I am new in ReactJs.
I need a route like localhost:3000/directory/category/region/brandName and for the same route, I need to render a component
Sample of URL be like
for both above URLs, a component called name.js should render
You can make use of react-router and then configure your Routes by making use of Route params
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
const App () => {
return (
<Route path="/directory/:profession/:country/:value" component={Name} />
<Route path="/" component={Dashboard}/>
Now post this you can access the params in name component and fetchData from api or have any other logic
const Name = () => {
const { profession, country, value} = useParams();
useEffect(() => {
// Any fetch logic based on params
}, [profession, country, value]);
return (
You can read more about react-router usage here and also refer the docs
As far as I understand from the question, you can handle this through using "Redirect" component. Let there be a "Navigation" component where the "Router" is defined as you did
import Name from './name';
import From from './from';
<Route path="/from">
<From />
<Route path="/directory/:profession/:country/:value">
<Name />
and a "From" component where paths and redirections are defined. If "redirectionPath" is not null you can return "Redirect" component in render. Thus, you can redirect to and render the Name component.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {
} from "react-router-dom";
class From extends Component {
redirectionPath: "/directory/photography/france/testA" // or setState anywhere you need.
return (<Redirect to={this.state.redirectionPath} />)
return (
This can be one of the solutions. Hope it works for you as well.
Is there a way to pass the location prop and own made prop to another component? I've figured out how to pass DIR_URL through a function like below but I also need to use location prop later in ConfirmAccount component to read pathname property and so on. (Of course in this way it gets true value).
import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import Main from './components/structure/Main';
import ConfirmAccount from './components/pages/ConfirmAccount';
import NoMatch from './components/pages/NoMatch';
class App extends Component {
render() {
const url = 'http://localhost:3006';
return (
<Route exact path="/" component={Main} />
<Route path="/confirm">
{/* How can I pass the location? */}
<Route path="/:url" component={() => <ConfirmAccount DIR_URL={url} location />} />
<Route component={NoMatch} />
export default App;
React Router DOM automatically passes match location and history props.
You can use the route render prop to pass them manually if you wish:
<Route path="/:url" render={(routeProps) => <ConfirmAccount DIR_URL={url} {...routeProps} />} />
I suggest that you use useHistory hook from ReactRouterDom inside your child component. There you got all the location stuff that you need.
Or pass route properties to rendering component:
import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route, useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
import Main from './components/structure/Main';
import ConfirmAccount from './components/pages/ConfirmAccount';
import NoMatch from './components/pages/NoMatch';
class App extends Component {
render() {
const url = 'http://localhost:3006';
return (
<Route exact path="/" component={Main} />
<Route path="/confirm">
{/* How can I pass the location? */}
<Route path="/:url" component={(routeProps) => <ConfirmAccount DIR_URL={url} {...routeProps} />} />
<Route component={NoMatch} />
const ConfirmAccount = ({location}) => {
const history = useHistory()
export default App;
just import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom' and use it like this:
const location = useLocation()
now you can access the location object.
read more about it here: https://reactrouter.com/web/api/Hooks/uselocation
or you can use withRouter HOC like this https://reactrouter.com/web/api/withRouter
The RouteParamPage.tsx is a React component that can consume URL parameters via the router. It is working.
The call is like this:
<Route path={"/p2/:lastname"} component={RouteParamPage}/>
The ParamPage.tsx component has a parameter in the signature.
I can call these components without a router like this:
<ParamPage label={"with params V2"}/>
The question is, how can I call the ParamPage.tsx component in the Route?
That doesn't work:
<Route path={"/p1"} component={ParamPage label={"with params V2"}}/>
Does somebody has any idea?
----------------- RouteParamPage.tsx --------------
import React from 'react';
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
interface RouteParams {
lastname: string
export default function RouteParamPage() {
const params = useParams<RouteParams>();
return (
----------------- ParamPage.tsx --------------
import React from 'react';
type childProps = {
label: string,
export default function ParamPage( data: childProps ) {
return (
<h1>{ data.label }</h1>
----------------- Main.tsx --------------
import React from 'react';
import {BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route} from "react-router-dom";
import Home from "./Home";
import ParamPage from "./ParamPage";
import RouteParamPage from "./RouteParamPage";
export default function Main() {
return (
<ParamPage label={"with params V2"}/> {/*<<<<this works*/}
<Route path={"/"} exact component={Home}/>
<Route path={"/p1"} component={ParamPage label={"with params V2"}}/> {/*<<< That doesn't work:*/}
<Route path={"/p2/:lastname"} component={RouteParamPage}/>
You should use render props to pass parameter to the component which is render by the Route component like this
<Route path="/p1" render={(routeProps) => {
return <ParamPage label={"with params V2"}} {...routeProps}/>
}} />
To learn more about check the React Render Props Documentation
For this case, there is a render prop which needs to be used instead of component.
