I'm new to C and I'm trying to write a program that prints the ASCII value for every letter in a name that the user enters. I attempted to store the letters in an array and try to print each ASCII value and letter of the name separately but, for some reason, it only prints the value of the first letter.
For example, if I write "Anna" it just prints 65 and not the values for the other letters in the name. I think it has something to do with my sizeof(name)/sizeof(char) part of the for loop, because when I print it separately, it only prints out 1.
I can't figure out how to fix it:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int e;
char name[] = "";
printf("Enter a name : \n");
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(name)/sizeof(char)); i++){
e = name[i];
printf("The ASCII value of the letter %c is : %d \n",name[i],e);
int n = (sizeof(name)/sizeof(char));
printf("%d", n);
Here's a corrected, annotated version:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
int e;
char name[100] = ""; // Allow for up to 100 characters
printf("Enter a name : \n");
// scanf("%c", &name); // %c reads a single character
scanf("%99s", name); // Use %s to read a string! %99s to limit input size!
// for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(name) / sizeof(char)); i++) { // sizeof(name) / sizeof(char) is a fixed value!
size_t len = strlen(name); // Use this library function to get string length
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { // Saves calculating each time!
e = name[i];
printf("The ASCII value of the letter %c is : %d \n", name[i], e);
printf("\n Name length = %zu\n", strlen(name)); // Given length!
int n = (sizeof(name) / sizeof(char)); // As noted above, this will be ...
printf("%d", n); // ... a fixed value (100, as it stands).
return 0; // ALWAYS return an integer from main!
But also read the comments given in your question!
This is a rather long answer, feel free to skip to the end for the code example.
First of all, by initialising a char array with unspecified length, you are making that array have length 1 (it only contains the empty string). The key issue here is that arrays in C are fixed size, so name will not grow larger.
Second, the format specifier %c causes scanf to only ever read one byte. This means that even if you had made a larger array, you would only be reading one byte to it anyway.
The parameter you're giving to scanf is erroneous, but accidentally works - you're passing a pointer to an array when it expects a pointer to char. It works because the pointer to the array points at the first element of the array. Luckily this is an easy fix, an array of a type can be passed to a function expecting a pointer to that type - it is said to "decay" to a pointer. So you could just pass name instead.
As a result of these two actions, you now have a situation where name is of length 1, and you have read exactly one byte into it. The next issue is sizeof(name)/sizeof(char) - this will always equal 1 in your program. sizeof char is defined to always equal 1, so using it as a divisor causes no effect, and we already know sizeof name is equal to 1. This means your for loop will only ever read one byte from the array. For the exact same reason n is equal to 1. This is not erroneous per se, it's just probably not what you expected.
The solution to this can be done in a couple of ways, but I'll show one. First of all, you don't want to initialize name as you do, because it always creates an array of size 1. Instead you want to manually specify a larger size for the array, for instance 100 bytes (of which the last one will be dedicated to the terminating null byte).
char name[100];
/* You might want to zero out the array too by eg. using memset. It's not
necessary in this case, but arrays are allowed to contain anything unless
and until you replace their contents.
Parameters are target, byte to fill it with, and amount of bytes to fill */
memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));
Second, you don't necessarily want to use scanf at all if you're reading just a byte string from standard input instead of a more complex formatted string. You could eg. use fgets to read an entire line from standard input, though that also includes the newline character, which we'll have to strip.
/* The parameters are target to write to, bytes to write, and file to read from.
fgets writes a null terminator automatically after the string, so we will
read at most sizeof(name) - 1 bytes.
fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin);
Now you've read the name to memory. But the size of name the array hasn't changed, so if you used the rest of the code as is you would get a lot of messages saying The ASCII value of the letter is : 0. To get the meaningful length of the string, we'll use strlen.
NOTE: strlen is generally unsafe to use on arbitrary strings that might not be properly null-terminated as it will keep reading until it finds a zero byte, but we only get a portable bounds-checked version strnlen_s in C11. In this case we also know that the string is null-terminated, because fgets deals with that.
/* size_t is a large, unsigned integer type big enough to contain the
theoretical maximum size of an object, so size functions often return
strlen counts the amount of bytes before the first null (0) byte */
size_t n = strlen(name);
Now that we have the length of the string, we can check if the last byte is the newline character, and remove it if so.
