How to change autocomplete material UI background on textFiled - reactjs

Hi, I am trying to remove the background of autocomplete. but did not manage. I managed to changed color but now I can't see the text input.
the image above show the problem . as you can see its override on the label.
input: {
color: '#A5AEB3',
"& .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": {
backgroundColor: muiTheme.palette.background.default


MUI / Material-UI Autocomplete contains blue selection/outline box (for outlined input), which should not be there

As a test, I used a autocomplete (country select) from the official autocomplete documentation.
Here is also the code sandbox for the country select:
The country select autocomplete should look like this:
MUI country select from official website
But when I am testing my code in a React/Inertia project of mine, it looks like that (with exactly the same code):
MUI country select in my project
The blue input box should not be there at all. All experiments to remove it somehow failed.
Both the sandbox and the project use the same latest MUI Version. Any idea where the box could come from?
I expected that, when I am using the same code, I should get the same result, but I did not.
So I tried to modify a theme and change the outline of any input content like this:
MuiOutlinedInput: {
styleOverrides: {
root: {
"& .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": {
borderColor: "gray"
"&:hover .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": {
borderColor: "black"
"&.Mui-focused .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": {
borderColor: "green"
But the result was that the color of the outer border changed from blue to green, but not the inner one.
Try to fix

How to disable MUI Blur effect on Menu dropdown?

I want to disable Material-UI blur effect when a user opens a dropdown(select menu). maybe it's a nice effect for only one input, but imagine a form with 20 dropdowns and every time user clicks one of them the entire screen blur and becomes noisy and unhandy.
you can ovverride mui styles with MUI createTheme.
For my react application when I deleted this styles ovverride, the blur effect disappeared
you can just replace the blur with none
MuiBackdrop: {
styleOverrides: {
root: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
backdropFilter: 'none',
'&.MuiBackdrop-invisible': {
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
backdropFilter: 'none'
you can read more here:

How to change color of month/year label of material-ui datepicker in react using createMuiTheme?

I want to change the color of the label circled here:
How would I go about doing so?
I have tried changing the color of the primary colors on the palette. Also, there does not seem to be a way to do it through CSS without affecting other components.
Here's my current code for the theme:
const calendarTheme = createMuiTheme({
overrides: {
MuiPickersDay: {
day: {
color: "#436E70",
daySelected: {
backgroundColor: "#436E70",
dayDisabled: {
color: "#436E70",
current: {
color: "#436E70",
Material-UI pickers v3.3.10
Variant: static
Npm package used: #material-ui/pickers
Someone suggested this post: Change header color of Material-UI Date Picker
That solution is 5+ years old already,getMuiTheme is not part of v3.3.10. Also the way described in that post does not work anymore, it does not matter where in the createMuiTheme object I put
datePicker: {
color: palette.primary1Color,
textColor: palette.alternateTextColor,
calendarTextColor: palette.textColor,
selectColor: palette.primary2Color,
selectTextColor: palette.alternateTextColor,
calendarYearBackgroundColor: palette.canvasColor,
headerColor: palette.pickerHeaderColor || palette.primary1Color,
It does not work, it doesn't have any effects. And the documentation also doesn't bring much light to the case.
Thanks in advance.
According to the documentation from your link the datepicker has a rule (sometimes called slot) called MuiPickersCalendarHeader. This rule is used to provide styling to a <div> tag that is an ancestor to the <p> tag that contains the text you've circled in your sample image (i.e. "July 2022"). You can see how these tags are structured in the Inspector tab of the Developer Tools Window in Firefox (in the browser highlight the text "July 2022", right-click the highlighted text, then from the context menu choose Inspect). Knowing the tag structure, we can apply a CSS selector to target the <p> tag like so:
const calendarTheme = createMuiTheme({
overrides: {
MuiPickersDay: {
// MuiPickersCalendarHeader rule
MuiPickersCalendarHeader: {
switchHeader: {
['& > div > p']: {
// backgroundColor: lightBlue.A200,
// color: "white",
The above code is untested. If you have problems with it say so in a comment, and I'll try to test it.

Ant Design's Time Picker color

Is there an easy and quick way to modify these colors?
Thanks in advance
By the documentation from Ant Design,
popupStyle | The style of panel | CSSProperties
you could use popupStyle as a prop and just use normal CSS to style timepicker.
you could use popupClassName, popupClassName={classes.timepicker}
timepicker: {
"& .ant-picker-footer": {
color: "#your color",
you could find the correct className in dev tools.
Here is a simple method with the use of className .
and in CSS we have,
.timepicker-background {
background-color: rgb(26, 25, 29);
border-color: rgb(247, 30, 30);
Here is another method with the use of popupStyles
popupStyle={{ fontSize: 30 }}
Demo in Codesandbox

How to get a foreground colour on a pivot object

I have a row of pivot buttons which I use for my spfx form in a web part. I need to be able to give a grey background when users hover over the control. so at the moment my control looks like this :
So the blue bar changes on select but I want a grey hover over so the users know where to click.
Thanks in advance.
I have written this code to get the style but I cannot add the style into the component:
const styler = {
root: [
selectors: {
':hover': {
background: '#2C3539'
In this codepen you can see how you can pass styles to the correct style areas for Pivot control.
link: [
!rootIsTabs && {
selectors: {
':hover': {
backgroundColor: palette.neutralLighter,
color: palette.neutralDark
':active': {
backgroundColor: palette.neutralLight
To mention also, is that the styles I demo will be default styles in the next major release (Fabric v7), so you can have this in your code until we have an official release (within a few weeks) and when you have the ability to upgrade you can remove it and have it backed in into the component.
P.S.: the animation is another bonus that comes with this new major release.
