React: check if elements in different components overlap - reactjs

I am looking at many answers of checking if elements overlap, but they are not applicable.
I have a wrapper component that has a header with position fixed and children
const Wrapper = ({ children }) => {
return (
export default Wrapper
I need to know when the header is overlapping certain parts in several different pages (children) so as to change the header color
I am trying to detect in the wrapper component, but the elements do not exist or are not accesible to the container
Do I need to pass refs all the way from the wrapper to all the children? Is there an easier way to do this?

there are a few approaches i can think of, one being the one you mentioned and passing refs around and doing a bunch of calculations and a few others below.
Hardcoded heights of the pages
This would work basically by having a large switch case in you header file and check the offset scroll position of your scroll target.
getBackgroundColor = (scrollPosition) => {
switch (true) {
case scrollPosition <= $('#page1').height:
return 'red'
case scrollPosition <= $('#page1').height + $('#page2').height:
return 'blue'
case scrollPosition <= $('#page1').height + $('#page2').height + $('page3').height
return 'green'
return 'yellow'
This has obvious flaws, one being, if the page content is dynamic or changes frequently it may not work, checking height every re-render may cause reflow issues, and this requires knowledge of page IDs on the page. (note: this snippet is just to prove concept, it will need tweeks).
Intersection Observer (Recommended way)
Intersection observer is an awesome API that allows you to observe elements in a performant way and reduces layout thrashing from the alternative ways with constant measurements
heres an example I made with react and intersection observer, This may not be the best if you have hundreds of targets, but I have not ran any benchmarks on that so not certain. Also it is considered "Experimental" but has good browser support (not IE).
here is the bulk of the codesandbox below just to get an idea.
React.useEffect(() => {
let headerRect = document.getElementById("header").getBoundingClientRect();
let el = document.getElementById("wrapper");
let targets = [...document.getElementsByClassName("block")];
let callback = (entries, observer) => {
entries.forEach(entry => {
let doesOverlap = entry.boundingClientRect.y <= headerRect.bottom;
if (doesOverlap) {
let background =;
let io = new IntersectionObserver(callback, {
root: el,
threshold: [0, 0.1, 0.95, 1]
targets.forEach(target => io.observe(target));
return () => {
targets.forEach(target => io.unobserve(target));
}, []);
ALso notice this is not the most "React" way to do things since it relys a lot on ids, but you can get around that by passing refs everywhere i have used dom selections, but that may become unwieldy.


Get bbox of svg element before render or at least without flickering

I have a need to have some text scale in ways only SVG can as far as I could find. The text will change frequently so it also needs to adapt to that.
I'm making the app in react and would like to know how to calculate the bbox of an SVG (initially and every time it changes) before rendering it or at least without flickering / layout shift.
An example could be found here - the current issue is that it flicker. Everything else works fine more or less.
I've seen some other questions that are similar or nearly identical - however they do not have the requirement of changing text so it's possible to compute the bounding box in advance once or at least a one time flicker is not a big issue. Another question / thread also used a class component that supposedly updated the state at component mount but before render which as they claim does not cause a flicker but a lot has changed since then in react and in the example I tried the flicker is there.
The best compromise I've found so far is to just make the SVG's visibility hidden and measure the bbox of the text first and show it when done. Then every time the text changes measure again. Generally speaking this should not be too crazy in terms of jumping around or any other visual quirks but for best results you'd want to set a certain fixed size box for the SVG to fill up and not cause any layout shift.
import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
export type BBox = { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number };
const makeViewBox = (bbox: BBox) => {
return `${bbox.x} ${bbox.y} ${bbox.width} ${bbox.height}`;
// Note that this component still sometimes jiggles around a bit
// and it is particularly noticable with nont monospaced fonts.
const ScalableSVGText = ({ text }: { text: string }) => {
// Reference to the SVG element, needed to take bbox measurements
// and adjust the SVG's viewBox
const ref = useRef<null | SVGSVGElement>(null);
// State is somewhat needed to force re-render - other methods
// can be used but whatever...
const [bbox, setbbox] = useState<null | BBox>(null);
// On initial mount & every time the text changes measure the
// bbox and update the state so the component re-renders
useEffect(() => {
if (ref.current) {
}, [text]);
return (
viewBox={bbox ? makeViewBox(bbox) : ""}
// not strictly needed but makes it somwehat easier on the eyes
visibility: bbox ? "visible" : "hidden"
export default ScalableSVGText;

How to mange a paste event within CKEdit 5 React component?

