I am trying to make my discord bot create a channel! I have tried many way's but none of them work! Note: this is discord.js! Here is the code I have come up with! IT DOES NOT WORK!
guild.channels.create('new-general', { reason: 'Needed a cool new channel' })
'guild' must be defined in some way. You can get it from a message for example by using message.guild or even by its name using client.guilds.find(guild => guild.name === "Guild Name");
I am trying to get a bot to respond to people with a ping in the message, for example: "#user", but everything I've tried have given me not a function error or undefined error. All the stuff I can find about it is either outdated for discord.js v14 or it is for discord.py
Here is my code:
client.on("messageCreate", (message) => {
if (message.content.startsWith("test")) {
const user = message.author.userId();
message.channel.reply(`Hello <#${user}>`)
I've also attempted variations of the .userId() part - such as .tag, .user.id, and .username but all of them have come back with some sort of undefined error. I know it says userId is a snowflake on discord.js but I am unsure on how to use that for I am fairly new to javascript and discord.js. Also, please know that I am using Replit to host the bot and have discord.js#14.5.0 installed.
So, there are a couple issues here.
Issue 1
message.author.userId() is not a function. When trying to get a user's ID, you want to know what each property is returning.
message -> returns the Message object, which contains the data for the message.
message.author -> returns the User object, which contains the data for the user profile.
message.member -> returns the Member object, which contains the data for the guild member profile.
And so on.
In this case, you're going to want to get the User object: being message.author. You've already figured this out.
Now, the User Object has it's own set of properties (which you can find in the documentation at https://discord.js.org/).
The property that you are looking for is: .id, or in your use-case, message.author.id.
Your other attempts, message.author.tag returns the tag, message.author.user.id will throw an error, and message.author.username returns the user's username.
Issue 2
Your second issue is the .reply() method that you're using. The Channel Object doesn't have a .reply() method, but the message does.
So, how you would write this code:
client.on("messageCreate", async(message) => {
if(message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith("test")) {
// Note that I added the .toLowerCase() method to ensure you can do tEST and it still works!
message.reply({ content: `Hello, ${message.author}!` });
Also, a cool feature that discord.js has is that you can supply the User or Member Object to the content of a message, and it will automatically mention the desired person.
Hope this helps!
I am new to Discord API framework.
ServerFROM is a public server that I was invited to (non-admin perms). Hence I cannot add bots there. But I can view the content in ChannelFROM (a text channel in ServerFROM)
I have my own ServerTO (in which I have admin perms and so can do anything). Inside of which, I have the target ChannelTO
I want to deploy a listener on ChannelFROM, such when there is a new message (announcement) in ChannelFROM, I want it to be read and reposted in ChannelTO.
Something similar to what is done in this Stackoverflow issue, except that I cannot have some script run locally 24x7 on my machine. Maybe use Github Actions or something similar?
How can I go about doing it? Any ideas are appreciated. Maybe some form of a server, or just a custom Discord bot
And thanks in advance.
you can use Custom bot for that. I dont know other way
here's how i do it
1st : We Get the ID of the Channel that you wanted to listen
2nd : We make a Output or where the bot copy the message from and send it
3rd : Bot required a permission to view the channel and send message
or in the nutshell ( sorry if im bad at explaining )
client.on("messageCreate", message => {
if(message.author.bot) return;
if(message.channel.id === ID_HERE) // ChannelFROM in ID_HERE
let MSG = message.content
let Author = message.member.displayName
let Avatar = message.author.displayAvatarURL({dynamic: true})
const Embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(Author , Avatar )
client.channels.cache.get(ID_HERE).send({ embeds: [Embed] }) // SendTo in ID_HERE
you can remove if(message.author.bot) return; if you want it also read other bot message on that specific channel
so I'm trying to make a discord bot (javascript) to ping my friend every time he talks. What I've tried so far are things like this from different websites:
client.on('message', msg => {
if (msg.author.id === '<#ID>') {
I've searched around and I can't find anything that works exept the msg.reply which I don't want to use because it pings the author. If anyone could help me that would be great, thanks
basically what im trynna do here is if u have used carl bot you may know you can make it so on a message(for example a ping) it would react with message of ur choice, I'm trynna basically do that and heres what ive tried
if (lowerCaseMessage === messagetoReact) {
and in my config file
"messagestoReact" : ["<#729795837223501834>"]
something like that, i have declared everything and made it like a on message thing, but it doesnt quite work, any one know a fix and if you need me to specify anything feel free to ask
I'm not sure what you're asking?Here's the way to get your bot to react to a message:
client.on('message', async message => {
if (message.content === '<#729795837223501834>') {
client.on('messageReactionAdd', async (reaction, user) => {
if(reaction.message.id === "731619243249893417"){
const guildMember = reaction.message.guild.members.cache.get(user.id)
Im using this code, but when i react to the message it
don't give me the role, im a starter needing help, thanks u all, and sorry for my english
Bots only listen for new messages. You have to tell them to listen for an old message explicitly to get a reaction from them. Try using this code. It fetches the message when a reaction is added to that message.