Substract an char array minus int in C - c

I have a char array:
char message[];
And an 8-bit integer
uint8_t remainder
I want to treat both just as arrays of bits and subtract them like:
message - remainder
and treat the result as a char array:
An example would be
char* message = "ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ";
// Equivalent to a 512-bit array of only 1s
uint8_t remainder = 1;
// Substract here message-remainder
printf("%s", message)
// Output: "ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþ"
// As the 512 bit array would still be just 1s except for the first bit which now is 0, so the first char would be 254 instead of 255
Is there a possible way to do it?
I thought about converting the char array to an int but the problem is that it usually is a 64 byte array, so I cannot treat is an int. I think the approach goes around using bitwise operators but I haven't figured how to subtract them yet.
Any suggestions?

As requested:
Read from the byte array (chars) as a type-casted integer. Beware that endian may cause this to not work correctly on some systems and you may have to endian swap. Also beware that if the data is not aligned to word boundaries, some systems may crash.
Compare your remainder vs the integer. If integer >= remainder, there is no carry and you can just subtract the values and typecast store the integer back into the char array. Same exceptions apply as stated above.
If remainder is bigger, still do the subtract and store, but then place a 1 into remainder.
Loop back to 1, reading in next word until you exit because of no carry to propagate or out of words to read.
If data is non-aligned, not size of word, etc., you may need to do this per byte instead, but you have stated this is not the case.
(Note: Using a BigNum type library is highly recommended over doing it yourself. Someday, this code may need to be ported, and this method is highly likely to break when that occurs...)

Firstly it is generally a bad idea to do so :-( (usually cause some buffer overflow)
Secondly, since your integer of interest is a 8-bit one, it is the same size of a single char. Therefore if you do want to implement that, just do this:
if (message[strlen(message)-1]<integer){
for (int i=strlen(message);i>0;i--){
if (message[i-1]){
for (j=i+1;j<strlen(message)-1;j++){
/* ERROR - message is less than remainder */
and you are done.
Notice that the part (char)((int)(message[strlen(message)-1])+255-remainder) may not be necessary; I am writing it just to make sure that when performing the addition and subtraction, everything is casted into int.


taking integer value in character pointer

int main()
int i=21;
char *p;
return 0;
printf statement gave me perfect answer but I think it shouldn't have as 'p' is a character pointer it will be able to save its base address but int takes up two spaces, *p shouldn't be able to give me integer value as it will point to address let say X but int is stored in two bytes so value need to be collected from X and X+1 address but I ran this code and gave me the value , or do I have the wrong insight on this ?
This points p to the lowest address in i. Whether that is the address of the low order byte or the high order byte depends on the endianness of your system. (It could even be an internal byte ... PDP-11's are little-endian but longs (32 bits) were stored with the high order 16-bit word first, so the byte order was 2,3,0,1.) Likely you're running on a little-endian machine (x86's are) so it points to the low order byte.
Given little-endianness, this fetches the low order byte of i, which is (char)21, and then does the default conversion to an int, giving (int)21, and prints 21. If i contained a value > 255, you would get the "wrong" result. Also if it contained a value > 127 and < 256 and char is signed on your system -- it would print a negative value.
Since the result depends on the endianness of the machine and is implementation-defined and thus is not portable, you should not do this sort of thing unless your specific goal is to determine the endianness of your machine. Beginning programmers should spend a lot less time trying to understand why bad code sometimes "works" and instead learn how to write good code. A general rule (with plenty of exceptions): code with casts is bad code.

What does casting char* do to a reference of an int? (Using C)

