Designing window frames (of real houses) with React - reactjs

In my new project with React, I need to implement an environment for designing doors and windows so that the user can design frames through the browser (like the two figures below) and then save it on the server-side. Then I have to fetch and display it in the mobile application that is implemented with React Native. I searched for it but couldn't find anything special that would work. I even found "konvajs" that has done some work in this area but it doesn't work for me and I think I need to develop this feature myself. If you know of any tools or technologies for this, please let me know. If not, what do you think I can do about it?


Can i use Lottie animation in Codenameone apps

I am wanting to render a short piece of animation on the splash screen of my CN1 app but am struggling.
The Lottiefiles website contains a lot of good animation content, but the closest example i can find to using it is within XCode. I have the downloaded JSON file, of the animation, but am wanting to know if anyone has figured a way of incorporating into a CN1 Java app?
I can see that developers have used in Java, but CN1 wouldn't allow the LottieAnimationView component on it's layout manager i would guess.
Any pointers appreciated. Thanks
The "right way" would probably be to wrap the native implementations for the various OS's in a cn1lib so you can use lottie in a cross platform way. There's a long tutorial about wrapping native code in the developer guide and Steve did a 3 part video series on the subject a few years back:
It's mostly mechanical so it shouldn't be too hard. If you want to take a shortcut you can probably use the web version of the API in a BrowserComponent and call it a day.

can we develop a web-based application with same code base using react native

I am new to react native I want to know can we able to share the same code base for web-based and for the mobile application using react native.
If yes then how to do that?
I think you're referring to using React to build a web application and then wondering if you can port it to React-Native? You can share the same idea's, method, and architecture. But no, the code doesn't translate 100%, really not even 50%. React vs React-Native use different things, for example React uses < Div >'s while React-Native uses < View >'s, img to < Image >, etc. So while figuring out many of the design questions and implementation for the web version will surely make your RN development faster. You still need to plan on the RN port being the same Development process (plus longer for bug testing on the many different devices) and allow a developer adequate time.
The answer is yes. You can share the same code using react-native-web.
But keep in mind that the idea behind React and React Native projects is that you could learn one time and use everywhere so their goal is to make possible to use a very similar architecture, data flow, etc. but not sharing the same code. Also, a lot of packages and third-party components will not work as expected. So, react-native-web is a very interesting project and you should definitely give it a chance, but most of the times it will not do the job 100%.

Port an OpenLayers application to mobile devices

After making a duration/cost estimation, I'm about to start developing a desktop application using OpenLayers. I've never had experience on it before, but have the support of some coworkers who do.
Now we have to estimate the time and effort it would take the same application to be viewable in mobile devices. I know the existence of, but nobody in my company has ever worked with it before.
I know it has some advantages over the normal OpenLayers library, such as pinching for zooming, and so. But, does it has any blocked capabilities? I mean, if I write code to draw a line on a layer in the desktop application, change the simbology of a layer, add a buffer arround a polyline, etc.. will it still work with the mobile library?
Is there funcionality in the desktop version that is not in the mobile one?
I'd need to know before estimating what can I offer in the mobile version, and how hard will it be to get so.
See examples tagged with mobile:
The next OpenLayer versions will probably have better mobile support as this is something many users are interested in.

Are there any good captchas specifically designed for mobile apps?

Is there anything that is less intimidating than recaptcha for mobile apps? My app is built with JQuery Mobile and most likely will never be available on the desktop. I am hoping there is a more visual captcha that would not require typing. So far most visual captchas I have found seem too large for a mobile app. I am mainly looking for something that is visual and small enough to fit within the average mobile screen. Any suggestions would be appreciated, I would even be willing to build something from scratch if someone has a good idea.
I don't know if you are using HTML5 or not, but there is a pretty cool captcha that I've used called MotionCAPTCHA. What it does is it presents a shape and the user traces the shape with their finger on their mobile device. Its pretty cool. I've used it with Android and it works pretty well. It requires jQuery and HTML5.
Damn, that MotionCAPTCHA link appears to be dead. I found this question looking for similar things to what we're working on at my current company.
We have a HumanDetect mobile SDK trying to solve a similar problem. The overall idea is we grab sensor data from the phone so we can determine "bot or not". You ask the SDK for a token, then send that token along with your REST request, and then that token can be validated. If everything works as expected only a mobile device in the hands of a human should produce a token that validates as "not a bot".
It's native code, not using the browser. For the end-user's point of view, it is transparent, the user isn't asked to perform any action.

Web and mobile site creation - just starting on this project

I need to build both a website and a mobile site (starting from scratch). The website will include a registration/login, user upload, and sharing feature. I would like to have all of these features available in the mobile site as well. Any recommendations on the best starting approach would be appreciated. For example, should I create the website from start to finish before even starting to think about the mobile site.
If you design your server side code correctly, you should be able to use those components no matter where the client is. You would just have to write a thin wrapper for each different interaction type, e.g. xml vs json.
Its hard to say more without knowing exactly what you are doing, and how many people you have working on this? You can finish the desktop version before you start the mobile, but you don't have to. Depending on team size/skill you could develop both concurrently...
