How much data should one nest in a GET API call? - database

Rolling with a similar example: If you have Companies and companies have Divisions and divisions have Employees, when you make a GET request for a company how do you decide what data to embed? For example you could return a Company with nested Divisions and People. Or, you could make 3 separate calls.
I've been using the GitHub API a bit and they seem to embed some data providing its not an array. For example, when you request a repo it may have the owner embedded but not issues and pull requests. How did they decide on this?
Also, it seems like, depending on your data store SQL vs NoSQL mileage may vary here.
Found this example m but its not quite the same.

when you make a GET request for a company how do you decide what data to embed?
I think your asking something like "when designing a resource, how do you decide what information belongs in the representation, and what information is linked?"
An answer to that is to pay attention to the fact that caching happens at the resource level -- the target-uri is the cache key. When we invalidate a resource, we invalidate all of its representations.
An implication here is that we want the caching policy of the resource to be favorable for all of the information included in the representation.
Mixing data that changes minute-by-minute with data that has an expected half life of a year makes it difficult to craft a sensible caching policy. So it might make more sense to carve the information into piles with similar life cycles, and have a separate resource for each.
Consider a website like stack overflow: the branding (logo, style sheets, images) doesn't change very often; the page contents (questions, answers, comments) change at a higher cadence. The total network bandwidth consumed is probably considerably lower if you link to the big, slowly changing design elements.
(Also, once you do use links, you have the ability to move the different resources independently - moving content to a CDN, routing high and low priority requests differently, and so on).


Activity Feed with Riak

This week I read an interesting article which explain how the authors implemented an activity. Basically, they're using two approaches to handle activities, which I'm adapting to my scenario, so supposing we hava an user foo who has a certain number (x) of followers:
if x<500, then the activity will be copyied to every follower feed
this means slow writes, fast reads
if x>500, only a link will be made between foo and his followoers
in theory, fast writes, but will slow reads
So when some user access your activity feed, the server will fetch and merge all data, so this means fast lookups in their own copyied activities and then query accross the links. If a timeline has a limit of 20, then I fetch 10 of each and then merge.
I'm trying to do it with Riak and the feature of Linking, so this is my question: is linking faster than copy? My idea of architecture is good enough? Are there other solutions and/or technologies which I should see?
PS.: I'm not implementing a activity feed for production, it's just for learning how to implement one which performs well and use Riak a bit.
Two thoughts.
1) No, Linking (in the sense of Riak Link Walking) is very likely not the right way to implement this. For one, each link is stored as a separate HTTP header, and there is a recommended limit in the HTTP spec on how many header fields you should send. (Although, to be fair, in tests you can use upwards of a 1000 links in the header with Riak, seems to work fine. But not recommended). More importantly, querying those links via the Link Walking api actually uses MapReduce on the backend, and is fairly slow for the kind of usage you're intending it for.
This is not to say that you can't store JSON objects that are lists of links, sure, that's a valid approach. I'm just recommending against using Riak links for this.
2) As for how to properly implement it, that's a harder question, and depends on your traffic and use case. But your general approach is valid -- copy the feed for some X value of updates (whether X is 500 or much smaller should be determined in testing), and link when the number of updates is greater than X.
How should you link? You have 3 choices, all with tradeoffs. 1) Use Secondary Indices (2i), 2) Use Search, or 3) Use links "manually", meaning, store JSON documents with URLs that you dereference manually (versus using link walking queries).
I highly recommend watching this video: (Building a Social Application on Riak), by the Clipboard engineers, to see how they solved this problem. (They used Search for linking, basically).