/* Assuming every line ends with a newline, we can simply zero out the last
byte if it's '\n' */
if (name[n - 1] == '\n') {
name[n - 1] = '\0';
/* The string is now 1 byte shorter, because we removed the newline.
We don't need to calculate strlen again, we can just do it manually. */
The loop looks quite similar, as it was mostly fine to begin with. Mostly, we want to avoid issues that can arise from comparing a signed int and an unsigned size_t, so we'll also make i be type size_t.
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int e = name[i];
printf("The ASCII value of the letter %c is : %d \n", name[i], e);
Putting it all together, we get
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
char name[100];
memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));
printf("Enter a name : \n");
fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin);
size_t n = strlen(name);
if (n > 0 && name[n - 1] == '\n') {
name[n - 1] = '\0';
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++){
int e = name[i];
printf("The ASCII value of the letter %c is : %d \n", name[i], e);
/* To correctly print a size_t, use %zu */
printf("%zu\n", n);
/* In C99 main implicitly returns 0 if you don't add a return value
yourself, but it's a good habit to remember to return from functions. */
return 0;
Which should work pretty much as expected.
Additional notes:
This code should be valid C99, but I believe it's not valid C89. If you need to write to the older standard, there are several things you need to do differently. Fortunately, your compiler should warn you about those issues if you tell it which standard you want to use. C99 is probably the default these days, but older code still exists.
It's a bit inflexible to be reading strings into fixed-size buffers like this, so in a real situation you might want to have a way of dynamically increasing the size of the buffer as necessary. This will probably require you to use C's manual memory management functionality like malloc and realloc, which aren't particularly difficult but take greater care to avoid issues like memory leaks.
It's not guaranteed the strings you're reading are in any specific encoding, and C strings aren't really ideal for handling text that isn't encoded in a single-byte encoding. There is support for "wide character strings" but probably more often you'll be handling char strings containing UTF-8 where a single codepoint might be multiple bytes, and might not even represent an individual letter as such. In a more general-purpose program, you should keep this in mind.
If we need write a code to get ASCII values of all elements in a string, then we need to use "%d" instead of "%c". By doing this %d takes the corresponding ascii value of the following character.
If we need to only print the ascii value of each character in the string. Then this code will work:
#include <stdio.h>
char str[100];
int x;
int main(){
To store all corresponding ASCII value of character in a new variable, we need to declare an integer variable and assign it to character. By this way the integer variable stores ascii value of character. The code is:
#include <stdio.h>
char str[100];
int x,ascii;
int main(){
I hope this answer helped you.....😊
I'm currently learning C and I'm confused with differences between char array and string, as well as how they work.
Question 1:
Why is there a difference in the outcomes of source code 1 and source code 2?
Source code 1:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char c[2]="Hi";
printf("%d\n", strlen(c)); //returns 3 (not 2!?)
return 0;
Source code 2:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char c[3]="Hi";
printf("%d\n", strlen(c)); //returns 2 (not 3!?)
return 0;
Question 2:
How is a string variable different from a char array? How to declare them with the minimum required index numbers allowing \0 to be stored if any (please read the codes below)?
char name[index] = "Mick"; //should index be 4 or 5?
char name[index] = {'M', 'i', 'c', 'k'}; //should index be 4 or 5?
#define name "Mick" //what is the size? Is there a \0?
Question 3:
Does the terminating NUL ONLY follow strings but not char arrays? So the actual value of the string "Hi" is [H][i][\0] and the actual value of the char array "Hi" is [H][i]?
Question 4:
Suppose c[2] is going to store "Hi" followed by a \0 (not sure how this is done, using gets(c) maybe?). So where is the \0 stored? Is it stored "somewhere" after c[2] to become [H][i]\0 or will c[2] be appended with a \0 to become c[3] which is [H][i][\0]?
It is quite confusing that sometimes there is a \0 following the string/char array and causes trouble when I compare two variables by if (c1==c2) as it most likely returns FALSE (0).
Detailed answers are appreciated. But keeping your answer brief helps my understanding :)
Thank you in advance!
Answer 1: In code 1 you have a char array that is not a string; in code 2 you have a char array that is also a string.
