OpenLayers - Share the view with 2 different layers - maps

I would like to share my view with 2 different map:
On the left side the view of my map number 1 (raster or shapefile)
On the right side the view of my map number 2 (raster or shapefile)
For separation, 1 cursor that I can drag and drop to change the location of the separation without changing the view of the 2 maps.
I checked on OpenLayers and the closed I found is that: (but the view of the 2 maps change when the user drag and drop).
I found that link (at 1min27s): Is it possible to do that with OpenLayers ? Can we share 1 view into 2 different layers ?

ol-ext lib provides a swipe control.
See example online:


Azure Maps - How to set drawing manager layers z-index to the top?

In my design page, the user will be creating/drawing new shapes, in addition to adding image overlays. I'm finding that any shapes drawn using the drawing manager are rendering underneath any image overlays added to the map, see below:
I'd like to know how to achieve a couple of tasks:
1 - How to set the drawing manager so any shape (rectangle/point/circle etc be default is always added as an upper/top layer when the drawingcomplete event has fired, that way the shapes will always appear above any images added to the map.
2 - How to programatically change the order of the various layers created during design, given the user may want to adjust the z-index of the various layers to suit their own endering requirements.
The MS docs here is not really helping me understand how to achieve the above, but also doesnt mention anything about shapes/layers that currently reside within the drawing manager.
Partial answer but along the right tracks...
We can retrieve the shapes (drawing manager layers) from the drawing manager so we have a reference to them.
When i add an image overlay, before actually adding/rendering it to the map, i would first get the shape layers from the drawing manager, then remove them from the map.
Next we add the image overlay to the map and add the shape layers back in as well, its the order that we add/remove the layers that seems to be relevant here.
Once i had added all layers back to the map in the chosen order, i was still able to put the drawing manager into edit mode and select the shape for editing, so i beleive this will work as my solution going forwards.
// Create the image layer
var imageLayer = new atlas.layer.ImageLayer({
url: 'myImageUrl,
coordinates: coordinates
// Then get the existing shapes (layers) from the DM
var layers = drawingManager.getLayers();
// Remove the shapes.
map.layers.remove(layers.polygonLayer); // polygonLayer as an example...
// Add new image overlay, then the shapes
map.layers.add([imageLayer, layers.polygonLayer]);

React Native | How to combine multiple views into one view using Animated?

I want to combine multiple views into one, using React Native Animated Component.
Each View should be located in the different position.
Each View should be increasingly expand width, height in the owns position.
All Views should be combined into one which is located in the middle of position of all Views when reached to max width, height.
The change of the size(width, height) of all Views should be determined by the zoom of screen. (You don't worry about it because I had already knowledge about this way.)

How to load a open street map from local source?

I'm using the wpf map control of DevExpress 15.1.5 and I'm trying to load a map from a local source.
DevExpress's help allows me to download a .osm file of a selected map area by me, but I can not load a .osm with this control; it only supports .kml and .shp.
What can I do?
You need to download map data in a different format, see. :
OpenStreetMap data
I recommend the first download a small country and try it if that's what you need.
Map consists of multiple layers, which together form "what you see". Layers are buildings, roads, places, waterways,landuse ... and are formed by shapes *.shp file (eg. Building plan, the route of the road ...)
You can view video here:
also the source code is available in github.
the Control works on local OSM tiles
it is written in C#
I created OSM MAP Control which have the following functionalities:
1. Accurate Zoom with the mouse wheel.
2. Move left , up ,bottom and right
3.if tiles are missing , it ask to start download those missing tiles.
4. Create line on the map history by friendly name
6. you can download area of tiles - with zoom.

Arcgis for developers - need aerial tile layer with street names

I'm using silverlight maps control from ESRI. Currently showing 2 layers (allowing users to switch) between
if (this.RoadRadioButton.IsChecked.HasValue && this.RoadRadioButton.IsChecked.Value)
arcgisLayer.Url = "";
else if (this.AerialRadioButton.IsChecked.HasValue && this.AerialRadioButton.IsChecked.Value)
arcgisLayer.Url = "";
My users would like to have
1. On street view - highway exit numbers
2. On imagery - street names, similar how Bing does it.
Is it possible, is there way to merge layers or something like this?
Browse the services directory for more layer types here:
Especially look at the service in the References folder:
You can use these as overlays on top of other layers.
On a side-note, don't ever change the URL of a running layer - You can get into a LOT of trouble doing that. Instead use two layers, and flip the visibility. That will also make the combo of multiple layers easier. Just put the aerial and the reference layer in a group layer and toggle the group layer. Even better you can bind the Visible parameter of your layer straight to your radio button so you don't need any code behind. Ie
<GroupLayer Visible="{Binding IsChecked.Value, ElementName=AerialRadioButton}">
<!-- add your composite set of layers here -->

WPF 4 FixedDocument multiple pages

What is the best way to print a complex layout spanning multiple pages in WPF? (for example an invoice layout spanning multiple pages because of many invoice items)
I'm guessing one of these methods would do:
Dynamically inserting pages in a FixedDocument? how?
Convert a FlowDocument to a FixedDocment. How? The solutions found do not seem to work in WPF 4 (fox example
I typically use dynamic insertion of Pages into the FixedDocument control. I created a empty view and then dynamically load in UserControls that represent each pages "body" with their respective binding(s). The downside is you have to create your own poormans virtualization for dataset reprots (ie show 12 rows per page with a MOD 12 calculation etc) type thing.
Reports are low priority on the WPF teams Radar so this really hasn't got a lot of knowledge base around it at present and the future isn't so bright either.