The code will be modified to below
render={(props) => <ParamPage {...props} label={"with params V2"} />}
Hope it helps. Revert for any doubts/confusions.
I am trying to redirect from my context following a failed update of the state from the a cookie.
import React, { createContext, Component } from 'react';
import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import Cookies from 'universal-cookie';
export const MyContext = createContext();
const cookies = new Cookies();
class MyProvider extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
setStateFromCookie = () => {
try {
this.setState({ data: cookies.get('my-cookie')['data'] });
} catch(error) {
render() {
return (
<MyContext.Provider value={{...this.state}}>
export default withRouter(MyProvider);
I am using a withRouter hook to this.props.history.push('/'), becuase the context is wrapping the router
class MyApp extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="MyApp">
<Route exact path='/' component={Index} />
<Route exact path='/dashboard' component={Dashboard} />
export default MyApp;
The problem is that the redirect to the home page following the error, but the home page isn't rendering.. I still see the dashboard page.
Any idea what is going on and how to fix this
The issue is that you have a nested Router wrapping your Routes. You need to remove that and then everything will work fine
<div className="MyApp">
<Route exact path='/' component={Index} />
<Route exact path='/dashboard' component={Dashboard} />
When you use a nested Router, and try to navigate from Provider, the history used by Provider is being provided by BrowserRouter and hence it isn't able to communicate to the Routes whcih are dependent on the inner <Router> component for history.
Using a single router wrapping your components solves this issue
Problem: When I use history.push(), I can see that browser changes url, but it does not render my component listening on the path. It only renders if I refresh a page.
App.js file:
import React from "react";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import LoginForm from "../LoginForm/LoginForm";
import PrivateRoute from "../PrivateRoute/PrivateRoute";
import ServerList from "../ServerList/ServerList";
const App = ({ store }) => {
const isLoggedIn = localStorage.getItem("userToken");
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<div className="App">
{isLoggedIn !== true && (
<Route exact path="/login" component={LoginForm} />
App.propTypes = {
store: PropTypes.object.isRequired
export default App;
Inside my LoginForm, I am making a request to an API, and after doing my procedures, I use .then() to redirect my user:
.then(() => {
What happens: Browser changes url from /login to /, but component listening on / route is not rendered, unless I reload page.
Inside my / component, I use useEffect() hook to make another request to API, which fetches data and prints it inside return(). If I console.log inside useEffect() it happens twice, I assume initial one, and when I store data from an API inside component's state using useState() hook.
EDIT: adding PrivateRoute component as requested:
import React from "react";
import { Route, Redirect } from "react-router-dom";
const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Component, isLoggedIn, ...rest }) => {
return (
render={props =>
isLoggedIn === true ? (
<Component {...props} />
) : (
<Redirect to={{ pathname: "/login" }} />
export default PrivateRoute;
What I tried already:
1) Wrapping my default export with withRouter():
export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(LoginForm));
2) Creating custom history and passing it as prop to Router.
react-router-dom version is ^5.0.1. react-router is the same, 5.0.1
You have at two mistakes in your code.
You are not using <switch> component to wrap routes. So all routes are processed at every render and all components from each <route> are rendered.
You are using local store to exchange information between components. But change in local store is invisible to react, so it does not fire component re-rendering. To correct this you should use local state in App component (by converting it to class or using hooks).
So corrected code will look like
const App = ({ store }) => {
const [userToken, setUserToken] = useState(localStorage.getItem("userToken")); // You can read user token from local store. So on after token is received, user is not asked for login
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<div className="App">
{!!userToken !== true && (
<Route exact path="/login"
render={props => <LoginForm {...props} setUserToken={setUserToken} />}
And LoginForm should use setUserToken to change user token in App component. It also may store user token in local store so on page refresh user is not asked for login, but stored token is used.
Also be sure not to put anything between <Switch> and </Switch> except <Route>. Otherwise routing will not work.
Here is working sample
I'm new to JavaScript and React. I seem to be stuck on this question, I have found information but I think that this is not what I'm really looking for perhaps someone can shed some light on the matter.
So what I'm really looking for is a way to create a "mold" page of an node/react app that will display changing information based on the URL a user submits. Say for example look at facebook (or even stackoverflow) one click on a profile of friends 'y' then the url changes to facebook.com/friends-y and if we choose another person it then changes. Thus I believe that's how they must know how to fill their template using the info provided from that URL with names pictures etc.
I saw that a blog suggests to use route another suggest using url queries more so (which I don't know how to read them once given or how to render them say such as with a onChange event sort of thing when say you click on something inside the page).
