Apple clang -O1 not optimizing enough? - c

I have this code in C:
int main(void)
int a = 1 + 2;
return 0;
When I objdump -x86-asm-syntax=intel -d a.out which is compiled with -O0 flag with GCC 9.3.0_1, I get:
0000000100000f9e _main:
100000f9e: 55 push rbp
100000f9f: 48 89 e5 mov rbp, rsp
100000fa2: c7 45 fc 03 00 00 00 mov dword ptr [rbp - 4], 3
100000fa9: b8 00 00 00 00 mov eax, 0
100000fae: 5d pop rbp
100000faf: c3 ret
and with -O1 flag:
0000000100000fc2 _main:
100000fc2: b8 00 00 00 00 mov eax, 0
100000fc7: c3 ret
which removes the unused variable a and stack managing altogether.
However, when I use Apple clang version 11.0.3 with -O0 and -O1, I get
0000000100000fa0 _main:
100000fa0: 55 push rbp
100000fa1: 48 89 e5 mov rbp, rsp
100000fa4: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
100000fa6: c7 45 fc 00 00 00 00 mov dword ptr [rbp - 4], 0
100000fad: c7 45 f8 03 00 00 00 mov dword ptr [rbp - 8], 3
100000fb4: 5d pop rbp
100000fb5: c3 ret
0000000100000fb0 _main:
100000fb0: 55 push rbp
100000fb1: 48 89 e5 mov rbp, rsp
100000fb4: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
100000fb6: 5d pop rbp
100000fb7: c3 ret
I never get the stack managing part stripped off as in GCC.
Why does (Apple) Clang keep unnecessary push and pop?
This may or may not be a separate question, but with the following code:
int main(void)
// return 0;
GCC creates a same ASM with or without the return 0;.
However, Clang -O0 leaves this extra
100000fa6: c7 45 fc 00 00 00 00 mov dword ptr [rbp - 4], 0
when there is return 0;.
Why does Clang keep these (probably) redundant ASM codes?

I suspect you were trying to see the addition happen.
int main(void)
int a = 1 + 2;
return 0;
but with optimization say -O2, your dead code went away
00000000 <main>:
0: 2000 movs r0, #0
2: 4770 bx lr
The variable a is local, it never leaves the function it does not rely on anything outside of the function (globals, input variables, return values from called functions, etc). So it has no functional purpose it is dead code it doesn't do anything so an optimizer is free to remove it and did.
So I assume you went to use no or less optimization and then saw it was too verbose.
00000000 <main>:
0: cf 93 push r28
2: df 93 push r29
4: 00 d0 rcall .+0 ; 0x6 <main+0x6>
6: cd b7 in r28, 0x3d ; 61
8: de b7 in r29, 0x3e ; 62
a: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
c: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
e: 9a 83 std Y+2, r25 ; 0x02
10: 89 83 std Y+1, r24 ; 0x01
12: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
14: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
16: 0f 90 pop r0
18: 0f 90 pop r0
1a: df 91 pop r29
1c: cf 91 pop r28
1e: 08 95 ret
If you want to see addition happen instead first off don't use main() it has baggage, and the baggage varies among toolchains. So try something else
unsigned int fun ( unsigned int a, unsigned int b )
now the addition relies on external items so the compiler cannot optimize any of this away.
00000000 <_fun>:
0: 1d80 0002 mov 2(sp), r0
4: 6d80 0004 add 4(sp), r0
8: 0087 rts pc
If we want to figure out which one is a and which one is b then.
unsigned int fun ( unsigned int a, unsigned int b )
00000000 <_fun>:
0: 1d80 0004 mov 4(sp), r0
4: 0cc0 asl r0
6: 6d80 0002 add 2(sp), r0
a: 0087 rts pc
Want to see an immediate value
unsigned int fun ( unsigned int a )
00000000 <fun>:
0: 8b 44 24 04 mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x4]
4: 05 21 03 00 00 add eax,0x321
9: c3 ret
you can figure out what the compilers return address convention is, etc.
But you will hit some limits trying to get the compiler to do things for you to learn asm likewise you can easily take the code generated by these compilations
(using -save-temps or -S or disassemble and type it in (I prefer the latter)) but you can only get so far on your operating system in high level/C callable functions. Eventually you will want to do something bare-metal (on a simulator at first) to get maximum freedom and to try instructions you cant normally try or try them in a way that is hard or you don't quite understand yet how to use in the confines of an operating system in a function call. (please do not use inline assembly until down the road or never, use real assembly and ideally the assembler not the compiler to assemble it, down the road then try those things).
