React Native: Call function when a specific state changes - reactjs

Is it possible to call a function I define whenever a specific state changes?
For example:
function Component(props) {
const [timerOn, setTimerOn] = useState(false);
function startTimer() {
setTimeout(() => setTimerOn(false), 1000)
I need to call startTimer whenever setTimerOn(false) is called. How do I do that without calling startTimer every time the screen is rendered?

useEffect is perfect here since you're already using React hooks. As stated in the official documentation -
The Effect Hook lets you perform side effects in function components
So in your case,
function Component(props) {
const [timerOn, setTimerOn] = useState(false);
function startTimer() {
setTimeout(1000, () => setTimerOn(false))
// This code is for it to run for the first time when your component mounts.
// Think of it as the previous componentDidMount function
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
// This code is for it to run whenever your variable, timerOn, changes
useEffect(() => {
if (!timerOn) {
}, [timerOn]); // The second parameters are the variables this useEffect is listening to for changes.

You can use the hook useEffect, this hook lets you execute code when any of the values inside the dependency array changes. You can use it like this
useEffect(()=> {
Edit to enrich answer:
You can do something like this:
function Component(props) {
const [timerOn, setTimerOn] = useState(false);
function startTimer() {
//Declaring timer variable
let timer;
useEffect(()=> {
if(!timerOn) {
timer = setTimeout(() => setTimerOn(false), 1000);
} else {
//To prevent memory leaks you must clear the timer
}, [timerOn]);
In any case, I can't think of an scenario that you need to restart a timer when you can use setInterval. That function executes a function every 'n' seconds. And it's used like:
setInterval(()=> {
}, 1000);

Since you are already using hooks. The useEffect hook will come to your rescue in this scenerio. More about it here


custom hook -> useEffect -> while loop not breaking

I try to create a custom hook for polling.
My hook is using a while loop inside useEffect, but it seems that while loop is never breaking, even when I change the condition to false.
Code sandbox reproducing the problem:
I have 2 files:
usePolling.ts (which is my hook)
App.tsx (where I am executing/calling the hook)
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
import { useState, useCallback, useEffect } from "react";
export interface PollingOptions<T> {
fetchFunc: () => Promise<T> | undefined;
export const usePolling = <T>(
{ fetchFunc }: PollingOptions<T>,
interval: number
) => {
const [data, setData] = useState<T>();
const [error, setError] = useState<Error>();
const [condition, setCondition] = useState(true);
const stopPolling = useCallback(() => {
}, []);
const performPolling = useCallback(async () => {
try {
const res = await fetchFunc();
} catch (err) {
} finally {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, interval));
}, [fetchFunc, interval]);
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
while (condition) {
await performPolling();
return () => stopPolling();
}, [condition, performPolling, stopPolling, data]);
return { data, error, stopPolling };
import { useCallback, useMemo } from "react";
import { usePolling } from "./usePolling";
import "./styles.css";
export default function App() {
const fetchFunc = useCallback(async () => {
// please consider this as an API call
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
return { isSigned: Math.random() < 0.5 };
}, []);
const { data, error, stopPolling } = usePolling({ fetchFunc }, 3000);
console.log(data, error, ">>>>>>>");
const isSigned = data?.isSigned;
const isContractSigned = useMemo(() => {
if (isSigned) stopPolling();
return isSigned || false;
}, [isSigned, stopPolling]);
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>{`Is contract signed: ${isContractSigned}`}</h1>
Why am I not using setInterval instead of while loop
If I use setInterval, and if I choose to change the polling interval to 100ms for example. There are 3 problems:
there is a very high chance of calling API before previous API call responds.
suppose for any reason 2nd API call responded before the first one, then I am in trouble
Unnecessary API calls.
If I use while loop instead of setInterval, then all the above mentioned problems are solved. Please note that I am still using setTimeout inside while loop, so it will wait for specified interval before the next iteration.
Expected solution:
Any solution that does not use setInterval is expected. If you suggest any improvements to the existing code (even not related to this specific problem), you are most welcome :)
Thank you!
The callback you pass as the first argument of useEffect assumes that the dependencies are constants.
You are starting a while loop with the condition being a constant. There is no way to stop that while loop execution.
If you change the condition, it's not going to stop the previous while loop, but start a new condition with the new value.
If the new value is false, it won't start so nothing would happen. But if it's true, then you've got 2 while loops running.
Check out the SWR, React Hooks for Data Fetching, it's probably exactly what you are looking for.
The reason why the while loop won't stop
When you have a while loop in normal code, you control it using a condition based on a variable.
The dependencies of a useEffect are passed as constants to the callback. So any loops running based on a state variable (truthy) in a useEffect will not terminate.
The can cleanup a setInterval because there is clearInterval function implemented in the browser, which takes an id, finds the reference of the interval, and stops it.
There is no clearWhileLoop as it's not feasible.
Whenever a dependency mutates, the cleanup function runs, but you can't do anything about a while loop in a cleanup function.
The next callback is fired with new constants.
Check out the docs for why useEffects run after each render

