HERE location services API freemium plan question - maps

I am looking at HERE location services API as an alternative to Google Maps JavaScript API to use with an autosuggest input.
They state that they include 250,000 free transactions per month on the free plan. They also state 'Assets: per month 250'. What are these assets they are referring to? I can't find anything in their docs. Is an asset a single 'place details' object returned or something else?
Hopefully someone here has experience with their freemium plan and knows. Because if it's one 'place details' object that is counted as one asset, it makes this freemium plan option insufficient for my needs. I am hoping that any new character input is counted as 1/250,000 requests and subsequent 'place details' request also considered as a single request, not an asset request.

From the FAQs:
What is an Asset?
An Asset is a person (including an end user), animal, device, cargo, means of transportation, vehicle or any other object which is located, tracked or displayed on a map, or provided route calculations or orders of destinations and/or routes, or has analytics derived by using the HERE Materials in a customer application or service for business purposes.
For example, HERE services are often used to help logistics providers manage vehicles in a fleet or a field workforce. If you manage 250 or fewer Assets, the Freemium and Pro plans will support your app. Contact us to license applications that manage more than 250 Assets.
Source: HERE FAQs


Google Places API: store Places in DB

I am building a web app where all the users belong to some type of places, lets say "bank". Each user belongs to only 1 bank but 1 bank can have more then one user.
I need to display their bank name and location in user profile and to be able to search by bank names inside specific city. So I need to connect users and banks somehow.
Is it safe to use the Place ID for that for each bank in terms of app scalability and life-cycle?
The manual says:
Place IDs are exempt from the caching restrictions stated in Section
10.5.d of the Google Maps APIs Terms of Service. You can therefore store place ID values indefinitely.
So Google says I can but is it the best practise? Do I need to store a full address additionally to be safe in case Google will deprecate these IDs in future?
Let's say I can get the bank Place ID with the help of Place Autocomplete during the user registration. Then I need to save it to DB to be able to display it later and search by bank.
The DB Structure could be:
Or Just
But I think the 1st way it better with unique place_id column?
As Google says, you may store PlaceID, but they also tell you that it is a good practice to "refresh" these stored PlaceIDs each 100 days, they do not assure you that your stored PlaceID will be for the same place that you stored.

How to find Uniqueness in Azure Usage Records from Billing APIs

I am building an Azure Chargeback solution and for that I am pulling the Azure Usage data from Azure Billing REST APIs for multiple subscriptions and different dates. I need to store this into custom MS SQL database as per customer’s requirements. I get various usage records from Azure.
Problem: From these Usage records, I am not able to find any combination of the columns in the data I receive which will give me a
Unique Key to identify a Usage record for a particular subscription
and for a specific date. Only column I see as different is Quantity
but even that can be duplicated. E.g. If there are 2 VMs of type A1
with no data or applications on them, in the same cloud service, then
they will have exact quantity of usage. I do not get the exact name
of the VM or any other resource via the Usage APIs.
One Custom Solution (Ineffective): I can append a counter or unique ID to the usage records but if I fetch the data next time the
order may shuffle or new data may be introduced thereby affecting the
logic for uniqueness. Any logic I build to checking if any data is
missing in DB will result in bugs if there is any alteration in the
order the usage records are returned (for a specific subscription for
a specific date).
I am sure that Microsoft stores this data in some database. I can’t find the unique id to identify a usage record from many records returned by the Billing API. Maybe I am missing something here.
I will appreciate any help or any pointers on this.
When you call the Usage API set the ShowDetails parameter to true: &showDetails=true
This will populate the instance data in the returned JSON with the unique URI for the resource which includes the name for example:
"instanceData": "{\"Microsoft.Resources\":{\"resourceUri\":\"/subscriptions/xxx-xxxx/resourceGroups/mygoup/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/WebsiteName\",\"...
Virtual Machine:
"instanceData": "{\"Microsoft.Resources\":{\"resourceUri\":\"/subscriptions/xxx-xxxx/resourceGroups/TESTINGBillGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/TestingBillVM\",\...
If ShowDetails is false all your resources will be aggregated on the server side based on the resource type, all your websites will show as one entry.
The resource URI, date range and meterid will form a unique key as far as I know.
NOTE: If you are using the legacy API your VMs will be aggregated under the cloud service hosting them.

Unique customer identifier in Amazon Marketplace Web Services

I am importing customers from Amazon to do an integration with our ordering system and want to avoid having duplicate customers as we do a high volume of sales on Amazon.
Is there any report, or API that will allow me to get a unique customer identifier that will never change for that customer no matter how many orders are placed?
I have thought of the anonymous email that Amazon makes available, however I am unsure if this changes, or if it is a static value as it is not referenced within the API documentation.
Has anyone else found a solution for this, or have any suggestion?
the key is buyer-email and is available from order reports or from amazon fulfilled shipments data report.
The amazon fulfilled shipments data report will not contain buyer email information in certain circumstances, however the order reports will always contain the buyer email.
Amazon's FAQ documentation states:
Are there separate e-mail addresses per thread? No. The anonymised e-mail alias remains the same for all contacts that you have with each individual buyer. Use the buyer's anonymised e-mail address as a unique identifier to follow conversations across multiple orders.

