Defining dynamic Array in Typescript? - arrays

I have a requirement where i want to read a particular value x(that is auto-generated everytime) in a loop of say n times. Now, i want to store these autogenerated values of x, so, that i can later use them and iterate over it to perform my tests(protractor).
The way, i am trying to do is by creating an Array, using let list: string[] = [];. Now, i am pushing the values to my defined list using, list.push[x]; in each iteration. By the end of loop expecting to get the resulting Array having n values of x(string) in my list array. In order to validate, i did console.log(list); in each iteration and i can see that these values are being pushed in the defined list.
Later, in my code if i am trying to access these elements using let item = list[0]; i am getting the undefined value.
I think i need to initialize the Array to some particular size having default values initially and then modify them later in the loop. But, being new to TypeScript i am not able to find a solution on how to do it. Please help, TIA!!
Here, is the snippet below :
const tests = [
{type: 'admin', id='', uname='foo', pass='bar'},
{type: 'super', id='', uname='foo1', pass='bar'},
{type: 'normal', id='customId', uname='foo', pass='bar'}
let list: string[] = [];
// let list = [ //this is the final list that i got from the console.log(list);
// 'QR417msytVrq',
// 'V0fxayA3FOBD',
// 'QnaiegiVoYhs'];
describe(`Open Page `, () => {
//Code to get to the page
beforeAll(async () => {
//initialize page objects
describe(`Login User `, async () => {
tests.forEach(test => {
it(` should login user with `+test.type, async () => {
// On Success
const myId = userPage.getUID().getText();
describe(`Delete User`, async () => {
// describe(`Confirmation `, async () => {
// list.forEach(item => { //this code doesn't gets executed and wasn't giving any error, so, commented out and tried to access the first element which is undefined.
let item = list[0];
console.log(item); //getting undefined value here.
it(` should select and Delete the User having id as ` + item, async () => {
//code to remove the user having id as item.
// });

Options to test deleting a user:
Ultimately, it's bad practice to make tests dependent on other tests.
That said, two or possibly three options which should work:
A: Iterate through list of users within one test
describe(`Delete User`, async () => {
describe(`Confirmation `, () => {
it(`Log all users out who previously logged in`, async () => {
list.forEach((item) => {
Since the list array is populated by the previous test, inserting the code dependent on it inside of the next test would ensure that it has values to work with.
B: Login and delete user in one test
describe(`Login and delete user `, async () => {
tests.forEach(test => {
it(` should login and delete user with ` + test.type, async () => {
const myId = userPage.getUID().getText();
// Select and delete myId here
You may be able to remove the list array entirely by putting the entirety of the user flow into one large integration test.
C: Use mock data (may not be applicable if data is random)
describe(`Delete User`, async () => {
const list = ["QR417msytVrq", "V0fxayA3FOBD", "QnaiegiVoYhs"];
describe(`Confirmation `, () => {
list.forEach((item) => {
` should select and Delete the User having id as ` + item,
async () => {}
If you know what the values to delete are going to be ahead of time, you can add them in manually. If the values are randomly generated, this won't work.
Other problems:
Testing order of execution
The dynamic array syntax you're using looks right however you appear to have an order of execution problem in your tests.
The code in the describe functions that is outside of the specs (the it blocks) is executed before any of the code inside of the specs is. The testing framework will traverse the tree of describe blocks, executing any code it finds but only taking note of the it specs. When it's finished this, it then executes the it specs it found in sequential order.
When you attempt to save the value of list[0], the 'Login User' specs have yet to be executed. More specifically:
describe(`Login User `, async () => {
tests.forEach(test => {
it(` should login user with ` + test.type, async () => {
// This code is executed AFTER the code in the 'Delete User'
// block but BEFORE the 'Delete User' spec
const myId = userPage.getUID().getText();
describe(`Delete User`, async () => {
// This code is executed before any specs are run
let item = list[0];
// List is [] when item is initialized
// The following spec will therefore not work as item is undefined
it(` should select and Delete the User having id as ` + item, async () => {
A possible solution to this would be to change the string of the 'Delete User' spec to something like ' should select and Delete first User' as well as move all the code outside of the spec to inside.
Describe blocks should not return promises
Your code sample has describe blocks (specifically 'Login User', 'Delete User', and 'Confirmation') which return Promises. You should remove the async in front of the function declarations. The specs can and should remain the same. For example:
describe(`Login User `, () => {
Object syntax
The tests object at the start of your sample isn't using JS/TS object syntax. Each key should be followed by a colon before the value instead of an equals sign. You likely meant to write:
const tests = [{
type: 'admin',
id: '',
uname: 'foo',
pass: 'bar'
type: 'super',
id: '',
uname: 'foo1',
pass: 'bar'
type: 'normal',
id: 'customId',
uname: 'foo',
pass: 'bar'
Jest docs describing order of execution
SO on Promise returning in describe blocks