Protecting (or tracking plagiarism of) Openly Available Web Content (database/list/addreses)

We have put together a very comprehensive database of retailers across the country with specific criteria. It took over a year of phone interviews, etc., to put together the list. The list is, of course, not openly available on our site to download as a flat file...that would be silly.
But all the content is searchable on the site via Google Maps. So theoretically with enough zip-code searches, someone could eventually grab all the retailer data. Of course, we don't want that since our whole model is to do the research and interviews required to compile this database and offer it to end-users for consumption on our site.
So we've come to the conclusion there isnt really any way to protect the data from being taken en-masse but a potentially competing website. But is there a way to watermark the data? Since the Lat/Lon is pre-calculated in our db, we dont need the address to be 100% correct. We're thinking of, say, replacing "1776 3rd St" with "1776 Third Street" or replacing standard characters with unicode replacements. This way, if we found this data exactly on a competing site, we'd know it was plagiarism. The downside is if users tried to cut-and-paste the modified addresses into their own instance of Google Maps -- in some cases the modification would make it difficult.
How have other websites with valuable openly-distributed content tackled this challenge? Any suggestions?
It is a question of "openly distribute" vs "not openly distribute" if you ask me. If you really want to distribute it, you should acknowledge that someone can receive the data.
With certain kinds of data (media like photos, movies, etc) you can watermark or otherwise tamper with the data so it becomes trackable, but if your content is like yours that will become hard, and even harder to defend: if you use "third street" and someone else also uses it, do you think you can make a case against them? I highly doubt it.
The only steps I can think of is
Making it harder to get all the information. Hide it behind scripts and stuff instead of putting it on google maps, make sure it is as hard as you can make it for bots to get the information, limit the amount of results shown to one user, etc. This could very well mean your service is less attractive to the end user, this is a trade-off
Sort of the opposite of above: use somewhat the same technique to HIDE some of the data for the common user instead of showing it to them. This would be FAKE data, that a normal person shouldn't see. If these retailers show up at your competitors, you've caught them red-handed. This is certainly not fool-proof, as they can check their results for validity and remove your fake stuff, there is always a possibility a user with a strange system gets the fake data which makes your served content less correct, and lastly if your competitors' scraper looks too much like real user, it won't get the data.
provide 2-step info: in step one you get the "about" info, anyone can find that. In step 2, after you've confirmed that this is what the user wants, maybe a login, maybe just limited in requests etc, you give everything. So if the user searches for easy-to-reach retailers, first say in which area you have some, and show it 'roughly' on the map, and if they have chosen something, show them in a limited environment what the real info is.

Are there any algorithms for creating playlists that don't require a massive database (or that work with a publicly accessible one)?

Is there any algorithm with which I can automatically create a playlist of songs that well with each other -- similarly to services like iTunes Genius -- that a single developer can actually implement? It should either a) not require any sort of remote database of listening habits etc. or b) require such a database, but work with one that is freely available.
i did this, and i used the database as described by tomasz. i didn't use "related artist" directly, but instead constructed my own relationship graph by comparing tags associated with different artists (this is not the approach suggested by lcfseth btw - i have quite a large range of music and i wanted to explore "natural" connections that might not be common partners in "normal" playlists; also i wasn't sure how uniform the related artists were).
i also used a local database to cache data from, because calls to the api are rate limited, and i experimented with using other parts of the api to improve / normalize the information i was reading from mp3 tags.
generating a useful graph of related artists was actually quite hard; largely because some nodes in the graph naturally tend to be more important than others. if you don't "even out" the graph then your playlist will keep returning to the "important" artists.
the final result did work well, in that the selection of music had a good balance between "central theme" and variation. but the implementation is not at all polished, the calculation of the graph can take a long time (many hours), the program takes up a fair amount of memory when running, and it still seems to play elvis costello a little more than expected ;o)
if you are interested, the code is at
the best part of all, from my point of view as a user, is that it can update logitech media server (squeezeserver) playlists in "realtime", adding a new track whenever the list is empty. that works really well in continuing from whatever music you select "by hand". it can also generate one-off playlists, of course, and, finally, by tweaking parameters you can get a kind of "random walk" through your music collection - it will play related tunes but slowly drift from one style to another (in fact, this is really the "default" mode - to get it to stay on a single theme i needed extra logic that biased it towards whatever music it had played earlier).
ps also, the dump of the final graph to gephi was really cool - i had it printed out and it's now pinned to the wall...
pps i also experimented with the musicbrainz database, which in theory sounds like a fantastic resource. but in practice it is over-complex and poorly documented.
I don't know iTunes Genius, but I think database and API might be useful for you. Every time you see any track it shows you a list of similar tracks, based on other users preferencs. The same information can be obtained using track.getSimilar API method.
The idea behind most of these databases, is to see what other users listens to after they listen to a given song. The accuracy of these statistics depends on the number of users therefor it is probably hard to use this locally. The algorithm itself is not that hard to implement.
The alternative would be to sort song based on genre, singer... which are informations that are usually embedded in the songs but not always. Winamp have this feature, but it won't work for old songs, unless you manually set the informations or use an On-line song database.

