I have a text file I am trying to read into an Array using Bash. Here are the contents of text file:
I want to extract the number from the above string and present it to the user to select the number to enter choice such:
12 - Vol12
0 - Vol0
2 - Vol2
21 - Vol21
User would enter 12 to select Vol12 or 2 to select Vol2 and use the selection to do further action.
I have been searching how to do this but here is what I have so far:
options=($(tail -n+1 $Vol | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq) All Quit)
for (( i = 0; i < ${#options[#]}; i++ )); do
echo "$i - ${options[i]}"
echo -e "Enter number corresponding to the Volume snapshot you want to restore: \n"
read vol
Following output is what I am getting with above code:
0 - Vol12
1 - Vol0
2 - Vol2
3 - Vol21
4 - All
5 - Quit
Enter number corresponding to the Volume snapshot you want to restore:
How can I get the output to show like following and able to select 12 or 0 ?
12 - Vol12
0 - Vol0
2 - Vol2
21 - Vol21
Please help
You can use associative arrays:
declare -a arr
#Loop reads each line of the file
while IFS= read -r line; do
n=${line##*[!0-9]} #Gets the number at the end of this line
arr[$n]=$line #Uses it as the key to the array, the content being the whole line
echo "$n - $line"
done < "$Vol"
read -p "Select one from above. " vol
echo "You selected ${arr[vol]}."
For example (I saved it as sh.sh):
$ ./sh.sh
12 - Vol12
0 - Vol0
2 - Vol2
21 - Vol21
Select one from above. 2
You selected Vol2.
Let's say we have a shell variable $x containing a space separated list of numbers from 1 to 30:
$ x=$(for i in {1..30}; do echo -n "$i "; done)
$ echo $x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
We can print the first three input record fields with AWK like this:
$ echo $x | awk '{print $1 " " $2 " " $3}'
1 2 3
How can we print all the fields starting from the Nth field with AWK? E.g.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
EDIT: I can use cut, sed etc. to do the same but in this case I'd like to know how to do this with AWK.
Converting my comment to answer so that solution is easy to find for future visitors.
You may use this awk:
awk '{for (i=3; i<=NF; ++i) printf "%s", $i (i<NF?OFS:ORS)}' file
or pass start position as argument:
awk -v n=3 '{for (i=n; i<=NF; ++i) printf "%s", $i (i<NF?OFS:ORS)}' file
Version 4: Shortest is probably using sub to cut off the first three fields and their separators:
$ echo $x | awk 'sub(/^ *([^ ]+ +){3}/,"")'
4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
This will, however, preserve all space after $4:
$ echo "1 2 3 4 5" | awk 'sub(/^ *([^ ]+ +){3}/,"")'
4 5
so if you wanted the space squeezed, you'd need to, for example:
$ echo "1 2 3 4 5" | awk 'sub(/^ *([^ ]+ +){3}/,"") && $1=$1'
4 5
with the exception that if there are only 4 fields and the 4th field happens to be a 0:
$ echo "1 2 3 0" | awk 'sub(/^ *([^ ]+ +){3}/,"")&&$1=$1'
$ [no output]
in which case you'd need to:
$ echo "1 2 3 0" | awk 'sub(/^ *([^ ]+ +){3}/,"") && ($1=$1) || 1'
Version 1: cut is better suited for the job:
$ cut -d\ -f 4- <<<$x
Version 2: Using awk you could:
$ echo -n $x | awk -v RS=\ -v ORS=\ 'NR>=4;END{printf "\n"}'
Version 3: If you want to preserve those varying amounts of space, using GNU awk you could use split's fourth parameter seps:
$ echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7" |
gawk '{
n=split($0,a,FS,seps) # actual separators goes to seps
for(i=4;i<=n;i++) # loop from 4th
printf "%s%s",a[i],(i==n?RS:seps[i]) # get fields from arrays
Adding one more approach to add all value into a variable and once all fields values are done with reading just print the value of variable. Change the value of n= as per from which field onwards you want to get the data.
echo "$x" |
awk -v n=3 '{val="";for(i=n; i<=NF; i++){val=(val?val OFS:"")$i};print val}'
With GNU awk, you can use the join function which has been a built-in include since gawk 4.1:
x=$(seq 30 | tr '\n' ' ')
echo "$x" | gawk '#include "join"
{split($0, arr)
print join(arr, 4, length(arr), "|")}
(Shown here with a '|' instead of a ' ' for clarity...)
Alternative way of including join:
echo "$x" | gawk -i join '{split($0, arr); print join(arr, 4, length(arr), "|")}'
Using gnu awk and gensub:
echo $x | awk '{ print gensub(/^([[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]){3}(.*$)/,"\\2",$0)}'
Using gensub, split the string into two sections based on regular expressions and print the second section only.
