I have an excel csv format data set with the following data:
Columns: id, product_name, sales, quantity, Profit
Data: 1, "Novimex Executive Leather Armchair, Black","$3,709.40", 9, -$288.77
When I am trying to insert these records from stage to snowflake table, data is getting shifted from product name column because we have comma separated , Black and similarly for following columns data are getting shifted. After loading the data it is looking like as per below:
| id | product_name | sales | quantity | Profit |
| 1 | "Novimex Executive Leather Armchair | Black" | $3 | 709.40" |
Query used:
copy into orders_staging (id,Product_Name,Sales,Quantity,Profit)
(select $1,$2,$3,$4,$5
from #sales_data_stage)
file_format = (type = csv field_delimiter = ',' skip_header = 1 ENCODING = 'iso-8859-1');
Use Field Enclosure.
If you have any issues with accounting styled numbers, remember to put " " around them too.
Additional documentation for Copy To
Additional documentation on the Create File
Column splits into multiple columns when trying to load the following data in to SnowFlake table since its CSV file.
Column Data :
Wear","Departmentid":"10.1;20.1","customername":"john4","class":"tops wear","subclass":"sweat shirts","product":"North & Face 2 Bangle","style":"Sweat shirt hoodie - Large - Black"}
Is there any other way to load the data in to single column.
The best solution would be use a different delimiter instead of comma in your CSV file. If it's not possible, then you can ingest the data using a non-existing delimiter to get the whole line as one column, and then parse it. Of course it won't be as effective as native loading:
cat test.csv
1,2020-10-12,Gokhan,{"Department":"Mens Wear","Departmentid":"10.1;20.1","customername":"john4","class":"tops wear","subclass":"sweat shirts","product":"North & Face 2 Bangle","style":"Sweat shirt hoodie - Large - Black"}
create file format csvfile type=csv FIELD_DELIMITER='NONEXISTENT';
select $1 from #my_stage (file_format => csvfile );
create table testtable( id number, d1 date, name varchar, v variant );
copy into testtable from (
split( split($1,',{')[0], ',' )[0],
split( split($1,',{')[0], ',' )[1],
split( split($1,',{')[0], ',' )[2],
parse_json( '{' || split($1,',{')[1] )
from #my_stage (file_format => csvfile )
select * from testtable;
| ID | D1 | NAME | V |
| 1 | 2020-10-12 | Gokhan | { "Department": "Mens Wear", "Departmentid": "10.1;20.1", ... } |
I'm trying to import the following json in hive
CREATE TABLE json_serde (
s array<struct<time: timestamp, latitude: string, longitude: string, pm1: string>>)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe'
'mapping.value' = 'value'
location '/user/hduser';
the import works but if i try
Select * from json_serde;
it will return from every document that is on hadoop/user/hduser only the first element per file.
there is a good documentation on working with json array??
If I may suggest you another approach to just load the whole JSON string into a column as String datatype into an external table. The only restriction is to define LINES TERMINATED BY properly. e.g. If you may have each json in one line, then you can create table as below:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE json_data_table (
json_data String
LOCATION '/path/to/json';
Use Hive get_json_object to extract individual columns. this commands support basic xPath like query to json string E.g.
If json_data column has below JSON string
The below query fetches
SELECT get_json_object(json_data, '$.owner') FROM json_data_table;
returns amy
In this way you could extract each json element as column from the table.
You have an array of structs. What you pasted is only one line.
If you want to see all the elements, you need to use inline
SELECT inline(s) FROM json_table;
Alternatively, you need to rewrite your files such that each object within that array is a single JSON object on its own line of the file
Also, I don't see a value field in your data, so I'm not sure what you're mapping in the serde properties
The JSON that you provided is not correct. A JSON always starts with an opening curly brace "{" and ends with an ending curly brace "}".
So, the first thing to look out here is that your JSON is wrong.
Your JSON should have been like the one below:
And, the second thing is you have declared the data-type of the "time" field as timestamp. But the data (1521115600) is in milliseconds. The timestamp data-type need data in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.fffffffff].
