I am trying to create a quiz look-a-like app, where the person who holds the phone ask the question, and the other people answer. So there will be two Strings. One with question, and one with the answer. I have created the questions something like this:
var questions = ["Question1", "Question2", "Question3", "Question4", "Question5"]
var answers = ["Answer1", "Answer2", "Answer3", "Answer4", "Answer5"]
When the tap a button, a new question with correct answer pops up. I know how I can display a random string from questions, but how do I connect it to also display the correct answer?
Another option is to use a Dictionary, with the Question as the Key and the Answer as the Value:
let questions: [String : String] = [
"Question1" : "Answer1",
"Question2" : "Answer2",
"Question3" : "Answer3",
"Question4" : "Answer4",
"Question5" : "Answer5"
You can then get a random Question & Answer like this:
let randomQuestion = questions.randomElement()
Then access the Question and Answer Text:
let questionText = randomQuestion?.key ?? ""
let answerText = randomQuestion?.value ?? ""
In relation to your next question:
How can I make sure the same question does not show multiple times, and when there are no more questions
You can construct an Array from the Dictionary Keys like this. The keys will be unordered anyway, but you should shuffle them if you want to repeat.
You can then iterate through each question in the randomised Array:
Set your properties in viewDidLoad, not when the button is tapped.
let randomQuestions = questions.keys.shuffled()
var currentQuestionIndex = 0
#IBAction func newQuestionButton(_ sender: Any) {
guard currentQuestionIndex != questions.count else {
// or reset your questionIndex and reshuffle.
// This will give you the Question (and Key)
let question = randomQuestions[currentQuestionIndex]
// Use the Key to extract out the answer (value) from the Dictionary
let answer = questions[question] ?? ""
// Update your labels
questionLabel.text = question
answerLabel.text = answer
// Increment your question index
currentQuestionIndex += 1
You can simply zip together questions and answers and then call randomElement on the result. This will give you a Tuple containing a random question and its respective answer - assuming the indices of questions and answers are in sync.
var questions = ["Question1", "Question2", "Question3", "Question4", "Question5"]
var answers = ["Answer1", "Answer2", "Answer3", "Answer4", "Answer5"]
let questionsAndAnswers = Array(zip(questions, answers))
let randomQA = questionsAndAnswers.randomElement()
You could create a QuizItem type like. Since you always need them together it is good practice to tie them together in one element instead of having two arrays.
struct QuizItem {
var question: String
var answer: String
Then you create and array (or list) [QuizItem] and add all items you want. At last you simply take random element of the array.
Here is some pseudo code:
var quizList = [QuizItem]()
quizList.append(...) // add questions & answers
let randomIndex = randomIndex between 0 and quizList.length-1
let item = quizList[randomIndex]
questionLable.text = item.question
answereLabel.text = item.answere
I am learning to use SwiftUI with Core Data.
I am trying to fill a Line Chart with saved weight data like below:
LineView(data: [0, 32, 445, 56, 99])
I’ve gotten as far as this but im getting an error on the "var locations = ..." line saying "Type of expression is ambiguous without more context"
var fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: "UserWeight")
var locations = mocW.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest, error: nil) as [UserWeight]
for weight in weights {
Any help on this and how i would populate the line chart with this data would be greatly appreciated!
For SwiftUI, I suspect that you are attempting to achieve the following...
struct YourView: View {
#FetchRequest(entity: UserWeight.entity(),
sortDescriptors: []
) var weights: FetchedResults<UserWeight>
var body: some View {
ForEach(weights) { weight in
Core Data entities confirm to the Identifiable protocol, so you'e able to drop the id: parameter in the ForEach structure...
ForEach(weights) { weight in
Otherwise you'd need to use...
ForEach(weights, id: \.self) { weight in
Note: As an aside, it would help us if you could provide more detail in your questions in the future. The more information you provide, the easier it is for the community to understand your issue and provide a suitable response. Remember that your question and our answers may not only help you, but also help others in the future as they visit the site looking for answers to their own problems.
How do I ask a good question?
if let appDelegate =
UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate {
let managedObjectContext = appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<Memory>(entityName: "Memory")
let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: "rating", ascending: false)
var predicate = NSPredicate(format: "mediaType == %#", "image")
fetchRequest.predicate = predicate
fetchRequest.sortDescriptors = [sortDescriptor]
do {
result = try managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
} catch {
"result" is an array of, in my case, Memory objects which are instances of NSManagedObject. To access properties and populate views I do this:
for memory in result {
let value = memory.entityPropertyName
I think this should be enough to get your started, let me know if you have more questions.
If UserWeight is a subclass of NSManagedObject, you should declare your fetch request as
var fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<UserWeight>(entityName: "UserWeight")
Or else as
let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<UserWeight> = UserWeight.fetchRequest()
Then you can use the fetch like this, and the type of locations will be Array<UserWeight>.
let locations = try context.fetch(fetchRequest)
I'm not sure where executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest, error: nil) comes from-- it's not a function defined by NSManagedObjectContext in Swift. It resembles the Objective-C version of the function, but in Swift it's different.
