Converting to wide characters on z/OS - c

I have the following code on Linux:-
rc = iconv_open("WCHAR_T", SourceCode);
prior to using iconv to convert the data into a wide character string (wchar_t).
I am now compiling this on z/OS. I do not know what value to use in place of "WCHAR_T". I have found that codepages are represented by 5-digit character strings on z/OS, e.g Codepage 500 would be "00500", so I am happy enough with what to put into my SourceCode variable above, I just can't find a value that will successfully work as the first parameter to iconv_open.
wchar_t are 4 bytes long on z/OS (when compiling 64-bit as I am), so I assume that I would need some varient of an EBCDIC equivalent to UTF32 or UCS4 perhaps, but I cannot find something that works. Every combination I have tried to date has returned with an errno of 121 (EINVAL: The parameter is incorrect).
If anyone familiar with how the above code works on Linux, could give a summary of what it does, that might also help. What does it mean to iconv into "WCHAR_T"? Is this a combination perhaps, of some data conversion and additionally a type change to wchar_t?
Alternatively, can anyone answer the question, "What is the internal representation of wchar_t on z/OS?"

wchar_t is an implementation defined data type. On z/OS it is 2 bytes in 31-bit mode and 4 bytes in 64-bit mode.
There is no single representation of wchar_t on z/OS. The encoding associated with the wchar_t data is dependent on the locale in which the application is running. It could be an IBM-939 Japanese DBCS code page or any of the other DBCS code pages that are used in countries like China, Korea, etc.
Wide string literals and character constants i.e. those defined as L"abc" or L'x' are converted to the implementation defined encoding used to implement wchar_t data type. This encoding is locale sensitive and can be manipulated using wide character run time library functions.
The conversion of multi byte string literals to wide string literals is typically done by calling one of the mbtowc run time library functions which respect the encoding associated with the locale in which the application is running.
iconv on the other hand can be used to convert any string literals to any one of the supported destination code pages including double byte code pages or any of the Unicode formats (UTF8, UTF16, UTF32). The operation of iconv is independent of wchar_t type.
Universal coded character set converters may be the answer to your question.
The closest to Unicode on z/OS would be UTF-EBCDIC but it requires defining locales that are based on UTF-EBCDIC.
If running as an ASCII application is an option, you could use UTF-32 as the internal encoding and provide iconv converters to/from any of the EBCDIC code pages your application needs to support. This would be better served by char32_t data type to avoid opacity of wchar_t.


Print UTF-16 string

So I want to parse IDv3.4 file. There are 4 types of text encoding in format specification: ISO-8859-1, UTF-16 with BOM, UTF-16BE and UTF-8. I already written code that can obtains bytes of strings.
And my question is how to print UTF-16 with BOM and UTF-16BE bytes to console.
And also one important condition: I can use only C libraries. I can't use C++ libraries. I even can't use third-party C libraries.
In general (NOT specifically for parsing IDv3.4 files alone) you will want to choose a common character encoding that your code will use internally; then convert from any other character encoding into your chosen character encoding (for input data - e.g. from user or files or network) and convert back again (for output, to user or files or network).
For choosing a common character encoding:
you want something that minimizes "nonconvertible cases" - e.g. you wouldn't want to choose ASCII because there's far too much in far too many other character encodings that can't be converted to ASCII. This mostly means that you'll want a Unicode encoding.
you want something that is convenient. For Unicode encoding, this only really gives you 2 choices - UTF-8 (because you don't have to care about endian issues, and it's relatively efficient for space/memory consumption, and C functions like strlen() can still work) and versions of UTF-32 (because each codepoint takes up a fixed amount of space and it makes conversion a little simpler). Of these, the benefits of UTF-32 are mostly unimportant (unless you're doing a font rendering engine).
the "whatever random who-knows-what" character encoding that the C compiler uses is irrelevant (for both char and w_char), because it's implementation specific and not portable.
the "whatever random who-knows-what" character encoding that the terminal uses is irrelevant (the terminal should be considered "just another flavor of input/output, where conversion is involved").
Assuming you choose UTF-8:
You might be able to force the compiler to treat string literals as UTF-8 for you (e.g. like u8"hello" in C++, except I can't seem to find any sane standard for C). Otherwise you'll need to do it yourself where necessary.
I'd recommend using the uint8_t type for storing strings; partly because char is "signed or unsigned, depending on which way the wind is blowing" (which makes conversions to/from other character encodings painful due to "shifting a signed/negative number right" problems), and partly because it help to find "accidentally used something that isn't UTF-8" bugs (e.g. warnings from compiler about "conversion from signed to unsigned").
Conversion between UTF-8 and UTF-32LE, UTF_32BE, UTF-16LE, UTF_16BE is fairly trivial (the relevant wikipedia articles are enough to describe how it works).
"UTF-16 with BOM" means that the first 2 bytes will tell you if it's UTF-16LE or UTF-16BE, so (after you add support for UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE) it's trivial. "UTF-32 with BOM" is similar (first 4 bytes tell you if it's UTF32-BE or UTF32-BE).
Conversion to/from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 is fairly trivial, because the characters match Unicode codepoints with the same value. However, often people get it wrong (e.g. say it's ISO-8859-1 when the data is actually encoded as Windows-1252 instead); and for the conversion from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 you will need to deal with "nonconvertible" codepoints.

