Logistic Regression Predict Proba error can't figure out why? - logistic-regression

I'm getting the following error with the code: LogisticRegression.predict_proba(X)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 LogisticRegression.predict_proba(X)
TypeError: predict_proba() missing 1 required positional argument: 'X'
I don't understand why, I read the documentation and don't know what argument I am missing.

You must provide input data to the function, vector X you want to run prediction on.


How do I fix the package testing error Julia?

When I test the NTFk package with command Pkg.test("NTFK"). I'm getting the below error.
ERROR: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 1 passed, 1 failed, 0
errored, 0 broken. in expression starting at
C:\Users\lff19.julia\packages\NTFk\bvyOe\test\runtests.jl:17 ERROR:
Package NTFk errored during testing
For Test.jl, the package scans for ~/PACKAGENAME/test/runtests.jl
A "passed" test is self-explanitory.
A "failed" test means a test resulted in an unexpected value.
An "errored" test means the test was not able to be executed, it errored instead.
A "broken" test refers to a known failing test. Setting the test to "broken" means it will ignore the "fail" status.
So, the 1 failing test is just a single fail in the project's runtest.jl file. It is not a problem with your Pkg.test("NTFK") command, it is a problem within the source code. It should be relatively simple to figure out which test fails from the error/ your console's output.
Realistically, it should be the developer's responsibility to fix the testcase. Although, you could just as well "dev" the package( ] dev PACKAGENAME), effectively making yourself the maintainer for your local package, and going into the runtests.jl and fixing it yourself. Note that "dev"ing a package will move it to ~/.julia/dev .

What does SDL_GetError say in the case of an error?

My main question: Please may you list a few examples of what SDL_GetError would print?
I want to use SDL_GetError to help me debug, however I don't know what to expect or how to create my own intentional errors.
The libsdl wiki says:
The message is only applicable when an SDL function has signaled an
error. You must check the return values of SDL function calls to determine
when to appropriately call SDL_GetError().
however http://sdl.beuc.net/sdl.wiki/SDL_GetError says:
Although this example uses SDL_Init, SDL_GetError provides an error
message for any failed SDL operation.
so which is it? Only some or all? None of the SDL wikis/documentations I have seen give a list of example error messages, so I don't know how to initiate an error, or what to expect in terms of content and format. Is
Error in `./foo': double free or corruption (top):
an SDL_GetError message or is that caused by something else?
The wiki entry for SDL_Error lists the error strings:
SDL_errorcode | The corresponding error string
SDL_ENOMEM | Out of memory
SDL_EFREAD | Error reading from datastream
SDL_EFWRITE | Error writing to datastream
SDL_EFSEEK | Error seeking in datastream
SDL_LASTERROR | Unknown SDL error
any other value | Unknown SDL error
See also SDL_error.c. One of the wiki entries seems to be incorrect. The correct error code - error string pair would be:
SDL_UNSUPPORTED | That operation is not supported
You can set custom errors messages with SDL_SetError - see the .c above. Finally, "double free or corruption" is not an error caused by SDL, but most likely by a double free. I suggest gdb/valgrind to debug it.

why this error appears "all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code" is it related to core processor of servers?

We are analyzing sequencing data while filtering and trimming fastq files encountered following error. Is the following error due to unavailability of core for processing commands?
Error in colnames<-(*tmp*, value = c("cs103_R1_dada.fastq", "cs110_R1_dada.fastq", : attempt to set 'colnames' on an object with less than two dimensions In addition: Warning message: In mclapply(seq_len(n), do_one, mc.preschedule = mc.preschedule, : all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code >
As pengchy suggested there may be something wrong with function.
try the same call by using lapply and error message will be more informative.
To clarify on what #f2003596 and #HelloWorld said: This just means that a crash occurred within the function you called, i.e. while it was executing that function. But this does not necessarily mean that your function is incorrect. For example, you get the same error when a variable has not been found.
That would mean your R function has a crash.
Note: If you include an unexpected argument in mclapply you also can get this error message. I put mC.cores instead of mc.cores by mistake and I got it.

