I wrote simple async validation use react-final-form
In field username I typed john and show error Username taken!
I want to add debounce function from lodash library.
I typed john and couldn't see error add one symbol and error appear
When one symbol was removed (input value is john) error disappear
It's look like something is cached
Please help me understand my issue
I created simple application :
Hello , I created Login page and Register page. But I need to add an additional functionality of confirm password. I am pretty confused in handling this with my controllers.
can anyone help me in validation part.
When I give Ng-match or directives , it is not compatible with my existing controller. Either it states Registration successful in case of wrong password or else my view is just empty in browser.
Use following ng-match directive
I solved the issue you faced with confirmPassword. I'm just
saying where you made the mistake
1)password name in ng-modal and name in "required data-password-verify" at confirm password should match when you compare two passwords.
2)Please have a look at console first,then you understand where you did a mistake.Console clearly saying two issues i.e app is not defined at passwordVerify.js and User service not defined.
3)I changed passwordVerfiy directive to register controller and I commented userservice wherever i find.Because I have not seen anywhere you are using Userservice class.Both the files(user.service and user.service,localstorage) are empty
I would be more happy if my code resolve your problem.
Thank you
Is there a angular (1.4+) way with ng-messages to show warnings and errors the difference being that warnings don't make the form invalid but the errors do so the user can save the form even though there are warnings?
Searched all over and can't seem to find anything about this though I think it should be an obvious part of the system o_O
Judging from the Ng-Messages Docs I don't believe that is possible.
When you include the ng-messages onto an html element they will hide or show that element based on the $error object in the form field. You can create custom errors if you like, but if triggered they will always make the form invalid.
To get around this you could write something to watch a user's input and have a bootstrap warning message set to conditionally appear if the conditions are met, but not have that be in any ng-messages html element.
You can do that, by monkey-patching object that you are listening in ng-messages and show corresponding message when your custom property changed.
I would like to create an alert that does not use ng-repeat. I've created a simple function that will fill in the parameters for type and message. I am able to successfully add the message but not able to get the type to change. Can someone explain what I would need to get the type to change from the default to they type I would like?
I am pretty new to javascript and Angular so any help you can give me is very much appreciated.
You're hitting a known bug: https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/issues/2168
At the moment, you can workaround it by redefining the template as described in the bug report, or by regenerating the alert every time the alert is shown using an ng-if directive:
<alert ng-if="alertMsg" ... />
When my field becomes invalid, is there a way to fire a method in my js?
So for example, the user fails to fill out the name field, clicks submit, I want to:
console.log('they forgot');
There is a $error object made available by AngularJS. This object contains all of the validations on a particular form and tells if they are valid or invalid.
To get access to this property, we can use the following syntax:
Here is a jsfiddle sample
This document is a good reference for understanding form-validations using AngularJS.
Also, for dealing with custom validations, you can add your own directives. A sample of making such directives is given in the link above.
I am using webform module for creating form. I required not to customize webform_component_edit_form. so
I have alter webform_component_edit_form. In this form alter i add select element with #ajax property. This is working fine when i open this in url. But when i open this form in ctools i am getting error
Call to undefined function webform_component_edit_form_validate() in ../includes/form.inc
webform_component_edit_form_validate i written in webform/incluedes/webform.components.inc
any one can suggest me where i am doing mistake.
It exists in webform/includes/webform.components.inc, so maybe it is not getting included since you are integrating it with a form alter.
Try adding this to your form alter, above the form item you are modifying.
require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'webform') . '/includes/webform.components.inc';
I use
module_load_include('inc', 'webform', '/includes/webform.components');
in above of my module.
now its working fine.