free() function causes a breakpoint - c

char name_entry[ARRAY_SIZE];//bunu dinamik olarak atamıyorum her seferinde gireceğimiz ismin uzunluğunu sormak pratik olmayacaktır
int isimsayisi;
char** names;
printf("Kac Isim Gireceksiniz:");
scanf("%d", &isimsayisi);
names = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char) * (isimsayisi));
for (int k = 0; k < isimsayisi; k++) {
printf("\nismi giriniz :");
scanf("%s", name_entry);
names[k] = (char*)malloc(strlen(name_entry) + 1);
if (names[k] == NULL) {
printf("bellek yetersiz!..\n");
strcpy(names[k], name_entry);
printf("\nGirilen Isimler : \n");
for (int k = 0; k < isimsayisi; k++) {
printf("%s \n", names[k]);
for (int i = 0; i < isimsayisi; i++)
In this code Im try to take names to a 2d string array then printf what have ı took from user then deallocate the memory but ı cant if I print free(names); after the for loop it gives a windows tab error. Its work like that to 2 names if I take more then 2 names its causes a breakpoint
Edit:isimsayisi means how much names the users wants to enter

names = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char) * (isimsayisi));
should be
names = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (isimsayisi));
you don't need to cast malloc() in C (different story for C++).
names is char **; therefore, when allocating memory, you need to use the sizeof(char *), which is definitely different than sizeof(char).
sizeof(char) is the size of a single character and is guaranteed to be 1, while sizeof(char *) is the size of an address and varies based on your machine (8 for a 64-bit CPU).


Dynamically allocating a 2D array in C

I've been reading around and I've been applying what I've been reading to my code but I am not sure if I am missing something.. the 2d array is suppose to mirror sudoku.
I know the problem area is in my arrayMake function.
My professor recommended using a cast with the malloc call so:
sudoku = (int**)malloc(sudokus*sizeof(int*)); but that did not work for me.
int main(){
int sudokus;
int** sudoku;
sudokus = getUserInfo();
sudoku = arrayMake(sudokus);
/*for (int i = 0; i < (SIZE*sudokus), i++;){
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE, j++;){
printf("Numbers[%d][%d]:%d", i, j, sudoku[i][j]);
return 0;
int getUserInfo(){
int sudokus;
printf("How many Sudokus are you checking today?\n");
scanf("%d{^\n]\n", &sudokus);
return sudokus;
int** arrayMake(int sudokus){
int **sudoku;
int realsize;
realsize = 9 * sudokus;
sudoku = malloc(realsize*sizeof(int*));
if (sudoku == NULL){
printf("Memory allocation failed");
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < realsize, i++;){
sudoku[i] = malloc(9 * sizeof(int));
if (sudoku[i] == NULL){
printf("Memory allocaiton failed");
return 0;
return sudoku;
My professor recommended using a cast with the malloc call so: sudoku = (int**)malloc(sudokus * sizeof(int*)); but that did not work for me.
To dynamically allocate for 2D array, you usually need to do two steps. Your code is not clear as you include a realsize = 9 * sudokus which doesn't make sense. Anyway, for simplicity, lets assume your sudoku is a 3x3 matrix. You'll need to:
Allocate for the pointer to pointer to int:
int **sudoku = malloc( 3 * sizeof( int * ) );
Allocate for each of the individual pointer to int:
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
sudoku[i] = malloc( 3 * sizeof( int ) );
From what I see your problem exists in your for loops where you have:
for (i = 0;i < realsize , i++)
when you really meant:
for (i = 0;i < realsize ; i++)
Note the change of , to ;
scanf("%d{^\n]\n", &sudokus); is a mistake.
I guess you meant the { to actually be a [ but the format string is still wrong even after that change. I think you intended to consume the rest of the input, up to and including a newline character. However, your format string does not actually do that.
Scanf'ing for \n actually means consume any amount of whitespace, so in fact this code (with the [ fix) would continue waiting for input until there was a newline, and also another non-whitespace character typed after the newline.
Better would be:
scanf("%d", &sudokus);
int ch;
while ( (ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF ) { }
There are a few different ways to achieve the same goal. (Note that scanning for %d[^\n]%c is not one of them; that string is also broken).
Also I would suggest a different variable name than sudokus. It's confusing having two similarly-named variables sudoku and sudokus. Name it something that reflects its meaning.
For allocating your array, it would be much simpler to take out the arrayMake function and write something like:
int sudoku[9][9];
(I couldn't figure out what sudokus was supposed to mean or what realsize was going to be, but you could put your intended dimension inside the square brackets there).