The one compiler was built for or defaults to using a stack frame so you need to tell the compiler to omit it. -fomit-frame-pointer. Note that one or both of these can be built to default not to have a frame pointer.
../gcc-$GCCVER/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX --without-headers --with-newlib --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --enable-languages='c' --enable-frame-pointer=no
(Don't assume gcc nor clang/llvm have a "standard" build as they are both customizable and the binary you downloaded has someone's opinion of the standard build)
You are using main(), this has the return 0 or not thing and it can/will carry other baggage. Depends on the compiler and settings. Using something not main gives you the freedom to pick your inputs and outputs without it warning that you didn't conform to the short list of choices for main().
For gcc -O0 is ideally no optimization although sometimes you see some. -O3 is max give me all you got. -O2 is historically where folks live if for no other reason than "I did it because everyone else is doing it". -O1 is no mans land for gnu it has some items not in -O0 but not a lot of good ones in -O2, so depends heavily on your code as to whether or not you landed in one/some of the optimizations associated with -O1. These numbered optimization things if your compiler even has a -O option is just a pre-defined list 0 means this list 1 means that list and so on.
There is no reason to expect any two compilers or the same compiler with different options to produce the same code from the same sources. If two competing compilers were able to do that most if not all of the time something very fishy is going on...Likewise no reason to expect the list of optimizations each compiler supports, what each optimization does, etc, to match much less the -O1 list to match between them and so on.
There is no reason to assume that any two compilers or versions conform to the same calling convention for the same target, it is much more common now and further for the processor vendor to create a recommended calling convention and then the competing compilers to often conform to that because why not, everyone else is doing it, or even better, whew I don't have to figure one out myself, if this one fails I can blame them.
There are a lot of implementation defined areas in C in particular, less so in C++ but still...So your expectations of what come out and comparing compilers to each other may differ for this reason as well. Just because one compiler implements some code in some way doesn't mean that is how that language works sometimes it is how that compiler author(s) interpreted the language spec or had wiggle room.
Even with full optimizations enabled, everything that compiler has to offer there is no reason to assume that a compiler can outperform a human. Its an algorithm with limits programmed by a human, it cannot outperform us. With experience it is not hard to examine the output of a compiler for sometimes simple functions but often for larger functions and find missed optimizations, or other things that could have been done "better" for some opinion of "better". And sometimes you find the compiler just left something in that you think it should have removed, and sometimes you are right.
There is education as shown above in using a compiler to start to learn assembly language, and even with decades of experience and dabbling with dozens of assembly languages/instruction sets, if there is a debugged compiler available I will very often start with disassembling simple functions to start learning that new instruction set, then look those up then start to get a feel from what I find there for how to use it.
Very often starting with this one first:
unsigned int fun ( unsigned int a )
unsigned int fun ( unsigned int a, unsigned int b )
And going from there. Likewise when writing a disassembler or a simulator for fun to learn the instruction set I often rely on an existing assembler since it is often the documentation for a processor is lacking, the first assembler and compiler for that processor are very often done with direct access to the silicon folks and then those that follow can also use existing tools as well as documentation to figure things out.
So you are on a good path to start learning assembly language I have strong opinions on which ones to or not to start with to improve the experience and chances of success, but I have been in too many battles on Stack Overflow this week, I'll let that go. You can see that I chose an array of instruction sets in this answer. And even if you don't know them you can probably figure out what the code is doing. "standard" installs of llvm provide the ability to output assembly language for several instruction sets from the same source code. The gnu approach is you pick the target (family) when you compile the toolchain and that compiled toolchain is limited to that target/family but you can easily install several gnu toolchains on your computer at the same time be they variations on defaults/settings for the same target or different targets. A number of these are apt gettable without having to learn to build the tools, arm, avr, msp430, x86 and perhaps some others.
I cannot speak to the why does it not return zero from main when you didn't actually have any return code. See comments by others and read up on the specs for that language. (or ask that as a separate question, or see if it was already answered).
Now you said Apple clang not sure what that reference was to I know that Apple has put a lot of work into llvm in general. Or maybe you are on a mac or in an Apple supplied/suggested development environment, but check Wikipedia and others, clang had a lot of corporate help not just Apple, so not sure what the reference was there. If you are on an Apple computer then the apt gettable isn't going to make sense, but there are still lots of pre-built gnu (and llvm) based toolchains you can download and install rather than attempt to build the toolchain from sources (which isn't difficult BTW).


