Git-Hook post_commit not printing GIT_DIR environment to log - githooks

Debugging git-hooks
Why is $GIT_DIR not printed to the log?
#Content of
rm -rf $foo
mkdir -p $foo
cd $foo
git init
printf "logger 'foo was committed from:' $GIT_DIR" >> .git/hooks/post-commit
sudo chmod +x .git/hooks/post-commit
touch $foo/bar
git add .
git commit -m "Testmessage"
journalctl -b --grep 'foo was committed from:'
Output from upper script
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/tmp/foo/.git/
[master (root-commit) 6c16412] Testmessage
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 bar
-- Logs begin at Sat 2019-06-29 11:02:45 CEST, end at Mon 2020-05-04 09:53:18 CEST. --
May 04 09:53:18 x user[5892]: foo was committed from:

export GIT_DIR=${GIT_DIR-`git rev-parse --git-dir`}
as top line in post-commit solves my problem


Github action check if a file already exists

I have the following git action which allows me to download an image.
I have to make sure if the file already exists to skip the "Commit file" and the "Push changes"
How can I check if the file already exists if it already exists nothing is done.
name: Scrape File
name: Build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
name: Check out current commit
- name: Url
run: |
URL=$(node ./action.js)
echo $URL
echo "URL=$URL" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- uses: suisei-cn/actions-download-file#v1
id: downloadfile
name: Download the file
url: ${{ env.URL }}
target: assets/
- run: ls -l 'assets/'
- name: Commit files
run: |
git config --local "41898282+github-actions[bot]"
git config --local "github-actions[bot]"
git add .
git commit -m "Add changes" -a
- name: Push changes
uses: ad-m/github-push-action#master
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
branch: ${{ github.ref }}
There are a few options here - you can go directly with bash and do something like this:
if test -f "$FILE"; then
#file exists
or use one of the existing actions like this:
- name: Check file existence
id: check_files
uses: andstor/file-existence-action#v1
files: "assets/${{ env.URL }}"
- name: File exists
if: steps.check_files.outputs.files_exists == 'true'
run: echo "It exists !"
WARNING: Linux (and maybe MacOS) only solution ahead!
I was dealing with a very similar situation some time earlier and developed a method to not just check for added files, but also will be useful if you wanted to check for modified or deleted files or directories as well.
This solution works only if the file is added/modified/deleted in git repository.
The command git status --short will return list of untracked, , deleted and modified files. For example:-
D deleted_foo
M modified_foo
?? untracked_dir_foo/
?? untracked_file_foo
A tracked_n_added_foo
Note that we run the same command as git status -s.
Understanding `git status -s` output:
When you read the output, you will see some lines in this form:
** filename
** dirname/
Note that here ** represent the first word of the line (ones like D, ?? etc.).
Here is a summary of all ** in the lines:
File/dir has been deleted.
File/dir has been modified.
File/dir has been added but not tracked using git add [FILENAME].
File/dir has been added and also tracked using git add [FILENAME].
NOTE: Take care of the spaces! Using, for example, M instead of M in the following solution will not work as expected!
Shell part of solution:
We can grep the output of git status -s to check whether a file/dir was added/modified/deleted.
The shell part of the solution goes like this:
if git status -s | grep -x "** [FILENAME]"; then
# Do whatever you wanna on match
# Do whatever you wanna on no-match
Note: Get desired ** from the table above and replace [FILENAME] with filename.
For example, to check whether a file named foo was modified, use:
git status -s | grep -x " M foo"
Explanation: We use git status -s to get the output and pipe the output to grep. We also use command line option -x with grep so as to match whole line.
Workflow part of solution:
A very simple solution will go like this:
- name: Check for file
id: file_check
run: |
if git status -s | grep -x "** [FILENAME]"; then
echo "check_result=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "check_result=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Run dependent step
if: steps.file_check.outputs.check_result == 'true'
run: |
# Do whatever you wanna do on file found to be
# added/modified/deleted, based on what you set '**' to

RUN Script after sql service up in dockerfile

I have a database for my app and I want to create it in run time docker
I have a file and it creates all the tables and stored procedure that I want.
I tried this :
USER root
RUN mkdir /home/db
COPY ./db /home/db
RUN chmod +x /home/db/
WORKDIR /home/db/
CMD ["/bin/bash", "/home/db/"]
but it returns an error :
is there any way to run my script after all services (sql-server) start?
You can use an if statement, for example, RUN if [[ -z "$arg" ]] ; then echo Argument not provided ; else echo Argument is $arg ; fi
Another way would be to use command1 && command2 so if the command 1 is successfull, then command 2 would run afterwards.
Your last line CMD ["/bin/bash", "/home/db/"] if this is to start the database every time you start the container, as your default command to run, then should be alright, otherwise it would be better to use the RUN command.

Nomad task getting killed

I have two tasks in task group
1) a db task to bring up a db and
2) the app that needs the db to be up.
Both start in parallel and the db tasks takes a lil bit time but by then the app recognizes that db is not up and kills the db task. Any solutions? Please advise.
It's somewhat common to have an entrypoint script that checks if the db is healthy. Here's a script i've used before:
set -e
postgres_ready() {
if test -z "${NO_DB}"
return $?
echo "NO_DB Postgres will pretend to be up"
return 0
until postgres_ready
>&2 echo "Postgres is unavailable - sleeping"
sleep 1
>&2 echo "Postgres is up - continuing..."
exec "${cmd}"
You could save it as and run it with your application start script as the argument. eg: python