I have the following file
foo_foo bar_blop baz_N toto_N lorem_blop
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
And I'd like to remove the columns with the _N tag on header (or selecting all the others)
So the output should be
foo_foo bar_blop lorem_blop
1 1 1
1 1 1
I found some answers but none were doing this exactly
I know awk can do this but I don't understand how to do it by myself (I'm not good at awk) with this language.
Thanks for the help :)
awk 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if(!($i~/_N$/)){a[i]=1;m=i}}
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if(a[i])printf "%s%s",$i,(i==m?RS:FS)}' f|column -t
foo_foo bar_blop lorem_blop
1 1 1
1 1 1
$ cat tst.awk
NR==1 {
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if ( (tgt == "") || ($i !~ tgt) ) {
f[++nf] = i
for (i=1; i<=nf; i++) {
printf "%s%s", $(f[i]), (i<nf?OFS:ORS)
$ awk -v tgt="_N" -f tst.awk file | column -t
foo_foo bar_blop lorem_blop
1 1 1
1 1 1
$ awk -f tst.awk file | column -t
foo_foo bar_blop baz_N toto_N lorem_blop
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
$ awk -v tgt="blop" -f tst.awk file | column -t
foo_foo baz_N toto_N
1 0 0
1 0 0
The main difference between this and #Kent's solution is performance and the impact will vary based on the percentage of fields you want to print on each line.
The above when reading the first line of the file creates an array of the field numbers to print and then for every line of the input file it just prints those fields in a loop. So if you wanted to print 3 out of 100 fields then this script would just loop through 3 iterations/fields on each input line.
#Kent's solution also creates an array of the field numbers to print but then for every line of the input file it visits every field to test if it's in that array before printing or not. So if you wanted to print 3 out of 100 fields then #Kent's script would loop through all 100 iterations/fields on each input line.
I have a test file that looks like this:
1 1 1 1 1
9 3 4 5 5
6 7 8 9 7
3 6 8 9 1
3 4 2 1 4
6 4 4 7 7
Each row is supposed to represent a students grades. So the user puts in either an 'r' or a 'c' into the command line to choose to sort by rows or columns, followed by the file name. Sorting by rows would represent getting a students average and sorting my columns would represent a particular assignments average.
I am not doing anything with the choice variable yet because I need to get the array sorted first so I can take the averages and then get the median for each column and row.
So im not sure how I can choose to sort by those specific options. Here is what I have so far:
if [ -e "$filename" ]
while read line
c=$(expr $c + 1)
done < "$filename"
echo "File does not exist"
printf -- '%s\n' "${myArray[#]}"
FS=$'\n' sorted=($(sort -n -k 1,1<<<"${myArray[*]}"))
echo " "
printf '%s\n' "${sorted[#]}"
This is only sorting the first column though and im not sure why its even doing that. Any push in the right direction would be appreciated. Examples would help a ton, thanks!
With the changes that were suggested I have this so far:
if [ -e "$filename" ]
while read line
c=$(expr $c + 1)
done < "$filename"
echo "File does not exist."
printf -- '%s\n' "${myArray[#]}"
width=${myArray[0]// /}
for w in $(seq 0 1 $((${width}-1)))
tmp=($(sort -n <<<"${myArray[*]}"))
for h in $(seq 0 1 $((${height}-1)))
myArray[h]=${myArray[h]#* }
bar[h]="${bar[h]} ${tmp[h]%% *}"
bar[h]="${bar[h]# }"
printf -- '%s\n' "${bar[*]}"
But now I am getting some really strange output of way more numbers than i started with and in a seemingly random order.
actually it is sorting $line(s) which are strings. you need to initialize the column to sort correctly, so that it is an array
the following code is really straight forward. no performance aspects are regarded. so for large datasets this will take a while to sort column wise. your datasets have to contain lines of numbers seperated by single spaces to make this work.
# here you can place your read line function
ar[0]="5 3 2 8"
ar[1]="1 1 1 1"
ar[2]="3 2 4 5"
printf -- '%s\n' "${ar[*]}" # print the column wise unsorted ar
# sorting
width=${ar[0]// /}
for w in $(seq 0 1 $((${width}-1))); do # for each column
#sort -n <<<"${ar[*]}" # debug, see first column removal
tmp=($(sort -n <<<"${ar[*]}")) # this just sorts lexigraphically by "first column"
# rows are strings, see initial definition of ar
for h in $(seq 0 1 $((${height}-1))); do # update first column
ar[h]=${ar[h]#* } # strip first column
bar[h]="${bar[h]} ${tmp[h]%% *}" # add sorted column to new array
bar[h]="${bar[h]# }" # trim leading space
#printf -- '%s\n' "${bar[*]}" # debug, see growing bar
#echo "---"
printf -- '%s\n' "${bar[*]}" # print the column wise sorted ar
prints out the unsorted and sorted array
5 3 2 8
1 1 1 1
3 2 4 5
1 1 1 1
3 2 2 5
5 3 4 8
I would like to declare an array of a certain number of lines, that means from line 10 to line 78, as an example. Could be other number, this is just an example.
