I made a userinfo command which works fine but the only problem is that it doesn't display the game of the user if they are playing a game. I don't have any error when I use the command. I'm using version 12.1.1 of discord.js
const {
} = require("discord.js");
const moment = require("moment");
module.exports.run = async(bot, message, args) => {
const user = message.mentions.users.first() || bot.users.cache.get(args[0]) || message.author;
if (!user) return;
const userStatus = {
online: "En ligne",
idle: "Inactif",
dnd: "Ne pas déranger",
offline: "Hors ligne"
const emojiStatus = {
online: "<:Online:697378421319270401>",
idle: "<:Idle:697378421130395749>",
dnd: "<:DND:697378421386248282>",
offline: "<:Off:697378421264875594>"
if (user.bot) {
isBot = "Yes";
} else {
isBot = "No";
const uiEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
dynamic: true
.addField("<:Discord:697378425178030171> Username and Tag", user.tag, true)
.addField("<:ID:697380447876808716> ID", user.id, true)
.addField(`${emojiStatus[user.presence.status]} Status`, userStatus[user.presence.status], true)
.addField("<:Game:697380448447234148> Game", `${user.presence.activity ? user.presence.activity.name : "User isn't playing"}`, true)
.addField("<:Bot:697378421163950152> Bot ?", isBot, true)
.addField("<:Dis:697380487785873499> Account created at :", moment(user.createdAt).format("LL"), true)
module.exports.help = {
name: "ui"
presence.activity is not a thing. You need to use presence.activities which returns an array of Activity.
You could either just get the first Activity:
.addField("<:Game:697380448447234148> Game", `${user.presence.activities[0] ? user.presence.activities[0].name : "User isn't playing"}`, true)
Or you could find the activity that has the type PLAYING inside the activities array:
const activity = user.presence.activities.find(activity => activity.type === 'PLAYING') || null
.addField("<:Game:697380448447234148> Game", `${activity !== null ? activity : "User isn't playing"}`, true)
I'm creating a message with buttons as reaction roles but do the reaction role handling in another file so it stays loaded after a reset but it either says "interaction.deferUpdate() is not a function, or in discord it says "this interaction failed" but it gave/removed the role
my code for creating the message:
const { ApplicationCommandType, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, EmbedBuilder } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
name: 'role',
description: "reactionroles",
cooldown: 3000,
userPerms: ['Administrator'],
botPerms: ['Administrator'],
run: async (client, message, args) => {
const getButtons = (toggle = false, choice) => {
const row = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(
new ButtonBuilder()
.setStyle(toggle == true && choice == 'blue' ? 'Secondary' : 'Primary')
new ButtonBuilder()
.setStyle(toggle == true && choice == 'blue' ? 'Secondary' : 'Primary')
return row;
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle('Wähle eine rolle')
.setDescription('Wähle die rolle, die du gern haben möchtest')
message.channel.send({ embeds: [embed], components: [getButtons()] })
.then((m) => {
const collector = m.createMessageComponentCollector();
collector.on('collect', async (i) => {
if (!i.isButton()) return;
await i.deferUpdate();
code for the reaction role:
const fs = require('fs');
const chalk = require('chalk')
var AsciiTable = require('ascii-table')
var table = new AsciiTable()
const discord = require("discord.js");
table.setHeading('Events', 'Stats').setBorder('|', '=', "0", "0")
module.exports = (client) => {
client.ws.on("INTERACTION_CREATE", async (i) => {
let guild = client.guilds.cache.get('934096845762879508');
let member = await guild.members.fetch(i.member.user.id)
let role = guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.name === i.data.custom_id);
if (!member.roles.cache.has(role.id)) {
} else {
return i.deferUpdate()
The client.ws events give raw data (not discord.js objects), so the .deferUpdate() method doesn't exist there. You should be using client.on("interactionCreate")
client.on("interactionCreate", async (i) => {
// ...
return i.deferUpdate()
My issue here is when I execute the command the owner is only undefined instead of the actual owner of the server. How can I fix this issue?
module.exports.run = async (client, message, args) => {
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const guild = message.guild;
const Emojis = guild.emojis.cache.size || "No Emoji!";
const Roles = guild.roles.cache.size || "No Roles!";
const Members = guild.memberCount;
const Humans = guild.members.cache.filter(member => !member.user.bot).size;
const Bots = guild.members.cache.filter(member => member.user.bot).size;
const owner = guild.owner.user.tag
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(guild.name + " Information!")