Answer 2: A string is a char array in which (at least) one element has the value 0; if you leave the size part empty, the compiler will automatically fill it with the minimum possible value.
char astring[] = "foobar"; /* compiler automagically uses 7 for size */
printf("%d\n", (int)sizeof astring);
Answer 3: a char array in which one of the elements is NUL is a string; a char array where no elements are NUL is not a string.
Answer 4: an array defined to hold two elements (char c[2];) cannot hold three elements. If it is going to be a string it can only be the empty string or a string with 1 character.
Question 1:
Why is there a difference in the outcomes of source code 1 and source
code 2?
Source code 1:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char c[2]="Hi";
printf("%d", strlen(c)); //returns 3 (not 2!?)
Source code 2:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char c[3]="Hi";
printf("%d", strlen(c)); //returns 2 (not 3!?)
Because in the first case, c[] is only holding "Hi". strlen looks for a zero at the end, and, depending on exactly what is behind c[] finds one sooner or later, or crashes. We can't say without knowing exactly what is in the memory behind the c[] array.
Question 2:
How is a string variable different from a char array? How to declare
them with the minimum required index numbers allowing \0 to be stored
if any (please read the codes below)?
char name[index] = "Mick"; //should index be 4 or 5?
char name[index] = {'M', 'i', 'c', 'k'}; //should index be 4 or 5?
Really depends on what you want to do. Probably 5 if you want to actually use the content as a string. But there's nothing saying you can't store "Mick" in a 4 character array - you just can't use strlen to find out how long it is, because strlen will continue to 5 and quite possibly (much) further to find the length, and if there is no zero in the next several memory locations, it could lead to a crash, because eventually, there won't be valid memory addresses to read.
#define name "Mick" //what is the size? Is there a \0?
This has absolutely no size at all, until you use name somwhere. #defines are not part of what the compiler sees - the pre-processor will replace name with "Mick" if you use name anywhere - and hopefully, that's in a place the compiler can make sense of. And then the same rules apply as in previous answer - it depends on how you want to use the array of characters. For correct operation with strlen, strpy, and nearly all other str... functions, you need a zero at the end.
Question 3:
Does the terminating null ONLY follow strings but not char arrays? So
the actual value of the string "Hi" is [H][i][\0] and the actual value
of the char array "Hi" is [H][i]?
Yes, no, maybe. It all depends on how you USE the "Hi" string literal (that's the technical name for 'something within double quotes'). If the compiler is "allowed", it will put a zero at the end. But if you initialize an array to a given size, it will stuff the bytes in there, and if there isn't room for a zero, that's your problem, not the compiler's.
Question 4:
Suppose c[2] is going to store "Hi" followed by a \0 (not sure how
this is done, using gets(c) maybe?). So where is the \0 stored? Is it
stored "somewhere" after c[2] to become [H][i]\0 or will c[2] be
appended with a \0 to become c[3] which is [H][i][\0]?
In c[2], beyond the 'H', 'i', there is no telling what is stored [technically, it could well be "the end of the earth" - in computer terms, that's "memory that can't be read - in which case strlen on that WILL crash your program, because strlen reads beyond the end of the earth]. But if could also be a zero, a one, the letter 'a', the number 42, or any other 8-bit [1] value.
It is quiet confusing that sometimes there is a \0 following the
string/char array and causes trouble when I compare two variables by
if (c1==c2) as it most likely returns FALSE (0).
If c1 and c2 are char arrays, that will ALWAYS be false since c1 and c2 are never going to have the same address, and when using an array in C in that way, it becomes "the address in memory of the first element in the array". So no matter what teh contents of c1 and c2 is, their address can never be the same [because they are two different variables, and two variables can not have the same location in memory - that's like trying to park two cars in a parking space large enough only for one car - and no, crushing either car is not allowed in our thought experiment].
[1] Char isn't guaranteed to be 8 bits. But lets inore that for now.
Running source code one is undefined behavior because strlen() requires a NUL-terminated string, which c[2] = "Hi"; /* = { 'H', 'i' } */ is not. A string differs from a char array in that a string is a char array with at least one NUL byte somewhere in the array.
The remaining answers should follow easily from this fact.
