How do I set up Azure API Management to accept POST with form data fields and pass them through to a legacy API - multipartform-data

I have a legacy API that is expecting to be called by POST of a form with 3 form fields (each containing a string). I would like to wrap this call in the Azure API Management.
I'm hoping I've missed something basic, but I assumed that the API service would pass through what it received to my legacy API.
I created:
- an api
- an operation (POST)
- a backend service
- credentials to login to backend service
I can call the service through either the test link or through postman. It definitely is hitting the backend API - but it doesn't seem to be passing my multi-part form fields with it.
Do I need to create a representation?
Any links to guidance?

I have done a similar thing for setting up a token API which communicates with AAD API and it accepts the form data. I accept the ClientId and ClienSecret in my APIM exposed API as input. e.g.
"ClientSecret": ""
This is passed to the backend as shown below
<set-backend-service base-url="" />
<set-header name="Content-Type" exists-action="override">
JObject request = JObject.Parse(context.Request.Body.As<string>(preserveContent:true));
string clientId = (string)request?["ClientId"];
string clientSecret = (string)request?["ClientSecret"];
string scope = "api://someguid/.default";
string grantType = "client_credentials";
string response = $"client_id={clientId}&client_secret={clientSecret}&scope={scope}&grant_type={grantType}";
return response;


How do I get data out of the Authorization header and use it in my API? (Lexik JWT)

I am in the process of making a SPA (hybrid app) using ionic and AngularJS (1.5.x). I am using Symfony 2.8 for my backoffice and to handle my API.
I wanted to use JWT, and i'm using the Lexik JWT package for it. Everything works fine. When the user logs in, he gets a token that is then saved in the Authorization header. Only users with this token (or rather token in this header) can access the API and do API calls.
The only thing which is unclear to me is how to make it so that the user can only do API calls (Get user information, update only their own posts or such) that concerns their OWN information.
So far I've tried to get the data out of the Authorization header to further on somehow use this token's data (username is in there) to check if it is equal to the user's name who has made this report.
Tried several things such as getallheaders(), $token = $_SERVER['Authorization']; and other general functions that check the request headers, but everytime I'm getting errors as well.
Am I misunderstanding something or am I missing a step? Am I incorrectly using JWT? Is my reasoning correct that this is how I should do it or is there a more fluent way/logical to do this?
I'm also using FOSRestBundle for my API as well as NelmioCORS, NelmioApiDoc and FOSUSERBundle
When your are behind the firewall provided by the bundle and if the user is correctly logged in, you can get the user object from your controller by calling the methods getToken() then getUser() of the security.token_storage service.
If your controller extends Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller, you can directly call $this->getUser().
namespace AcmeBundle\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
* #Route("/api")
class ApiController extends Controller
* #Route("/hello")
* #Security("is_granted('ROLE_USER')")
public function helloAction()
$token = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken();
$if (null !== $token) {
//$token should be an instance of Lexik\Bundle\JWTAuthenticationBundle\Security\Authentication\Token\JWTUserToken
$user = $token->getUser();
// or
$user = $this->getUser();

Validate AppEngine Endpoints Client IDs while using custom Authenticator

Earlier our client side apps used Google Sign-In.
Now we are moving to custom auth, as we plan on having the user's phone number as the only identity (instead of a Google Account). But after implementing the custom Authenticator, the client IDs are not being checked and I am able to make API calls from anywhere.
When only Google Sign-in was being used at the client side, the client ID was being validated and I was not able to make API calls from any clients other than the ones authorized.
How do I verify the Client IDs while using custom authenticator?
Code for the Api Endpoint
#Api(name = "apiSubscriber",
clientIds = {
authenticators = {,
audiences = {Constants.androidAudience},
public class ApiSubscriber {
public Subscriber getSubscriberData(User user){
//fetches subscriber data
//... Other ApiMethods
Code for Custom Authenticator
public class CustomAuth implements Authenticator {
public User authenticate(HttpServletRequest request) {
String phoneNumber = request.getHeader("phoneNumber");
String token = request.getHeader("Authorization");
return new User(phoneNumber);
return null;
private boolean checkToken(String phoneNumber, String token){
//Checks if authorization token is valid
Unfortunately at this time, it does not appear that you can restrict your Endpoints API to a client and not use Google Sign in.
When using Google's oAuth2 authentication some magic voodoo happens (not exactly sure what) and apps get restricted to the ClientId's that you specify.
However, when you stop using that authentication method, I have found (to my dear disappointment), that it does not work anymore.
See my question here where you can read about my tests and some additional things that may give you more information: Authenticating your client to Cloud Endpoints without a Google Account login
I don't sure is it a problem, but you have some bugs in code you provided.
authenticators = {,
instead of comma must be bracket. Also, imho, you need only CustomAuth class here.
audiences = {Constants.androidAudience},
comma is redundant.
Second. You don't required to use custom Authenticator. You can send token and phone number as concatenated parameter or two parameters to your service method and check it there.

PUT/GET with Payload using Restangular

I am using Restangular in one of my works
The server guys have give me the following calls which i need to integrate on the AngularJS client
PUT api/partners/password – RequestPayload[{password,confirmpassword}]
partner id is being sent in the header
GET api/partners/password/forgot/ - Request Payload [{emailaddress}]
partner id is being sent in the header
The javascript code that I have written to call these services is as follow
Restangular.all('Partners').one('Password').put(params); - sends params as query string
Restangular.all('Partners').one('Password').one('Forgot').get(params); - sends object in the url
I have tried other ways but it simply doesn't make the correct call.
Help me out guys!
So, for point #1. it puts the object at hand, not another object. So you have 2 options:
Option 1
var passReq = Restangular.all('Partners').one('Password');
passReq.confirmPassword = ....
passReq.put(); // confirmPassword and the params of the object will be sent
Option 2 is
var passReq = Restangular.all('Partners').one('Password').customPUT(obj);
For Point #2, you cannot send a request body (payload) in the GET unfortunately.