Tiny C Compiler's generated code emits extra (unnecessary?) NOPs and JMPs

Can someone explain why this code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
return 0;
when compiled with tcc using tcc code.c produces this asm:
00401000 |. 55 PUSH EBP
00401001 |. 89E5 MOV EBP,ESP
00401003 |. 81EC 00000000 SUB ESP,0
00401009 |. 90 NOP
0040100A |. B8 00000000 MOV EAX,0
0040100F |. E9 00000000 JMP fmt_vuln1.00401014
00401014 |. C9 LEAVE
00401015 |. C3 RETN
I guess that
00401009 |. 90 NOP
is maybe there for some memory alignment, but what about
0040100F |. E9 00000000 JMP fmt_vuln1.00401014
00401014 |. C9 LEAVE
I mean why would compiler insert this near jump that jumps to the next instruction, LEAVE would execute anyway?
I'm on 64-bit Windows generating 32-bit executable using TCC 0.9.26.
Superfluous JMP before the Function Epilogue
The JMP at the bottom that goes to the next statement, this was fixed in a commit. Version 0.9.27 of TCC resolves this issue:
When 'return' is the last statement of the top-level block
(very common and often recommended case) jump is not needed.
As for the reason it existed in the first place? The idea is that each function has a possible common exit point. If there is a block of code with a return in it at the bottom, the JMP goes to a common exit point where stack cleanup is done and the ret is executed. Originally the code generator also emitted the JMP instruction erroneously at the end of the function too if it appeared just before the final } (closing brace). The fix checks to see if there is a return statement followed by a closing brace at the top level of the function. If there is, the JMP is omitted
An example of code that has a return at a lower scope before a closing brace:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc == 3) {
return argc;
argc += 3;
return argc;
The generated code looks like:
401000: 55 push ebp
401001: 89 e5 mov ebp,esp
401003: 81 ec 00 00 00 00 sub esp,0x0
401009: 90 nop
40100a: 8b 45 08 mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
40100d: 83 f8 03 cmp eax,0x3
401010: 0f 85 11 00 00 00 jne 0x401027
401016: 8b 45 08 mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
401019: 89 c1 mov ecx,eax
40101b: 40 inc eax
40101c: 89 45 08 mov DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],eax
40101f: 8b 45 08 mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
; Jump to common function exit point. This is the `return argc` inside the if statement
401022: e9 11 00 00 00 jmp 0x401038
401027: 8b 45 08 mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
40102a: 83 c0 03 add eax,0x3
40102d: 89 45 08 mov DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],eax
401030: 8b 45 08 mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
; Jump to common function exit point. This is the `return argc` at end of the function
401033: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x401038
; Common function exit point
401038: c9 leave
401039: c3 ret
In versions prior to 0.9.27 the return argc inside the if statement would jump to a common exit point (function epilogue). As well the return argc at the bottom of the function also jumps to the same common exit point of the function. The problem is that the common exit point for the function happens to be right after the top level return argcso the side effect is an extra JMP that happens to be to the next instruction.
NOP after Function Prologue
The NOP isn't for alignment. Because of the way Windows implements guard pages for the stack (Programs that are in Portable Executable format) TCC has two types of prologues. If the local stack space required < 4096 (smaller than a single page) then you see this kind of code generated:
401000: 55 push ebp
401001: 89 e5 mov ebp,esp
401003: 81 ec 00 00 00 00 sub esp,0x0
The sub esp,0 isn't optimized out. It is the amount of stack space needed for local variables (in this case 0). If you add some local variables you will see the 0x0 in the SUB instruction changes to coincide with the amount of stack space needed for local variables. This prologue requires 9 bytes. There is another prologue to handle the case where the stack space needed is >= 4096 bytes. If you add an array of 4096 bytes with something like:
char somearray[4096]
and look at the resulting instruction you will see the function prologue change to a 10 byte prologue:
401000: b8 00 10 00 00 mov eax,0x1000
401005: e8 d6 00 00 00 call 0x4010e0
TCC's code generator assumes that the function prologue is always 10 bytes when targeting WinPE. This is primarily because TCC is a single pass compiler. The compiler doesn't know how much stack space a function will use until after the function is processed. To get around not knowing this ahead of time, TCC pre-allocates 10 bytes for the prologue to fit the largest method. Anything shorter is padded to 10 bytes.
In the case where stack space needed < 4096 bytes the instructions used total 9 bytes. The NOP is used to pad the prologue to 10 bytes. For the case where >= 4096 bytes are needed, the number of bytes is passed in EAX and the function __chkstk is called to allocate the required stack space instead.
TCC is not an optimizing compiler, at least not really. Every single instruction it emitted for main is sub-optimal or not needed at all, except the ret. IDK why you thought the JMP was the only instruction that might not make sense for performance.
