Will derived state be allowed for React Concurrent Mode? - reactjs

Today we can use getDerivedStateFromProps for class components and state updates during render phase for React Hooks/function components to create derived state, if needed.
I am especially curious about the React Hook variant: Will this be allowed in React Concurrent Mode?
If I wrap the ScrollView component from the FAQ with StrictMode <React.StrictMode>...</React.StrictMode>, there will be no warnings. However, I still have a slight feeling in stomach, this pattern could be problematic with concurrent mode.
So question is:
Is derived state still possible in React Concurrent Mode with regard to the Hooks FAQ link?
function Comp( {someCond} ) {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
if (someCond) {
// we are setting derived state directly in render (see FAQ).
setCounter(prev => prev + 1);
// <-- imagine, at this point React aborts this render (and restarts later)
// Does it lead to inconsistencies?
// ... return some jsx

It's safe, but you can only update the state of this component until you have no side-effect on other components during render. in react 16.13.0 a warning added about this.
react 16.13.0 release note:
Warnings for some updates during render A React component should not
cause side effects in other components during rendering.
It is supported to call setState during render, but only for the same
component. If you call setState during a render on a different
component, you will now see a warning:
Warning: Cannot update a component from inside the function body of a different component.


React hooks queries

I have the following queries -
What's the difference between useEffect, useMemo and useCallback hooks ? I have gone through many examples and explanations but still am not clear on their difference. All I know is that each executes only when at least one of their dependencies change.
If useRef hook allows us to persist with values between re-renders, why not use a simple variable (not a state) for the same ? I read somewhere that if not changed manually, useRef will have the same value all the time. Can't we achieve this with a simple variable ?
useMemo fired immediately, useCallback not.
local variables a not persisted between renders
useMemo and useCallback area really very same. The difference between them are mentioned in the hooks names.
useMemo is created for calculating some heavy things (like taking some very long list and mapping it in another) and storing it for some time – as documentation says React can drop useMemo result and make hook to run again. When component is rendering first time, all useMemos continuously runs calculations and their results may be used during the render. When rendering next times (if no hook dependencies changed) React do not call passed function but just using memorized result.
useCallback is created just for preserving variable references to functions that is passed as first argument. It is very helpful when callback, created with that hook is passed to some children components cause persistent variable reference do not invalidates memorized components.
Small example:
const app = () => {
console.log('app render starts')
const title = React.useMemo(() => {
console.log('running calcualtion!')
return 'Hello world'
}, [])
console.log('app render continues')
const handleClick = React.useCallback(() => {
console.log('handling click')
}, [])
console.log('app render continues again')
return <div onClick={handleClick}>{title}</div>
Output after mounting app:
- app render starts
- running calcualtion!
- app render continues
- app render continues again
And after clicking div:
- handling click
About useRef
React functional components are functions that runs again on every component render. Without hooks that functions are totally pure and unable to contain any state or preserve variables value – all function-scoped variables are created on every render again.
Hooks know which component are currently being rendered, so hooks able to store some data about component and get it back when component re-rendered.
In lot of cases useRef really are just a way to persist value between renders. As described above, you can't achieve that with simple variables inside of component's function. It could be achieved with some global variable declared outside of component. It even may be better choice if variable value do not depends one component mount/unmount which are handled by useRef.

What can't be done without useEffect hook?

I read the docs about useEffect and understand how it makes life more easier than life cycle methods. Yet I am wondering what would not be possible without useEffect?
E.g. instead of (all code is dummy code)
useEffect(networkRequest.then(update state));
couldn't I just use
// inside functional component
function App() {
networkRequest.then(update state)
What do you mean "makes life more easier than lifecycle methods"? React hooks are how you utilize component lifecycle in functional components.
Just like the render lifecycle method of class-based components is to be a pure function without side-effects, so to is the entire body of a functional component. The body of a functional component is the "render" function.
// inside functional component
function App() {
networkRequest.then(update state)
The above, as written, has no guard protecting the side-effect of the network request nor state update... it will simply update state and rerender, and update state and rerender, ... ad nauseam, or in other words, infinitely render loop.
React hooks are what allow you to utilize component lifecycle in functional components.
To directly answer your question though:
Yet I am wondering what would not be possible without useEffect?
It would not be possible to trigger side-effects such as any asynchronous network requests, authentication, etc... It wouldn't be possible to invoke any specific when a component mounts or rerenders. It wouldn't be possible to run any specific logic when a specific state/prop value updated.