When you employ the CKEditor, the user might try to be edgy and paste several thousand lines at once. The browser wouldn't like that. One strategy would be to intercept the paste event and trim the data to a more manageable chunk.
Looking around I found this question - this is basically the same situation, I only can't get my head around how to achieve the same with the React component.
I'd also appreciate different and more insightful strategies.
In short, I posed a question directly in the developer's github issue tracker. With a lot of trail and error in the Javascript console and their eventual answer I managed to control the text coming in the CKEditor with a paste event.
Key points:
I used onInit prop. onReady didn't work for me.
The data in the paste event is divided in elements (like html ones) and is being accessed a bit weirdly.
I guess the best way to explain what I did would be to just show the code, so:
onInit={editor => {
const documentView = editor.editing.view.document
documentView.on('paste', (event, data) => {
editor.plugins.get('Clipboard').on('inputTransformation', (event, data) => {
let accumulated = editor.getData()
for (const element of data.content.getChildren()) {
if (element._textData !== undefined) {
accumulated += element._textData
} else {
accumulated += element.getChild(0)._textData
if (accumulated.length >= SOME_LENGTH) {
editor.setData(accumulated.slice(0, SOME_LENGTH))
onChange={(event, editor) => {
const data = editor.getData()
So that's it. I hope this shortens someone else's struggle a bit.

react-virtualized: how to use a separate rowRenderer for height measurement

I'm trying to display large text documents with complex markups using the react-virtualized List component. The document is broken up into chunks of text of varying lengths shorter than some maximum. The List component renders each of these chunks as a row.
Since I can't use fixed row heights because chunk lengths vary, I'd like to use CellMeasurer. The problem is that the parsing needed to generate the markups on each chunk is expensive -- this is part of the reason I want to use react-virtualized. Even if all the chunks are rendered in the background, it will still be too slow.
Since the markup does not affect height, I'd like to use a simpler rowRenderer function that renders text without markup only for measuring rows, and then provide a separate and more complete rowRenderer for the actual render of each chunk with markup. Is there a way to do this?
This is admittedly really hacky, and not best practices, but could you do something like:
rowHeight={(index) => {
const rowData = data[index];
let div = document.getElementById('renderer');
if (!div) {
div = document.createElement('div'); = 'renderer';
ReactDOM.render(div, <Row>{rowData}</Row>);
const height = div.offsetHeight;
if (index === data.length - 1) {
return height;
Or, actually, you could have two lists, one with visibility: hidden, where you just render each row without markup, get the height, and add it to an array. Once the length of the array is equal to your data length, you no longer show it, and then render the other one, with rowHeight={index => heights[index]}
