How do I make my discord bot delete it's own previous message sent? - discord

Currently, I have a command in my bot where it will react to anything with in the message. I want the bot to be able to post the embed message each time a discord invite is posted, but delete the last embed message it sent so it would look like the bot is keeping one specific message at the end of a channel.
This is what the code looks like right now, thank you for your help!
let keyword15 = [""];
if ( return;
if((msg.content.toLowerCase().includes(keyword15) )
const embed2 = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription('Promotion Operator \n ▫️ **Do not post outside the advertisement channel.** \n ▫️ **Do not advertise your server via DM.**')

I wouldn't know how to delete the last embed but, I have came up with another solution you could try.
let keyword15 = [""];
if ( return;
if((msg.content.toLowerCase().includes(keyword15) )
const embed2 = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription('Promotion Operator \n ▫️ **Do not post outside the advertisement channel.** \n ▫️ **Do not advertise your server via DM.**')
.setColor(0x000000) => {
that there will delete the embed after 5 minutes, You can always change the time, Just keep in mind discord uses milliseconds so if you want to use 10 minutes you would have to put in 600000, etc.


Discord: Reading messages from one channel in a (non-admin perm) server, and posting it to another (with admin perms)

I am new to Discord API framework.
ServerFROM is a public server that I was invited to (non-admin perms). Hence I cannot add bots there. But I can view the content in ChannelFROM (a text channel in ServerFROM)
I have my own ServerTO (in which I have admin perms and so can do anything). Inside of which, I have the target ChannelTO
I want to deploy a listener on ChannelFROM, such when there is a new message (announcement) in ChannelFROM, I want it to be read and reposted in ChannelTO.
Something similar to what is done in this Stackoverflow issue, except that I cannot have some script run locally 24x7 on my machine. Maybe use Github Actions or something similar?
How can I go about doing it? Any ideas are appreciated. Maybe some form of a server, or just a custom Discord bot
And thanks in advance.
you can use Custom bot for that. I dont know other way
here's how i do it
1st : We Get the ID of the Channel that you wanted to listen
2nd : We make a Output or where the bot copy the message from and send it
3rd : Bot required a permission to view the channel and send message
or in the nutshell ( sorry if im bad at explaining )
client.on("messageCreate", message => {
if( return;
if( === ID_HERE) // ChannelFROM in ID_HERE
let MSG = message.content
let Author = message.member.displayName
let Avatar ={dynamic: true})
const Embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(Author , Avatar )
client.channels.cache.get(ID_HERE).send({ embeds: [Embed] }) // SendTo in ID_HERE
you can remove if( return; if you want it also read other bot message on that specific channel

See All Server Bot in

I don't know how to do this, but I want to make like if i say !list and bot will show all the server my bot in and then i want to do like !invite (server name) and bot will make an invite link and send to me.
This should do the trick
let guilds = '';
<client>.guilds.cache.forEach((guild) => {
guilds = guilds.concat(guild).concat("\n"); // Adds a new line after each guild
And of course you can adjust / format this for your needs :)

How to not send bots message edit discord.js

I have a message edit log but I want to stop sending the log if a mobs message was updated, I tried a few codes like
It showed and error
cannot read property 'edit' of undefined
I then removed edit then content was undefined. The code for the message update is below.
The Code
module.exports = async (bot, oldMessage, newMessage) => {
let channels = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync('././database/messageChannel.json', 'utf8')
let channelId = channels[].channel;
let msgChannel = bot.channels.cache.get(channelId);
if (!msgChannel) {
return console.log(`No message channel found with ID ${channelId}`);
if (oldMessage.content === newMessage.content){
let mEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(,{dynamic: true}))
.setDescription(`**Message Editied in <#${}>**`)
.addField(`Before`, `${oldMessage.content}`)
.addField(`After`, `${newMessage.content}`)
.setFooter(`UserID: ${}`)
How would I stop it from sending the embed if a bots message was updated.
Making a really simple check will resolve this issue. In Discord.js there is a user field that tells you if the user is a bot or not.
In fact, it is really recommended you add this in the "onMessage" part of your code as it stops other bots from using your bot, this is to make sure things are safe and no loopbacks/feedbacks happen, either way, you don't want a malicious bot taking advantage of your bot, which can get your bot in trouble too.
Here is what you want to do;
if ( return;
What this code specifically does is check if the message's author is a bot, if it returns true, it will break the code from running, if it returns a false, the code continues running.
You can do the same if you want to listen to bots ONLY by simply adding a exclamation mark before the like this;
if (! return;
It is also possible to see what other kinds of information something holds, you can print anything to your console. For example, if you want to view what a message object contains, you can print it into your console with;
console.log(message) // This will show everything within that object.
console.log( // This will show everything within the author object (like ID's, name, discriminators, avatars, etc.)
Go ahead and explore what you can do!
Happy developing! ^ -^
That is really easy to do. All you need to do is check if the author of the message ist a bot and then return if true. You do that like this
if ( return;

Creating a Discord bot to notify people when to certain text on a website has changed

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const bot = new Discord.Client();
const token = '';
bot.on('ready', () =>{
console.log('This bot is online');
bot.on('message', msg=>{
if(msg.content === "?rates"){
This is what I have so far it is very basic, I understand, I'm just trying to get some sort of idea how to process. What I want is as soon as a website gets updated or changed. I would like it to tag everyone and in a certain channel and specifies what has changed. I know this will be a long process but I'm in for the ride :) would appreciate any help.
You need a webhook on the website and listen to it with your bot, if you have control over the site, this may help you, otherwise you could look if the site has one or perhaps ask an owner.
A probably working but not very nice (and not very clean) solution would be to save the text of the website every 5 seconds or so and compare it to the previous save. If it changed, you notify the members through sending a message.

How to create a discord bot that only allows a specific word in a certain text channel

I am trying to create a discord bot that only allows the word "upgrade" in a certain text channel.
As I am very new to this I would like to learn about how this is done.
Its easy. First create a bot. I guess you know about node.js if not, find tutorials for creating a project with discord.js.
First create a client:
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
(make sure you have a bot token)
Then you create a message event:
client.on("message", (message) => {
if(message.content != "upgrade") return message.delete()
Put your bot in the server, give it permissions to delete messages in the channel aaand done!
Sorry for my bad English.