how to use a 2D array in C

I am new in C and I am trying to create a 2D array of chars.
The logic behind this is to get unknown amount of string inputs
from the user and to be able to get to those strings
(each string ends with a ":") but when I tried to debug I got:
<Error reading characters of string>
This is the code:
int main()
int j = 0, rows = 50;
int i=0, lines = 50;
char **names;
names = (char**)malloc(lines*sizeof(char*));
if (i >= lines)
names = (char**)realloc(names, 10 * sizeof(char*));
lines = lines * 10;
for (j ; names[i][j] != ':'; j++)
*names = (char*)malloc(rows * sizeof(char));
if (j >= rows)
*names = (char*)realloc(names, 10 * sizeof(char));
rows = rows * 10;
scanf("%c", &names[i][j]);
return 0;
for (j ; names[i][j] != ':'; j++)
In this loop your test condition tests for ':' in names . names has been allocated memory but it does not contain any content (what will it compare to ?).
Use a do-while loop , in order to execute loop before reading characters in names.
Also you allocate memory for char *'s but you don't allocate memory to these pointers correctly . And without allocating memory correctly you try to store characters at location they point to . This will cause problem .
Allocate memory to each char * and then take input .
Some this like this can be done -
names[i] =malloc(rows * sizeof(char));
if (j >= rows)
*names = (char*)realloc(names, 10 * sizeof(char));
rows = rows * 10;
scanf("%c", &names[i][j]);
1. You should free the allocated memory . And you first if will not execute (can't understand its use ).
2. Check return of malloc.

Invalid read - Valgrind and C

New to C and Valgrind and manual memory management and I'm having trouble locating an error that I'm getting when I run Valgrind. I have this function which gets strings from the user:
char **get_fragments_from_user(){
// No more than 20k strings containing at most 1k characters
char **strings = malloc(20000 * sizeof(char *));
char tempstring[MAX_INPUT]; //MAX_INPUT = 1001
int count = 0;
printf("\n> ");
fgets(tempstring, MAX_INPUT, stdin);
if((strlen(tempstring) > 0) && (tempstring[strlen(tempstring) - 1] == '\n')){
tempstring[strlen(tempstring) - 1] = '\0';
if(tempstring[0] == 'q') break;
strings[count] = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(tempstring)+1));
strcpy(strings[count], tempstring);
int i = 0;
char **fstrings = malloc((count)*sizeof(char *)); // count+1 needed? Something I tried removing while debugging
for(i = 0; i < count; i++){
fstrings[i] = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(strings[i])+1));
strcpy(fstrings[i], strings[i]);
return fstrings;
The idea here is simply to get strings and put them in an array. I initially allocate an array that is large enough to fit the maximum number of strings that could ever be entered (20,000), but I then resize the array so that I don't allocate more memory than the each string needs. I am a little embarrassed with the above code, since its less clean than anything I would have written in another language, but that was my first pass through.
I then get "Invalid read of size 8" from Valgrind when I try to calculate the number of strings in the array using this function:
int lengthOf(char **arr){
int i = 0;
while(arr[i] != NULL){
return i;
I'm pretty sure this is due to a dereferenced pointer or something, but I can't find it for the life of me and I've been looking at this code for an hour or so.
So, I believe the problem was that I wasn't allocating enough memory to store the whole array.
Instead of doing:
malloc(count * sizeof(char *));
I should have been allocating count+1, so either:
malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(char *))
calloc((count + 1), sizeof(char *));