After some trial and error I found a good way to do this is to make the rowRenderer function decide which way to render the row. You can do this by checking the _rowHeightCache property in the CellMeasurerCache instance use use in your list. Note that the keys of _rowHeightCache take the form: "index-0" where index is the row's index.
Here is how you can set up the row renderer:
key, // Unique key within array of rows
index, // Index of row within collection
// isScrolling, // The List is currently being scrolled
style, // Style object to be applied to row (to position it)
parent, // reference to List
) {
const { textArray } = this.props;
// get the cached row height for this row
const rowCache = this.listCache._rowHeightCache[`${index}-0`];
// if it has been cached, render it using the normal, more expensive
// version of the component, without bothering to wrap it in a
// CellMeasurer (it's already been measured!)
// Note that listCache.defaultHeight has been set to 0, to make the
// the comparison easy
if (rowCache !== null && rowCache !== undefined && rowCache !== 0) {
return (
// If the row height has not been cached (meaning it has not been
// measured, return the text chunk component, but this time:
// a) it's wrapped in CellMeasurer, which is configured with the
// the cache, and
// b) it receives the prop textOnly={true}, which it tells it to
// to skip rendering the markup
return (
{() => {
return (
This is then passed to the List component in the ordinary way:
style={{ outline: 'none' }}
ref={(r) => { this.listRef = r; }}
By including a reference callback, we can now access the
measureAllRows method, which we can use to force the List
to render all rows in advance to get the heights. This will
ensure that the scroll bar functions properly, but even with
the textOnly flag can take a while longer. In my case, I believe
it is worth the wait.
Here is how you can call measureAllRows:
componentDidUpdate() {
const {
} = this.props;
// We will only run measureAllRows if they have not been
// measured yet. An easy way to check is to see if the
// last row is measured
const lastRowCache = this
._rowHeightCache[`${textArray.length - 1}-0`];
if (this.listRef
|| lastRowCache === null
|| lastRowCache === undefined
|| lastRowCache === 0) {
try {
} catch {
console.log('failed to measure all rows');
The try-catch block is needed because if it tries to measure
before the List is constructed it will throw an index-out-of
-bounds error.
Another possible way to do this would be to have the actual List
component be conditional on cached measurements rather than the
rowRenderer function. You could render an array of text as a a
regular list, wrapping each row in a <CellMeasurer>. When the
cache is filled, you would then render a virtual List configured
using the prefilled cache. This would obviate the need to call
measureAllRows in componentDidUpdate or a useEffect callback.

