array back to the database.

Array returning as an Object in React Native = can't reference an array item?

I'm using React Native and Open Weather Map API to build a small weather app. The data I retrieve from the API call is more than I want to use so I parse out just the pieces I need and store them in an array. I then take the array and set it to a state object. I can reference the object, but instead of saying my array is an array, it says it's an object, and thus won't let me use any array methods on it. How do I get around this?
//reponseData is the data retrieved from the API call; the data retrieved is an object with arrays and objects
within. The forecast data for the next five days is given in 3 hour increments, so you have a 40 item array of
data pieces. I loop through this list of 40 items, pull out just what I need...
let forecastArray = [];
for (let i=0; i<responseData.list.length; i++) {
let day = responseData.list[i].date
let high = responseData.list[i].weather[0].hiTemp
let low = responseData.list[i].weather[0].loTemp
let condition = responseData.list[i].sys.condition
forecastData: forecastArray
When I log, I get an array....
console.warn("forecast is: ", this.state.forecastData)
OUTPUTS: forecast is: ["11-06-2019", 52.5, 47.3, "sunny", "11-06-2019", 63.9, 39.7, "sunny", ...]
Referencing this.state.forecastData[2], for example, however was giving me errors. So I checked the typeof this.state.forecast to see why and it says the array is an Object? I need to further divide out the array data and manipulate it. The first several items (e.x. forecastData[0] through forecastData[9] would be for the forecasted weather for 11-06-2019 at 3pm, ,6pm, 9pm so I need to pull those items, get the highest high and lowest low, etc. I can't do that since I can't even reference the items in the array.
Things I've tried:
using Object.entries and Object.assign methods, but that just splits the items into several arrays, with the first item being the location number and the second item being the array item content. I've tried manipulating the array within the component that uses it, but it still is an Object not an Array, so I can't reference the individual items. The data set is large enough I don't think it would be best practice to push each of the 40+ items into their own state object key.
in Javascript array is a subset of object , i'e it has the same prototype. So typeof Array will be an object. Thats not an issue. Can you update with the error which you are getting while accessing this.state.forecastData[2] coz what i . believe its something not with syntax , rather with the duration of API call.
I would recommend when accessing this.state.forecastData[2] first check if its length is greater than 0 , that way you are sure that there is data inside the array.
and when you use it ,
if(this.state.forecastData.length > 0){
Try this, and revert with doubts.
Thank you, Gaurav Roy! You were partly correct. The typeof didn't matter at all. But the issue wasn't with the duration of my API, it was that my component was trying to render when it didn't have the data from the API call yet! I put in a conditional
{this.state.forecast !== null && <Forecast forecast=this.state.forecastData />}
and got things working now. Thanks for the quick reply!

How to create new line in react table column with lots of data

I am using react table. I am calling a method on API (.NET), which concatenates some fields and now I need to display this concatenated field in react table column.
From API I tried to put /n in the column so that it renders a new line on UI (inside react table). But no luck. Example: I need to display
This field is calculated by adding two numbers 10 and 20. Since the
result is greater than 15 you cannot perform this operation.
In the displayed text, what I want is "Since" should start in a new line in react table.
I tried to put {'\n'} before "Since" but it did not work. Any ideas how to achieve this?
The '\n' escape character does not work in HTML. You have to work with
other HTML solutions like using <br> or divs to get a multiline
implementation working.
You solve this quite easily. when getting the string append a special char like the comma (,) or some other char that you are sure would not be used in your original text.
Then get that string to a js variable in your react app.
let multiLineString = "This field is calculated by adding two numbers 10 and 20. , Since the result is greater than 15 you cannot perform this operation";
let lines = multiLineString.split(',')
let linesHTML =><div>{line}</div>);
now render this variable anywhere you want, you will get a multi line string implementation.
Of course the better approach would be to get a json array of values from the back end.