Clarification on Winapi Paths and Filename (W functions and A functions)

I have try to check an importance and reason to use W winapi vs A, (W meaning wide char, A meaning ascii right?)
I have made a simple example, i receive a temp path for current user like this:
CHAR pszUserTempPathA[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
WCHAR pwszUserTempPathW[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH - 1, pszUserTempPathA);
GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH - 1, pwszUserTempPathW);
My current user has a russian name, so its written in cyrillic, printf outputs like this:
So both paths are allright, i thought i will receive some error, or a mess of symbols with a GetTempPathA since the current user is a unicode, but i figured out, that cyrillic characters are actually included in extended ascii character set. So i have a question, if i were to use my software, and it will extract data in a temp folder of current user, who is chinese ( assuming he have chinese symbols in user name ), will i get a mess or an error using the GetTempPathA version? Should i always use a W prefixed functions, for a production software, that is working with winapi directly?
First, the -A suffix stands for ANSI, not ASCII. ASCII is a 7-bit character set. ANSI, as Microsoft uses the term, is for an encoding using 8-bit code units (chars) and code pages.
Some people use the terms "extended ASCII" or "high ASCII," but that's not actually a standard and, in some cases, isn't quite the same as ANSI. Extended ASCII is the ASCII character set plus (at most) 128 additional characters. For many ANSI code pages this is identical to extended ASCII, but some code pages accommodate variable length characters (which Microsoft calls multi-byte). Some people consider "extended ASCII" to just mean ISO-Latin-1 (which is nearly identical to Windows-1252).
Anyway, with an ANSI function, your string can include any characters from your current code page. If you need characters that aren't part of your current code page, you're out-of-luck. You'll have to use the wide -W versions.
In modern versions of Windows, you can generally think of the -A functions as wrappers around the -W functions that use MultiByteToWideChar and/or WideCharToMultiByte to convert any strings passing through the API. But the latter conversion can be lossy, since wide character strings might include characters that your multibyte strings cannot represent.
Portable, cross-platform code often stores all text in UTF-8, which uses 8-bit code units (chars) but can represent any Unicode code point, and anytime text needs to go through a Windows API, you'd explicitly convert to/from wide chars and then call the -W version of the API.
UTF-8 is nearly similar to what Microsoft calls a multibyte ANSI code page, except that Windows does not completely support a UTF-8 code page. There is CP_UTF8, but it works only with certain APIs (like WideCharToMultiByte and MultiByteToWideChar). You cannot set your code page to CP_UTF8 and expect the general -A APIs to do the right thing.
As you try to test things, be aware that it's difficult (and sometimes impossible) to get the CMD console window to display characters outside the current code page. If you want to display multi-script strings, you probably should write a GUI application and/or use the debugger to inspect the actual content of the strings.
Of course, you need the wide version. ASCII version can't even technically handle more than 256 distinct characters. Cyrillic is included in the extended ASCII set (if that's your localization) while Chinese isn't and can't due to much larger set of characters needed to represent it. Moreover, you can get mess with Cyrillic as well - it will only work properly if the executing machine has matching localization. So on a machine with non-cyrillic localization the text will be displayed according to whatever is defined by the localization settings.