I've been browsing for several hours to find the right answer but seems like I can't apply it properly to my own code.
Most of the time, the answers given on stackoverflow for this problem are with Strings & Int examples and I'm struggling with the Question Type.
I'm just starting on Xcode & Swift and managed so far to make a Quiz App that works perfectly fine.
I've used shuffle but I can't find the rest of the code not to repeat questions previously asked.
What I exactly want to do : I have 7 questions for now, I want those to be asked ONCE in different orders anytime someone wants to play the Quiz.
I've got two classes in 2 other swift files.
This is my QuestionBank type with 7 questions all completed properly:
class QuestionBank {
var list = [Question]()
init () {
list.append(Question(questionNumber: 0, image: "a", questionText: "a", choiceA: "a", choiceB: "a", choiceC: "a", choiceD: "a", answer: 1))
And this is my Question class :
class Question {
let number : Int
let questionImage: String
let question: String
let optionA: String
let optionB: String
let optionC: String
let optionD: String
let correctAnswer: Int
init(questionNumber: Int, image: String, questionText: String, choiceA: String, choiceB: String, choiceC: String, choiceD: String, answer: Int) {
number = questionNumber
questionImage = image
question = questionText
optionA = choiceA
optionB = choiceB
optionC = choiceC
optionD = choiceD
correctAnswer = answer
And the func to updateQuestion where I believe sh*t is supposed to happen but doesn't.
func updateQuestion() {
if questionNumber <= allQuestions.list.count - 1 {
imageView.image = UIImage(named:(allQuestions.list[questionNumber].questionImage))
QuestionLabel.text = allQuestions.list[questionNumber].question
optionA.setTitle(allQuestions.list[questionNumber].optionA, for: UIControl.State .normal)
optionB.setTitle(allQuestions.list[questionNumber].optionB, for: UIControl.State .normal)
optionC.setTitle(allQuestions.list[questionNumber].optionC, for: UIControl.State .normal)
optionD.setTitle(allQuestions.list[questionNumber].optionD, for: UIControl.State .normal)
selectedAnswer = allQuestions.list[questionNumber].correctAnswer
questionNumber += 1
You seem to be shuffling the list every time you call updateQuestion which seems to be the issue here. You are only supposed to call the shuffle once and iterate through the questions one by one. To fix the issue remove the shuffle from updateQuestion and add it in viewDidLoad or just call it once in updateQuestion based on a condition like this:
if questionNumber == 1 {
I am developing an application for words.
My problem resembles the problem: this
But, I want to do the search in the string array.
let myArr: [String] = ["BERLIN","ISTANBUL","TOKYO","NEWYORK","PRAGUE","WIEN"]
let findChrs = ["I","N"]
// myArr.contains(findChrs) //so error
I want to: return 3 or "BERLIN","ISTANBUL" and "WIEN" (Contains "I" and "N")
I tried it, but it's too long...(I look individually. Too many words.):
for i in 0...myArr.count - 1 {
let success = !findChrs.contains(where: { !myArr[i].contains($0) })
if success {
Is there an easier way? Thank you so much.
There's a swifty way to solve your problem
I started with using just one filter on the myArr array using hardcoded search terms
let filteredStrings : [String] = myArr.filter({
return $0.contains("I") && $0.contains("N")
but thats going to help only if your findChars are always going to be I and N only.
Later I realized how to do it without hardcoding the find char characters:
let myArr: [String] = ["BERLIN","ISTANBUL","TOKYO","NEWYORK","PRAGUE","WIEN"]
let findChrs = ["I","N"]
let filteredStrings : [String] = myArr.filter({ (aString) in
let hasChars = findChrs.filter({(bString) in
return aString.contains(bString)
return hasChars.count == findChrs.count
Instead of using $0, I think in the second chunk of code, its easier to understand whats happening with aString and bString.
Do check the code in a playground and see how this code works. If you haven't used the higher order functions, it can be a little daunting to understand filters without a playground and the print statements.
Was just thinking about this problem and I gave this alternate approach a try, using sets, map and filter. It is super swifty, and can be difficult to read/understand:
ANSWER 2, concise
let myArr: [String] = ["BERLIN","ISTANBUL","TOKYO","NEWYORK","PRAGUE","WIEN"]
let findChrs = ["I","N"]
let finderSet:Set<String> = Set(findChrs)
let filteredArray = myArr.filter {
return Set($0.characters.map({String($0)})).intersection(finderSet).count == findChrs.count
For the sake of readability and ease of understanding, here's what is happening:
Answer 2, verbose
let filteredArray = myArr.filter { (aString) -> Bool in
//for each string in myArr, convert it into an array of string chars
let stringArray = aString.characters.map({aCharacter in
//convert string array into a set
let aSet = Set(stringArray)
// find the intersection (common elemnts from aSet and finderSet)
let intersect = aSet.intersection(finderSet)
//return true if aString has all of findChrs elements
return intersect.count == findChrs.count
Both Answer 2 'concise' and 'verbose' will give you the same results.