Mutable global state causing issues with array length

I've been working on a SPA for a while and managing my global state with a custom context API, but it's been causing headaches with undesired rerenders down the tree so I thought I'd give react-easy-state a try. So far it's been great, but I'm starting to run into some issues which I assume has to do with the mutability of the global state, something which was easily solved with the custom context api implementation using a lib like immer.
Here's a simplified version of the issue I'm running into: I have a global state for managing orders. The order object primaryOrder has an array of addons into which additional items are added to the order - the list of available addons is stored in a separate store that is responsible for fetching the list from my API. The orderStore looks something like this:
const orderStore = store({
initialized: false,
isVisible: false,
primaryOrder: {
addons: [],
When a user selects to increases the quantity of an addon item, it's added to the addons array if it isn't already present, and if it is the qty prop of the addon is increased. The same logic applies when the quantity is reduced, except if it reaches 0 then the addon is removed from the array. This is done using the following methods on the orderStore:
const orderStore = store({
initialized: false,
isVisible: false,
primaryOrder: {
addons: [],
get orderAddons() {
return orderStore.primaryOrder.addons;
increaseAddonItemQty(item) {
let index = orderStore.primaryOrder.addons.findIndex(
(i) => ===
if (index === -1) {
let updatedItem = {
qty: 1,
orderStore.primaryOrder.addons = [
} else {
orderStore.primaryOrder.addons[index].qty += 1;
decreaseAddonItemQty(item) {
let index = orderStore.primaryOrder.addons.findIndex(
(i) => ===
if (index === -1) {
} else {
// remove the item from the array if value goes 1->0
if (orderStore.primaryOrder.addons[index].qty === 1) {
console.log("removing item from array");
orderStore.primaryOrder.addons = _remove(
(i) => !==
orderStore.primaryOrder.addons[index].qty -= 1;
The issue I'm running into has to do with the fact that one of my views consuming the orderStore.addons. My Product component is the consumer in this case:
const Product = (item) => {
const [qty, setQty] = useState(0);
const { id, label, thumbnailUrl, unitCost } = item;
autoEffect(() => {
if (orderStore.orderAddons.length === 0) {
console.log({ addons: orderStore.orderAddons });
let index = orderStore.orderAddons.findIndex((addon) => === id);
console.log({ index });
if (index !== -1) setQty(orderStore.findAddon(index).qty);
const Adder = () => {
return (
style={{ flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "space-between" }}
<div onClick={() => orderStore.decreaseAddonItemQty(item)}>-</div>
<div onClick={() => orderStore.increaseAddonItemQty(item)}>+</div>
return (
<div>{label} {unitCost}</div>
<Adder />
export default view(Product)
The issue occurs when I call decreaseAddonItemQty and the item is removed from the addons array. The error is thrown in the Product component, stating that Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined due to the fact that the array length reads as 2, despite the fact that the item has been removed ( see image below)
My assumption is that the consumer Product is reading the global store before it's completed updating, though of course I could be wrong.
What is the correct approach to use with react-easy-state to avoid this problem?
Seems like you found an auto batching bug. Just wrap your erroneous mutating code in batch until it is fixed to make it work correctly.
import { batch, store } from '#risingstack/react-easy-state'
const orderStore = store({
decreaseAddonItemQty(item) {
batch(() => {
// put your code here ...
Read the "Reactive renders are batched. Multiple synchronous store mutations won't result in multiple re-renders of the same component." section of the repo readme for more info about batching.
And some insight:
React updates are synchronous (as opposed to Angular and Vue) and Easy State (and all other state managers) use React setState behind the scenes to trigger re-renders. This means they are all synchronous too.
setState usually applies a big update at once while Easy State calls a dummy setState whenever you mutate a store property. This means Easy State would unnecessarily re-render way too often. To prevent this we have a batch method that blocks re-rendering until the whole contained code block is executed. This batch is automatically applied to most task sources so you don't have to worry about it, but if you call some mutating code from some exotic task source it won't be batched automatically.
We don't speak about batch a lot because it will (finally) become obsolete once Concurrent React is released. In the meantime, we are adding auto batching to as many places as possible. In the next update (in a few days) store methods will get auto batching, which will solve your issue.
You may wonder how could the absence of batching mess things up so badly. Older transparent reactivity systems (like MobX 4) would simply render the component a few times unnecessarily but they would work fine. This is because they use getters and setters to intercept get and set operations. Easy State (and MobX 5) however use Proxies which 'see a lot more'. In your case part of your browser's array.splice implementation is implemented in JS and Proxies intercept get/set operations inside array.splice. Probably array.splice is doing an array[2] = undefined before running array.length = 2 (this is just pseudo code of course). Without batching this results in exactly what you see.
I hope this helps and solves your issue until it is fixed (:
Edit: in the short term we plan to add a strict mode which will throw when store data is mutated outside store methods. This - combined with auto store method batching - will be the most complete solution to this issue until Concurrent React arrives.
Edit2: I would love to know why this was not properly batched by the auto-batch logic to cover this case with some tests. Is you repo public by any chance?

