Delete User from Azure AD B2C using Graph API right after it was created - ObjectNotFoundException - azure-active-directory

I'm using Custom Policy to sign up users in Azure AD B2C.
In the last step, before the JWT is issue, the technical profile does the following:
<!-- Store the user in the AD -->
<ValidationTechnicalProfile ReferenceId="AAD-UserWriteUsingLogonEmail" ContinueOnError="false" />
<!-- Sends the user information, including ObjectId to website to store locally-->
<ValidationTechnicalProfile ReferenceId="REST-SendUserInformation" ContinueOnError="false"/>
So, this works fine. However, in my code, if something goes wrong in the step 2 (send the user's information to store locally), I call the Graph API to delete the user that was just created.
However, I noticed that the Graph API works when I "debug" (which means, taking some time to click next.. next...), but when it's running in the server, the user is not deleted from the AD.
It doesn't throw an exception.
My code to delete the user is the following:
public AzureGraphService(IConfiguration configuration)
var azureOptions = new AzureAdOptions();
configuration.Bind("AzureAdB2C", azureOptions);
// Client credential provider is used by services and desktop applications to acquire Microsoft Graph access token without a user.
_confidentialClientApplication = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
ClientCredentialProvider authProvider = new ClientCredentialProvider(_confidentialClientApplication);
// Set up the Microsoft Graph service client with client credentials
_graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authProvider);
public async Task DeleteUserFromAD(string azuresubid)
// Delete user by object ID
await _graphClient.Users[azuresubid]
catch (Exception ex)
// TODO - Log exception?
throw ex;
After looking the Audit Logs in Azure AD B2C, I found this
However, I'm certain that the object is correct and the objectID that I use to delete is also correct because it works if I "debug" (go slowly).
My question is:
Is there a delay between the Object (User) is created in the AD B2C and the time that I can actually see and delete the object from there?
Thank you

There is a delay, the policy execution targets the same DCs, your graph api call from your REST API is likely hitting a different DC and cannot find the account at that time. Use retry logic, try 3 times with a 5 second delay. Usually replication completes in 7sec.


Can't call Graph API calendars from a daemon application

I am new to the Graph API and would like to call my outlook calendars with the event schedules from a daemon application.
When I login to Microsoft account using the email I use to login to Azure I can see my calendar fine and I can also call the Web API using the Graph Explorer.
E.g. the Graph Explorer call:
returns my calendar events fine when I am logged in with my Microsoft account.
Now, I would like to be able to access the same API using a service application i.e. without the user login prompt. So I went to the Azure portal, created and registered a new application, gave it Calendar.Read API permission with the administrator's consent and downloaded a quickstart daemon app which makes
await apiCaller.CallWebApiAndProcessResultASync($"{config.ApiUrl}v1.0/users", result.AccessToken, Display);
call which works i.e. it returns a user so that I can see that the
"userPrincipalName": "XYZ#<formattedemail>"
which is not what the Graph Explorer call returns. The Graph explorer call:
and returns "userPrincipalName": "myactualemail"
So basically when I make the Graph Explorer call:
it returns the calendars' result which is correct.
However, an equivalent daemon API call
await apiCaller.CallWebApiAndProcessResultASync($"{config.ApiUrl}v1.0/users/f5a1a942-f9e4-460b-9c6c-16f45045548f/calendars", result.AccessToken, Display);
Failed to call the web API: NotFound
Content: {"error":{"code":"ResourceNotFound","message":"Resource could not be discovered.","innerError":{"date":"2021-12-26T16:46:35","request-id":"67ef50e4-bec6-48ae-9e45-7765436d1345","client-request-id":"67ef50e4-bec6-48ae-9e45-7765436d1345"}}}
I suspect that the issue is in the userPrincipalName mismatch between the Graph Explorer and the daemon application, but I am failing to find a solution to this.
Also note that a normal ASP.NET Core sample which requires manual user login works ok. The issue is only with the daemon application.
There is no "me" in your case, so you need to use url.
When you used Graph Explorer to test the api, you've signed in the website, so /me/calendars contained in the request can know who is me and then return correct data to you.
Come back to your daemon app, we usually use client credential flow to gain the access token/credential to call the api in the daemon so that we don't need to let user sign in and then call the api, this flow makes the app itself can call microsoft graph api. But using this flow will lead to the issue that you can't use me any more because you never signed in yourself, so we should use /users/userPrincipalName/calendars instead.
Then come to the programming module, microsoft provides graph SDK for calling api, this is what you can also see in the api document. You can refer to this document to learn more details about how to use client credential flow with graph SDK. You can also copy my code below.
using Azure.Identity;
using Microsoft.Graph;
public IActionResult Privacy()
var scopes = new[] { "" };
var tenantId = "";
var clientId = "azure_ad_app_client_id";
var clientSecret = "client_secret";
var options = new TokenCredentialOptions
AuthorityHost = AzureAuthorityHosts.AzurePublicCloud
var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
tenantId, clientId, clientSecret, options);
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecretCredential, scopes);
var res = graphClient.Users["your_user_id_which_looks_like_xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxx"].Calendars.Request().GetAsync().Result;
return View();
By the way, if you're not familiar with the flows, you may take a look at my this answer.
I was able to kind of resolve this issue after chatting with the Azure tech guy. It turned out that my Azure account was considered a personal account. And the reason for this apparently was because I was using a personal email to setup up the Azure account first place. Because of this they would apparently not allow me to purchase o365 and license it. So I had to create a new account with the amazon default domain for S3 -, which I took from my AWS S3 subscription. Then I had to run through a whole process of creating a new email in Azure from my existing S3 custom domain.
After the email was created I was able to purchase o365 basic license (trial version for now) and then login to Azure using a new email. o365 purchase gave me access to outlook and then recreating a new daemon application from the quickstart with the new credentials just worked.
I don't know if it makes sense what I had done as it sounds awfully convoluted. But it seems to work in the end.