Based on some simple code execution time check, it looks like Answer 1 is ~3x faster than Answer 2. So, Answer 1 is still a better choice and probably easier to understand.
Hope this helps anyone reading the answer understand filter and map!
You could also use a set for the filter provided you're not looking for patterns that contain repeated letters:
let myArr: [String] = ["BERLIN","ISTANBUL","TOKYO","NEWYORK","PRAGUE","WIEN"]
let findChrs = Set<Character>(["I","N"]) // let findChrs = Set("IN")
let matchingCities = myArr.filter{ findChrs.isSubset(of:$0) }
Referring to: Swift Standard Library > Dictionary > map(_:)
Returns an array containing the results of mapping the given closure
over the sequence’s elements.
As mentioned, we can do mapping in dictionaries, but the output will be an array, not a "mapped" dictionary.
Honestly, I'm not pretty sure if saying "mapping the whole dictionary" is legal, but what I mean is the following:
Consider that we have:
let myDict = ["1": "one","2": "tow","3": "three"]
and we want to map the whole thing! (both keys and values). Output should be:
let mappedDict = ["03": "THREE", "02": "TOW", "01": "ONE"]
Let's assume that the goal of the mapping is to add "0" as a first character to all keys and let all values to be upper-cased.
To make it more readable, I posted a solution (what I tried) as an answer instead of mentioning it in the question it self; I think my answer is not so elegant (or at least how I feel about its code smell), I mapped the keys, the values and combine them in a dictionary, each step has been achieved independently.
So, What I am asking about is:
Is there a way to do this job directly in one step? Something similar to:
This snippet is a demonstration of what I'm asking about, code won't work fine
let myDict = ["1": "one","2": "tow","3": "three"]
let mappedDict = myDict.map { key, value in
"0" + key
Thanks in advance.
How about this?
let myDict = ["1": "one","2": "tow","3": "three"]
let mappedDict = myDict.reduce([:]) { (result, pair) -> [String: String] in
var result = result
result["0" + pair.key] = pair.value.uppercased()
return result
You can achieve this by doing the following:
let myDict = ["1": "one","2": "tow","3": "three"]
let mappedKeys = myDict.map { "0" + $0.key } // ["02", "01", "03"]
let mappedValues = myDict.map { $0.value.uppercased() } // ["TOW", "ONE", "THREE"]
var mappedDict = [String: String]()
let zippedArray = Array((zip(mappedKeys, mappedValues)))
for element in zippedArray {
mappedDict[element.0] = element.1
print(mappedDict) // ["03": "THREE", "02": "TOW", "01": "ONE"]
To be more clear, the above code snippet doing the following:
Mapping the dictionary keys.
Mapping the dictionary values.
Create a new empty dictionary mappedDict to append to it.
Combining mapped keys/values into zippedArray (using zip).
Filling mappedDict via for-loop.
I made a Quiz Game in Swift 2 last year, now I need to use it again when I converted it to Swift 3 the answers randomize now... Here is a sample Question Structure...
Questions = [Question(Question: "What is the Biggest Hit of Bing Crosby?" , Answers: ["Swinging on a Star", "Now is the Hour", "White Christmas", "Beautiful Dreamer"], Answer: 2),]
This is where I randomize the questions and put them into the labels
func PickQuestions() {
counter += 1
score += 1
scoreLbl.text = "\(score)"
restartBtn.isEnabled = false
if Questions.count > 0 && counter <= 15 {
QNumber = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(Questions.count)))
QLabel.text = Questions[QNumber].Question
AnswerNumber = Questions[QNumber].Answer
for i in 0..<Buttons.count{
Buttons[i].setTitle(Questions[QNumber].Answers[i], for: UIControlState())
Questions.remove(at: QNumber)
I had to change the following line manually which may have caused an issue from...
QNumber = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(Questions.count)))
QNumber = random() % Questions.count
Arrays are unordered collections, meaning that their order could potentially change without your knowing. Your best bet would be to create a single array containing a struct that holds both the question and answer, like so:
struct QuizItem {
var question: String!
var answer: String!
var answerOptions: [String]!
init(q: String, a: String, aOptions:[String]) {
self.question = q
self.answer = a
Change your declaration to look like the following:
let items = [QuizItem(...)]
Your code like this:
func PickQuestions() {
counter += 1
score += 1
scoreLbl.text = "\(score)"
restartBtn.isEnabled = false
if items.count > 0 && counter <= 15 {
QNumber = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(Questions.count)))
let item = items[QNumber]
QLabel.text = item.question
for i in 0..<Buttons.count{
Buttons[i].setTitle(item.answerOptions[i], for: UIControlState())
items.remove(at: QNumber)
Also, kind of picky but worth highlighting still. Swift is a camel case language and although this rule isn't set in stone, you should try and stick to the widely recognised coding practices.