This is by design: TCC stands for Tiny C Compiler. The compiler itself is designed to be simple, so it intentionally doesn't include code to look for many kinds of optimizations. Notice the sub esp, 0: this useless instruction clearly come from filling in a function-prologue template, and TCC doesn't even look for the special case where the offset is 0 bytes. Other function need stack space for locals, or to align the stack before any child function calls, but this main() doesn't. TCC doesn't care, and blindly emits sub esp,0 to reserve 0 bytes.
(In fact, TCC is truly one pass, laying out machine code as it does through the C statement by statement. It uses the imm32 encoding for sub so it will have room to fill in the right number (upon reaching the end of the function) even if it turns out the function uses more than 255 bytes of stack space. So instead of constructing a list of instructions in memory to finish assembling later, it just remembers one spot to fill in a uint32_t. That's why it can't omit the sub when it turns out not to be needed.)
Most of the work in creating a good optimizing compiler that anyone will use in practice is the optimizer. Even parsing modern C++ is peanuts compared to reliably emitting efficient asm (which not even gcc / clang / icc can do all the time, even without considering autovectorization). Just generating working but inefficient asm is easy compared to optimizing; most of gcc's codebase is optimization, not parsing. See Basile's answer on Why are there so few C compilers?
The JMP (as you can see from #MichaelPetch's answer) has a similar explanation: TCC (until recently) didn't optimize the case where a function only has one return path, and doesn't need to JMP to a common epilogue.
There's even a NOP in the middle of the function. It's obviously a waste of code bytes and decode / issue front-end bandwidth and out-of-order window size. (Sometimes executing a NOP outside a loop or something is worth it to align the top of a loop which is branched to repeatedly, but a NOP in the middle of a basic block is basically never worth it, so that's not why TCC put it there. And if a NOP did help, you could probably do even better by reordering instructions or choosing larger instructions to do the same thing without a NOP. Even proper optimizing compilers like gcc/clang/icc don't try to predict this kind of subtle front-end effect.)
#MichaelPetch points out that TCC always wants its function prologue to be 10 bytes, because it's a single-pass compiler (and it doesn't know how much space it needs for locals until the end of the function, when it comes back and fills in the imm32). But Windows targets need stack probes when modifying ESP / RSP by more than a whole page (4096 bytes), and the alternate prologue for that case is 10 bytes, instead of 9 for the normal one without the NOP. So this is another tradeoff favouring compilation speed over good asm.
An optimizing compiler would xor-zero EAX (because that's smaller and at least as fast as mov eax,0), and leave out all the other instruction. Xor-zeroing is one of the most well-known / common / basic x86 peephole optimizations, and has several advantages other than code-size on some modern x86 microarchitectures.
xor eax,eax
Some optimizing compilers might still make a stack frame with EBP, but tearing it down with pop ebp would be strictly better than leave on all CPUs, for this special case where ESP = EBP so the mov esp,ebp part of leave isn't needed. pop ebp is still 1 byte, but it's also a single-uop instruction on modern CPUs, unlike leave which is 2 or 3 on modern CPUs. (, and see also other performance optimization links in the x86 tag wiki.) This is what gcc does. It's a fairly common situation; if you push some other registers after making a stack frame, you have to point ESP at the right place before pop ebx or whatever. (Or use mov to restore them.)
The benchmarks TCC cares about are compilation speed, not quality (speed or size) of the resulting code. For example, the TCC web site has a benchmark in lines/sec and MB/sec (of C source) vs. gcc3.2 -O0, where it's ~9x faster on a P4.
However, TCC is not totally braindead: it will apparently do some inlining, and as Michael's answer points out, a recent patch does leave out the JMP (but still not the useless sub esp, 0).

Optimization Disables Insertion of Address-Size Override Prefix

When compiling this:
#include <inttypes.h>
void foo(void)
*(uint16_t *) (0xb8000) = 0xf61;
gcc test.c -c -m16 -O1
I get the following warning:
/tmp/ccyziKm4.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccyziKm4.s:9: Warning: 753664 shortened to 32768
And when I drop the -O1 switch, I get none and gcc uses the 0x67 prefix to switch address size as expected (-m16 basically emits prefixed 32-bit code):
00000000 <foo>:
0: 66 55 push %ebp
2: 66 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
5: 66 b8 00 80 0b 00 mov $0xb8000,%eax
b: 67 c7 00 61 0f movw $0xf61,(%eax)
10: 90 nop
11: 66 5d pop %ebp
13: 66 c3 retl
So, obviously this has something to do with the optimization switch -O1. The gcc man page describes all the options it sets and I wrote a script to single out every one of them and pass them to gcc, but it doesn't really work. Now, gcc does not show the warning at all, even with the whole bunch of them.
I appreciate any suggestions on how to resolve this.
