Reactjs convert input string to upper case - reactjs

I'm creating an app in Reactjs using react-strap. I would like to convert an input field to upper case.
From googling, it looks like simply appending "toUpperCase()" to the field would work, but this doesn't appear as an option in Visual Studio code.
I had a similar issue with doing a replace all, but finally got that to work using "const" field:
// replace ":" with "-"
const phrase = item.macs;
const replaced = phrase.replace(/:/g, '-')
item.macs = replaced;
However, converting to a const field doesn't work for making the "toUpperCase()" available.
What should I do to turn this into a string so I can call the "toUpperCase()" function?
Edit: change references from "toUpper" to "toUpperCase". The problem is this is not available as a function.
For example of I do
it works. But it I can't get it to bring that up in Visual Studio Code, and it's ignored if I code it anyway.

I believe you are looking after toUpperCase.

To make a string uppercase in javascript you can call .toUpperCase() method on it. For example
const foo = 'foo'
const fooUpper = foo.toUpperCase()
console.log(fooUpper) // expected result 'FOO'

I got around this problem by forcing the input item to be regarded as a string by prepending it with a '', like so:
item.macs = '' + item.macs;
item.macs = item.macs.replace(/:/g, '-');
item.macs = item.macs.toUpperCase();
After that, all the string functions were available.


fetch a discord link from a long text

૮₍ • ᴥ • ₎ა・Raiden ▬▭⋱𓂅
How can I pull the "" link from a text like this
console.log(invitelink) ==>
Use String.match() for this. String.match accepts a regex argument which looks like this:
let str = 'hey there this is just a random string';
let res = str.match(/random/);
//res is now ['random']
Now for your problem, you are probably looking for this:
if(msg.content.match(/discord\.gg\/.+/) || msg.content.match(/discordapp\.com\/invite\/.+/)) return'Hey! You put an invite in your message!');
Now that regex may look a bit messy/complicated but the \s are to escape the character and make sure regex knows that it’s not the special character it uses, and is actually just a character part of the search. To clarify why the above example should work, here’s a little explanation:
match() returns either an array (if it gets a match) or null (if it gets no match). You are searching for the strings '' followed by any characters and also checking for the string '' also followed by any characters.
If this doesn’t work, please tell me.

Issue using Graphql in my react app. I just can't get the variable section to work [duplicate]

So i have a method that searches for anime by name, API is graphQL.
Here's the important part of the query
const searchQuery = this.state.searchString;
var query = `query Search{
# the rest of the query omitted for brevity
media(type:ANIME, search: ${searchQuery} ){
# ...
I'm getting two types of errors in response, first is when search string consists of multiple words separated by spaces - "Syntax Error: Expected :, found )"
Second when i search for single word - "Field "media" argument "search" requires type String, found naruto."
What is the problem here?
You can see full code here - , app deployed to github pages, search API response goes to console -
The issue is that given some query like "naruto", your current code results in the following text:
media(type:ANIME, search: naruto ) {
This is not valid syntax since String literals should be surrounded by double quotes (").
Don't use string interpolation to provide dynamic values to the query. These should always be expressed as variables and included as a separate object inside your request alongside query.
You need to define the variable as part of your operation, providing the appropriate type
var query = `query Search ($searchQuery: String!) {
then you can use the variable anywhere inside the operation:
media(type:ANIME, search: $searchQuery) {
Now just pass the variable value along with your request.
body: JSON.stringify({
variables: {
Note that the variable name is prefixed with a $ inside the GraphQL document, but outside of it, we don't do that.
media() looks like a function, so in that case the correct syntax would be:
media(type="ANIME", search=searchQuery)
or if the argument of media() is an object
media({type: "ANIME", search: searchQuery})
Also, you don't need to use ${} around searchQuery since searchQuery is already a string. The usage for that would be something like
`${searchString}` or `foo${searchString}bar`
using the `` around the ${} utility to represent a string and its variable inside the string literal.
Hope it helps!