Is it alright to track your users actions on the site for analytics purposes?

We use a tool that tracks individual users' mouse movements and clicks on our site. Right now it only tracks anonymous visitors, but we're thinking of using it to track specific logged in users' data. We'd be using it for analytics, but we'd like to have the data in case we need to analyze how a particular person uses the site.
Are people, in general, alright with this? Does this constitute privacy infringement?
The short answer is it is your site, for the most part (for now) you can track whatever you want on it.
However, some things to consider...
a) 3rd party analytics tools have their own privacy policies and Terms of Services that may or may not allow this, so if you are using something like Google Analytics, Omniture SiteCatalyst, WebTrends, Yahoo Web Analytics, etc.. then you need to read over their Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to make sure you are allowed to track this sort of thing. Offhand I don't think any of the ones I mentioned disallow tracking mouse movements/clicks specifically (and in fact, some of them have features/plugins for it, called "clickmap" tracking, or similar), but some do have restrictions on other data you may couple with this. For example, I know Google does not allow you to associate any data with the user's IP address. You cannot send it to GA in a custom variable, nor can you store it on your own server in any way that you can associate it with data you send to GA (for example, storing the user's IP in your own database along with a unique id, and then sending the unique id to GA, where you can then lookup IP by that unique id).
b) Privacy is indeed a concern that is currently being discussed by the powers-that-be, and your ability to track certain things may indeed be limited in the future. For now, it's mostly about personally identifiable information, and it's mostly happening in Europe, and tracking mouse movement/clicks generally isn't personally identifiable, but who knows what the future may bring.
c) Make sure you understand the costs involved in tracking mouse movements/clicks. In order to track something, a request has to be made, data sent somewhere. The more granular the data, the more requests and/or data needs to be sent. Whether it is your own baked up tracking solution on your own server or a 3rd party, this will cost something one way or the other. Imagine sending a request to a server for every x,y position of the mouse as it moves...this could quickly add up, and a lot of 3rd party solutions place a limit on how many requests can be made per visit(or) or day on an account.
d) On that note, if you are using a 3rd party solution, tracking something this granular may affect tracking more important stuff. As mentioned in "c", many 3rd party solutions limit how many requests can be made per visit(or) or day on your account, etc.. and if you hit the limit, any requests after that won't be tracked. Imagine if you have tracking on a sale confirmation page, tracking details about a sale made, which is very important tracking, being tossed out because of too many requests of mouse movements on some random page...
e) On that note... consider how actionable tracking mouse movements and clicks really is to you. This is a question you have to really ask yourself whenever you want to track something: "How actionable is this?" Basically, imagine yourself having the tracking in place and looking at the data...then what? What will you do with that data? Assuming the ultimate goal is to make more money, increase conversions on your site, etc.. do you really think knowing the paths a mouse cursor took on a given webpage will help you increase sales/conversions? How will you be able to know if the mouse movements are related to content on your page, or if they were just some random jerks/movements while reading content or making room on a desk, etc..? At best, the data will be polluted...
Clicks on links or specific action buttons on a page? Sure, those are certainly worth tracking. And most 3rd party solutions automatically track a lot of that stuff, or offer custom coding solutions for manual wiring up of things. And there are plenty of reports that can be made showing activity from them.