I'd say that it is bug in gcc, but I see some logic behind this behavior:
GCC without optimization produces quite straightforward code with 2 instructions (I prefer intel syntax):
mov eax, 0xb8000 # move value 0xb8000 to eax
movw [eax], 0xf61 # move value 0xf61 to address stored in eax
Binary view:
66 b8 00 80 0b 00
^ operation: move 16 bit value to 16 register ax
^ size override prefix to indicate that 32 bit data is used instead of 16 bit, so eax should be used instead of ax
66 c7 00 61 0f
^ operation: move 16 bit value to 16 address in ax
^ size override prefix
GCC with optimization tries to optimize, so it generates following code:
movw [0xb8000], 0xf61 # mov value 0xf61 directly to 32 bit address 0xb8000 without any intermediate registers
Binary view:
66 c7 05 00 80 0b 00 61 0f
^ operation: move 16 bit value to 16 bit address
^ size override prefix
So, 32 bit op codes are actually the same opcodes as 16 bit, but with 66/67 prefix.
And here is problem:
operation movw [REGISTER], 0xf61 is legal and officially supported in both 16/32 modes
operation movw [0xb8000], 0xf61 is legal, but values > 16 bit (0xffff) are not officially supported in 16 real mode, in 32 protected - they are officially supported
This is why compiler emits warning and truncates value 0xb8000 to 0x8000 to generate legal and officially supported instruction.
Note: I believe that gcc should emit warning in first case too, as it does not work as you'd expected in 16 bit:
In real mode such instruction allowed, but eax cannot exceed 0xffff (effectively it does not use eax but only ax part).
in protected/unreal mode such instruction allowed and full eax will be used.
I don't know why gcc allows you to use m16 flag, while not supporting 16 bit code generation and real mode memory models properly. I suggest you to switch to something else. 20 years ago watcom was very cool.
If you're in unreal mode, it automatically means that you can and should use m32 instructions.

Why assembly code is different for simple C program with different gcc version?

I'm understanding the basics of assembly and c programming.
I compiled following simple program in C,
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a;
int b;
a = 10;
b = 88
return 0;
Compiled with following command,
gcc -ggdb -fno-stack-protector test.c -o test
The disassembled code for above program with gcc version 4.4.7 is:
5 push %ebp
89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
83 ec 10 sub $0x10,%esp
c7 45 f8 0a 00 00 00 movl $0xa,-0x8(%ebp)
c7 45 fc 58 00 00 00 movl $0x58,-0x4(%ebp)
b8 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%eax
c9 leave
c3 ret
90 nop
However disassembled code for same program with gcc version 4.3.3 is:
8d 4c 23 04 lea 0x4(%esp), %ecx
83 e4 f0 and $0xfffffff0, %esp
55 push -0x4(%ecx)
89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
51 push %ecx
83 ec 10 sub $0x10,%esp
c7 45 f4 0a 00 00 00 00 movl $0xa, -0xc(%ebp)
c7 45 f8 58 00 00 00 00 movl $0x58, -0x8(%ebp)
b8 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0, %eax
83 c4 10 add $0x10,%esp
59 pop %ecx
5d pop %ebp
8d 61 fc lea -0x4(%ecx),%esp
c3 ret
Why there is difference in the assembly code?
As you can see in second assembled code, Why pushing %ecx on stack?
What is significance of and $0xfffffff0, %esp?
note: OS is same
Compilers are not required to produce identical assembly code for the same source code. The C standard allows the compiler to optimize the code as they see fit as long as the observable behaviour is the same. So, different compilers may generate different assembly code.
For your code, GCC 6.2 with -O3 generates just:
xor eax, eax
because your code essentially does nothing. So, it's reduced to a simple return statement.
To give you some idea, how many ways exists to create valid code for particular task, I thought this example may help.
From time to time there are size coding competitions, obviously targetting Assembly programmers, as you can't compete with compiler against hand written assembly at this level at all.
The competition tasks are fairly trivial to make the entry level and total effort reasonable, with precise input and output specifications (down to single byte or pixel perfection).
So you have almost trivial exact task, human produced code (at the moment still outperforming compilers for trivial task), with single simple rule "minimal size" as a goal.
With your logic it's absolutely clear every competitor should produce the same result.
The real world answer to this is for example:
Hugi Size Coding Competition Series - Compo29 - Random Maze Builder
12 entries, size of code (in bytes): 122, 122, 128, 135, 136, 137, 147, ... 278 (!).
And I bet the first two entries, both having 122B are probably different enough (too lazy to actually check them).