.addField(`Name`, `${guild.name}`, true)
.addField(`Owner`, `${owner}`, true)
.addField(`ID`, `${guild.id}`, true)
.addField(`Roles Count`, `${Roles}`, true)
.addField(`Emojis Count`, `${Emojis}`, true)
.addField(`Members Count`, `${Members}`, true)
.addField(`Humans Count`, `${Humans}`, true)
.addField(`Bots Count`, `${Bots}`, true)
.addField(`Server Created At`, guild.createdAt.toDateString())
.setFooter(`Requested by ${message.author.username}`)
message.channel.send({ embeds: [embed] });
module.exports.config = {
name: "serverinfo",
aliases: [""]
I'm pretty sure that there isn't an owner property in a Guild. To get the owner you have two methods:
Method 1 is using the .fetchOwner() method of a Guild
const owner = await message.guild.fetchOwner().user.tag
Method 2 is getting the owner id and then fetching the user from guild.members:
const owner = message.guild.members.cache.get(message.guild.ownerId)
You can choose which method is better for you
I am trying to code a bot that when you use a certain slash command, it gives you a role. I have looked for a solution but haven't been able to find one. Nothing is seeming to work for me, i keep getting errors about the code, like "message not found, did you mean Message"
This is my first time trying to code a bot so if its a dumb issue, please bear with me.
Here is my code:
import DiscordJS, { Intents, Message, Role } from 'discord.js'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
const client = new DiscordJS.Client({
intents: [
// Slash Commands
//ping pong command
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log('BOT ONLINE')
//bot test server
const guildId = '868857440089804870'
const guild = client.guilds.cache.get(guildId)
const role = client.guilds.cache.find(r => r.name == "Test Role to
let commands
if (guild) {
commands = guild.commands
} else {
commands = client.application?.commands
name: 'ping',
description: 'says pong'
name: "serverip",
description: 'Gives user the server IP'
name: "giverole",
description: 'Gives user the role'
client.on('interactionCreate', async (interaction) => {
if(!interaction.isCommand()) {
const { commandName, options } = interaction
//This is the role id that i want to give
const role = '884231659552116776'
//these are the users that i want to give the role to
const sniper = '725867136232456302'
const josh = '311981346161426433'
if (commandName === 'ping') {
content: 'pong',
ephemeral: true,
} else if (commandName === 'serverip') {
content: 'thisisserverip.lol',
ephemeral: true,
} else if (commandName === 'giverole') {
content: 'Role given',
ephemeral: true,
You can just simply retrieve the Interaction#Member and add the role to them using GuildMemberRoleManager#add method!
const role = client.guilds.cache.find(r => r.name == "Test Role to
await interaction.member.roles.add(role); // and you're all set! welcome to stackoverflow 😄
if (commandName === 'giverole') {
const role = client.guilds.cache.find(r => r.name == "Ahmed1Dev")
await user.roles.add(role)
message.channel.send("Done Added Role For You") // Fixed By Ahmed1Dev
I'm developing a discord.js moderation bot, but when I run it I get this error.
Here is the code:
var Discord = require('discord.js')
const fs = require("fs")
const { PREFIX } = require("../../config")
const db = require('quick.db')
const { stripIndents } = require("common-tags");
module.exports = {
config: {
name: "help",
description: "Help Menu",
usage: "1) m/help \n2) m/help [module name]\n3) m/help [command (name or alias)]",
example: "1) m/help\n2) m/help utility\n3) m/help ban",
aliases: ['h']
run: async (bot, message, args) => {
let prefix;
if (message.author.bot || message.channel.type === "dm") return;
try {
let fetched = await db.fetch(`prefix_${message.guild.id}`);
if (fetched == null) {
prefix = PREFIX
} else {
prefix = fetched
} catch (e) {
if(message.content.toLowerCase() === `${prefix}help`){
var log = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("**Help Menu: Main**")
.addField(`**👑Moderation**`, `[ \`${prefix}help mod\` ]`, true)
.addField(`**⚙️Utility**`, `[ \`${prefix}help utility\` ]`, true)
else if(args[0].toLowerCase() === "mod") {
var commandArray = "1) Ban \n2) Kick\n3) Whois\n4) Unban\n5) Warn\n6) Mute\n7) Purge\n8) Slowmode \n9) Nick \n10) Roleinfo"
var commandA2 = "11) Rolememberinfo\n12) Setmodlog\n13) Disablemodlog\n14) Lock (Lock the channel)\n15) Unlock (Unlock the channel)\n16) Lockdown (Fully Lock the whole server. [FOR EMRGENCIES ONLY]) \n17) Hackban\\forceban <id>"
pageN1 = "**\n💠Commands: **\n`\`\`js\n" + commandArray + "\`\`\`";
pageN2 = "**\n💠Commands: **\n`\`\`js\n" + commandA2 + "\`\`\`";
let pages = [pageN1, pageN2]
let page = 1
var embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('**Help Menu: [Moderation]👑**')
.setColor("#d9d9d9") // Set the color
.setFooter(`Page ${page} of ${pages.length}`, bot.user.displayAvatarURL())
message.channel.send({embed}).then(msg => {
msg.react('⬅').then( r => {
// Filters
const backwardsFilter = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === '⬅' && user.id === message.author.id
const forwardsFilter = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === '➡' && user.id === message.author.id