How to make an infinite scroll with react-query?

I'm trying to use react-query useInfiniteScroll with a basic API, such as the cocktaildb or pokeapi.
useInfiniteQuery takes two parameters: a unique key for the cache and a function it has to run.
It returns a data object, and also a fetchMore function. If fetchMore is called - through an intersection observer for exemple -, useInfiniteQuery call its parameter function again, but with an updated payload thanks to a native callback getFetchMore().
In the official documentation, getFetchMore automatically takes two argument: the last value returned, and all the values returned.
Based on this, their demo takes the value of the previous page number sent by getFetchMore, and performs a new call with an updated page number.
But how can I perform the same kind of thing with a basic api that only return a json?
Here is the official demo code:
function Projects() {
const fetchProjects = (key, cursor = 0) =>
fetch('/api/projects?cursor=' + cursor)
const {
} = useInfiniteQuery('projects', fetchProjects, {
getFetchMore: (lastGroup, allGroups) => lastGroup.nextCursor,
infinite scrolling relies on pagination, so to utilize this component, you'd need to somehow track what page you are on, and if there are more pages. If you're working with a list of elements, you could check to see if less elements where returned in your last query. For example, if you get 5 new items on each new fetch, and on the last fetch you got only 4, you've probably reached the edge of the list.
so in that case you'd check if lastGroup.length < 5, and if that returns true, return false (stop fetching more pages).
In case there are more pages to fetch, you'd need to return the number of the current page from getFetchMore, so that the query uses it as a parameter. One way of measuring what page you might be on would be to count how many array exist inside the data object, since infiniteQuery places each new page into a separate array inside data. so if the length of data array is 1, it means you have fetched only page 1, in which case you'd want to return the number 2.
final result:
getFetchMore: (lastGroup, allGroups) => {
const morePagesExist = lastGroup?.length === 5
if (!morePagesExist) return false;
return allGroups.length+1
now you just need to use getMore to fetch more pages.
The steps are:
Waiting for useInfiniteQuery to request the first group of data by default.
Returning the information for the next query in getNextPageParam.
Calling fetchNextPage function.
Example 1 with rest api
const fetchProjects = ({ pageParam = 0 }) =>
fetch('/api/projects?cursor=' + pageParam)
const {
} = useInfiniteQuery('projects', fetchProjects, {
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => {
// lastPage signature depends on your api respond, below is a pseudocode
if (lastPage.hasNextPage) {
return lastPage.nextCursor;
return undefined;
Example 2 with graphql query (pseudocode)
const {
} = useInfiniteQuery(
async ({ pageParam }) => {
return graphqlClient.request(GetProjectsQuery, {
isPublic: true, // some condition/variables if you have
first: NBR_OF_ELEMENTS_TO_FETCH, // 10 to start with
cursor: pageParam,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => {
// pseudocode, lastPage depends on your api respond
if (lastPage.projects.pageInfo.hasNextPage) {
return lastPage.projects.pageInfo.endCursor;
return undefined;
react-query will create data which contains an array called pages. Every time you call api with the new cursor/page/offset it will add new page to pages. You can flatMap data, e.g:
const projects = data.pages.flatMap((p) => p.projects.nodes)
Call fetchNextPage somewhere in your code when you want to call api again for next batch, e.g:
const handleEndReached = () => {
Graphql example query:
add to your query after: cursor:
query GetProjectsQuery($isPublic: Boolean, $first: Int, $cursor: Cursor) {
condition: {isPublic: $isPublic}
first: $first
after: $cursor
) ...