Gatling .sign issue

I am trying to build a Get request as follows and I would like CaseReference value to be populated via feeder .feed(CaseProviderSeq) but for some reason it's not picking CaseReference value and printing following for my println statement in .sign statement bellow
PATH KJ: /caseworkers/554355/jurisdictions/EMPLOYMENT/case-types/Manchester_Multiples/cases/$%7BCaseReference%7D/event-triggers/updateBulkAction_v2/token
My feeder CSV got following rows currently
so I am expecting this amended URL would be like
any idea what wrong I am doing here ??
.get(session => SaveEventUrl.replace(":case_reference","${CaseReference}").replaceAll("events", "") + s"event-triggers/${EventId}/token")
.header("ServiceAuthorization", s2sToken)
.header("Authorization", userToken)
.sign(new SignatureCalculator {
override def sign(request: Request): Unit = {
val path = request.getUri.getPath
println("PATH KJ: " + path)
request.getHeaders.add("uri", path)
This is not related to .sign, but your session attribute CaseReference not being interpreted. If you look closely you can see the braces %-encoded in $%7BCaseReference%7D.
Interpretation of the Gatling Expression Language strings happens only when a String is present when an Expression[Something] is needed1.
This bug you wrote is shown exactly in the warning in the documentation above.
I believe you can simply remove session => in your .get, so you are passing in a String rather than a Session => String2. That string will be implicitly converted to Expression[String]. That way Gatling will put the session attribute into the URL.
This happens because of the Scala implicit conversion.
In fact it is Session => Validation[String], because, again, of implicit conversions.

how do i extract a value from a lua array?

I'm debugging someone else's application and I've run across a data structure that, when dumped to a file, looks like this:
["value"] = {}
["value"]["0.ouname"] = {}
["value"]["0.ouname"]["label"] = "Test value"
["value"]["0.ouname"]["seq"] = 90
["value"]["0.ouname"]["type"] = "text"
["value"]["0.ouname"]["value"] = ""
["value"]["1.ouname"] = {}
["value"]["localityName"]["value"] = "California"
I need to be able to extract the seq number "90" from it but I'm at a loss as to how.
I am able to get at the "California" value by doing the following:
However, I can't seem to get the sequence number
So far, I've tried the following:
But I haven't been successful!
If you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate it.
In Lua, a.b is syntactic sugar for a["b"]. Of course, you can use it only when it's possible, and the resulting expression won't mean something else (as in your example).
Thus, you have to use
You could also drop all dots and use only [], as such:
Which is exactly the same format that has been written to file.

Google Datastore problem with query on *User* type

On this question I solved the problem of querying Google Datastore to retrieve stuff by user ( like this:
User user = userService.getCurrentUser();
String select_query = "select from " + Greeting.class.getName();
Query query = pm.newQuery(select_query);
query.setFilter("author == paramAuthor");
query.declareParameters("java.lang.String paramAuthor");
greetings = (List<Greeting>) query.execute(user);
The above works fine - but after a bit of messing around I realized this syntax in not very practical as the need to build more complicated queries arises - so I decided to manually build my filters and now I got for example something like the following (where the filter is usually passed in as a string variable but now is built inline for simplicity):
User user = userService.getCurrentUser();
String select_query = "select from " + Greeting.class.getName();
Query query = pm.newQuery(select_query);
query.setFilter("author == '"+ user.getEmail() +"'");
greetings = (List<Greeting>) query.execute();
Obviously this won't work even if this syntax with field = 'value' is supported by JDOQL and it works fine on other fields (String types and Enums). The other strange thing is that looking at the Data viewer in the app-engine dashboard the 'author' field is stored as type User but the value is '', and then again when I set it up as parameter (the case above that works fine) I am declaring the parameter as a String then passing down an instance of User (user) which gets serialized with a simple toString() (I guess).
Anyone any idea?
Using string substitution in query languages is always a bad idea. It's far too easy for a user to break out and mess with your environment, and it introduces a whole collection of encoding issues, etc.
What was wrong with your earlier parameter substitution approach? As far as I'm aware, it supports everything, and it sidesteps any parsing issues. As far as the problem with knowing how many arguments to pass goes, you can use Query.executeWithMap or Query.executeWithArray to execute a query with an unknown number of arguments.
