How to use C libraries in Vlang for basic statistics - c

I want to do basic statistics with Vlang.
Can I use C libraries? For example, Apophenia:
Or IMSL C stat library:
Thanks for your help.

Yes, you can call C libraries from V.
You need to make the C library's structs, typedefs and functions known to V by defining them in V first - before calling/using them.
For structs you conveniently only need to define the fields you need to use.
Here's some examples:
via 2D game framework wrapping several C libs
sokol in vlib
v-miniaudio wrapper (disclaimer: my own module)
Generally you can find a lot of C wrapper code in vlib itself. (We're working on replacing C with pure V)


is it possible to use Eigen with c?

I don't know very much about template programming, and I currently use gsl. I'm interested in seeing if Eigen can be use in C. Has anybody used Eigen in C before? Is there something I can test to find out if it will be easy?
Since Eigen is a C++ template library, it cannot be directly used with C.
Hypothetically, one could wrap the C++ templates into a C API, and use that. However, that's bound to involve a lot of work and would strike me as a bit pointless (one might as well use existing C libraries for linear algebra).
AFAIK, Eigen is a template-only library. C doesn't support templates. So without writing a bunch of wrapper functions that expose a C-style interface, no.

Can c++ libraries run in c?

I'm sorry if this is a basic question(I'm new to c/c++, but I'm a little confused at how to get the answer. stxxl is a c++ library but some of my code is in c. I know c++ can use c code(my c code is embedded in c++), but does it work the other way around so c can run c++ code?
Their site only mentions c++ but I'm wondering if there's something special that can be done to run c++ libraries within c?
Sorry the books I have read talk about using c code in c++ and the c book I read was written before c++ came out. Right now my c function is sending data to my c++ code which is using the c++ library and then sending results back so I'm thinking I want to test performance if I cut the middle man(c++).
You can link to a C++ library from C only when the C++ library has been designed to be used from C. Specifically, the functions the library provides need to be exported with extern "C" {} block to avoid name mangling, and the interface should be designed in a way to be usable from plain C (i.e. no classes or member functions, only functionless structs and plain functions).
It is worth mentioning that you can compile your C code with a C++ compiler, and it will for the most part be OK. This lets you pretend that your C code is a C++ code, and freely mix in functionality provided through C++ - specific interfaces.
Here's a links that may help you:
How to mix C and C++

Uniroot function in C

In a C program that gets called from within R, I need to use the 'uniroot' function of R. One way to do this is to invoke R again from C with the 'call_R' function. I am wondering if there is a better way ? Is there a function in 'Rmath.h'to do this ?
As per ?uniroot, the R function is basically a wrapper around some freely available C source code for implementing Richard Brent's root finding algorithm -- it even gives the link. So if you're already programming in C, you don't need to touch R at all for this.
The Rmath library provides a number statistical distribution functions, but no access to R itself.
What you want amounts to embedding R in your C program, which is doable but a little tedious. If you are to C++, you could look at my RInside which makes this pretty painless via C++. It comes with a fairly decent number of examples.

matlab in C C++ and C C++ in matlab [closed]

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It seems that are several ways to call matlab in C C++ and to call C C++ in matlab. While I try to list them here, please point it out If I miss something.
To call C C++ in matlab, there are also two methods. The first one is to call functions in C shared libraries. The second one is to build C C++ code into binary MEX-files, which will be called from the MATLAB command line. For the first method, are the C shared libraries are just general ones, i.e. without change to their C code for matlab and compiled from general C compiler like gcc?
To call matlab code in C C++, there are two methods available. The first one is Matlab engine. The second one is to use MATLAB Compiler mcc to create C or C++ shared libraries from your MATLAB code.
Besides matlab and C C++ can communicate via writing and reading data to and from some file (e.g. mat file, text file).
Having more than one ways to accomplish each of the goals here, could you tell me what cases are best for using which of them? i.e. calling functions in C shared libraries VS building C C++ code into binary MEX-files, Matlab engine VS compiling Matlab code into C C++ shared library.
Thanks and regards!
I only have expreience with calling C or C++ functions from MATLAB. It looks to me like the only difference between calling functions in a shared library and calling functions from a MEX file is that with a shared library, you have to call the function with 'calllib' which is a command line type function and MEX functions allow you to call functions as if they are built-in functions so the interface is a little cleaner.
My suggestion is to use MEX files if
You are using C++ (you may have to write a wrapper to use a C++ in a shared library)
You are using MATLAB as the glue for a large number of optimized C or C++ routines. You'll want to be able to call them cleanly.
Use shared library if
You already have an existing C library that can be used without modification.
You only need a small number of calls to C functions.
Really, it comes down to the interface. I personally prefer the MEX file route because it provides the cleanest interface from MATLAB to your C or C++ function. You can call it like just another function with standard MATLAB types. With a shared library, you may have to do some data formatting before calling the library function
I think the methods you've named are correct (it's been a while since I've used them)
The matlab C-compiler isn't really special; it is possible to use different compilers. See link list of supported compilers. This does not include gcc, but MS Visual studio is included. You'll run into issues when linking with the supplied libraries.
Basically: calling matlab from C is something you'd do if you need a tight interface; for instance if you want to synchronise 2 tools, or your S-function (simulink) requires additional information. But then, such a file is propably called by Matlab/simulink in the first place.
Calling c from matlab is what you want to do if you write your own S-functions or extensions to matlab.
The choice between C and C++ is yours; if you start from a blank sheet I suggest you use C++; you don't need to use the complete functionality but it allows more freedom. Also more libraries tend to be available for C++ nowadays.
C is the language of choice if you need to migrate to very different environments; i.e. to compile C to DSPs for instance. Or if you have got legacy code in C to start from. Mixing C and C++ is possible, but a can be a bit cumbersome; I'm sure you'll find topics on StackOverflow on this subject alone.

C Analog To STL

Just because I'm curious--is there any C analog to the functionality of the STL in C++? I've seen mention of a GTK+ library called glib that a few people consider fills the bill but are there other libraries that would provide STL functionality in C?
Yes, glib is a pretty good choice: it includes a lot of utilities for manipulating containers like linked lists, arrays, hash tables, etc. And there is also an object-oriented framework called GObject that you can use to make objects with signals and slots in C (albeit with rather verbose function call names like gobject_set_property, since C doesn't have any syntax for objects). And there is also code for main loops so you can write event-driven programs.
For more info see wikipedia:
Glib was originally part of GTK, but the non-GUI code has been completely factored out so that you can use it in command-line programs:
Adding another option (full disclosure, I am the author); if you can compile and link C++, you can have a look into libcdada, which has a pure C API, but uses libstdc++ as a backend for most of the containers:
Well since STL's very nature is based on templates which C doesn't have, it would be difficult to even come close to the STL in C. The best you could hope for is some collection classes which manipulate void* pointers to unknown object.