Geocoding out of (large number of static adresses)

We have developed an application in to geocode and display account information (address information) on Google Maps within We have around 750k addresses for the initial (one-time) geocoding process (static address data), as we store the lat/lon with the account.
Is their any way to get this geocoded done in one 'batch' as we seem to hit the daily allowance of request per day (3k)?
Thanks for your support and feedback.
If you'd like to use Google to do this and you need to precompute the lat/lon coordinates, you'll need to upgrade to the Google Maps API for Business. The table on that link provides a detailed overview of the limit differences, and I suspect that the terms of use may also be more in line with what you're developing too.
If your goal is to create a Google Map from the addresses, you may also consider just passing the address data instead of the latitude and longitude. Their static maps will work fine as long as you know which locations that you'd like to use on the map, you don't have too many locations in one map and you don't need interactivity. Otherwise, you should use the javascript API and their documentation is very good for that.
If you don't know which locations you'd like to use on the map, you could use the lat/lon coordinates of their zip codes (which are freely available) to create a view port.
If you'd like a static map of the locations (whether or not you precompute the lat/lon), I'd recommend taking a look at the apexgooglestaticmap Github repository. It makes it quite easy to make certain types of static Google maps in APEX and VisualForce. Here's an example from that README:
APEX Controller
String[] homes = new String[]{'Albany, NY','Wellesley, MA','New York, NY','Pittsburgh, PA','01945','Ann Arbor, MI','Chicago, IL'};
GoogleStaticMap.MapPath moves = new GoogleStaticMap.MapPath(homes).color('0x000000ff');
String movesUrl = new GoogleStaticMap().addPath(moves).url;
Visualforce Page
<apex:image value="{!movesUrl}">
Google Maps URL and Image
There are also many other geocoding APIs available. They each have their own terms of service, so make sure that your application matches the acceptable uses before you build anything with them. I've personally used PCMiler Web Services with success, and Geonames for reverse geocoding (they have a number of other great features too).
Google only allows that max per IP Address. If you were able to maximize the locations you were doing them from, max out at work, home or maybe your local starbucks, you could be able to hit the goal easily. If you have more than 250 employees just assign the 'homework' of going home and geocoding it! Spread the wealth, and the fun, of geocoding!
The other solution is using Google Maps API For Business, which allows you to do a max of 100,000 requests per day. For more information look at: ; for more information specifically on Geoogle Maps API For Business:
I use this geocoder, and add my list and use yahoo to get the lat and long.
We have FindNearby installed, so once I get all the addresses geo-coded, I add them back into my excel worksheet in the respective column that has the Record ID. Since we use FindNearby, I have to add a column that is titled Mapping Status, and all cells under this say Located. I used ApexData loader to mass upload into SF. Note, geocoder has a limit of only 1000 records at a single "code" click, but it has no limit of how many lists you can process per day.
I changes some code to use Bing map services instead of google. There limits are based on keys and are much larger. Also when the key hits its max requests, then you can just get a new free key and apply it.

How do I get product information via Amazon's MWS API?

I'm trying to automate the addition to and management of our products on Amazon. Looking at the API documentation for the MWS API it doesn't look like there's a way to determine if a product has already been added to Amazon by another seller and if so what its attributes are.
We are building a new product database for all the products we sell and have a table specifically for Amazon attribute data fields (ASIN, etc.). If Product information is already on Amazon, we'd like to pull that data via API and store it to our own database as well.
If you attempt to add a product via CSV and that product already exists on Amazon (and your attributes are in any way different ("m" != "medium") you'll receive and error. In that case you can just piggy back that existing product information and just upload a CSV with your price and quantity for a particular ASIN/SKU/UPC. We'd like to do away with uploading CSV files and again, have our own product table for Amazon attributes.
Will I need to also leverage Amazon's Product Advertising API to determine this or can it be done via MWS?
The documentation for Amazon's APIs aren't exactly fantastic and it's been slow going trying to sort through it all.
We're working with Ruby.
Amazon's Merchant Web Services API is limited to your Merchant account. So the answer to your question is that yes you will need to use Amazon's Product Advertising API to get information about products that aren't already listed.
That being said you should be aware that there are new restrictions being placed on the Product Advertising API that will limit the number of calls that you can make on a daily basis to 2,000. In addition to this you will have to get an Associate ID that will be tied to your account and needs to be sent with any request.
Also, I find that the information collected using the Product Advertising API is sometimes out of sync with the site and have resorted to scraping the info from the site itself. This has more overhead but you can be assured that the data is current. Of course this is only useful if you already have an ASIN or are dealing strictly with books (which use the ISBN as an ASIN) or Music CDs (which I believe use the UPC as an ASIN).
The MWS Products API is where you will find this functionality. Specifically the GetMatchingProductForId operation.
(This API probably wasn't available at the time of the original question)
