Laravel how to return object into JSON Arrays data type without keys - arrays

I have DB query in the Controller like this:
$query = User::all('id','name','email')->take(2);
$users = ["data" => $query];
return $users;
And get the result:
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Peter",
"email": ""
"id": 2,
"name": "John",
"email": ""
But i'm expecting to get JSON Arrays data type without keys like this:
"data": [
I need to get this type for DataTables JSONP data source for remote domains.
How to do this?

You can try array_values like so:
$query = User::all('id', 'name', 'email')->take(2);
$users = ["data" => $query->map(function (User $user) {
return array_values($user->attributesToArray());
return $users;

How about something like this?
$query = User::all('id', 'name', 'email')->take(2);
$userValues = $query->map(function($item, $key) {
return [
$users = ["data" => $userValues];
return $users;
// result
"data": [
"Amy Wilderman",
"Bria Lindgren PhD",


Is it possible to get key value pairs from snowflake api instead rowType?

I'm working with an API from snowflake and to deal with the json data, I would need to receive data as key-value paired instead of rowType.
I've been searching for results but haven't found any
e.g. A table user with name and email attributes
I would request this body:
"statement": "SELECT * FROM user",
"timeout": 60,
"database": "DEV",
"schema": "PLACE",
"warehouse": "WH",
"role": "DEV_READER",
"bindings": {
"1": {
"type": "FIXED",
"value": "123"
The results would come like:
"resultSetMetaData": {
"rowType": [
{ "name": "Name",
{ "name": "Email",
"data": [
And the results needed would be:
"resultSetMetaData": {
"data": [
Thank you for any inputs
The output is not valid JSON, but the return can arrive in a slightly different format:
"resultSetMetaData": {
"Name": "Kelly",
"Email": ""
"Name": "Fisher",
"Email": ""
To get the API to send it that way, you can change the SQL from select * to:
select object_construct(*) as KVP from "USER";
You can also specify the names of the keys using:
select object_construct('NAME', "NAME", 'EMAIL', EMAIL) from "USER";
The object_construct function takes an arbitrary number of parameters, as long as they're even, so:
object_construct('KEY1', VALUE1, 'KEY2', VALUE2, <'KEY_N'>, <VALUE_N>)

Mongo - Remove Array Element with $pull Does Not Work With $nin (does not exist)

I have the following query and it works with $in but not with $nin.
I'm trying to remove the link list items by name (itemA and itemB) from all records that are NOT part of a document that has a user name which contains '#not_these' or '#nor_these'.
db.users.update({userName:{$nin: [ RegExp(''), RegExp('') ]}},{$pull:{'myLinkList': {name: {$in: ['itemA', 'itemB']} } } } )
If I make it $in and and declare the RegExp() explicitly it does remove the array items as expected.
db.users.update({userName:{$in: [ RegExp(''), RegExp('') ]}},{$pull:{'myLinkList': {name: {$in: ['itemA', 'itemB']} } } } )
This one does remove itemA and itemB array list items for those explicitly declared users.
Why can't the items '#yes_these' and '#and_these' be removed using the first example? It seems to do nothing when executed.
Sample document:
"_id": ObjectId('5e34741aa18d8a0c24078b61'),
"myLinkList": [
"name": "item",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"name": "itemA",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"name": "itemB",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"userName": ""
After update (hopefully):
"_id": ObjectId('5e34741aa18d8a0c24078b61'),
"myLinkList": [
"name": "item",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"userName": ""
I verified this did work:
db.users.updateMany({userName:{$nin: [ /#not_these\.com/), /#nor_these\.com/) ]}},{$pull:{'myLinkList': {name: {$in: ['itemA', 'itemB']} } } } )

How to parse field name using laravel

My Controller Code:
public function usersGroups(Request $request)
$resultArray = [];
$users = DB::table('users')
$resultArray['users'] = $users;
$groups = DB::table('group')
$resultArray['groups'] = $groups;
return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response::json($resultArray, 200);
My Response:
"users": [
"id": 1,
"first_name": "Admin"
"id": 2,
"first_name": "Admin"
"id": 3,
"first_name": "Admin"
"id": 4,
"first_name": "Admin"
"groups": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Our Lira"
"id": 2,
"name": "CM"
here i there is field name first_name and i want to change it to name without changing the field name in table just for this API i want to change first_name to name.
How i can achieve this?
Your help needs here
You can simply make an alias using MySQL:
$users = DB::table('users')
->select('','user_basic_info.first_name as name')->get();
Notice the as name in the select query.
Use an API Resource
These are classes that let you transform your models to whatever JSON format/layout you want.
i am not so good in api but you can achive it through setting alaias name
public function usersGroups(Request $request)
$resultArray = [];
$users = DB::table('users')
->select('','user_basic_info.first_name as name')->get();
$resultArray['users'] = $users;
$groups = DB::table('group')
$resultArray['groups'] = $groups;
return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response::json($resultArray, 200);
Can You try this if there is any error kindly comment below