Debounce or throttle with react hook

I need to make an api request when a search query param from an input fields changes, but only if the field is not empty.
I am testing with several answers found on this site, but can't get them working
Firstly this one with a custom hook
export function useDebounce(value, delay) {
const [debouncedValue, setDebouncedValue] = useState(value);
useEffect(() => {
const handler = setTimeout(() => {
}, delay);
return () => clearTimeout(handler);
}, [value, delay]);
return debouncedValue;
now in my component I do this
const debouncedTest = useDebounce(() => {console.log("something")}, 1000);
but this seems to gets called every rerender regardless of any parameter, and I need to be able to call it inside a useEffect, like this
useEffect(() => {
if (query) {
useDebounce(() => {console.log("something")}, 1000);
} else {
}, [query]);
which of course does not work
Another approach using lodash
const throttledTest = useRef(throttle(() => {
}, 1000, {leading: false}))
But how would i trigger this from the useEffect above? I don't understand how to make this work
Thank you
Your hook's signature is not the same as when you call it.
Perhaps you should do something along these lines:
const [state, setState] = useState(''); // name it whatever makes sense
const debouncedState = useDebounce(state, 1000);
useEffect(() => {
if (debouncedState) functionCall(debouncedState);
}, [debouncedState])
I can quickly point out a thing or two here.
useEffect(() => {
if (query) {
useDebounce(() => {console.log("something")}, 1000);
} else {
}, [query]);
technically you can't do the above, useEffect can't be nested.
Normally debounce isn't having anything to do with a hook. Because it's a plain function. So you should first look for a solid debounce, create one or use lodash.debounce. And then structure your code to call debounce(fn). Fn is the original function that you want to defer with.
Also debounce is going to work with cases that changes often, that's why you want to apply debounce to reduce the frequency. Therefore it'll be relatively uncommon to see it inside a useEffect.
const debounced = debounce(fn, ...)
const App = () => {
const onClick = () => { debounced() }
return <button onClick={onClick} />
There's another common problem, people might take debounce function inside App. That's not correct either, since the App is triggered every time it renders.
I can provide a relatively more detailed solution later. It'll help if you can explain what you'd like to do as well.