Malloc affecting random integer value

I'm writing a virtual memory simulator in C, compiling on linux, and I'm getting something rather strange. It takes in a file IO, which I put into an int* plist.
I've printed this "plist" array, and it comes out to
0 100
1 200
2 400
3 300
The problem is that it seems malloc or something is randomly changing plist[3] to 0. It doesn't seem like it should be that way, but I've put a print statement at every line of code to print plist[3], and
tables[i].valid = (char*) xmalloc(num_pages * sizeof(char));
is where it changes. plist[3] = 300 before the line, 0 after it. And it only does this when i = 2. The first 3 rounds of the loop run fine, and on round 3, it changes the values for round 4. I have no idea why, it makes little sense that malloc would change a value in an array that's completely unrelated - is it possible I've gone over some space limit, even though I'm using the heap for basically everything? Would it just change values in random arrays if I did?
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
num_pages = plist[i] / P1;
tables[i].page_num = (char**) xmalloc(num_pages * sizeof(char*));
tables[i].valid = (char*) xmalloc(num_pages * sizeof(char));
//initialize page numbers and valid bits
for(j = 0; j < 10; j++){
tables[i].page_num[j] = (char*) xmalloc(16*sizeof(char));
tmp = itoa(i, tmp);
strcat(tables[i].page_num[j], tmp);
strcat(tables[i].page_num[j], "p");
tmp = itoa(j, tmp);
strcat(tables[i].page_num[j], tmp);
tables[i].valid[j] = 0;
Here's the struct for tables:
typedef struct s_page_table
char** page_num;
char* valid;
} t_page_table;
And this is xmalloc (it's just a wrapper to make it easier):
void* xmalloc(int s)
void* p;
p = malloc(s);
if (p == NULL)
printf("Virtual Memory Exhausted");
return p;
EDIT: If I take out both lines referencing tables[i].valid, the problem does not exist. plist[3] stays the same. num_pages is always >= 10. I set j to be 0 to 10 just to have less output for debugging purposes.
EDIT 2: If I change valid from a char* to an int* it doesn't work. If I change it to an int, it does.
There are several possibilities, including (but not limited to):
tables[i] is out of bounds;
plist contains a dangling pointer (i.e. it's been deallocated);
plist hasn't been initialised;
plist isn't as large as you think, i.e. plist[3] is out of bounds.
If you can't figure out the problem by looking at the code, valgrind is your friend.
OK. So I believe the problem turned out to be playing with the strings before initializing everything. I'm not entirely certain the reason, maybe someone else can elaborate, but when I encapsulated JUST the initialization in its own function, like only doing mallocs, and then separately created the strings afterwards, the plist variable was unaffected.
For those interested, the encapsulated function looked like this:
t_page_table* table_builder(int* p, int x, int num_tables)
t_page_table* ret = xmalloc(num_tables * sizeof(*ret));
int i, tmp, j;
for(i = 0; i < num_tables; i++){
tmp = (p[i]/x);
ret[i].page_num = xmalloc(tmp * sizeof(char*));
ret[i].valid = xmalloc(tmp * sizeof(char));
for(j = 0; j < tmp; j++){
ret[i].page_num[j] = xmalloc(16 * sizeof(char));
ret[i].valid = 0;
return ret;

glibc detected, realloc(): invalid old size C

Admittedly what I was trying to do was at best educated guess work.
I have an array of strings, and I was trying to account for if someone entered a string that was too large, or the array received too much input (it needs to be dynamic for what I'm trying to do)
here's the section of code that's breaking:
if (strlen(token) > wordlength)
wordlength *= 2;
for(int j = 0; j < numwords; j++)
char* tmpw = realloc(wordarray[j], wordlength);
assert(tmpw != NULL);
wordarray[j] = tmpw;
printf("increased size of words to %zu \n", wordlength);
Token is the next word being taken in (I'm parsing a string) so I compare it to the current word length, if it's too big, i double word length and try to adjust the array accordingly.
If you need any more information let me know
initialization of wordarray:
wordarray = malloc(numwords);
for(int i = 0; i < numwords; i++)
wordarray[i] = malloc(wordlength);
Another place where realloc crashes:
if (arraycounter > numwords)
numwords *= 2;
char** tmp = realloc(wordarray, numwords);
assert(tmp != NULL);
wordarray = tmp;
for(int h = arraycounter; h < numwords; h++)
wordarray[h] = malloc(wordlength);
printf("increased size of wordarray to %zu \n", numwords);
In this situation, it would attempt to increase the size of the array if it was about to go over the initial set limit, so would not be affected due to token running out of memory (tested with 20 small words and it crashed on its attempt to resize)
You need
wordarray = malloc(numwords * sizeof *wordarray);
Also, what do you want to happen when your program is compiled without assert and run on a system with low memory? I mean, the use of assert() is probably wrong.