In my course for intro to operating systems, our task is to determine if a system is big or little endian. There's plenty of results I've found on how to do it, and I've done my best to reconstruct my own version of a code. I suspect it's not the best way of doing it, but it seems to work:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a = 0x1234;
unsigned char *start = (unsigned char*) &a;
int len = sizeof( int );
if( start[0] > start[ len - 1 ] ) {
//biggest in front (Little Endian)
} else if( start[0] < start[ len - 1 ] ) {
//smallest in front (Big Endian)
} else {
//unable to determine with set value
printf( "Please try a different integer (non-zero). " );
I've seen this line of code (or some version of) in almost all answers I've seen:
unsigned char *start = (unsigned char*) &a;
What is happening here? I understand casting in general, but what happens if you cast an int to a char pointer? I know:
unsigned int *p = &a;
assigns the memory address of a to p, and that can you affect the value of a through dereferencing p. But I'm totally lost with what's happening with the char and more importantly, not sure why my code works.
Thanks for helping me with my first SO post. :)
When you cast between pointers of different types, the result is generally implementation-defined (it depends on the system and the compiler). There are no guarantees that you can access the pointer or that it correctly aligned etc.
But for the special case when you cast to a pointer to character, the standard actually guarantees that you get a pointer to the lowest addressed byte of the object (C11 §7).
So the compiler will implement the code you have posted in such a way that you get a pointer to the least significant byte of the int. As we can tell from your code, that byte may contain different values depending on endianess.
If you have a 16-bit CPU, the char pointer will point at memory containing 0x12 in case of big endian, or 0x34 in case of little endian.
For a 32-bit CPU, the int would contain 0x00001234, so you would get 0x00 in case of big endian and 0x34 in case of little endian.
If you de reference an integer pointer you will get 4 bytes of data(depends on compiler,assuming gcc). But if you want only one byte then cast that pointer to a character pointer and de reference it. You will get one byte of data. Casting means you are saying to compiler that read so many bytes instead of original data type byte size.
Values stored in memory are a set of '1's and '0's which by themselves do not mean anything. Datatypes are used for recognizing and interpreting what the values mean. So lets say, at a particular memory location, the data stored is the following set of bits ad infinitum: 01001010 ..... By itself this data is meaningless.
A pointer (other than a void pointer) contains 2 pieces of information. It contains the starting position of a set of bytes, and the way in which the set of bits are to be interpreted. For details, you can see: and references therein.
So if you have
a char *c,
an short int *i,
and a float *f
which look at the bits mentioned above, c, i, and f are the same, but *c takes the first 8 bits and interprets it in a certain way. So you can do things like printf('The character is %c', *c). On the other hand, *i takes the first 16 bits and interprets it in a certain way. In this case, it will be meaningful to say, printf('The character is %d', *i). Again, for *f, printf('The character is %f', *f) is meaningful.
The real differences come when you do math with these. For example,
c++ advances the pointer by 1 byte,
i++ advanced it by 4 bytes,
and f++ advances it by 8 bytes.
More importantly, for
(*c)++, (*i)++, and (*f)++ the algorithm used for doing the addition is totally different.
In your question, when you do a casting from one pointer to another, you already know that the algorithm you are going to use for manipulating the bits present at that location will be easier if you interpret those bits as an unsigned char rather than an unsigned int. The same operatord +, -, etc will act differently depending upon what datatype the operators are looking at. If you have worked in Physics problems wherein doing a coordinate transformation has made the solution very simple, then this is the closest analog to that operation. You are transforming one problem into another that is easier to solve.

How long can a char be?

Why does int a = 'adf'; compile and run in C?
The literal 'adf' is a multi-byte character constant. Its value is platform dependent. Don't use it.
For example, one some platform a 32-bit unsigned integer could take the value 0x00616466, and on another it could be 0x66646100, and on yet another it could be 0x84860081...
This, as Kerrek said, is a multi-byte character constant. It works because each character takes up 8 bits. 'adf' is 3 characters, which is 24 bits. An int is usually large enough to contain this.
But all of the above is platform dependent, and could be different from architecture to architecture. This kind of thing is still used in ancient Apple code, can't quite remember where, although file creator codes ring a bell.
Note the difference in syntax between " and '.
char *x = "this is a string. The value assigned to x is a pointer to the string in memory"
char y = '!' // the value assigned to y is the numerical character value of the character '!'
char z = 'asd' // the value of z is the numerical value of the 'string' data, which can in theory be expressed as an int if it's short enough
It works just because "adf" is 3 ASCII characters and thus 3 bytes long and your platform is a 24 bit or larger system. It would fail on a 16bit system for instance.
Its also worth remembering that although sizeof(char) will always return 1, dependending on platform and compiler more than 1 byte of memory space could be assigned to a char hence for
struct st
int a;
char c;
when you:
sizeof(st) a number of 32 bit systems will return 8. This is because the system will pad out the single byte for char c to 4 bytes.
ASCII. Every character has a numerical value. Halfway through this tutorial is a description if you need more information
char letter2 = 97; /* in ASCII, 97 = 'a' */
This is considered by some to be extremely bad practice, if we are using it to store a character, not a small number, in that if someone reads your code, most readers are forced to look up what character corresponds with the number 97 in the encoding scheme. In the end, letter1 and letter2 store both the same thing – the letter "a", but the first method is clearer, easier to debug, and much more straightforward.
One important thing to mention is that characters for numerals are represented differently from their corresponding number, i.e. '1' is not equal to 1.