how to use the useEffect hook on component unmount to conditionally run code

For some odd reason the value of props in my "unmount" useEffect hook is always at the original state (true), I can console and see in the devtools that it has changed to false but when the useEffect is called on unmount it is always true.
I have tried adding the props to the dependancies but then it is no longer called only on unmount and does not serve it's purpose.
Edit: I am aware the dependancy array is empty, I cannot have it triggered on each change, it needs to be triggered ONLY on unmount with the update values from the props. Is this possible?
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
if ( { // this is ALWAYS true
}, []);
How can I conditionally run my code on unmount with the condition being dependant on the updated props state?
If you want code to run on unmount only, you need to use the empty dependency array. If you also require data from the closure that may change in between when the component first rendered and when it last rendered, you'll need to use a ref to make that data available when the unmount happens. For example:
const onUnmount = React.useRef();
onUnmount.current = () => {
if ( {
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => onUnmount.current();
}, []);
If you do this often, you may want to extract it into a custom hook:
export const useUnmount = (fn): => {
const fnRef = useRef(fn);
fnRef.current = fn;
useEffect(() => () => fnRef.current(), []);
// used like:
useUnmount(() => {
if ( {
The dependency list of your effect is empty which means that react will only create the closure over your outer variables once on mount and the function will only see the values as they have been on mount. To re-create the closure when changes you have to add it to the dependency list:
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
if ( { // this is ALWAYS true
}, []);
There also is an eslint plugin that warns you about missing dependencies:
Using custom js events you can emulate unmounting a componentWillUnmount even when having dependency. Here is how I did it.
useEffect(() => {
//Dependent Code
return () => {
// Desired to perform action on unmount only 'componentWillUnmount'
// But it does not
// Perform an Action only if something changed
// Rewrite this code to arrange emulate this behaviour
// Decoupling using events
useEffect( () => {
return () => {
// Executed only when component unmounts,
let e = new Event("componentUnmount");
}, []);
useEffect( () => {
function doOnUnmount(){
// Perform an Action only if something changed
return () => {
// This is done whenever value of somethingChanged changes
}, [somethingChanged])
Caveats: useEffects have to be in order, useEffect with no dependency have to be written before, this is to avoid the event being called after its removed.

Why does my setInterval run only once in react hooks?

Why does this code only triggers the setInterval once and then stops...
const MainBar = ()=> {
const [clock, setClock] = useState("")
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(setClock(clockUpdate()), 1000);
console.log('Im in useEffect', clock)
Whereas passing it into another function makes it work each second like so ?
const MainBar = ()=> {
const [clock, setClock] = useState("")
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(()=>{setClock(clockUpdate())}, 1000);
console.log('Im in useEffect', clock)
Sorry I'm new to hooks and javascript.
setInterval requires a function to be passed for it to execute. It will execute the given function every second in this case. () => { setClock(clockUpdate()) } is actually an anonymous function; a function without a name. If you'd give it a proper name, it'd look like function updater() { setClock(clockUpdate()); }.
setInterval(setClock(clockUpdate()), 1000) doesn't work because setClock(clockUpdate()) is already executed, even before it is passed to setInterval. It cannot schedule it to run again, because it's not a function, it is a result already.
You can try this by adding the second parameter in useEffect which means if the clock changes, useEffect will run again
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(()=>{setClock(clockUpdate())}, 1000);
console.log('Im in useEffect', clock)
}, [clock]);

React setState with callback in functional components

I have a very simple example I wrote in a class component:
setErrorMessage(msg) {
this.setState({error_message: msg}, () => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({error_message: ''})
}, 5000);
So here I call the setState() method and give it a callback as a second argument.
I wonder if I can do this inside a functional component with the useState hook.
As I know you can not pass a callback to the setState function of this hook. And when I use the useEffect hook - it ends up in an infinite loop:
So I guess - this functionality is not included into functional components?
The callback functionality isn't available in react-hooks, but you can write a simple get around using useEffect and useRef.
const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState('')
const isChanged = useRef(false);
useEffect(() => {
if(errorMessage) { // Add an existential condition so that useEffect doesn't run for empty message on first rendering
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
}, [isChanged.current]); // Now the mutation will not run unless a re-render happens but setErrorMessage does create a re-render
const addErrorMessage = (msg) => {
isChanged.current = !isChanged.current; // intentionally trigger a change
The above example is considering the fact that you might want to set errorMessage from somewhere else too where you wouldn't want to reset it. If however you want to reset the message everytime you setErrorMessage, you can simply write a normal useEffect like
useEffect(() => {
if(errorMessage !== ""){ // This check is very important, without it there will be an infinite loop
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
}, [errorMessage])