What does character encoding in C programming language depend on?

What does character encoding in C programming language depend on? (OS? compiler? or editor?)
I'm working on not only characters of ASCII but also ones of other encodings such as UTF-8.
How can we check the current character encodings in C?
The C source code might be stored in distinct encodings. This is clearly compiler dependent (i.e. a compiler setting if available). Though, I wouldn't count on it and count on ASCII-only always. (IMHO this is the most portable way to write code.)
Actually, you can encode any character of any encoding using only ASCIIs in C source code if you encode them with octal or hex sequences. (This is what I do from time to time to earn respect of my colleagues – writing German texts with \303\244, \303\266, \303\274, \303\231 into translation tables out of mind...)
Example: "\303\274" encodes the UTF-8 sequence for a string constant "ü". (But if I print this on my Windows console I only get "��" although I set code page 65001 which should provide UTF-8. The damn Windows console...)
The program written in C may handle any encoding you are able to deal with. Actually, the characters are only numbers which can be stored as one of the available integral types (e.g. char for ASCII and UTF-8, other int types for encodings with 16 or 32 bit wide characters). As already mentioned by Clifford, the output decides what to do with these numbers. Thus, this is platform dependent.
To handle characters according to a certain encoding, (e.g. make it upper case or lower case, local dictionary-like sorting, etc.) you have to use an appropriate library. This might be part of the standard libaries, the system libraries, or 3rd party libraries.
This is especially true for conversion from one encoding to another. This is a good point to mention libintl.
I personally prefer ASCII, Unicode, and UTF-8 (and unfortunately UTF-16 as I'm doing most work on Windows 10). In this special case, the conversion can be done by a pure "bit-fiddling" algorithm (without any knowledge of special characters). You may have a look at Wikipedia UTF-8 to get a clue. By google, you probably will find something ready-to-use if you don't want to do it by yourself.
The standard library of C++11 and C++14 provides support also (e.g. std::codecvt_utf8) but it is remarked as deprecated in C++17. Thus, I don't need to throw away my bit-fiddling code (I'm so proud of). Oops. This is tagged with c – sorry.
It is platform or display device/framework dependent. The compiler does not care how the platform interprets either char or wchar_t when such values are rendered as glyphs on some display device.
If the output were to some remote terminal, then the rendering would be dependent on the terminal rather than the execution environment, while in a desktop computer, the rendering may be to a text console or to a GUI, and the resulting rendering may differ even between those.

What is a "wide character string" in C language?

I came across this in the book:
wscanf(L"%lf", &variable);
where the first parameter is of type of wchar_t *.
This s different from scanf("%lf", &variable); where the first parameter is of type char *.
So what is the difference than. I have never heard "wide character string" before. I have heard something called Raw String Literals which is printing the string as it is (no need for things like escape sequences) but that was not in C.
The exact nature of wide characters is (purposefully) left implementation defined.
When they first invented the concept of wchar_t, ISO 10646 and Unicode were still competing with each other (whereas they now, mostly cooperate). Rather than try to decree that an international character would be one or the other (or possibly something else entirely) they simply provided a type (and some functions) that the implementation could define to support international character sets as they chose.
Different implementations have exercised that potential for variation. For example, if you use Microsoft's compiler on Windows, wchar_t will be a 16-bit type holding UTF-16 Unicode (originally it held UCS-2 Unicode, but that's now officially obsolete).
On Linux, wchar_t will more often be a 32-bit type, holding UCS-4/UTF-32 encoded Unicode. Ports of gcc to at least some other operating systems do the same, though I've never tried to confirm that it's always the case.
There is, however, no guarantee of that. At least in theory an implementation on Linux could use 16 bits, or one on Windows could use 32 bits, or either one could decide to use 64 bits (though I'd be a little surprised to see that in reality).
In any case, the general idea of how things are intended to work, is that a single wchar_t is sufficient to represent a code point. For I/O, the data is intended to be converted from the external representation (whatever it is) into wchar_ts, which (is supposed to) make them relatively easy to manipulate. Then during output, they again get transformed into the encoding of your choice (which may be entirely different from the encoding you read).
"Wide character string" is referring to the encoding of the characters in the string.
From Wikipedia:
A wide character is a computer character datatype that generally has a
size greater than the traditional 8-bit character. The increased
datatype size allows for the use of larger coded character sets.
UTF-16 is one of the most commonly used wide character encodings.
Further, wchar_t is defined by Microsoft as an unsigned short(16-bit) data object. This could be and is most likely a different definition in other operating systems or languages.
Taken from the Wikipedia article from the comment below:
"The width of wchar_t is compiler-specific and can be as small as 8
bits. Consequently, programs that need to be portable across any C or
C++ compiler should not use wchar_t for storing Unicode text. The
wchar_t type is intended for storing compiler-defined wide characters,
which may be Unicode characters in some compilers."