How to share data across an organization

What are some good ways for an organization to share key data across many deparments and applications?
To give an example, let's say there is one primary application and database to manage customer data. There are ten other applications and databases in the organization that read that data and relate it to their own data. Currently this data sharing is done through a mixture of database (DB) links, materialized views, triggers, staging tables, re-keying information, web services, etc.
Are there any other good approaches for sharing data? And, how do your approaches compare to the ones above with respect to concerns like:
duplicate data
error prone data synchronization processes
tight vs. loose coupling (reducing dependencies/fragility/test coordination)
architectural simplification
well-defined interfaces
other relevant concerns?
Keep in mind that the shared customer data is used in many ways, from simple, single record queries to complex, multi-predicate, multi-sort, joins with other organization data stored in different databases.
Thanks for your suggestions and advice...
I'm sure you saw this coming, "It Depends".
It depends on everything. And the solution to sharing Customer data for department A may be completely different for sharing Customer data with department B.
My favorite concept that has risen up over the years is the concept of "Eventual Consistency". The term came from Amazon talking about distributed systems.
The premise is that while the state of data across a distributed enterprise may not be perfectly consistent now, it "eventually" will be.
For example, when a customer record gets updated on system A, system B's customer data is now stale and not matching. But, "eventually", the record from A will be sent to B through some process. So, eventually, the two instances will match.
When you work with a single system, you don't have "EC", rather you have instant updates, a single "source of truth", and, typically, a locking mechanism to handle race conditions and conflicts.
The more able your operations are able to work with "EC" data, the easier it is to separate these systems. A simple example is a Data Warehouse used by sales. They use the DW to run their daily reports, but they don't run their reports until the early morning, and they always look at "yesterdays" (or earlier) data. So there's no real time need for the DW to be perfectly consistent with the daily operations system. It's perfectly acceptable for a process to run at, say, close of business and move over the days transactions and activities en masse in a large, single update operation.
You can see how this requirement can solve a lot of issues. There's no contention for the transactional data, no worries that some reports data is going to change in the middle of accumulating the statistic because the report made two separate queries to the live database. No need to for the high detail chatter to suck up network and cpu processing, etc. during the day.
Now, that's an extreme, simplified, and very coarse example of EC.
But consider a large system like Google. As a consumer of Search, we have no idea when or how long it takes for a search result that Google harvests to how up on a search page. 1ms? 1s? 10s? 10hrs? It's easy to imaging how if you're hitting Googles West Coast servers, you may very well get a different search result than if you hit their East Coast servers. At no point are these two instances completely consistent. But by large measure, they are mostly consistent. And for their use case, their consumers aren't really affected by the lag and delay.
Consider email. A wants to send message to B, but in the process the message is routed through system C, D, and E. Each system accepts the message, assume complete responsibility for it, and then hands it off to another. The sender sees the email go on its way. The receiver doesn't really miss it because they don't necessarily know its coming. So, there is a big window of time that it can take for that message to move through the system without anyone concerned knowing or caring about how fast it is.
On the other hand, A could have been on the phone with B. "I just sent it, did you get it yet? Now? Now? Get it now?"
Thus, there is some kind of underlying, implied level of performance and response. In the end, "eventually", A's outbox matches B inbox.
These delays, the acceptance of stale data, whether its a day old or 1-5s old, are what control the ultimate coupling of your systems. The looser this requirement, the looser the coupling, and the more flexibility you have at your disposal in terms of design.
This is true down to the cores in your CPU. Modern, multi core, multi-threaded applications running on the same system, can have different views of the "same" data, only microseconds out of date. If your code can work correctly with data potentially inconsistent with each other, then happy day, it zips along. If not you need to pay special attention to ensure your data is completely consistent, using techniques like volatile memory qualifies, or locking constructs, etc. All of which, in their way, cost performance.
So, this is the base consideration. All of the other decisions start here. Answering this can tell you how to partition applications across machines, what resources are shared, and how they are shared. What protocols and techniques are available to move the data, and how much it will cost in terms of processing to perform the transfer. Replication, load balancing, data shares, etc. etc. All based on this concept.
Edit, in response to first comment.
