How can I scan document in Expo? - reactjs

I am building the Mobile app with Expo and should implement the document scanner feature.
But I could not find the solution to implement for scanning documents.
I can see only the react-native-document-scanner npm library for React Naive, not for Expo.
If anybody has a good solution, Please help me...

There is no document scanner lib for the expo and seems the expo team has been working for that.
So I switch the project to React Native without expo and now working well.
If we should use the expo, the only way to use 3rd service for scan documentation.
Hope this answer will be updated when the expo has module for that.

Hey instead of installing normal react native like Ryan said run npx expo run:android same ios at end and the configuration of document scan lib will work.


Node-rsa isn't working in react native. But, I've to use it for decryption in Mobile application

So, I'm developing a project which needs a website to generate the qr code with encryption and qr code scanner mobile application to scan and decrypt the qr code.
I've used node-rsa for encryption in react website.
I've added a feature in site to scan and decrypt the qr code. There it is working fine.
But, when I tried to use node-rsa in react-native application. It's giving error for constants, crypto, nodeRsa().
I was trying to decrypt the qr code private key that was generated by node-rsa in my react client website.
Can someone help me with my problem?? Thanks in advance!
I've Used this to install node-rsa
npm install node-rsa --save
This error is I'm getting in React-native
sorry if I'm a bit late to this question.
The node-rsa library seems to use the crypto library under the hood. With NodeJS, crypto comes installed by default, but with React-Native that is not the case.
Here's the link to a similar issue. The problem seems to be with react-native rather than node-rsa. The devs suggest pulling in crypto as a dependency for your project.

OCR with react-native and expo

I have an upcoming project to build an app that does OCR and i want to ask is there anyway to do ocr with react-native and expo because react-native is my preferred framework and expo makes it really easy.
There has been many ways currently provided in react native to do ocr. One of them, You can simply download react-native-tesseract-ocr and follow the instruction here There is also github link related that here
You can also try out react-native-mlkit-ocr module for OCR on React native.
check it out here!
What finally worked for me, was to simply create a flask api for the OCR functionality.react-native-tesseract-ocr did not help at all.

How to use snowpack with react native

I recently got to know about snowpack and it's advantages but the thing is all the available tutorials are on how to make a react app with snowpack but I wanted to use it with react-native. I saw that expo uses webpack does that mean we can use snowpack instead by initializing a bare react-native app. Any help would be appreciated (like link of any tutorial).
I did get a github discussion saying the author doesn't have enough knowledge about react-native in particular. Does that mean he will have to do some additional work for supporting react-native?

Is there a way to embed a React Native simulator in an Electron app?

My friends and I are building an Electron app (a personal project) that helps you build React Native apps. We would love to have a live preview of the React Native app within the Electron app. Is there a way to do this?
I tried seeing if Expo would allow you to do this but seems like there is no documentation.
It could be interesting to look at react-native-web and try to integrate it to electron. It would be lighter to support than an emulator .
I have not tried yet but it seems that there is a library that provided an extension to react-native-web / electron.
I hope that it will helps you !

Can i still use expo after i detach my react native app?

I want to use expokit and also other native library, how can i do this?
Do i need to start my app using create-react-native-app and then detach it or can i start from react-native init app?
If you create an app with create-react-native-app and then detach you can still use most of Expo's feature such as maps for instance.
But if you create a react native project with react-native init you won't be able to use any of expo's feature.
I started my first project with create-react-native-app but then quickly realized most libraries weren't supported by expo yet and required you to detached. After I detached tho I got into a lot of bugs when trying to link new libraries so I finally decided to make a new app from scratch with react-native init and import all my components.
I know this is a late answer by for anyone else trying to get a better understanding of this topic, I decided to write an answer and share my experience with you.