To autosize a char array to match the size of a string literal at initialization, simply specify no array size:
char c[] = "This will automatically size the c array (including the NUL).";
Note that you cannot compare char arrays with the == operator. You have to use
if (strcmp(c1, c2) == 0) {
/* Equal. */
} else {
/* Not equal. */
strlen() works on \0 terminating characters and in C all strings should be \0 terminated. So when you have given only 2 spaces for 2 characters H and i but there is no room for \0. Hence you are getting Undefined Behavior in strlen().
In case of char c[3] = "Hi"; there is \0 at the third place and strlen() will calculate the actual length.
How to declare them with the minimum required index numbers allowing \0 to be stored if any ?
When you are not sure about the size of char array , Do like this :
char c1[] = "Mike"; // strlen = 4
char c2[] = "Omkant" // strlen = 6
EDIT :In the above case where no size is mentioned explicitly , Do not confuse with sizeof with the strlen().
strlen() returns only number of charaters
sizeof gives number of characters plus one more (for \0 character).
So sizeof always gives exactly 1 more than the number returned by strlen().
I wanted to test things out with arrays on C as I'm just starting to learn the language. Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
int i,t;
char orig[5];
orig[i] = '.';
printf("%s\n", orig);
Here is my output:
It is exactly that. What are those mysterious characters? What have i done wrong?
%s with printf() expects a pointer to a string, that is, pointer to the initial element of a null terminated character array. Your array is not null terminated.
Thus, in search of the terminating null character, printf() goes out of bound, and subsequently, invokes undefined behavior.
You have to null-terminate your array, if you want that to be used as a string.
Quote: C11, chapter §, (emphasis mine)
If no l length modifier is present, the argument shall be a pointer to the initial element of an array of character type.280) Characters from the array are
written up to (but not including) the terminating null character. If the
precision is specified, no more than that many bytes are written. If the
precision is not specified or is greater than the size of the array, the array shall
contain a null character.
Quick solution:
Increase the array size by 1, char orig[6];.
Add a null -terminator in the end. After the loop body, add orig[i] = '\0';
And then, print the result.
char orig[5];//creates an array of 5 char. (with indices ranging from 0 to 4)
| ^memory you do not own (your mysterious characters)
^start of orig
for(i=0;i<=4;i++){ //attempts to populate array with '.'
orig[i] = '.';
| ^memory you do not own (your mysterious characters)
^start of orig
This results in a non null terminated char array, which will invoke undefined behavior if used in a function that expects a C string. C strings must contain enough space to allow for null termination. Change your declaration to the following to accommodate.
char orig[6];
Then add the null termination to the end of your loop:
orig[i] = '.';
orig[i] = 0;
Resulting in:
| ^memory you do not own
^start of orig
Note: Because the null termination results in a C string, the function using it knows how to interpret its contents (i.e. no undefined behavior), and your mysterious characters are held at bay.
There is a difference between an array and a character array. You can consider a character array is an special case of array in which each element is of type char in C and the array should be ended (terminated) by a character null (ASCII value 0).
%s format specifier with printf() expects a pointer to a character array which is terminated by a null character. Your array is not null terminated and hence, printf function goes beyond 5 characters assigned by you and prints garbage values present after your 5th character ('.').
To solve your issues, you need to statically allocate the character array of size one more than the characters you want to store. In your case, a character array of size 6 will work.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int i,t;
char orig[6]; // If you want to store 5 characters, allocate an array of size 6 to store null character at last position.
for (i=0; i<=4; i++) {
orig[i] = '.';
orig[5] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", orig);
There is a reason to waste one extra character space for the null character. The reason being whenever you pass any array to a function, then only pointer to first element is passed to the function (pushed in function's stack). This makes for a function impossible to determine the end of the array (means operators like sizeof won't work inside the function and sizeof will return the size of the pointer in your machine). That is the reason, functions like memcpy, memset takes an additional function arguments which mentions the array sizes (or the length upto which you want to operate).
However, using character array, function can determine the size of the array by looking for a special character (null character).
You need to add a NUL character (\0) at the end of your string.
#include <stdio.h>
int i,t;
char orig[6];
orig[i] = '.';
orig[i] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", orig);
If you do not know what \0 is, I strongly recommand you to check the ascii table (
Good luck
prinftf takes starting pointer of any memory location, array in this case and print till it encounter a \0 character. These type of strings are called as null terminated strings.