Correct, exactly. The game here, for example, if B can't change customer data, then what is the harm with changed customer data? Can you "risk" it being out of date for a short time? Perhaps your customer data comes in slowly enough that you can replicate it from A to B immediately. Say the change is put on a queue that, because of low volume, gets picked up readily (< 1s), but even still it would be "out of transaction" with the original change, and so there's a small window where A would have data that B does not.
Now the mind really starts spinning. What happens during that 1s of "lag", whats the worst possible scenario. And can you engineer around it? If you can engineer around a 1s lag, you may be able to engineer around a 5s, 1m, or even longer lag. How much of the customer data do you actually use on B? Maybe B is a system designed to facilitate order picking from inventory. Hard to imagine anything more being necessary than simply a Customer ID and perhaps a name. Just something to grossly identify who the order is for while it's being assembled.
The picking system doesn't necessarily need to print out all of the customer information until the very end of the picking process, and by then the order may have moved on to another system that perhaps is more current with, especially, shipping information, so in the end the picking system doesn't need hardly any customer data at all. In fact, you could EMBED and denormalize the customer information within the picking order, so there's no need or expectation of synchronizing later. As long as the Customer ID is correct (which will never change anyway) and the name (which changes so rarely it's not worth discussing), that's the only real reference you need, and all of your pick slips are perfectly accurate at the time of creation.
The trick is the mindset, of breaking the systems up and focusing on the essential data that's necessary for the task. Data you don't need doesn't need to be replicated or synchronized. Folks chafe at things like denormalization and data reduction, especially when they're from the relational data modeling world. And with good reason, it should be considered with caution. But once you go distributed, you have implicitly denormalized. Heck, you're copying it wholesale now. So, you may as well be smarter about it.
All this can mitigated through solid procedures and thorough understanding of workflow. Identify the risks and work up policy and procedures to handle them.
But the hard part is breaking the chain to the central DB at the beginning, and instructing folks that they can't "have it all" like they may expect when you have a single, central, perfect store of information.
This is definitely not a comprehensive reply. Sorry, for my long post and I hope it adds to thoughts that would be presented here.
I have a few observations on some of the aspect that you mentioned.
duplicate data
It has been my experience that this is usually a side effect of departmentalization or specialization. A department pioneers collection of certain data that is seen as useful by other specialized groups. Since they don't have unique access to this data as it is intermingled with other data collection, in order to utilize it, they too start collecting / storing the data, inherently making it duplicate. This issue never goes away and just like there is a continuos effort in refactoring code and removing duplication, there is a need to continuously bring duplicate data for centralized access, storage and modification.
well-defined interfaces
Most interfaces are defined with good intention keeping other constraints in mind. However, we simply have a habit of growing out of the constraints placed by previously defined interfaces. Again a case for continuos refactoring.
tight coupling vs loose coupling
If any thing, most software is plagued by this issue. The tight coupling is usually a result of expedient solution given the constraint of time we face. Loose coupling incurs a certain degree of complexity which we dislike when we want to get things done. The web services mantra has been going rounds for a number of years and I am yet to see a good example of solution that completely alleviates the point
architectural simplification
To me this is the key to fighting all the issues you have mentioned in your question. SIP vs H.323 VoIP story comes into my mind. SIP is very simplified, easy to build while H.323 like a typical telecom standard tried to envisage every issue on the planet about VoIP and provide a solution for it. End result, SIP grew much more quickly. It is a pain to be H.323 compliant solution. In fact, H.323 compliance is a mega buck industry.
On a few architectural fads that I have grown up to.
Over years, I have started to like REST architecture for it's simplicity. It provides a simple unique access to data and easy to build applications around it. I have seen enterprise solution suffer more from duplication, isolation and access of data than any other issue like performance etc. REST to me provides a panacea to some of those ills.
To solve a number of those issues, I like the concept of central "Data Hubs". A Data Hub represents a "single source of truth" for a particular entity, but only stores IDs, no information like names etc. In fact, it only stores ID maps - for example, these map the Customer ID in system A, to the Client Number from system B, and to the Customer Number in system C. Interfaces between the systems use the hub to know how to relate information in one system to the other.
It's like a central translation; instead of having to write specific code for mapping from A->B, A->C, and B->C, with its attendance exponential increase as you add more systems, you only need to convert to/from the hub: A->Hub, B->Hub, C->Hub, D->Hub, etc.