Array empty even after a loop

I'm trying to fill an array with some registers from a database. However, even after retrieving said registers and place them into the array, after the loop the array stays empty
const userParties = [];
userFollowing.forEach(element => {
// Here's when I gather the information that I need
dispatchGetUserEvents(element.user, response => {
console.log(userParties); // Here the array is full of elements, like it's supposed to be
console.log(userParties); // However, here 'userParties' return '[]'
this.setState({ followUsersEvents: userParties });
this.setState({ userImage: userImg });
I tried to update the state array on the loop, but I had no luck there either.
'userParties' is not a state array btw.
const userParties = [];
userFollowing.forEach(element => {
// Here's when I gather the information that I need
dispatchGetUserEvents(element.user, response => {
console.log('dispatchGetUserEvents', userParties); // Here the array is full of elements, like it's supposed to be
console.log('outside', userParties); // However, here 'userParties' return '[]'
this.setState({ followUsersEvents: userParties });
this.setState({ userImage: userImg });
run this code and you will see that outside will be printed first and dispatchGetUserEvents later, as I mentioned in comments dispatchGetUserEvents is async function, so first will be executed console.log('outside', ...);

Array is empty after for loop

I'm setting an array before a for loop, inside the for loop I use .push() to add data to the array but after this loop the array is empty.
MessageNotification.find({for:}, (err, notifications) => {
var userdata = [];
notifications.forEach((notif) => {
User.findById(notif.from, (err, user) => {
id: user._id,
username: user.username,
thumbnail: user.thumbnail
As you can see on the code I am running a mongoose query to find all notifications for a specific id, then, I am setting an array to get details about the sender of each notification. Inside a forEach loop I save the results in the array. Console.log on line 12 returns an empty array [] even though User.findById on line 4 gets the User data
The problem is you are doing and asynchronous call in forEach. You should either use async/await with for..of or promises in such cases.
In your case, actually there is no need to do multiple calls on User model, you can get the desired result in a single query. Try the below code:
}, (err, notifications) => {
const fromArr ={
}) => from); // taking out **from** values from all notifications
_id: {
$in: fromArr
}, (err, users) => { // single query to get the data
const userData ={
_id: id,
}) => {
return {
The problem here is actually that you're calling .forEach with an async calls inside. Rather than iterating over each item in the array, and running a separate query for each, you should use the $in operator which will check if any values match items within the array, with a single query.