What are scope values for an OAuth2 server?

I'm facing a difficulty to understand how scopes work.
I found here a small text that describes the scopes of stackexchange api but i need more information on how they work (not specifically this one...). Can someone provide me a concept?
Thanks in advance
To authorize an app you need to call a URL for the OAuth2 authorization process. This URL is "living" in the API's provider documentation. For example Google has this url:
Also you will need to specify a few query parameters with this link:
scope: The data your application is requesting access to. This is typically specified as a list of space-delimited string, though Facebook uses comma-delimited strings. Valid values for the scope should be included in the API provider documentation. For Gougle Tasks, the scope is If an application also needed access to Google Docs, it would specify a scope value of
response_type: code for the server-side web application flow, indivating that an authorization code will be returned to the application after the user approves the authorization request.
state: A unique value used by your application in order to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks on your implementation. The value should be a random unique string for this particular request, unguessable and kept secret in the client (perhaps in a server-side session)
// Generate random value for use as the 'state'. Mitigates
// risk of CSRF attacks when this value is verified against the
// value returned from the OAuth provider with the authorization
// code.
$_SESSION['state'] = rand(0,999999999);
$authorizationUrlBase = '';
$redirectUriPath = '/oauth2callback.php';
// For example only. A valid value for client_id needs to be obtained
// for your environment from the Google APIs Console at
$queryParams = array(
'client_id' => '',
'redirect_uri' => (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'https://':'http://') .
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $redirectUriPath,
'scope' => '',
'response_type' => 'code',
'state' => $_SESSION['state'],
'approval_prompt' => 'force', // always request user consent
'access_type' => 'offline' // obtain a refresh token
$goToUrl = $authorizationUrlBase . '?' . http_build_query($queryParams);
// Output a webpage directing users to the $goToUrl after
// they click a "Let's Go" button
include 'access_request_template.php';
The set of query string parameters supported by the Google Authorization Server for web server applications are here:

Google Channel API sending message with token

In documents it says 'client_id' part can actually be the token, however it doesn't work. Anyone know why?
If the client_id parameter is actually a token returned by a create_channel call then send_message can be used for different versions of the app. For instance you could create the channel on the front end and then send messages from a backend of the app.
the reason i want to use this, is because i want to send messages to anonymous users as well, without requiring them to login. i don't know if it is possible to assign them a 'client_id' if token doesn't work.
this is how i am creating the token
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
token = channel.create_channel(user.user_id())
token = channel.create_channel(str(uuid.uuid4()))
then injecting into client
template_values = {
'token' : token,
on the client side open the channel
openChannel = function() {
var token = '{{ token }}';
var channel = new goog.appengine.Channel(token);
var handler = {
'onopen': onOpened,
'onmessage': onMessage,
'onerror': function() {},
'onclose': function() {}
var socket =;
socket.onopen = onOpened;
socket.onmessage = onMessage;
now send a message
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', path, true);
in the server,
when the message is received send back a message using the token
channel.send_message(token, someMessage)
back to client
onMessage = function(m) {
alert("you have some message");
this sequence works fine if client_id() is used instead of token when calling send_message
In response to btevfik's initial question: Allowing tokens or client_id in send_message is a feature released in 1.7.5 (very recently). Some people may not be familiar with it yet so therefore they suggest to use client_id. Both should work!
The only thing that I can see in your code is the fact that you should not rely on token variable to be correct in between two requests. They may not even land on the same instance of the app. If you share your code with more details I may be able to spot something. The proper way would be to either store the token in the datastore or pass it from the client as a parameter when you send the message that will trigger a message back.
The purpose of this feature was to allow people to send messages from backends (or other versions). Before was not possible whereas now you can do it if you use directly the tokens instead of the client_id.
Long time this post has been around, but just curious about your usage of the token global variable?
I don't see this code:
global token
before you set the token
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
token = channel.create_channel(user.user_id())
token = channel.create_channel(str(uuid.uuid4()))
If that code is missing, then token will be set in the local scope of the function above and not globally. So, the token value used later will be None (or to what ever the token was initialised with.)
Just a thought, if its still relevant.
I don't think you actually have a problem here.
You are able to send messages to users that are logged in or not.
The problem you are having I think is knowing that there are multiple ways to use the channel API re: tokens.
In this example, it shows the JavaScript client explicitly requests a token and sends its Client ID to the server. In contrast, you could choose to design your application to inject the token into the client before the page loads in the browser, or some other implementation if preferred.
This diagram shows the creation of a channel on the server. In this
example, it shows the JavaScript client explicitly requests a token
and sends its Client ID to the server. In contrast, you could choose
to design your application to inject the token into the client before
the page loads in the browser, or some other implementation if
Here's my demo implementation, hope it helps somehow:
Here's the code for creating the channel on GAE:
client_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-",'')
channel_token = channel.create_channel(client_id)
And in the JS:
channel = new goog.appengine.Channel('{{ token }}');
Have a look at it in action:
You shouldn't store request-specific values in global variables. Store them in a cookie or pass them as a request parameter instead.