My question is: Are any of this methods useful, should I combine them I seen websites that uses both or is there another industry standard that i haven't found and perhaps comes with react?
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
First of all i assume that you have multiple component and you want to change from one component to another component via url. so you have to install react router dom
npm install --save react-router-dom
and after then import Router, Route, Link, Switch (whatever you want) from react-router-dom and give route to component inside router tag .... i mention below in my code
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Login from './component/login';
import User from './component/user';
import Signup from './component/signup';
import Notfound from './component/notfound';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch} from "react-router-dom";
const Home = () => (
class App extends Component {
loggedIn : false
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<ul className="nav nav-pills">
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Link to="/login">LogIn</Link>
<Link to="/signup">Sign Up</Link>
<Link to="/user">User</Link>
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route path="/login" component={Login} />
<Route path="/signup" component={Signup} />
<Route path="/user" component={User} onEnter={this.requireAuth}/>
<Route path="*" component={Notfound} />
export default App;
note : in my code i have total 5 component in my project
for more router information you can check in this site. https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/example/basic
import React , {Component} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
import App from './Components/Home/App'
import Digital from './Components/DigitalStrat/Digital-Strat';
import ServiceLines from './Components/Serviceline/ServiceLines';
import Operations from './Components/OperationTransformation/Operations-
import WhyUs from './Components/WhyUs/Why-us';
import Mission from './Components/Mission/Mission';
import OurGroup from './Components/OurGroup/OurGroup';
import Team from './Components/Team/Team';
import Projects from './Components/Projects/Projects';
import Research from './Components/Research/Research';
import News from './Components/News/News';
import Locations from './Components/Location/Locations';
import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker';
import NewsDetails from "./Components/NewsDetails/newsDetails";
import i18n from './js/i18n'
import { sliderArrow } from './js/sliderArrow';
import { menu } from './js/menu';
import {withRouter} from 'react-router';
import Coockies from './Components/Cookies/Cookies';
class ScrollToTop extends Component {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.props.location !== prevProps.location) {
window.scrollTo(0, 0)
render() {
return this.props.children
export default withRouter(ScrollToTop);
<Route exact path = "/" component = {App} />
<Route exact path='/index.html' component={App}/>
<Route exact path='/Digital-Strategies.html' component={Digital} />
<Route exact path='/Service-Lines.html' component={ServiceLines} />
<Route exact path='/Operations-Transformation.html' component=
<Route exact path='/inside-the-company.html' component={WhyUs}/>
<Route exact path='/Mission.html' component={Mission}/>
<Route exact path='/Our-group.html' component={OurGroup}/>
<Route exact path='/Team.html' component={Team}/>
<Route exact path='/Projects.html' component={Projects}/>
<Route exact path ='/Research-Development.html' component = {Research}/>
<Route exact path='/News.html' component={News}/>
<Route exact path='/news-details.html/:slug' component={NewsDetails}/>
<Route exact path='/Locations.html' component={Locations}/>
<Route exact path='/cookies' component={Coockies} />
</BrowserRouter>, document.getElementById('root'));
This is the basic way to route the project. Feel free to ask question.
The way to handle routing in React is with React Router.
With this sort of (virtual) routing there are two main ways that routing needs to be handled.
1. The first is by rendering different components when the url changes—for example rendering a <Home/> component for "/" and an <About/> component for "/about".
An example:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Switch, Route, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import Home from "./pages/Home";
import About from "./pages/About";
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Route exact path="/" component={ Home }/>
<Route path="/about" component={ About }/>
export default withRouter(App);
2. The second case, which I believe your question specifically addresses, is rendering the same component with different data depending on the url—for example having a <Profile/> component but changing its data for "/profiles/1" vs "/profiles/2".
An example:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
class Profile extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
profileData: {}
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
const currentId = this.props.match.params.id;
const prevId = prevProps.match.params.id;
if (currentId !== prevId) {
async fetchData() {
const profileId = this.props.match.params.id;
const profileData = await fetch(`http://example.com/api/profiles/${profileId}`);
render() {
const { profileData } = this.state;
return (
<h1>{ profileData.name }</h1>
export default withRouter(Profile);
Where the containing parent component of <Profile/> has a <Route/> that looks like this:
<Route path="/profiles/:id" component={ Profile }/>
Which is important so that the id is in this.props.match.params.
Note that in the above example the way to check what data to use to populate the view is by checking the :id parameter in the url. Since information about the url is passed to the <Profile/> component as a prop, we can check if the url changes in componentDidUpdate and get new data if there was a change.
Finally, both of these involve a bit of setup with React Router (basically just wrapping your <App/> in a <Router/>) but the documentation should help with that: https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/guides/quick-start.
Hopefully this helps.