How to create a resizable component in React

As said in the title. I want to create a React component that will give me a possibility to resize its width by dragging - just like windows in Windows operating system. What is actually the best approach to handle this issue ?
I included my current approach to the subject of the matter:
First I placed a "dragger" element in the top-right corner of my container. When i press mouse down on that element i want to create a mousemove event listener which will modify the containerWidth in respect to the X coordinate of the cursor relative to the initial X position of the edge of the container. I already have that event listener firing and logging me the coordinates after holding down the mouse button but unfortunatelly for some reason the event is not being removed after the mouse is unpressed(mouseUp event) which is not what i intended. Any suggestions appreciated, also those about some issues i might expect in the future related to this topic. Thanks.
type Props = MasterProps & LinkStateToProps & LinkDispatchToProps;
const Test3 = (Props: Props) => {
const [containerWidth, setContainerWidth] = React.useState(640)
const [isBeingStretched, setIsBeingStretched] = React.useState(false);
const masterRef = React.useRef(null);
const logMousePosition = React.useCallback((event:MouseEvent)=>{
const handleMouseDown=()=>{
document.addEventListener('mousemove', logMousePosition);
masterRef.current.addEventListener('mouseup', ()=>{
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', logMousePosition)
const handleMouseUp = () => {
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', logMousePosition);
return (
<div className="master-wrapper" ref={masterRef}>
<div className="stretchable-div" style={{ width: `${containerWidth}px` }}>
<div className="dragger-wrapper">
<h2>This is supposed to change width</h2>
<div className="dragger"
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Test3);
I'd never done something like this before so I decided to give it a go, and it ended up being quite straightforward to implement with React state management. I can see why you might not know where to start if you are new to React, and that's ok, although two things to note before I go through my solution:
Statements such as document.getElementById or document.addEventListener are not going to function as intended anymore. With React, you are manipulating a virtual DOM, which updates the actual DOM for you, and you should aim to let it do that as much as possible.
Using refs to get around this fact is bad practice. They may act in a similar way to the statements mentioned above but that is not their intended use case. Read up on what the documentation has to say about good use cases for ref.
Here's what the JSX portion of my demo looks like:
return (
<div className="container" onMouseMove={resizeFrame} onMouseUp={stopResize}>
<div className="box" style={boxStyle}>
<button className="dragger" onMouseDown={startResize}>
Size Me
We're going to need three different events - onMouseDown, onMouseMove and onMouseUp - to track the different stages of the resize. You already got this far in your own code. In React, we declare all these as attributes of the elements themselves, although they are not actually in-line functions. React adds them as event listeners for us in the background.
const [drag, setDrag] = useState({
active: false,
x: "",
y: ""
const startResize = e => {
active: true,
x: e.clientX,
y: e.clientY
We'll use some state to track the resize as it is in progress. I condensed everything into a single object to avoid bloat and make it more readable, although this won't always be ideal if you have other hooks like useEffect or useMemo dependent on that state. The first event simply saves the initial x and y positions of the user's mouse, and sets active to true for the next event to reference.
const [dims, setDims] = useState({
w: 200,
h: 200
const resizeFrame = e => {
const { active, x, y } = drag;
if (active) {
const xDiff = Math.abs(x - e.clientX);
const yDiff = Math.abs(y - e.clientY);
const newW = x > e.clientX ? dims.w - xDiff : dims.w + xDiff;
const newH = y > e.clientY ? dims.h + yDiff : dims.h - yDiff;
setDrag({ ...drag, x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY });
setDims({ w: newW, h: newH });
The second piece of state will initialise and then update the dimensions of the element as its values change. This could use any measurement you want although it will have to correlate to some CSS property.
The resizeFrame function does the following:
Make the properties of drag easily available via destructuring assignment. This will make the code more readable and easier to type.
Check that the resize is active. onMouseMove will fire for every pixel the mouse moves over the relevant element so we want to make sure it is properly conditioned.
Use Math.abs() to get the difference in value between the current mouse position and the saved mouse position as a positive integer. This will save us from having to do a second round of conditional statements.
Use turnary statements to either add or subtract the difference from the dimensions, based on whether the new mouse position is greater or less than the previous on either axis.
Set the states with the new values, using the spread operator ... to leave the irrelevant part of drag as it is.
const stopResize = e => {
setDrag({ ...drag, active: false });
const boxStyle = {
width: `${dims.x}px`,
height: `${dims.y}px`
Then we simply set the activity of the drag state to false once the user is finished. The JS style object is passed to the element with the state variable in place so that is taken care of automatically.
Here is the codesandbox with the finished effect.
One of the drawbacks to doing things this way is that it basically requires you to have that mouseMove event listener assigned to the largest site container, because the mouse is not going to stay within the bounds of the box during the resize. That could be an issue if you want to have multiple elements with the same functionality, although nothing that you can't solve with good state management. You could probably fine tune this so that the mouse always stays on the drag element, although that would require a more complex implementation.