Please help me for using memcpy() in C

I have the following code:
void main()
char tmp[3]= "AB";
short k;
printf("%x\n", k);
In ASCII, the hex value of char 'A' is 41 and the hex value of char 'B' is 42. Why is the result of this program 4241? I think the correct result is 4142.
You are apparently running this on a "little-endian" machine, where the least significant byte comes first. See
Your platform stores less significant bytes of a number at smaller memory addresses, and more significant bytes at higher memory addresses. Such platforms are called little-endian platforms.
However, when you print a number the more significant digits are printed first while the less significant digits are printed later (which is how our everyday numeric notation works). For this reason the result looks "reversed" compared to the way it is stored in memory on a little-endian platform.
If you compile and run the same program on a big-endian platform, the output should be 4142 (assuming a platform with 2-byte short).
P.S. One can argue that the "problem" in this case is the "weirdness" of our everyday numerical notation: we write numbers so that the significance of their digits increase in right-to-left direction. This appears to be inconsistent in the context of societies that write and read in left-to-right direction. In other words, it in not the little-endian memory that is reversed. It is the way we write numbers that is reversed.
Your system is little-endian. That means that a short (16-bit integer) is stored with the least significant byte first, followed by the most significant byte.
The same goes for larger integers. The following code would result in "44434241".
void main()
char tmp[5]= "ABCD";
int k;
printf("%x\n", k);

C convert from int to char

I have a simple code
char t = (char)(3000);
Then value of t is -72. The hex value of 3000 is 0xBB8. I couldn't understand why the value of t is -72.
Thanks for your answers.
I don't know about Mac. So my result is -72. As I know, MAC is using Big Endian, so does it affect the result? I dont have any MAC computer to test so I want to know from MAC people.
The hex value of 3000 is 0xBB8.
And so the hex value of the char (which, by the way, appears to be signed on your compiler) is 0xB8.
If it were unsigned, 0xB8 would be 184. But since it's signed, its actual value is 256 less, i.e. -72.
If you want to know why this is, read about two's complement notation.
A char is 8 bits (which can only represent a 0-255 range). Trying to cast 3000 to a char is... impossible impossible, at least for what you are intending.
This is happening because 3000 is too big a value and causes an overflow. Char is generally from -128 to 127 signed, or 0 to 255 unsigned, but it can change depending upon the implementation.
char is an integral type with certain range of representable values. int is also an integral type with certain range of representable values. Normally, range of int is [much] wider than that of char. When you try to squeeze into a char an int value that doesn't fit into the range of char, the value will not "fit", of course. The actual result is implementation-defined.
In your case 3000 is an int value that doesn't' fit into the range of char on your implementation. So, you won't get 3000 as the result. If you really want to know why it specifically came out as -72 - consult the documentation that came with your implementation.
As specified, the 16-bit hex value of 3000 is 0x0BB8. Although implementation specific, from your posted results this is likely stored in memory in 8-bit pairs as B8 0B (some architectures would store it as 0B B8. This is known as endianness.)
char, on the other hand, is probably not a 16-bit type. Again, this is implementation specific, but from your posted results it appears to be 8-bits, which is not uncommon.
So while your program has allocated 8-bits of memory for your value, you're storing twice as much information in that memory. When your program retrieves this value later, it will only be pulling the first stored octet, in this case B8. The 0B will be ignored, and may cause problems later down the line if it ended up overwriting something important. This is known as a buffer overflow, which is very bad.
Assuming two's complement (technically implementation specific, but a reasonable assumption), the hex value of B8 translates to either -72 or 184 in decimal, depending on whether your dealing with a signed or unsigned type. Since you didn't specify either, your compiler will go with it's default. Yet again, this is implementation specific, and it appears your compiler goes with signed char.
Therefore, you get -72. But don't expect the same results on any other system.
A char is (typically) just 8 bits, so you cant store values as large as 3000 (which would require at least 11 12 bits). So if you trie to store 3000 in a byte, it will just wrap.
Since 3000 is 0xBBA, it requires two bytes, one 0x0B and one which is 0xBA. If you try to store it in a single byte, you will just get one of them (0xBA). And since a byte is (typically) signed, that is -72.
char is used to hold a single character, and you're trying to store a 4-digit int in one. Perhaps you meant to use an array of chars, or string (char t[4] in this case).
To convert an int to a string (untested):
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
int num = 3000;
char numString[4];
itoa(num, buf, 10);
oh, i get it, it's overflow, it's like char is only from -256 to 256 or something like that i'm not sure, like if you have a var which type's max limit is 256 and you add 1 to it, than it becomes -256 and so on
