Nothing provides python needed by mssql-server-is - sql-server

I'm trying to install SQL Server Integration Services on RHEL 8. I have SQL Server 2019 (version v15) installed and running successfully, but when I try and follow this:
The RHEL 8 repo doesn't have the mssql-server-is package in it, and using the RHEL 7 repo throws this error:
Error: Problem: conflicting requests
- nothing provides python needed by mssql-server-is-15.0.2000.5-4.x86_64 (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
I have both Python2 and Python 3 installed, and when I run this:
alternatives --config python
I see that /usr/bin/python2 is selected
Any ideas how I can get SSIS installed for RHEL 8 and SQL Server 2019?

I could install it by downloading the rpm and then installing it using --nodeps option as below:
sudo yum download mssql-server-is
sudo rpm -Uvh --nodeps mssql-server-is*rpm
Worked pretty smooth for me.


Centos 7 how to instal old epel repository to get php5 mssql_* functions

I need to install web server for older intranet app - it requires mssql library (I know its old, but nobody will redevelop the app).
In Centos 7 I was installing it like this (along with vesta - also old)
yum install epel-release
yum install php-mssql
And that is it - it worked great, but now while I try to install it it says mssql was removed and replaced with pdo.
I tried to install the mssql library directly:
sudo yum install wget
But there was a problem with dependencies I could not solve (It requires X and X require Y and then Z.... and so on).
My idea is not to install newest epel release but to download older one install it. Is it possible? I have found old repository but how to install it? (its list of modules, how do I install them all to get dependencies)
Or maybe there is other idea to install mssql functions?

Connecting MSSQL to PHP 5.5 on Centos 6

I want to connect mssql in my site and it's on CENTOS 6 and I am using PHP 5.5.
Got many solutions online about installing drivers regarding the PDO and ODBC, always getting error of no package found or failed dependencies, don't know why I am not able to install or proceed further.
Any help will be appreciated.
If You want to use mssql_connect, You need to install php-mssql from extras repository:
yum install --enablerepo=extras php-mssql
and restart httpd:
service httpd restart
That's it :-)

Microsoft's Node.JS driver does not work

I tried following this but with no luck.
Every time I try to build it, it fails.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why does it fail to build. I am also using the latest version of Node if that helps.
Thanks for your question. Just to clarify you are using the msnodesql driver right?
One of the reasons that you might not be able to build is because you are using the latest node version.
The Microsoft Node.js driver is not forward compatible. The next version is in the pipeline. In the meanwhile you will have to downgrade your node.js version to 0.8.9.
Additionally there are a few other requirements. Follow these steps and you should be good.
Node.js – Version 0.8.9 (32 bit version). Make sure you download the x86 version and not the x64 version. You might have to uninstall your current version and re-install this version to ensure compatibility.
Python 2.7.6.
Visual C++ 2010 - the Express edition is freely available from Microsoft.
SQL Server Native Client 11.0 - available as Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client found in the SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack.
Then just enter these in your node.js command prompt
1. npm install msnodesql
2. npm install -g node-gyp
3. node-gyp configure
4. node-gyp build
You should now see a build folder inside msnodel.
Navigate to build > release. Copy the sqlserver.node file and paste it in the msnodesql > lib folder. Replace the old file if needed.
Now you can follow the rest of the instructions on the blog you mentioned which will help you with connection string and connecting to your db. Let me know if you are still stuck.

Update to last version after already installed old

I'm using fastcgi and my PHP version is 5.3.3 instead of 5.5 so my question is how can I update to latest PHP version? I'm using CentOS, I tried yum update, but no update appeared for this.
Normally you need to uninstall the 5.3 branch and install 5.5 from scratch because it is not an update but a new version.
Beware that in 5.5 quite some functions are deprecated that were still available in 5.3!
Uses the remi repository.
From the blog:
By running the following commands:
rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
you solve all dependency issues with epel and remi on CentOS 6.
Then, by running the following command, you install PHP 5.5.
yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test install httpd php php-common
For extra goodies, you can run the following command:
yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test install php-pecl-apc php-cli php-pear php-pdo php-mysqlnd php-pgsql php-pecl-mongo php-sqlite php-pecl-memcache php-pecl-memcached php-gd php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-xml
Now, restart your httpd service and set it to boot automatically:
service httpd restart
chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on
Now run:
php --version
to see whether the correct version of PHP was installed.

Node.js SQL Server driver issue - fails to install

I am using Node.JS version v0.10.13.
I am using Python version 2.7.2.
I am using node-gyp version 0.10.2 according to the package.json file.
Output from trying to install node-sqlserver via npm
Output from trying to install msnodesql via npm
Not sure what next steps I should take to resolve the issue? My machine has Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2010 installed.
Update: What is the solution for this in the Azure world / Azure Mobile Services?
