Teams App : Is it mandatory that customer should have 365 to use teams app? - azure-active-directory

Is it mandatory that the tenant has to have Microsoft Office 365? Can we sync our on premise Active Directory to Azure AD using Azure Connect and login to Microsoft Teams using AD credentials?

the Full version of teams requires an office 365 license. as this is an office 365 product.
Without an office 365 license that includes teams. you won't be able to use the full version of teams regardless of AD Account.
So to answer your question. yes it is mandatory to have a o365/teams license in order to use teams.
There is however a free version of teams that you can use, and if your entire tenant in aad doesn't have any office 365 at all, then 'I believe' you can log into / sign up for that free version.
though there are various limitations on that version but if you are just testing it out, or are a small organization, of less than 25 users then you could use it.


Microsoft 365 subscription extra-costs for registering app in Azure Active Directory Admin Center

I am a software developer and I've been working on integrating Microsoft Graph Api in my application to be able to retrieve calendar information for users. For development purposes, I have been using a Microsoft 365 Developer subscription, in which I register my app, by following This seems to be working fine with my developer subscription, so after creating a small proof of concept, now I am trying to make a time and cost estimation for this, and I have some doubts about if there are any costs for the client.
Is Azure Active Directory Admin Center available on all Microsoft 365 business plans with the "App registration" option? Or are there any other cost-related aspects I need to take in consideration?
I've searched online and found that there shouldn't be any additional costs, but since I am not really familiar with Microsoft 365 and Azure Active Directory Admin Center other than what I used for my proof of concept, I am not really sure I have the right information.
Maybe there is someone who already implemented this in production and can have a better understanding over this.
Microsoft 365 subscription extra-costs for Microsoft Graph Api usage
1.There is no extra cost to use the API, it is open source.
and I have some doubts about if there are any costs for the client.
2.No,it's free.And only microsoft 365 subscription needs to be charged.
3.Yes,all Microsoft 365 subscriptions offer this option.
As #Nishant - MSFT Identity says,Registering apps in Azure AD does not involve any costs and Microsoft 365 E5 developer subscription​ comes with Azure Active Directory(it's free) for building advanced identity and access management solutions.
M365 subscription will have an Azure tenant associated with it and hence you can create application for authenticating to AAD using MS Graph.

Azure Active Directory Licensing of Students in O365 A3

Our school has students on an E3 licensing for education. Each student is (can be) licensed with:
Azure Active Directory Basic for EDU
Azure Active Directory Premium for EDU
Azure Rights Management
All of these show "for student use benefit".
Why would a student need this access? What access is this giving them? I've searched on MS O365 site and no answers are found. I understand why I need these, but not a student.
Thank you in advance for the assistance.
When you have O365 A3 plan, all the users under your tenant will have an Azure Active Directory Free license.
Your E3 licensing for education also provides the three licenses:
Azure Active Directory Basic for EDU
Azure Active Directory Premium for EDU
Azure Rights Management
Azure Active Directory Basic and Azure Active Directory Premium will have more services for the users.
You can see details from Azure Active Directory pricing page. Note: Azure Active Directory Basic is retired. You can refer to OFFICE 365 APPS edition instead.
Azure Rights Management is used protect important data by using applications and services that support this information protection solution. See details here.
Whether to assign the above licenses to students depends on your needs. You can manage the Azure AD licenses in O365 admin center or Azure portal.

Is there any connection between Microsoft Graph API user and WindowsIdentity?

I've logged into Windows 10 using my office 365 account and running WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() gives me AzureAD\\LocTrang and Sid.
When I look into ADSI CN=ForeignSecurityPrincipals I can see the Sid. But pulling down the users from office 365 Azure Active Directory I could not find any correlation between my office 365 account and what WindowsIdentity has given me.
I know they're not the same but I need to find the connection between office 365 account and my Windows account which I've logged in using my office 365 account.
You need to check the attributes used to match users when AAD Connect is run.
AAD Connect syncs AD users up to Azure AD.
Normally UPN is used.
You also need to check what attributes are synched up since if they are not synched, they won't be in Azure AD.

Known limitations when inviting users to Dynamics 365 using Azure AD B2B

We are designing a Dynamics 365 solution for a customer that already have an existing tenant with an Azure AD that uses federation through AD-FS.
We would like to design a solution using a separate tenant and Azure AD with Dynamics 365 (online). The idea would then be that we should invite users from their tenant to "our" tenant using Azure AD B2B.
We've found that there are limitations using Unified Service Desk client and using the users own email, using this approach. Are there other known limitations?
Could this be solved in a better way, still using two separate tenants?
Microsoft states that the following features are not supported when using Azure B2B together with Dynamics 365:
Unified Service Desk client
Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
Invited users cannot perform email activity using their own email address
Office 365 Groups
Read details at link

Exchange 2013 & AD (on-premise) to Office365 Migration path recommendation

I have the following setup:
Exchange 2013 on-premise with 10 users
AD on-premise
We have Office 365 premium licenses for each person in the company and have an Azure account etc.
I have been tasked with migrating the users to Office365 and also migrating AD
The Exchange Online licenses are not yet active, so currently, there are no user mailboxes on Office365.
We want Azure AD to replace our on-premise AD as at some point, the AD and Exchange servers (on-premise) will be decommissioned.
What path would be the best for me to take to do the migration?
I have read various pages on about AD sync and AD Connect but am not sure whether or not this is the right way to go. the docs all seem to be geared towards companies needing a hybrid setup and we don't want that, ultimately.
Tips and advice will be gratefully welcomed.
Best regards,