Adding objects fetched from local restify server into object in state

So I'm taking a course in web programming and in it we've gotten this assignment to design some simple front end for ordering salads, to get all the components etc. it was previously stored in a .js file in the following fashion
let inventory = {
Sallad: {price: 10, foundation: true, vegan: true},
Pasta: {price: 10, foundation: true, gluten: true},
'Salad + Pasta': {price: 10, foundation: true, gluten: true},
'Salad + Matvete': {price: 10, foundation: true, vegan: true, gluten: true},
'Kycklingfilé': {price: 10, protein: true},
'Rökt kalkonfilé': {price: 10, protein: true},
'Böngroddar': {price: 5, extra: true, vegan: true},
'Chèvreost': {price: 15, extra: true, lactose: true},
Honungsdijon: {price: 5, dressing: true, vegan: true},
Kimchimayo: {price: 5, dressing: true},
export default inventory;
This is then imported into my App.js that was created when creating the react project and sent as a prop to another component that took care of the composing of a salad that was eventually sent back to a function also sent with as a prop.
So what we're supposed to do now is to get this inventory from a local rest(?) server instead. So if I go to
it will open a page that just displays an array with all the different choices of proteins
["Kycklingfilé","Rökt kalkonfilé","Norsk fjordlax","Handskalade räkor från Smögen","Pulled beef från Sverige","Marinerad bönmix"]
And then going to
Will give you another page with the properties of that ingredient
And my attempt at recreating that inventory object with all the ingredients as properties inside state is this
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
salads: [],
inventory: {
componentDidMount() {
const base = "http://localhost:8080/";
const pURL = base + "proteins/";
const fURL = base + "foundations/";
const eURL = base + "extras/";
const dURL = base + "dressings/";
fetch(fURL).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
data.forEach(e => {
fetch(fURL + e).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
Object.assign(this.state.inventory, {e : data})
fetch(pURL).then(response => response.json()).then(data => this.setState({data}));
fetch(eURL).then(response => response.json()).then(data => this.setState({data}));
fetch(dURL).then(response => response.json()).then(data => this.setState({data}));
I've been using
to try and look at whats going on and with this code it comes out as this
{"salads":[],"inventory":{},"data":["Ceasardressing","Dillmayo","Honungsdijon","Kimchimayo","Pesto","Rhodeisland","Rostad aioli","Soyavinägrett","Örtvinägrett"]}
So the fetch works fine for getting all the ingredients of a certain type, I guess it's only the dressings since it overwrites data each time on those last three fetches. But the problem is that inventory is completely empty.
If I instead write it like this
fetch(fURL).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
data.forEach(e => {
Object.assign(this.state.inventory, {e: fetch(fURL + e).then(response => response.json().then())})
The output becomes
{"salads":[],"inventory":{"e":{}},"data":["Ceasardressing","Dillmayo","Honungsdijon","Kimchimayo","Pesto","Rhodeisland","Rostad aioli","Soyavinägrett","Örtvinägrett"]}
So it adds the 'e' object, which is another problem since I want it to be the value of the current element, but it's completely empty, and I dont know how to get the data from that seconds fetch when I write it like that. So that's why it now looks like it does in the first code snippet, where it doesn't even get an empty 'e' inside inventory.
Finally, if I write it like that second example but just e: e like this
fetch(fURL).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
data.forEach(e => {
Object.assign(this.state.inventory, {e: e})
The output becomes
{"salads":[],"inventory":{"e":"Salad + Quinoa"},"data":["Ceasardressing","Dillmayo","Honungsdijon","Kimchimayo","Pesto","Rhodeisland","Rostad aioli","Soyavinägrett","Örtvinägrett"]}
So it seems like everything is working up until the .forEach on the array of strings that represents a certain type of ingredient since it manages to put that into 'e' inside inventory with one of the array elements as it's value. It's only the last one in the list though but I guess that stems from the problem that it just makes the object 'e' and not the value of the current element and overwrites it for every item.
Sorry if all the rambling made the problem unclear, but what I'm trying to achieve is inventory {} inside state that looks like it did when it was in a seperate file, so that when we create the component we can send this.state.inventory instead of the imported inventory as prop. And to create that using what we can fetch from the different pages.
When you write
{e : data}
you create a new Object with a single entry. That sets the value of the key 'e' as the current value of the variable 'data'. A variable named 'e' is not involved:
const e = 'hello';
console.log(e); // "hello"
console.log({ asd: e }); // { asd: "hello" }
console.log({ e: "asd" }); // { e: "asd" }
console.log({ e: asd }); // ReferenceError: asd is not defined
What you are trying to do is using the value of the variable e as the key that you want to set. In javascript this is done using [ and ] like so:
const e = 'hello';
console.log({ [e]: "world" }); // { hello: "world" }
// this is necessery whenever you want a key that is not a simple word
console.log({ ["key with spaces"]: "world" }); // { "key with spaces": "world" }
console.log({ [e + e]: "world" }); // { hellohello: "world" }
there is another issue with your code above that you might encounter sooner or later:
In React you should never ever modify this.state directly. Always go through this.setState()!
In your case this is a bit more difficult, since you are making multiple requests which each affect the same key in your state (inventory).
Because you cannot know in what order the requests arrive, and whether React will actually do the setState each time new data comes, or do them all at the same time, you cannot simply use this.setState({ inventory: newInventory }). Instead you should use the function version as described here. Unfortunately this can be a bit complex to grasp in the beginning :(
in your case I would solve it like this:
fetch(fURL).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
data.forEach(e => {
fetch(fURL + e)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => this.setState((prevState) => ({
inventory: Object.assign({}, prevState.inventory, {[e]: data}),
A couple of things to note here:
note the ({ in (prevState) => ({ ... }): this is an arrow function that returns an object
we are passing a function to this.setState (see the link above for details). This function receives the current state as an argument (prevState) and should return the new State. (although it can omit keys of the old state that remain unchanged). This is better than directly passing the new state to this.setState because when multiple setState happen at the same time, React can apply the functions you pass in the right order so that all changes happen, but if you passed objects it has to decide on one of them to 'win' so changes can get lost.
In Object.assign({}, prevState.inventory, {[e]: data}), instead of modifying prevState.inventory we create a new object that contains the updated inventory. You should never modify the old state, even in this.setState.
Hope this helps :)
So with #sol's advice to use [e] to create the objects for each ingredient, this code
fetch(fURL).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
data.forEach(e => {
fetch(fURL + [e]).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
Object.assign(this.state.inventory, {[e] : data})
now works. I think why it didn't look successful with my "troubleshooting" of just printing that JSON.stringify of the entire state in render was that is just didn't render properly when react refreshed after saving the code. Updating the page makes it all blank, but clicking onto another page through a link and then back fixes it. Dont know why, but I'll take it.