react native re-rendered components multiple times

In react native, I use some component like audio player, header etc. Also, I use console.log() for debugging for component I put log in start of components :
const MiniPlayer = (props) => {
console.log('Begain Mini Player ....');
I got multiple logs, it's re-rendering is happening multiple time without any special event or state change.
app hasn't any issue and not working slow.
Should I control this re-rendering or is it common in react ?
As per your given snippet, MiniPlayer will re-render whenever its parent component re-renders. It's how react works. If a component updates, its entire subtree re-renders regardless whether the children components need it or not. To control it, you can use shouldComponentUpdate in a class component or extend the class with PureComponent, or wrap your component with React.Memo if it's a functional component. Since yours is a functional component, we can make changes to your component so that it re-renders only when its props change as follows.
const MiniPlayer = React.Memo((props) => {
console.log('Begain Mini Player ....');
More resources here - shouldComponentUpdate, PureComponent and React.Memo
Also remember that using React.Memo is just going to perform a shallow comparison of props. So even if the values of props are equal but if the reference changes, it would still cause a re-render.
Should you control this re-rendering? Well that depends. If your component is a costly one which performs heavy computations whenever it updates, then you should control this, else it is not going to affect much, as the DOM anyways is going to perform a diff check to determine what is supposed to be updated.

Why useEffect re-rendering when nothing has changed?

I have 2 react functional components like this :
const Test = function (props) {
useEffect(() => {}, []);
return <div>Testing</div>;
const Parent = function () {
return <div>Component: <Test /></div>;
As we can see above, there is no state or props change still browser console showing "rendered" twice but if i am commenting the useEffect it'll print only once. I tried to google it but didn't find any proper reason of this.
This is due to React.StrictMode.
From the React Docs - Detecting unexpected side effects
Strict mode can’t automatically detect side effects for you, but it
can help you spot them by making them a little more deterministic.
This is done by intentionally double-invoking the following functions:
Class component constructor, render, and shouldComponentUpdate methods
Class component static getDerivedStateFromProps method
Function component bodies
State updater functions (the first argument to setState)
Functions passed to useState, useMemo, or useReducer
When building your project for production, this should not happen.
It's because of React.StrictMode. If there's no useEffect (or any statefulness), react might not render it twice in StrictMode because it doesn't need to. StrictMode renders components twice to make sure that everything works properly and there are no deprecated lifecycle methods or other practices that are problematic. It's whole purpose is to make sure that your application will work well with the more stringent requirements for concurrent mode. It only runs these checks in development mode so as not to impact performance in your production builds.
In this CodeSandbox, you can see that the strict-mode renders twice for the same components, while the normal mode doesn't.

Writing optimized React functional components

It is my understanding that the entire React Functional Component gets re-run when re-render is needed or there are any state updates, so how to properly manage the state inside these functions? Is it important to keep it empty of any members like event handlers that you wouldn't want to be re-created every time the function gets re-run?
Is there some sort of best practice for writing optimized functional components?
React Memo is something you might be looking for.
React.memo(...) is a new feature introduced in React v16.6. It works
similiar to React.PureComponent, it helps control functional
components re-renders. React.memo(...) is to functional components
what React.PureComponent is to class components. How do we use
It is very simple. Let’s say we have a functional component, like this:
const Funcomponent = ()=> {
return (
Hiya!! I am a Funtional component
We simply pass the FuncComponent as argument to React.memo function:
const Funcomponent = ()=> {
return (
Hiya!! I am a Funtional component
const MemodFuncComponent = React.memo(FunComponent)
React.memo returned a purified component MemodFuncComponent. This component is what we will render in our JSX markup. Whenever the props and state changes in the component, React will check if the prev state and props and the next props and state are equal if not equal the functional component will re-render if they are equal the functional component will not re-render.
As for second question, yes it's true. You should avoid defining the function inside the render function or in case of functional components, avoid defining inside the function, it will cause unwanted calling of those functions and can result in unwanted behavior as well as cause it to be created every time the component re-renders.
The same goes for adding in-line callback functions for event handlers. They should be defined outside the render function.
As how I get it, You want to know how to manage or improve your react performance right? You are right every Component in react gets re-rendered when there are any state changes in this component or in the parent component (if there is).
So there is a tool (Chrome extension) that helps you finds out which part of the application get re-rendered whenever you make an action React developer tool.