Strange behaviour of sejda-console in batch for loop

I try to write a wrapper script for songbook generation using lilypond, latex and sejda-console (for the pdf part). Everything works so far, but I have a problem with sejda that is giving me nuts.
Here is the relevant part of my code:
for %%i in (%f%) do (
sejda-console.bat extractbybookmarks -f ".\%%~ni.pdf" -o "export\%%~ni\%title%.pdf" -l 2 -p [BOOKMARK_NAME] -e "%title%" --overwrite
where f is a ";"-separated list of files. This command works for the first file, but fails for all others. I can't find any difference between the commands that sejda receives. Here is my console output:
make_sheet.bat -t "Live it up" --supress *.lytex
Configuring Sejda 3.2.30
Starting execution with arguments: 'extractbybookmarks -f .\book_drums.pdf -o export\book_drums\Live it up.pdf -l 2 -p [BOOKMARK_NAME] -e Live it up --overwrite'
Java version: '1.8.0_151'
Validating parameters.
Starting task (org.sejda.impl.sambox.ExtractByOutlineTask#28701274) execution.
Opening C:\Users\skr1_\Desktop\Tools\Songbook\Sample\out\.\book_drums.pdf
Retrieving outline information for level 2 and match regex Live it up
Starting extraction by outline, level 2 and match regex Live it up
Found 0 inherited images and 0 inherited fonts potentially unused
Starting extracting Live it up pages 9 9
Created output temporary buffer C:\Users\skr1_\Desktop\Tools\Songbook\Sample\out\export\book_drums\.sejdaTmp2789047920522272436.tmp
Appended relevant outline items
Filtering annotations
Skipped acroform merge, nothing to merge
Ending extracting Live it up
Task progress: 0% done
Moving C:\Users\skr1_\Desktop\Tools\Songbook\Sample\out\export\book_drums\.sejdaTmp2789047920522272436.tmp to C:\Users\skr1_\Desktop\Tools\Songbook\Sample\out\export\book_drums\Live it up.pdf.
Extraction completed and outputs written to org.sejda.model.output.FileOrDirectoryTaskOutput#478190fc[C:\Users\skr1_\Desktop\Tools\Songbook\Sample\out\export\book_drums\Live it up.pdf]
Task (org.sejda.impl.sambox.ExtractByOutlineTask#28701274) executed in 0 seconds
Completed execution
C:\Users\skr1_\Desktop\Tools\Songbook\Sample>(sejda-console.bat extractbybookmarks -f ".\book_general.pdf" -o "export\book_general\Live it up.pdf" -l 2 -p [BOOKMARK_NAME] -e "Live it up" --overwrite )
Configuring Sejda 3.2.30
Starting execution with arguments: 'extractbybookmarks -f .\book_general.pdf -o export\book_general\Live it up.pdf -l 2 -p [BOOKMARK_NAME] -e Live it up --overwrite'
Java version: '1.8.0_151'
Invalid value (File '.\book_general.pdf' does not exist): --files -f value... : pdf files to operate on. A list of existing pdf files (EX. -f /tmp/file1.pdf or -f /tmp/password_protected_file2.pdf:secret123) (required)
Invalid value (File '.\book_general.pdf' does not exist): --files -f value... : pdf files to operate on. A list of existing pdf files (EX. -f /tmp/file1.pdf or -f /tmp/password_protected_file2.pdf:secret123) (required)
C:\Users\skr1_\Desktop\Tools\Songbook\Sample>(sejda-console.bat extractbybookmarks -f ".\book_guitar.pdf" -o "export\book_guitar\Live it up.pdf" -l 2 -p [BOOKMARK_NAME] -e "Live it up" --overwrite )
Configuring Sejda 3.2.30
Starting execution with arguments: 'extractbybookmarks -f .\book_guitar.pdf -o export\book_guitar\Live it up.pdf -l 2 -p [BOOKMARK_NAME] -e Live it up --overwrite'
Java version: '1.8.0_151'
Invalid value (File '.\book_guitar.pdf' does not exist): --files -f value... : pdf files to operate on. A list of existing pdf files (EX. -f /tmp/file1.pdf or -f /tmp/password_protected_file2.pdf:secret123) (required)
Invalid value (File '.\book_guitar.pdf' does not exist): --files -f value... : pdf files to operate on. A list of existing pdf files (EX. -f /tmp/file1.pdf or -f /tmp/password_protected_file2.pdf:secret123) (required)
Even worse, if I copy the commands that sejda receives and paste them as arguments for a new command, everything works fine.
I suspect that something is happening with the working directory in between, but I don't get it.
Also, note that the output includes the command for subsequent passes of the for-loop (starting with "(sejda-console.bat ...") though echo is off. It is not included for the first run, however.
I'm not an expert with programming, especially not with batch, and any help would be very appreciated.
I'd suggest that sejda.bat is changing the current directory.
call sejda.bat ...

running cake console on mediatemple

I am trying to run the cakephp2.0 console on mediatemple.
I did an install of the latest version of cakephp2.0, uploaded it to my server and got everything hooked up and running.
Then i SSHed into my server ( on mediatemple ) and navigated to the Console folder in my app then did
/html/app/Console$ cake bake
and got a 'command not found' error.. ok so then i tried the command
/html/app/Console$ php cake bake
which ran, but gave me this...
LIB=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P) && LIB=$LIB/$(basename -- "$0")
while [ -h "$LIB" ]; do
DIR=$(dirname -- "$LIB")
SYM=$(readlink "$LIB")
LIB=$(cd "$DIR" && cd $(dirname -- "$SYM") && pwd)/$(basename -- "$SYM")
LIB=$(dirname -- "$LIB")/
exec php -q "$LIB"cake.php -working "$APP" "$#"
Did i do something wrong? or is there a bug in the console for cakephp2.0?
You probably need to do:
./cake bake