So please add a \0 at the end and put in characters till (size of array - 2) like this :
int i,t;
char orig[5];
for(i=0;i<4;i++){ //less then size of array -1
orig[i] = '.';
orig[i] = '\0'
printf("%s\n", orig);
While writing a program i am filling the entries of a char array with digits. After doing so the length calculated for an array having no zero is correct but for an array starting with zero is zero!
Why is this result coming so!I am not able to interpret my mistake!?
int main()
int number_of_terms,no,j,i;
char arr[100];
char c;
printf("Length is:%d\n",strlen(arr));
return 0;
for eg if i input my array elements as 4 5
lenght is 2
and if my array elements as 0 5
length is 0..
You are using "%d" in your format specifier, which produces an integer, and you are passing in the address of a character array. This is, exactly like your title says, undefined behaviour. In particular, the value zero will take up 4 of the cells in your string, and will write zero to all of those. Since the character with value zero is the end marker, you get zero length string. However, on another architecture, the second character would probably cause a crash...
If you want to store integers in an array, you should use int arr[...];. If you want to store characters, use "%c".
You are copying the value 0 into the array. This eqals the character '\0' which is used to terminate strings. What you want is to copy the character '0' (has the value 48, see an ascii table).
Change %d to %c to interpret the input has character instead of decimal.
Also your "string" in arr is not zero terminated. After all the characters of your string, you have to end the string with the value 0 (here a decimal is correct). strlen needs it, because it determines the length of the string by traversing the array and counting up until it finds a 0.
I'm currently learning C and I'm confused with differences between char array and string, as well as how they work.
Question 1:
Why is there a difference in the outcomes of source code 1 and source code 2?
Source code 1:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char c[2]="Hi";
printf("%d\n", strlen(c)); //returns 3 (not 2!?)
return 0;
Source code 2:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char c[3]="Hi";
printf("%d\n", strlen(c)); //returns 2 (not 3!?)
return 0;
Question 2:
How is a string variable different from a char array? How to declare them with the minimum required index numbers allowing \0 to be stored if any (please read the codes below)?
char name[index] = "Mick"; //should index be 4 or 5?
char name[index] = {'M', 'i', 'c', 'k'}; //should index be 4 or 5?
#define name "Mick" //what is the size? Is there a \0?
Question 3:
Does the terminating NUL ONLY follow strings but not char arrays? So the actual value of the string "Hi" is [H][i][\0] and the actual value of the char array "Hi" is [H][i]?
Question 4:
Suppose c[2] is going to store "Hi" followed by a \0 (not sure how this is done, using gets(c) maybe?). So where is the \0 stored? Is it stored "somewhere" after c[2] to become [H][i]\0 or will c[2] be appended with a \0 to become c[3] which is [H][i][\0]?
It is quite confusing that sometimes there is a \0 following the string/char array and causes trouble when I compare two variables by if (c1==c2) as it most likely returns FALSE (0).
Detailed answers are appreciated. But keeping your answer brief helps my understanding :)
Thank you in advance!
Answer 1: In code 1 you have a char array that is not a string; in code 2 you have a char array that is also a string.
Answer 2: A string is a char array in which (at least) one element has the value 0; if you leave the size part empty, the compiler will automatically fill it with the minimum possible value.
char astring[] = "foobar"; /* compiler automagically uses 7 for size */
printf("%d\n", (int)sizeof astring);
Answer 3: a char array in which one of the elements is NUL is a string; a char array where no elements are NUL is not a string.
Answer 4: an array defined to hold two elements (char c[2];) cannot hold three elements. If it is going to be a string it can only be the empty string or a string with 1 character.
Question 1:
Why is there a difference in the outcomes of source code 1 and source
code 2?
Source code 1:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char c[2]="Hi";
printf("%d", strlen(c)); //returns 3 (not 2!?)
Source code 2:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char c[3]="Hi";
printf("%d", strlen(c)); //returns 2 (not 3!?)
Because in the first case, c[] is only holding "Hi". strlen looks for a zero at the end, and, depending on exactly what is behind c[] finds one sooner or later, or crashes. We can't say without knowing exactly what is in the memory behind the c[] array.
