How to stop Heap Analytics grouping assets into "OTHER" Category - analytics

I think this might be very simple.
I wrote a query in heap to tell me which users were part of an event and how many times they engaged in it during the year.
The result is a simple table with username and number of occurrences.
It worked. However, Heap has this weird behavior of choosing multiple results (maybe at random?) and throwing them into a single "Other (X other results)" category. Where x is a number of others.
So i end up with a table of 20 maybe 30 users and occurences, and one row of "Other (X other results)".
I shrunk the query to see results from a smaller subset of dates and the "Other" category disappeared.
I really need to see every individual row in my query results! Even if it's paginated.
Help! Thank you

You can export the result as a CSV. The downloaded file will contain all the results (all single entries without the grouped OTHER).
Inte the current UI, you can find Export to CSV at the top of the report view.


Ssrs reports Windows 2008

I'm fairly new to SQL and I have been issued my first report to build. I have written an SQL query to give me a set of results that I would like to publish in a report.
I have unioned about 20 small queries all containing the correct amount of columns. One column is a misc column with about 15 different descriptions in (this is what I want to count).
I have uploaded my data set and now want to be able to choose a cell in my report to bring back a certain description.
At the minute I'm using
and it's giving me the whole count, about 200.
I would like to know if there is any kind of "where clause" (filter) which I can use to state which description results I want to bring back.
You can use am expression to count the misc.value you need. It will work like a count using a where clause:
=Sum(iif(Fields!misc.Value ="Some description",1,0))
For count the FSMethod with MethodOne as value I used this expression:
=Sum(iif(Fields!FSMethod.Value ="MethodOne",1,0))
Note the expression sums by 1 if the FSMethod.Value is MethodOne.
For count the rows with FSMethod column with MethodTwo value.
=Sum(iif(Fields!FSMethod.Value ="MethodTwo",1,0))
Let me know if this can help you.

How do I calculate the percentage of a count function?

I am trying to take the percentage of a count function so to create a MS BIDS report resembling this excel file:
Excel Close Rate Summary
The unique identifier for the opportunities is the field "opportunityid", so I am using COUNT(Fields!opportunityid.Value) to determine the number of cases in each stage. I want to write an expression that will return the percentage of cases in each stage per creation month. Which can be seen in the above excel screenshot.
This is my current MS BIDS report when i preview it
To be more specific, I want to have the percentage of "Active" and "New" opportunities in January to represent 67% and 33% respectively. 67% comes from 4/6. The 4 comes from the active opportunities out of the 6 opportunities created in January. Likewise, the 33% comes from the 2 new opportunities out of the 6 that were created in January.
There are more stage names than Active and New. Other options include New, Warm, Hot, Implementation, Active, Hibernate or Canceled. This is relevant to mention because I have tried to create an expression that counts based on the number of opportunities with a specific stage name, but have been unsuccessful.
Currently the expression I am using to calculate the percentage is:
Based on this expression, I am only able to get 1/1 or 100% for each of the stage names. I have tried a bunch of variations of the above expression by changing the scope, but have been unsuccessful in getting the desired results. Can someone explain how to correct this?
In the sample data, I want the expression to be in the percentage column. The percentage should be the # of cases in a particular stage for the total cases that month. So looking at the above picture:
Active February 54 54/168 [have 54/168 display as a percentage]
Warm February 8 8/168
These are the expressions that may help show the underlying data in the chart.
The creation month expression is
=Fields!MonthCreated.Value & " " & year(Fields!createdon.Value)
The percent expression is listed above.
You don't want to use the COUNT() function. COUNT(*) returns a count of the number of rows that have a value. It doesn't return the actual value.
Since you've only showed a screen shot of your report, I don't know how your underlying data columns relate to it, but what you want to do for your Percent column expression is this:
This is psuedo code because I don't know your dataset field names:
CaseCount.Value / SUM(CaseCount.Value)
EDIT: Now that I better understand how your data relates to your report, I think the only change you need to make to your existing formula is casting it to a decimal type. It's probably rounding all fractions up to 1.
Try this for the expression in your percentage column:

SSRS Totaling column with many groups

I have an SSRS report thats query returns many results. They are grouped to aggregate them by item group and division, as well as a couple of other groups. Whats happening is the total line is taking the total for ALL of the result lines instead of the grouped lines.
I have tried adding a scope to the sum expression in the report but to no avail. All I really need it to do is sum up the visible columns.
Heres a shot of my groups:
If i run the report, look at the totals for the columns, they are way off:
This should be 29,329 but it is (i believe) totaling everything outside of the groups.
Is there a way to just sum the column so I can get the amount desired?
You may need to recreate your groups again.
from the looks of your diagram, your total row is Outside your group Item_Process_Group, so the [sum(Sales_Quantity)] is summing all groups (as your comment suggest.
If your total ([sum(Sales_Quantity)]) was on the (empty)cell above where its displayed on the pic above, it should total correctly

How to grab filter elements form a large search result when just using smaller pages in the application?