So, your data should ideally be in the below format:
Now, you can use query to select the records from the table.
hive> select * from json_serde;
[{"time":"1970-01-18 20:01:55","latitude":"44.3959","longitude":"26.1025","pm1":"21.70905"},{"time":"1970-01-18 20:01:55","latitude":"44.3959","longitude":"26.1025","pm1":"24.34045"},{"time":"1970-01-18 20:01:55","latitude":"44.3959","longitude":"26.1025","pm1":"23.6826"},{"time":"1970-01-18 20:01:55","latitude":"44.3959","longitude":"26.1025","pm1":"25.65615"}]
Time taken: 0.069 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
If you want each value separately displayed in tabular format, you can use the below query.
select b.* from json_serde a lateral view outer inline (a.myjson) b;
The result of the above query would be like this:
| b.time | b.latitude | b.longitude | b.pm1 |
| 1970-01-18 20:01:55.0 | 44.3959 | 26.1025 | 21.70905 |
| 1970-01-18 20:01:55.0 | 44.3959 | 26.1025 | 24.34045 |
| 1970-01-18 20:01:55.0 | 44.3959 | 26.1025 | 23.6826 |
| 1970-01-18 20:01:55.0 | 44.3959 | 26.1025 | 25.65615 |
Beautiful. Is n't it?
Happy Learning.
If you can not use update your input file format you can directly import in spark and use it, once data is finalized write back to Hive table.
scala> val myjs = spark.read.format("json").option("path","file:///root/tmp/test5").load()
myjs: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [altitude: bigint, gas1: bigint ... 13 more fields]
scala> myjs.show()
|altitude|gas1|gas2|gas3|gas4|humidity|latitude|longitude|noise| pm1| pm10|pm25|pressure|temperature| time|
| 53| 0|0.12| 0| 0| 0| 44.3959| 26.1025| 0|21.70905|14.60085|16.5| 0| null|1521115600|
| 53| 0|0.08| 0| 0| 0| 44.3959| 26.1025| 0|24.34045|16.37065|18.5| 0| null|1521115659|
| 53| 0| 0.0| 0| 0| 0| 44.3959| 26.1025| 0| 23.6826| 15.9282|18.0| 0| null|1521115720|
| 53| 0|0.04| 0| 0| 0| 44.3959| 26.1025| 0|25.65615|17.25555|19.5| 0| null|1521115779|
scala> myjs.write.json("file:///root/tmp/test_output")
Alternatively you can directly hive table
scala> myjs.createOrReplaceTempView("myjs")
scala> spark.sql("select * from myjs").show()
scala> spark.sql("create table tax.myjs_hive as select * from myjs")
I have a flat file that has 6 columns: NoteID, Sequence, FileNumber, EntryDte, NoteType, and NoteText. The NoteText column has 200 characters and if a note is longer than 200 characters then a second row in the file contains the continuation of the note. It looks something like this:
|NoteID | Sequence | NoteText |
|1234 | 1 | start of note text... |
|1234 | 2 | continue of note.... |
|1234 | 3 | more continuation of first note... |
|1235 | 1 | start of new note.... |
How can I in SSIS combine the multiple rows of NoteText into one row so the row would like this:
| NoteID | Sequence | NoteText |
|1234 | 1 | start of note text... continue of note... more continuation of first note... |
|1235 | 1 | start of new note.... |
Greatly appreciate any help?
Update: Changing the SynchronousInputID to None exposed the Output0Buffer and I was able to use it. Below is what I have in place now.
Dim NoteID As String = "-1"
Dim NoteString As String = ""
Dim IsFirstRow As Boolean = True
Dim NoteBlob As Byte()
Dim enc As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding()
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
If Row.NoteID.ToString() = NoteID Then
NoteString += Row.NoteHTML
IsFirstRow = True
If IsFirstRow Then
IsFirstRow = False
End If
NoteID = Row.NoteID.ToString()
NoteString = Row.NoteHTML.ToString()
End If
NoteBlob = enc.GetBytes(NoteString)
Output0Buffer.ClaimID = Row.ClaimID
Output0Buffer.UserID = Row.UserID
Output0Buffer.NoteTypeLookupID = Row.NoteTypeLookupID
Output0Buffer.DateCreatedUTC = Row.DateCreated
Output0Buffer.ActivityDateUTC = Row.ActivityDate
Output0Buffer.IsPublic = Row.IsPublic
End Sub
My problem now is that I had to convert the output column from Wstr(4000) to NText because some of the notes are so long. When it imports into my SQL table, it is just jibberish characters and not the actual notes.
In SQL Server Management Studio (using SQL), you could easily combine your NoteText field using stuff function with XML Path to combine your row values to a single column like this:
select distinct
min(sequence) over (partition by n.noteid order by n.sequence) as sequence,
stuff((select ' ' + NoteText
from notes n1
where n.noteid = n1.noteid
for xml path ('')
),1,1,'') as NoteText
from notes n;
You will probably want to look into something along the line that does similar thing in SSIS. Check out this link on how to create a script component in SSIS to do something similar: SSIS Script Component - concat rows
SQL Fiddle Demo