Now producing valid machine code from high level programming language and by machine (compiler) is lot more complex task. And compilers can't compete with humans in reasoning, most of the "how good code is produced by c++ compiler" stems from C++ language itself being defined quite close to machine code (easy to compile) and from brute CPU power allowing the compilers to work on thousands of variants for particular code path, searching for near-optimal solution mostly by brute force.
Still the numerical "reasoning" behind the optimizers are state of art in their own way, getting to the point where human are still unreachable, but more like in their own way, just as humans can't achieve the efficiency of compilers within reasonable effort for full-sized app compilation.
At this point reasoning about some debug code being different in few helper prologue/epilogue instructions... Even if you would find difference in optimized code, and the difference being "obvious" to human, it's still quite a feat the compiler can produce at least that, as compiler has to apply universal rules on specific code, without truly understanding the context of task.

why does compiler store variables in register? [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Why are registers needed (why not only use memory)? [duplicate]
Closed 1 year ago.
Hi I have been reading this kind of stuff in various docs
Tells the compiler to store the variable being declared in a CPU register.
In standard C dialects, keyword register uses the following syntax:
register data-definition;
The register type modifier tells the compiler to store the variable being declared in a CPU register (if possible), to optimize access. For example,
register int i;
Note that TIGCC will automatically store often used variables in CPU registers when the optimization is turned on, but the keyword register will force storing in registers even if the optimization is turned off. However, the request for storing data in registers may be denied, if the compiler concludes that there is not enough free registers for use at this place.
My point is not only about register. My point is why would a compiler stores the variables in memory. The compiler business is to just compile and to generate an object file. At run time the actual memory allocation happens. why would compiler does this business. I mean without running the object file just by compiling the file itself does the memory allocation happens in case of C?
The compiler is generating machine code, and the machine code is used to run your program. The compiler decides what machine code it generates, therefore making decisions about what sort of allocation will happen at runtime. It's not executing them when you type gcc foo.c but later, when you run the executable, it's the code GCC generated that's running.
This means that the compiler wants to generate the fastest code possible and makes as many decisions as it can at compile time, this includes how to allocate things.
The compiler doesn't run the code (unless it does a few rounds for profiling and better code execution), but it has to prepare it - this includes how to keep the variables your program defines, whether to use fast and efficient storage as registers, or using the slower (and more prone to side effects) memory.
Initially, your local variables would simply be assigned location on the stack frame (except of course for memory you explicitly use dynamic allocation for). If your function assigned an int, your compiler would likely tell the stack to grow by a few additional bytes and use that memory address for storing that variable and passing it as operand to any operation your code is doing on that variable.
However, since memory is slower (even when cached), and manipulating it causes more restrictions on the CPU, at a later stage the compiler may decide to try moving some variables into registers. This allocation is done through a complicated algorithm that tries to select the most reused and latency critical variables that can fit within the existing number of logical registers your architecture has (While confirming with various restrictions such as some instructions requiring the operand to be in this or that register).
There's another complication - some memory addresses may alias with external pointers in manners unknown at compilation time, in which case you can not move them into registers. Compilers are usually a very cautious bunch and most of them would avoid dangerous optimizations (otherwise they're need to put up some special checks to avoid nasty things).
After all that, the compiler is still polite enough to let you advise which variable it important and critical to you, in case he missed it, and by marking these with the register keyword you're basically asking him to make an attempt to optimize for this variable by using a register for it, given enough registers are available and that no aliasing is possible.
Here's a little example: Take the following code, doing the same thing twice but with slightly different circumstances:
#include "stdio.h"
int j;
int main() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
printf ("i'm here to prevent the loop from being optimized\n");
for (j = 0; j < 100; ++j) {
printf ("me too\n");
Note that i is local, j is global (and therefore the compiler doesn't know if anyone else might access him during the run).
Compiling in gcc with -O3 produces the following code for main:
0000000000400540 <main>:
400540: 53 push %rbx
400541: bf 88 06 40 00 mov $0x400688,%edi
400546: bb 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%ebx
40054b: e8 18 ff ff ff callq 400468 <puts#plt>
400550: bf 88 06 40 00 mov $0x400688,%edi
400555: 83 c3 01 add $0x1,%ebx # <-- i++
400558: e8 0b ff ff ff callq 400468 <puts#plt>
40055d: 83 fb 64 cmp $0x64,%ebx
400560: 75 ee jne 400550 <main+0x10>
400562: c7 05 80 04 10 00 00 movl $0x0,1049728(%rip) # 5009ec <j>
400569: 00 00 00
40056c: bf c0 06 40 00 mov $0x4006c0,%edi
400571: e8 f2 fe ff ff callq 400468 <puts#plt>
400576: 8b 05 70 04 10 00 mov 1049712(%rip),%eax # 5009ec <j> (loads j)
40057c: 83 c0 01 add $0x1,%eax # <-- j++
40057f: 83 f8 63 cmp $0x63,%eax
400582: 89 05 64 04 10 00 mov %eax,1049700(%rip) # 5009ec <j> (stores j back)
400588: 7e e2 jle 40056c <main+0x2c>
40058a: 5b pop %rbx
40058b: c3 retq
As you can see, the first loop counter sits in ebx, and is incremented on each iteration and compared against the limit.