Identify one particular field with RegEx

Apologies for the basic question but I'm new to regular expressions and am really struggling to find a solution to the problem I am facing.
I am trying to pull out a particular field from a json response dynamically, which can change each time I call it.
The response is:
[{"colorPartNumber":"10045112022164298","skuPartNumber":"0400218072057","productColor":{"identifier":"Dark blue","label":"Dark blue","hex":"#0000A0"},"productSize":{"identifier":"0","label":"0","name":"Designer","scaleLabel":"apparel-wmn","schema":{"name":"UK","labels":["8"]}},"soldOut":true,"onlyOneLeft":false,"limitedAvailability":false,"preorder":false,"comingSoon":false,"visible":true,"displayable":true,"buyable":false,"availableInPhysicalStore":false,"expectedShippingDate":null},{"colorPartNumber":"10045112022164298","skuPartNumber":"0400094632819","productColor":{"identifier":"Dark blue","label":"Dark blue","hex":"#0000A0"},"productSize":{"identifier":"1","label":"1","name":"Designer","scaleLabel":"apparel-wmn","schema":{"name":"UK","labels":["10"]}},"soldOut":true,"onlyOneLeft":false,"limitedAvailability":false,"preorder":false,"comingSoon":false,"visible":true,"displayable":true,"buyable":false,"availableInPhysicalStore":false,"expectedShippingDate":null},{"colorPartNumber":"10045112022164298","skuPartNumber":"0400218072040","productColor":{"identifier":"Dark blue","label":"Dark blue","hex":"#0000A0"},"productSize":{"identifier":"2","label":"2","name":"Designer","scaleLabel":"apparel-wmn","schema":{"name":"UK","labels":["12"]}},"soldOut":true,"onlyOneLeft":false,"limitedAvailability":false,"preorder":false,"comingSoon":false,"visible":true,"displayable":true,"buyable":false,"availableInPhysicalStore":false,"expectedShippingDate":null},{"colorPartNumber":"10045112022164298","skuPartNumber":"0400468014814","productColor":{"identifier":"Dark blue","label":"Dark blue","hex":"#0000A0"},"productSize":{"identifier":"3","label":"3","name":"Designer","scaleLabel":"apparel-wmn","schema":{"name":"UK","labels":["14"]}},"soldOut":false,"onlyOneLeft":true,"limitedAvailability":false,"preorder":false,"comingSoon":false,"visible":true,"displayable":true,"buyable":true,"availableInPhysicalStore":false,"expectedShippingDate":null}]
I am trying to pull out the skuPartNumber, but only when the "buyable" value is set to true.
Every thing I try I cannot seem to get just this one value :(
So in the example above the only value I want to pull out is 0400468014814.
This json is dynamic so there could be 100 values coming back, but the principle is the same.
One example of a failed attempt is skuPartNumber(.*?)"buyable":true, which only gives me the very first value (0400218072057), which is wrong.
Once again sorry for the basic question.
Try the following regular expression:
Your answer is in the first match group.

ExtJS 4.2 Accessing Array Elements returned from store

I am unable to access the store elements returned from my store. When I console.log( and expand/navigate in the console I see all of my elements. There are 1000 rows. I am using the same store for a grid and have the pageSize set to 50. Even though I can see 1000 rows when i do a console.log([51])) i get an undefined message. So, it appears that for some reason the number of elements I can access is only 50 as that is what my pageSize is set to.
Long story short, I am using the same store for two scenarios. I want to have paging in my grid that will show 50 rows on each page. However, I want to loop through the entire store and load an array of all 1000 rows. The reason why I want an array of all 1000 is becasue I am going to use a date field in the rows to populate my date picker from an array. I am going to disable the dates in my grid and have the datepicker display only the dates that are in my grid.
I tried to include a screen shot but I am not allowed because i am only a 3 on the reputation system.
var operation = new{action: 'read', start: 0, limit: 1000});
var proxy = new{ url: ''});;
I have this in my controller:
ondatesStoreLoad: function(me,records,success)
var s = this.getStore('dates');
for (i = 0; i < s.getCount(); i++) {
MESSAGE_ID = s.getAt(i).get('message_id');
RECIP_EMAIL = s.getAt(i).get('recip_email');
UNIX_TIME_STAMP = s.getAt(i).get('unix_time_stamp')
This puts out all 1,000 of my records to the console but I am not sure how to put them in an array that I can use in my datepicker component. When ever i try to get the store in the datepicker it is always undefined. I suppose it is becasue the store hasn't loaded yet so there is nothing there. Not sure how to get around that. Perhaps a callback handler?
I added a callback in my store.load:
var store = Ext.getStore('dates');
store.load({callback: function(){
That took forever to figure out but now I can access all my records and have a smaller problem to work on. At the moment i just have one element hardcoded to do a quick test.
Where do I need to put the code to get it into my date picker disableDates config? I need to put the dates into an array but for quick testing I used minDate: just to see if i could see something work but it shows up as undefined. Now i have the code in a beforrender listener but that seemingly needs to be in some other place or maybe some handler for my date picker....? is there an onload for the datepicker or something i shoudl use for this??
Why not just change the datepicker directly from that ondatesStoreLoad function? Before the loop, disable all dates in the datepicker. Then during the loop, instead of the console.log call, enable the date that was found in that record.
In theory, that should work. However, looking at the docs for Ext, I don't see a way to disable all dates, or to enable a date. You can only set which dates are disabled. But the general idea of updating the datepicker in that ondatesStoreLoad call is still what you should do.
You might need to extend the datepicker class, and add some custom methods to it to be able to enable a specific day.