How to verify sorting of multiple ag-grid columns in Protractor

I am using protractor for e2e testing.
There is a ag-grid table where multiple columns are sorted in ascending order.
How do i go about verifying this?
Picture of Sample table
In AgGrid the rows might not always be displayed in the same order as you insert them from your data-model. But they always get assigned the attribute "row-index" correctly, so you can query for it to identify which rows are displayed at which index.
So in your E2E-tests, you should create two so-called "page objects" (a selector fo something in your view, separated from the text-execution code, google for page object pattern) like this:
// list page object
export class AgGridList {
constructor(private el: ElementFinder) {}
async getAllDisplayedRows(): Promise<AgGridRow[]> {
const rows = $('').$$('');
await browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(rows.get(0)), 5000);
const result = await rows.reduce((acc: AgGridRow[], elem) => [...acc, new AgGridArtikelRow(elem)], []);
return await this.sortedRows(result);
private async sortedRows(rows: AgGridRow[]): Promise<AgGridRow[]> {
const rowsWithRowsId = [];
for (const row of rows) {
const rowIndex = await row.getRowIndex();
rowsWithRowsId.push({rowIndex, row});
rowsWithRowsId.sort((e1, e2) => e1.rowIndex - e2.rowIndex);
return => elem.row);
// row page object
export class AgGridRow {
constructor(private el: ElementFinder) {}
async getRowIndex(): Promise<number> {
const rowIndexAsString: string = await this.el.getAttribute('row-index');
return parseInt(rowIndexAsString, 10);
And in your test:
it('should display rows in right order', async () => {
const rows = await gridList.getCurrentDisplayedRows(); // gridList is your AgGridList page object, initialised in beforeEach()
// now you can compare the displayed order to the order inside your data model
What this code does: you make page objects for accessing the table as a whole and for accessing elements within a row. To accessing the list in the same order as it is displayed in the view, you have to get all displayed rows (with lazy loading or pagination it should be below 100, otherwise your implementation is bad), get the rowIndex from each of them, sort by it and only then return the grid-list to the test-execution (.spec) file.