The second loop however was the dangerous one, and gcc decided to pass the index counter through memory (loading it into rax every iteration). This example serves to show how better off you'd be when using registers, as well as how sometimes you can't.
The compiler needs to translate the code into machine instruction, and tell the computer how to run the code. That include how to make operations (like multiply two numbers) and how to store the data (stack, heap or register).

What's the point of "unlikely()"? [duplicate]

I've been digging through some parts of the Linux kernel, and found calls like this:
if (unlikely(fd < 0))
/* Do something */
if (likely(!err))
/* Do something */
I've found the definition of them:
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect((x),1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x),0)
I know that they are for optimization, but how do they work? And how much performance/size decrease can be expected from using them? And is it worth the hassle (and losing the portability probably) at least in bottleneck code (in userspace, of course).
They are hint to the compiler to emit instructions that will cause branch prediction to favour the "likely" side of a jump instruction. This can be a big win, if the prediction is correct it means that the jump instruction is basically free and will take zero cycles. On the other hand if the prediction is wrong, then it means the processor pipeline needs to be flushed and it can cost several cycles. So long as the prediction is correct most of the time, this will tend to be good for performance.
Like all such performance optimisations you should only do it after extensive profiling to ensure the code really is in a bottleneck, and probably given the micro nature, that it is being run in a tight loop. Generally the Linux developers are pretty experienced so I would imagine they would have done that. They don't really care too much about portability as they only target gcc, and they have a very close idea of the assembly they want it to generate.
Let's decompile to see what GCC 4.8 does with it
Without __builtin_expect
#include "stdio.h"
#include "time.h"
int main() {
/* Use time to prevent it from being optimized away. */
int i = !time(NULL);
if (i)
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;
Compile and decompile with GCC 4.8.2 x86_64 Linux:
gcc -c -O3 -std=gnu11 main.c
objdump -dr main.o
0000000000000000 <main>:
0: 48 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%rsp
4: 31 ff xor %edi,%edi
6: e8 00 00 00 00 callq b <main+0xb>
7: R_X86_64_PC32 time-0x4
b: 48 85 c0 test %rax,%rax
e: 75 14 jne 24 <main+0x24>
10: ba 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%edx
15: be 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%esi
16: R_X86_64_32 .rodata.str1.1
1a: bf 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%edi
1f: e8 00 00 00 00 callq 24 <main+0x24>
20: R_X86_64_PC32 __printf_chk-0x4
24: bf 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%edi
25: R_X86_64_32 .rodata.str1.1+0x4
29: e8 00 00 00 00 callq 2e <main+0x2e>
2a: R_X86_64_PC32 puts-0x4
2e: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
30: 48 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%rsp
34: c3 retq
The instruction order in memory was unchanged: first the printf and then puts and the retq return.
With __builtin_expect
Now replace if (i) with:
if (__builtin_expect(i, 0))
and we get:
0000000000000000 <main>:
0: 48 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%rsp
4: 31 ff xor %edi,%edi
6: e8 00 00 00 00 callq b <main+0xb>
7: R_X86_64_PC32 time-0x4
b: 48 85 c0 test %rax,%rax
e: 74 11 je 21 <main+0x21>
10: bf 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%edi
11: R_X86_64_32 .rodata.str1.1+0x4
15: e8 00 00 00 00 callq 1a <main+0x1a>
16: R_X86_64_PC32 puts-0x4
1a: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
1c: 48 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%rsp
20: c3 retq
21: ba 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%edx
26: be 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%esi
27: R_X86_64_32 .rodata.str1.1
2b: bf 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%edi
30: e8 00 00 00 00 callq 35 <main+0x35>
31: R_X86_64_PC32 __printf_chk-0x4
35: eb d9 jmp 10 <main+0x10>
The printf (compiled to __printf_chk) was moved to the very end of the function, after puts and the return to improve branch prediction as mentioned by other answers.
So it is basically the same as:
int main() {
int i = !time(NULL);
if (i)
goto printf;
return 0;
printf("%d\n", i);
goto puts;
This optimization was not done with -O0.