In Mongoose, query fields based on array

I am trying to query documents from a mongodb collection, based on array of input query parameters sent from URL.
Sample Database Data
"drawings": {
"circle": [],
"square": [
"id": "828",
"name": "square"
"cube": []
"drawings": {
"circle": [
"id": "827",
"name": "circle"
"square": [],
"cube": []
"drawings": {
"circle": [],
"square": [],
"cube": [
"id": "829",
"name": "cube"
Input Query Parameter:
query = ["square","cube"];
Expected Output:
"drawings": {
"circle": [],
"square": [
"id": "828",
"name": "square"
"cube": []
"drawings": {
"circle": [],
"square": [],
"cube": [
"id": "829",
"name": "cube"
Best suited Mongoose Query:
{'drawings.square':{$elemMatch:{ name:'square'}}},
{'drawings.cube':{$elemMatch:{ name:'cube'}}}
Tried Below method. But, it is not correct.
let draw = ["square","cube"];
let draw_query =[];
for (let a=0; a<draw.length;a++){
draw_query.push("{\"drawings."+ draw[a] +"\':{$elemMatch:{ name:\"" + draw[a] + "\"}}}");
It creates array with single quoted strings. It cannot be used.
[ '{"drawings.square":{$elemMatch:{ name:"square"}}}',
'{"drawings.cube":{$elemMatch:{ name:"cube"}}}' ]
How to generate this mongoose query dynamically? or is there any better mongoose query to achieve the expected result.
You can query it directly using dot notation so the query should look like below:
$or: [
"": "square"
"": "circle"
You can build it in JS using .map(), try:
var query = ["square","cube"];
var orQuery = { $or: => ({ [x + ".name"]: x }) ) }

Yii2 return JSON format with array inside an array

I am trying to get these data below,
Table relations:
people(one) <---> (many) people_info (one) <---> (many) people_contact
in the following format,
people: {
p_id: 10,
p_price: 3.99,
people_info : [
pl_id: 3,
pl_state: 2,
pl_district: 6,
pl_latitude: 6.323434,
pl_longitude: 108.23499,
people_contact: [
plc_id: 2
plc_id: 1
pl_id: 2,
pl_state: 7,
pl_district: 12,
pl_latitude: 6.000434,
pl_longitude: 108.9910003,
people_contact: [
plc_id: 5
plc_id: 9
Currently with these controller codes,
class PeopleController extends Controller
public function actionPeople($params){
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
....//some other codes//.....
$people= People::find()->select(['p_id', 'p_price'] )->where(['p_id' => $itemId])->one();
$info= PeopleContact::find()->with(['plPeople'])->asArray([])->all();
return array(
'people' => $people,
'info' => $info,
I got these,
"people": {
"p_id": "3",
"p_price": "32.42"
}, "locations": [{
"pl_id": "1",
"pl_people": "3",
"pl_title": "",
"pl_latitude": "6.16438700000000000000",
"pl_longitude": "102.28314649999993000000",
"pl_place": null,
"pl_premise": null,
"pl_street": "1",
"pl_area": "1",
"pl_postcode": "1",
"pl_district": "1",
"pl_state": "3",
"pl_country": 1,
"place": null,
"premise": null,
"street": null,
"area": null,
"postcode": null,
"district": null,
"state": null,
"country": "United Kingdom",
"contacts": [{
"plc_name": "joe",
"plc_phone": "123456",
"plc_email": null
How do I achieve it in the format mentioned at the top?
$people=People::find()->select(['p_id', 'p_price'] )->asArray()->all();
foreach($people as $person) {
$infos = PersonInfo::find()->where(['person_id' => $person->id])->asArray()->all();
foreach($infos as $info) {
$contacts = PersonContact::find()->where(['person_info_id' => $info->id])->asArray()->all();
foreach($contacts as $contact) {
$info['contacts'][] = $contact;
$person['info'][] = $info
$output['people'][] = $person
return $output;
You should loop through and fetch data like this: people > info > contact each next level relying on info fetched from the previous one. Then store it in the format you want such as demonstrated above.
This will output something like:
"people": [{
"info": [{
"contacts": [{