const backwards = msg.createReactionCollector(backwardsFilter, {timer: 6000})
const forwards = msg.createReactionCollector(forwardsFilter, {timer: 6000})
backwards.on('collect', (r, u) => {
if (page === 1) return r.users.remove(r.users.cache.filter(u => u === message.author).first())
embed.setFooter(`Page ${page} of ${pages.length}`, bot.user.displayAvatarURL())
r.users.remove(r.users.cache.filter(u => u === message.author).first())
forwards.on('collect', (r, u) => {
if (page === pages.length) return r.users.remove(r.users.cache.filter(u => u === message.author).first())
embed.setFooter(`Page ${page} of ${pages.length}`, bot.user.displayAvatarURL())
r.users.remove(r.users.cache.filter(u => u === message.author).first())
else if(args[0].toLowerCase() === "util") {
var embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('**Help Menu: [Utility]**')
.setColor("#d9d9d9") // Set the color
.setDescription("```js" + `1) Prefix [${prefix}help prefix for more info]\n 2) Help [${prefix}help for more info]` + "```")
} else {
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(`${message.guild.me.displayName} Help`, message.guild.iconURL())
let command = bot.commands.get(bot.aliases.get(args[0].toLowerCase()) || args[0].toLowerCase())
if (!command) return message.channel.send(embed.setTitle("**Invalid Command!**").setDescription(`**Do \`${prefix}help\` For the List Of the Commands!**`))
command = command.config
** Command -** [ \`${command.name.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + command.name.slice(1)}\` ]\n
** Description -** [ \`${command.description || "No Description provided."}\` ]\n
** Usage -** [ \`${command.usage ? `\`${command.usage}\`` : "No Usage"}\` ]\n
** Examples -** [ \`${command.example ? `\`${command.example}\`` : "No Examples Found"}\` ]\n
** Aliases -** [ \`${command.aliases ? command.aliases.join(" , ") : "None."}\` ]`)
embed.setFooter(message.guild.name, message.guild.iconURL())
return message.channel.send(embed)
If someone could help with this issue it would be great because I don't know what to do. I already searched on internet but I still don't know what I need to do to solve this error. All this code is for help function, when someone calls -pks help the bot should show embed telling all his functions
Here is my index.js file:
const { Client, Collection } = require('discord.js');
const { PREFIX, TOKEN } = require('./config');
const bot = new Client({ disableMentions: 'everyone' });
const fs = require("fs");
const db = require('quick.db');
bot.commands = new Collection();
bot.aliases = new Collection();
["aliases", "commands"].forEach(x => bot[x] = new Collection());
["console", "command", "event"].forEach(x => require(`./handler/${x}`)(bot));
bot.categories = fs.readdirSync("./commands/");
["command"].forEach(handler => {
bot.on('message', async message => {
let prefix;
try {
let fetched = await db.fetch(`prefix_${message.guild.id}`);
if (fetched == null) {
prefix = PREFIX
} else {
prefix = fetched
} catch {
prefix = PREFIX
try {
if (message.mentions.has(bot.user.id) && !message.content.includes("#everyone") && !message.content.includes("#here")) {
message.channel.send(`\nMy prefix for \`${message.guild.name}\` is \`${prefix}\` Type \`${prefix}help\` for help`);
} catch {
A moderator who has manage_roles permissions can even give the owner role to anyone. Is there a way that it can give out no higher role than to his own role?
So if he is admin, he can give at most admin, so not everyone can give random roles to anyone.
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const config = require('../../configs/config.json');
module.exports = {
config: {
name: "give-roles",
run: async (client, message, args) => {
if (!message.member.hasPermission('MANAGE_ROLES')) return message.channel.send({
embed: {
title: `You dont have permission to use this command`
if (!args[0] || !args[1]) return message.channel.send({
embed: {
title: "Incorrect usage, It's `<username || user id> <role name || id>"
try {
const member = message.mentions.members.first() || message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0]);
const roleName = message.guild.roles.cache.find(r => (r.name === args[1].toString()) || (r.id === args[1].toString().replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, '')));
const alreadyHasRole = member._roles.includes(roleName.id);
if (alreadyHasRole) return message.channel.send({
embed: {
title: "User already has the role defined"
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Role Name: ${roleName.name}`)
.setDescription(`${message.author} has successfully given the role ${roleName} to ${member.user}`)
.setThumbnail(member.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }))
.setFooter(new Date().toLocaleString())
return member.roles.add(roleName).then(() => message.channel.send(embed));
} catch (e) {
return message.channel.send({
embed: {
title: "Try to give a role that exists next time"
You're able to use roles.highest.position:
let taggedMember = ... //(guildMember)
if (message.member.roles.highest.position < taggedMember.roles.highest.position) {
Docs: https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/class/RoleManager?scrollTo=highest