But good luck on writing an example that runs faster with __builtin_expect than without, CPUs are really smart these days. My naive attempts are here.
C++20 [[likely]] and [[unlikely]]
C++20 has standardized those C++ built-ins: How to use C++20's likely/unlikely attribute in if-else statement They will likely (a pun!) do the same thing.
These are macros that give hints to the compiler about which way a branch may go. The macros expand to GCC specific extensions, if they're available.
GCC uses these to to optimize for branch prediction. For example, if you have something like the following
if (unlikely(x)) {
return x;
Then it can restructure this code to be something more like:
if (!x) {
return x;
return x;
The benefit of this is that when the processor takes a branch the first time, there is significant overhead, because it may have been speculatively loading and executing code further ahead. When it determines it will take the branch, then it has to invalidate that, and start at the branch target.
Most modern processors now have some sort of branch prediction, but that only assists when you've been through the branch before, and the branch is still in the branch prediction cache.
There are a number of other strategies that the compiler and processor can use in these scenarios. You can find more details on how branch predictors work at Wikipedia:
They cause the compiler to emit the appropriate branch hints where the hardware supports them. This usually just means twiddling a few bits in the instruction opcode, so code size will not change. The CPU will start fetching instructions from the predicted location, and flush the pipeline and start over if that turns out to be wrong when the branch is reached; in the case where the hint is correct, this will make the branch much faster - precisely how much faster will depend on the hardware; and how much this affects the performance of the code will depend on what proportion of the time hint is correct.
For instance, on a PowerPC CPU an unhinted branch might take 16 cycles, a correctly hinted one 8 and an incorrectly hinted one 24. In innermost loops good hinting can make an enormous difference.
Portability isn't really an issue - presumably the definition is in a per-platform header; you can simply define "likely" and "unlikely" to nothing for platforms that do not support static branch hints.
long __builtin_expect(long EXP, long C);
This construct tells the compiler that the expression EXP
most likely will have the value C. The return value is EXP.
__builtin_expect is meant to be used in an conditional
expression. In almost all cases will it be used in the
context of boolean expressions in which case it is much
more convenient to define two helper macros:
#define unlikely(expr) __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 0)
#define likely(expr) __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 1)
These macros can then be used as in
if (likely(a > 1))
(general comment - other answers cover the details)
There's no reason that you should lose portability by using them.
You always have the option of creating a simple nil-effect "inline" or macro that will allow you to compile on other platforms with other compilers.
You just won't get the benefit of the optimization if you're on other platforms.
As per the comment by Cody, this has nothing to do with Linux, but is a hint to the compiler. What happens will depend on the architecture and compiler version.
This particular feature in Linux is somewhat mis-used in drivers. As osgx points out in semantics of hot attribute, any hot or cold function called with in a block can automatically hint that the condition is likely or not. For instance, dump_stack() is marked cold so this is redundant,
if(unlikely(err)) {
printk("Driver error found. %d\n", err);
Future versions of gcc may selectively inline a function based on these hints. There have also been suggestions that it is not boolean, but a score as in most likely, etc. Generally, it should be preferred to use some alternate mechanism like cold. There is no reason to use it in any place but hot paths. What a compiler will do on one architecture can be completely different on another.
In many linux release, you can find compiler.h in /usr/linux/ , you can include it for use simply. And another opinion, unlikely() is more useful rather than likely(), because
if ( likely( ... ) ) {
it can be optimized as well in many compiler.
And by the way, if you want to observe the detail behavior of the code, you can do simply as follow:
gcc -c test.c
objdump -d test.o > obj.s
Then, open obj.s, you can find the answer.
They're hints to the compiler to generate the hint prefixes on branches. On x86/x64, they take up one byte, so you'll get at most a one-byte increase for each branch. As for performance, it entirely depends on the application -- in most cases, the branch predictor on the processor will ignore them, these days.
Edit: Forgot about one place they can actually really help with. It can allow the compiler to reorder the control-flow graph to reduce the number of branches taken for the 'likely' path. This can have a marked improvement in loops where you're checking multiple exit cases.
These are GCC functions for the programmer to give a hint to the compiler about what the most likely branch condition will be in a given expression. This allows the compiler to build the branch instructions so that the most common case takes the fewest number of instructions to execute.
How the branch instructions are built are dependent upon the processor architecture.
I am wondering why its not defined like this:
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(((x) != 0),1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x),0)
I mean __builtin_expect docs say that the compiler will expect the first parameter having the value of the second one (and first param is returned), but the original way the macro is defined above makes it hard to use this for things that might return non-zero values as "true" values (instead of value 1).
This might be buggy - but from my code you get the idea what direction I mean..