Retrieving Emails from Office365 using OAuth2.0

I am looking for a complete Step-by-step to accomplish the following objective. I have been looking around and trying many, many ways, but not one of them works.
Objective: using C# .net core code (in Azure Functions) connect to a shared mailbox of Office 365 to retrieve emails [with date filter] to do some processing, then move that email from Inbox into another folder (Processed). I want to use MailKit (or something similar
that is free and has MIT license) to retrieve, load and parse the emails.
What I have done, but of course, I can be way off…
In Azure Active Directory, I have created an App Registration
In API Permissions, I have added and granted (I am an admin) a lot of permissions (everything I guess may be related to this, from
Email, to IMAP, SMTP, POP, Application, User and a bunch of other permissions.
In Certificates & Secrets, I created a client secret and recorded the secret (Value)
From Overview, I recorded the Client ID, Tenant ID, etc.
Code (I tried several variation of this…)
string[] scopes = {"" }
for scopes, I have also tried:
var authority = authority + tenant;
for authority, I have also tried:
“”, etc…
var client = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
.WithAuthority(new Uri(authority))
/* Fails every time! */
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default;
var authResult = await app.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes)
/* MailKit to retrieve emails… */
any step-by-step code using MailKit to
accomplish the Objective would be much appreciated.
Firstly, you should not use this method to get the access token.
var client = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
.WithAuthority(new Uri(authority))
This method is using client credential flow which is not supported to use IMAP.AccessAsUser.All delegated permission.
This method mentioned by jstedfast is using Interactive provider. The interactive flow is used by mobile applications (Xamarin and UWP) and desktops applications to call Microsoft Graph.
So if configuring "http://localhost" as a Public client (mobile & desktop) redirect URI for your application doesn't work, I don't think you could implement it in the C# .net core Azure Function app. Azure Function app doesn't support login interactively within it. You can only use it in a console app.
But there are 2 workarounds which allow you to get the user access token for Microsoft Graph.
Implement Username/password provider to generate the client and access token. But it is using ROPC flow which is not recommended by Microsoft. See details on Warning tip.
Configure additional Login Params in App service to get the access token to call Microsoft Graph. Please refer to CONFIGURING AN APP SERVICE TO GET AN ACCESS TOKEN FOR AAD GRAPH API. The key point is changing the additionaloginparams to the following [“response_type=code id_token”, “resource=”]. Related official document here.