wcstombs: character encoding?

wcstombs documentation says, it "converts the sequence of wide-character codes to multibyte string". But it never says what is a "wide-character".
Is it implicit, like say it converts utf-16 to utf-8 or the conversion is defined by some environment variable?
Also what is the typical use case of wcstombs?
You use the setlocale() standard function with the LC_CTYPE (or LC_ALL) category to set the mapping the library uses between wchar_t characters and multibyte characters. The actual locale name passed to setlocale() is implementation defined, so you'll need to look it up in your compiler's docs.
For example, with MSVC you might use
setlocale( LC_ALL, ".1252" );
to set the C runtime to use codepage 1252 as the multibyte character set. Note that MSVC docs explicitly indicates that the locale cannot be set to UTF-7 or UTF8 for the multibyte character sets:
The set of available languages, country/region codes, and code pages includes all those supported by the Win32 NLS API except code pages that require more than two bytes per character, such as UTF-7 and UTF-8. If you provide a code page like UTF-7 or UTF-8, setlocale will fail, returning NULL.
The "wide-character" wchar_t type is intended to be able to support any character set the system supports - the standard doesn't define the size of a wchar_t type (it could be as small as a char or any of the larger integer types). On Windows it's the system's 'internal' Unicode encoding, which is UTF-16 (UCS-2 before WinXP). Honestly, I can't find a direct quote on that in the MSVC docs, though. Strictly speaking, the implementation should call this out, but I can't find it.
It converts whatever your platform uses for a "wide char" (which I'm lead to believe is indeed UCS2 on Windows, but is usually UCS4 on UNIX) into your current locale's default multibyte character encoding. If your locale is a UTF-8 one, then that is the multibyte encoding that will be used - but note that there are other possibilities, like JIS.
According to the C standard, wchar_t type is "capable of representing any character in the current locale". The standard doesn't say what the encoding for wchar_t is. In fact, the limits on WCHAR_MIN and WCHAR_MAX are [0, 255] or [-127, 127], depending upon whether wchar_t is unsigned or signed.
A multibyte character can use more than one byte. A multibyte string is made of one or more multibyte characters. In a multibyte string, each character need not be of equal number of bytes (UTF-8 is an example). Whereas, an object of type wchar_t has a fixed size (in a given implementation, of course).
As an aside, I can also find the following in my copy of the C99 draft:
__STDC_ISO_10646__ An integer constant of the form yyyymmL (for example, 199712L). If this symbol is defined, then every character in the Unicode required set, when stored in an object of type wchar_t, has the same value as the short identifier of that character. The Unicode required set consists of all the characters that are defined by ISO/IEC 10646, along with all amendments and technical corrigenda, as of the specified year and month.
So, if I understood correctly, if __STDC_ISO_10646__ is defined, then wchar_t can store Unicode characters.
Wide character strings are composed of multi-byte characters, whereas the normal C string is a char* - a sequence of byte-wide characters. Wchars are not the same thing as unicode on all platforms, though unicode representations are typically based on wchar_t
I've seen wchars used in embedded systems like phones, where you want filenames with special characters but don't necessarily want to support all the glory and complexity of unicode.
Typical usage would be converting a 2-byte based string to a regular C string, and vica versa