Question 2:
How is a string variable different from a char array? How to declare
them with the minimum required index numbers allowing \0 to be stored
if any (please read the codes below)?
char name[index] = "Mick"; //should index be 4 or 5?
char name[index] = {'M', 'i', 'c', 'k'}; //should index be 4 or 5?
Really depends on what you want to do. Probably 5 if you want to actually use the content as a string. But there's nothing saying you can't store "Mick" in a 4 character array - you just can't use strlen to find out how long it is, because strlen will continue to 5 and quite possibly (much) further to find the length, and if there is no zero in the next several memory locations, it could lead to a crash, because eventually, there won't be valid memory addresses to read.
#define name "Mick" //what is the size? Is there a \0?
This has absolutely no size at all, until you use name somwhere. #defines are not part of what the compiler sees - the pre-processor will replace name with "Mick" if you use name anywhere - and hopefully, that's in a place the compiler can make sense of. And then the same rules apply as in previous answer - it depends on how you want to use the array of characters. For correct operation with strlen, strpy, and nearly all other str... functions, you need a zero at the end.
Question 3:
Does the terminating null ONLY follow strings but not char arrays? So
the actual value of the string "Hi" is [H][i][\0] and the actual value
of the char array "Hi" is [H][i]?
Yes, no, maybe. It all depends on how you USE the "Hi" string literal (that's the technical name for 'something within double quotes'). If the compiler is "allowed", it will put a zero at the end. But if you initialize an array to a given size, it will stuff the bytes in there, and if there isn't room for a zero, that's your problem, not the compiler's.
Question 4:
Suppose c[2] is going to store "Hi" followed by a \0 (not sure how
this is done, using gets(c) maybe?). So where is the \0 stored? Is it
stored "somewhere" after c[2] to become [H][i]\0 or will c[2] be
appended with a \0 to become c[3] which is [H][i][\0]?
In c[2], beyond the 'H', 'i', there is no telling what is stored [technically, it could well be "the end of the earth" - in computer terms, that's "memory that can't be read - in which case strlen on that WILL crash your program, because strlen reads beyond the end of the earth]. But if could also be a zero, a one, the letter 'a', the number 42, or any other 8-bit [1] value.
It is quiet confusing that sometimes there is a \0 following the
string/char array and causes trouble when I compare two variables by
if (c1==c2) as it most likely returns FALSE (0).
If c1 and c2 are char arrays, that will ALWAYS be false since c1 and c2 are never going to have the same address, and when using an array in C in that way, it becomes "the address in memory of the first element in the array". So no matter what teh contents of c1 and c2 is, their address can never be the same [because they are two different variables, and two variables can not have the same location in memory - that's like trying to park two cars in a parking space large enough only for one car - and no, crushing either car is not allowed in our thought experiment].
[1] Char isn't guaranteed to be 8 bits. But lets inore that for now.
Running source code one is undefined behavior because strlen() requires a NUL-terminated string, which c[2] = "Hi"; /* = { 'H', 'i' } */ is not. A string differs from a char array in that a string is a char array with at least one NUL byte somewhere in the array.
The remaining answers should follow easily from this fact.
To autosize a char array to match the size of a string literal at initialization, simply specify no array size:
char c[] = "This will automatically size the c array (including the NUL).";
Note that you cannot compare char arrays with the == operator. You have to use
if (strcmp(c1, c2) == 0) {
/* Equal. */
} else {
/* Not equal. */
strlen() works on \0 terminating characters and in C all strings should be \0 terminated. So when you have given only 2 spaces for 2 characters H and i but there is no room for \0. Hence you are getting Undefined Behavior in strlen().
In case of char c[3] = "Hi"; there is \0 at the third place and strlen() will calculate the actual length.
How to declare them with the minimum required index numbers allowing \0 to be stored if any ?
When you are not sure about the size of char array , Do like this :
char c1[] = "Mike"; // strlen = 4
char c2[] = "Omkant" // strlen = 6
EDIT :In the above case where no size is mentioned explicitly , Do not confuse with sizeof with the strlen().
strlen() returns only number of charaters
sizeof gives number of characters plus one more (for \0 character).
So sizeof always gives exactly 1 more than the number returned by strlen().