I have a search query that returns a bunch of records but we're using paging so we only return back 10, 25, or 50 page subsets of the data. Basically the stored procedure goes along these lines.
WITH search_results AS
SELECT model, brandname, msrp,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY #sortExpression) as rowNumber
FROM models
WHERE ...criteria....
SELECT * FROM search_results
WHERE rowNumber BETWEEN ((#pageNumber-1)*#pageSize)+1 and ((#pageNumber-1)*#pageSize)+#pageSize
When I use small pages my sproc comes back very quickly, usually in under a second. However, sometimes our users will enter criteria that may return back a few thousand to potentially a ten thousand records. They'll page through and just grab a few at a time, but the actual search results have a large number. The sproc is running quickly when my page size is small but when I increase it, it takes a few seconds which is too long.
This is all fine, I am using smaller pages. The problem is that part of our solutions is a filter. This filter lists all of the brands, categories, and 4 price range quadrants for the full search results. So when they click filter it takes the lowest price and and the highest, breaks it into 4 equal sized groupings and they are on the form with checkboxes. user than can check the ranges they want to filter and the brands and categories they want to filter. This re-submits the search with new criteria.
I'm not sure how to return a full set of brands, categories and highest/lowest price without running the main procedure (in the WITH) twice. Does it make sense to dump all of that into a temporary table and then return back multiple recordsets to my business object? The results, the brand list, the category list, and then the MIN and MAX prices? Is there a pattern for returning back filter information for search results like this?
The answer is no, there's no pattern and maybe. Try to put the raw big result in a temp table and use it to return multiple record sets. Test it and see if it works better. Doing it you are (in general) using more memory and less CPU. In the tunning business sometimes there are trade offs where you can exchange memory/IO/CPU use to speed up things.

How do I get around the Sum(First(...)) not allowed limitation is SSRS2005

The problem that I have is SQL Server Reporting Services does not like Sum(First()) notation. It will only allow either Sum() or First().
The Context
I am creating a reconciliation report. ie. what sock we had a the start of a period, what was ordered and what stock we had at the end.
Dataset returns something like
Type,Product,Customer,Stock at Start(SAS), Ordered Qty, Stock At End (SAE)
I group by Type, then Product and list the customers that bought that product.
I want to display the total for SAS, Ordered Qty, and SAE but if I do a Sum on the SAS or SAE I get a value of 200 and 600 for Product 1 and 2 respectively when it should have been 100 and 200 respectively.
I thought that i could do a Sum(First()) But SSRS complains that I can not have an aggregate within an aggregate.
Ideally SSRS needs a Sum(Distinct())
Solutions So Far
1. Don't show the Stock at Start and Stock At End as part of the totals.
2. Write some code directly in the report to do the calc. tried this one - didn't work as I expected.
3. Write an assembly to do the calculation. (Have not tried this one)
Edit - Problem clarification
The problem stems from the fact that this is actually two reports merged into one (as I see it). A Production Report and a sales report.
The report tried to address these criteria
the market that we sold it to (export, domestic)
how much did we have in stock,
how much was produced,
how much was sold,
who did we sell it to,
how much do we have left over.
The complicating factor is the who did we sell it to. with out that, it would have been relativly easy. But including it means that the other top line figures (stock at start and stock at end) have nothing to do with the what is sold, other than the particular product.
I had a similar issue and ended up using ROW_NUMBER in my query to provide a integer for the row value and then using SUM(IIF(myRowNumber = 1, myValue, 0)).
I'll edit this when I get to work and provide more data, but thought this might be enough to get you started. I'm curious about Adolf's solution too.
Pooh! Where's my peg?!
Have you thought about using windowing/ranking functions in the SQL for this?
This allows you to aggregate data without losing detail
e.g. Imagine for a range of values, you want the Min and Max returning, but you also wish to return the initial data (no summary of data).
Group Value Min Max
A 3 2 9
A 7 2 9
A 9 2 9
A 2 2 9
B 5 5 7
B 7 5 7
C etc..
Syntax looks odd but its just
AggregateFunctionYouWant OVER (WhatYouWantItGroupedBy, WhatYouWantItOrderedBy) as AggVal
you're dataset is a little weird but i think i understand where you're going.
try making the dataset return in this order:
Type, Product, SAS, SAE, Customer, Ordered Qty
what i would do is create a report with a table control. i would set up the type, product, and customer as three separate groups. i would put the sas and sae data on the same group as the product, and the quantity on the customer group. this should resemble what i believe you are trying to go for. your sas and sae should be in a first()
Write a subquery.
Ideally SSRS needs a Sum(Distinct())
Re-write your query to do this correctly.
I suspect your problem is that you're written a query that gets you the wrong results, or you have poorly designed tables. Without knowing more about what you're trying to do, I can't tell you how to fix it, but it has a bad "smell".