My sample gives me that range of lines on stdout but sets "1" in between that lines. Can anybody tell me how to get rid of that "1"?
Sample as follows should go to stdout and embraces the named lines.
awk '
myarr["range-one"]=NR~/^2$/ , NR~/^8$/;
{print myarr["range-one"]};' /home/$USER/uplog.txt;
That is giving me this output:
12:33:49 up 3:57, 2 users, load average: 0,61, 0,37, 0,22 21.06.2014
12:42:02 up 4:06, 2 users, load average: 0,14, 0,18, 0,19 21.06.2014
12:42:29 up 4:06, 2 users, load average: 0,09, 0,17, 0,19 21.06.2014
12:43:09 up 4:07, 2 users, load average: 0,09, 0,16, 0,19 21.06.2014
Second question: how to set in that array one field of FNR or line?
When I do it this way there comes up the field that I wanted
awk ' NR~/^1$/ , NR~/^7$/ {print $3, $11; next} ; ' /home/$USER/uplog.txt;
But I need an array, thats why I'm asking. Any hints? Thanks in advance.
What the example script does
awk '
myarr["range-one"]=NR~/^2$/ , NR~/^8$/;
{print myarr["range-one"]};'
Your script is one of the more convoluted and decidedly less-than-obvious pieces of awk that I've ever seen. Let's take a simple input file:
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
Line 7
Line 8
Line 9
Line 10
Line 11
Line 12
The output from that is:
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
Line 7
Line 8
Dissecting your script, it appears that the first line:
myarr["range-one"]=NR~/^2$/ , NR~/^8$/;
is equivalent to:
myarr["range-one"] = (NR ~ /^#$/, NR ~ /^8$/) { print }
That is, the value assigned to myarr["range-one"] is 1 inside the range of line numbers where NR is equal to 2 and is equal to 8, and 0 outside that range; further, when the value is 1, the line is printed.
The second line:
{print myarr["range-one"]};
print the value in myarr["range-one"] for each line of input. Thus, on the first line, the value 0 is printed. For lines 2 to 8, the line is printed followed by the value 1; for lines after that, the value 0 is printed once more.
What the question asks for
The question is not clear. It appears that lines 10 to 78 should be printed. In awk, there are essentially no variable declarations (we can debate about function parameters, but functions don't seem to figure in this). Therefore, declaring an array is not an option.
awk -v lo=10 -v hi=78 'NR >= lo && NR <= hi { print }'
This would print the lines between line 10 and line 78. It would be feasible to save the values in an array (a in the examples below). Said array could be indexed by NR or with a separate index starting at 0 or 1:
awk -v lo=10 -v hi=78 'NR >= lo && NR <= hi { a[NR] = $0 }' # Indexed by line number
awk -v lo=10 -v hi=78 'NR >= lo && NR <= hi { a[i++] = $0 }' # Indexed from 0
awk -v lo=10 -v hi=78 'NR >= lo && NR <= hi { a[++i] = $0 }' # Indexed from 1
Presumably, you'd also have an END block to do something with the data.
The semicolons in the original are both unnecessary. The blank line is ignored, of course.
I have two files,
john 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ely 10 9 9 9 9 9 9
Maria 3 5 7 9 2 1 4
Rox 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
john 7.5
Ely 4.5
Maria 3,7
Rox 8.5
What i want to do is create another file with only the persons who have in file A their average greater or equal with the 8.5 and in B their mark also greater or equal to 8.5, so in my example the C file would contain only Rox because only she fulfil the criteria.
I have this
#shell program
echo "Fiserul are numele $1"
echo "">temp.txt
touch results
cat $filename | while read -r line
echo " $line"
rem=$( echo "$line"| cut -f 2- -d ' ')
for word in $rem
echo "$word"
echo "Nota=$nota"
media=$(($nota / 7))
if [ "$(echo $media '>=' $compara | bc -l)" -eq 1 ];
nume=$( echo "$line"| cut -f 1 -d ' ')
echo "$nume $media" >> temp.txt
echo "Media : $media"
cat $filename2 | while read -r line
so I have in the temp.txt files the persons who fulfil the criteria for file A but my question is how can i compare them with the persons from filename2 and create "results" from them ?
I've tried with two while loops but i get an error, could someone please help ?
If you really want to read two files at the same time (which doesn't appear to be your actual question -- join is indeed the right tool for what you're doing), you can open them on different FDs:
while IFS= read -r -u 4 line1 && IFS= read -r -u 5 line2; do
echo "Line from first file: $line1"
echo "Line from second file: $line2"
done 4<file1 5<file2
Use the join command to combine A and B into a single file C:
$ join A.txt B.txt
john 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.5
Ely 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 4.5
Maria 3 5 7 9 2 1 4 3,7
Rox 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8.5
It should be simple to modify your current script to process the data in this form.