midiOutOpen is returning an unknown error when I call it from Julia code

I'm trying to send midi messages from some Julia code I've written, but I'm having trouble with the midiOutOpen function. I'm following this tutorial here, but the output I'm getting from the function doesn't make sense.
This is my Julia code:
const CALLBACK_NULL = uint32(0x00000001)
function openoutputdevice(id::Uint32)
handle = uint32(0)
err = ccall((:midiOutOpen, :Winmm), stdcall,
(Ptr{Uint32}, Uint32, Ptr{Uint32}, Ptr{Uint32}, Uint32),
The handle is always 0, and the error that's being returned is "10". I've grepped through the Windows header files, and this doesn't seem to match up with any of the errors that can be expected from the function (see here), so I'm more inclined to think that I'm mapping the wrong Julia data types in the ccall. It's been a long time since I've done anything C-related, so I'm hoping there's something obviously wrong with this. The only odd thing I've seen is that CALLBACK_NULL is defined in mmsyscom.h as 0x000000001 - a 9 digit hex number, even though the function doc specifies a DWORD for the final parameter to midiOutOpen.
Any ideas?
The error is MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG because CALLBACK_NULL is defined as:
#define CALLBACK_NULL 0x00000000l
That is a lowercase-letter-"L" at the end, not the number 1 (one). The call succeeds when this value is corrected.

How do you use Ruby/DL? Is this right?

I am trying to write an interface between RSPEC (ruby flavoured BDD) and a Windows application. The application itself is written in an obscure language, but it has a C API to provide access. I've gone with Ruby/DL but am having difficulties getting even the most basic call to a DLL method to work. Here is what I have so far, in a file called gt4r.rb:
require 'dl/import'
module Gt4r
extend DL::Importable
dlload 'c:\\gtdev\\r321\\bin\\gtvapi'
# GTD initialization/termination functions
extern 'int GTD_init(char *[], char *, char *)'
extern 'int GTD_initialize(char *, char *, char *)'
extern 'int GTD_done(void)'
extern 'int GTD_get_error_message(int, char **)'
My reading so far suggests that this is all I need to get going, so I wrote up a RSPEC example:
require 'gt4r'
##test_environment = "INCLUDE=C:\\graphtalk\\env\\aiadev\\config\\aiadev.ini"
##normal_user = "BMCHARGUE"
describe Gt4r do
it 'initializes' do
rv = Gt4r.gTD_initialize ##normal_user, ##normal_user, ##test_environment
rv.should == 0
And when run...
C:\code\GraphTalk>spec -fs -rgt4r gt4r_spec.rb
- initializes (FAILED - 1)
'Gt4r initializes' FAILED
expected: 0,
got: 13 (using ==)
Finished in 0.031 seconds
1 example, 1 failure
The return value (13) is an actual return code, meaning an error, but when I try to add the gTD_get_error_message call to my RSPEC, I can't get the parameters to work.
Am I heading in the right direction and can anyone point to the next thing I can try?
A follow up to this question, showing the part that fails when I try to get the error message from my target library:
require 'gt4r'
##test_environment = "INCLUDE=C:\\graphtalk\\env\\aiadev\\config\\aiadev.ini"
##normal_user = "BMCHARGUE"
describe Gt4r do
it 'initializes' do
rv = Gt4r.gTD_initialize ##normal_user, ##normal_user, ##test_environment
Gt4r.gTD_get_error_message rv, #msg
#msg.should == ""
rv.should == 0
I expect the error message to be returned in #msg, but when run I get the following:
(eval):5: [BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.6 (2008-08-11) [i386-mswin32]
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
And this if I use a symbol (:msg) instead:
C:\code\GraphTalk\gt4r_dl>spec -fs -rgt4r gt4r_spec.rb
- initializes (ERROR - 1)
NoMethodError in 'Gt4r initializes'
undefined method `to_ptr' for :msg:Symbol
(eval):5:in `call'
(eval):5:in `gTD_get_error_message'
Finished in 0.046 seconds
1 example, 1 failure
Clearly I am missing something about passing parameters between ruby and C, but what?
The general consensus is you want to avoid DL as much as possible. The (english) documentation is quite sketchy and the interface is difficult to use for anything but trivial examples.
Ruby native C interface is MUCH easier to program against. Or you could use FFI, which fills a similiar niche to DL, originally comes from the rubinius project and has recently been ported to "normal" ruby. It has a nicer interface and is much less painful to use:
The return value (13) is an actual
return code, meaning an error, but
when I try to add the
gTD_get_error_message call to my
RSPEC, I can't get the parameters to
It might help posting the error instead of the code that worked :)
Basically, once you start having to deal with pointers as in (int, char **), things get ugly.
You need to allocate the data pointer for msg to be written to, since otherise C will have nowhere to write the error messages. Use DL.mallo.