Aquire Token with ADAL.Net throws Unknown User Type for Managed AD Account

I am trying to call a web (api) service using a OAuth2 token based on a AAD managed user account logged in to an AAD joined machine using ADAL.Net - specifically using this example:
However I keep getting the exception: Unknown User Type
In my setup I have logged onto a machine inside an AAD private network with a synced AAD user account. I then run the example code using WindowsAuthentication.
After some debugging I can narrow the exception to be thrown from this method in ADAL.Net
protected internal /* internal for test only */ override async Task PreTokenRequestAsync()
await base.PreTokenRequestAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!SupportADFS)
var userRealmResponse = await _commonNonInteractiveHandler.QueryUserRealmDataAsync(Authenticator.UserRealmUriPrefix)
if (string.Equals(userRealmResponse.AccountType, "federated", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
WsTrustResponse wsTrustResponse = await _commonNonInteractiveHandler.PerformWsTrustMexExchangeAsync(
// We assume that if the response token type is not SAML 1.1, it is SAML 2
_userAssertion = new UserAssertion(wsTrustResponse.Token, (wsTrustResponse.TokenType == WsTrustResponse.Saml1Assertion) ? OAuthGrantType.Saml11Bearer : OAuthGrantType.Saml20Bearer);
throw new AdalException(AdalError.UnknownUserType);
Since everything in my setup is managed with AAD I do not see why the user account type needs to be "federated" in order for a token to be retrieved.
So I suspect that I need to get my token in another way!?
Any help will be appreciated ;)
After investigating we found that the above code (ADAL.Net) can only be used with a federated setup.
Federation means that you have an on premise network - which holds your windows user accounts - connected to an Azure AD network - which then "federates" these accounts to Azure AD. However it would be good to have a member of the ADAL team to comment on this.
Obtaining a token for a windows user account in a pure Azure AD (Managed setup) can supposedly be done using this code:
var connString = $"RunAs=App;AppId={appId};TenantId={tenantId};AppKey={appKey};";
var azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider(connString2);
var accessToken = azureServiceTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(service, tenantId).Result;
which is descripbed here:
Again its not that well documented so any clarity from microsoft would be good.

How does AAD API Access delegate permission work?

I'm having a little trouble following how API Access delegate permissions work with azure active directory. I feel like i'm probably misunderstanding a key aspect of how AAD works.
Here is my set up
I have a Web Application let’s call it WebApp. I have created
an AAD for the Web Application and registered with a AAD App ID. Let’s
call it App ID A
I have a Web Api let’s call it ApiService. I have also created an AAD for it and registered with a AAD App ID. Let’s all it App ID B.
In AAD App ID A, I have updated the clicked on the API Access ->
Required Permissions -> Add (App ID B ; Web API) permissions
I’ve updated the manaifest in the AAD App ID B, to give consent to
knownClientApplications to include the client ID of the Web App
I’ve also enable oauth2AllowImplicitFlow to be true for both App’s
What I’m trying to do is, A user signs into the web application sign. When it signs in, the user is able to acquire a token for the specific Web App App ID A. The user should be able to use that token and have access the Api Service with App ID B. I thought by configuring the whole API Access -> Required Permissions within the Web Application it would give me delegate permission with the logged in user to communicate with the Api Service WebApi.
When I examine the JWT token, I notice that there is a claim for Microsoft Graph, but not for the ApiService. Shouldn’t I be seeing a claim?
When I try to use the token, it reacts with a 404 authentication error.
Any advice appreciated,
In response to #joonasw
I actually looked at the example you wrote when i started.
In the example, the web application is initialized with:
.AddOpenIdConnect(opts =>
opts.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents
OnAuthorizationCodeReceived = ctx =>
return Task.CompletedTask;
In the HomeController, there is code to retrieve the token for the graph api
private async Task<string> GetAccessTokenAsync()
string authority = _authOptions.Authority;
string userId = User.FindFirstValue("");
var cache = new AdalDistributedTokenCache(_cache, _dataProtectionProvider, userId);
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority, cache);
//App's credentials may be needed if access tokens need to be refreshed with a refresh token
string clientId = _authOptions.ClientId;
string clientSecret = _authOptions.ClientSecret;
var credential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
var result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(
new UserIdentifier(userId, UserIdentifierType.UniqueId));
return result.AccessToken;
From my understanding, when the user initially login to the web application it will trigger the OnAuthorizationCodeReceived() method where it will be using the clientId/clientSecret/resource of the web applicaiton. The token is stored in the distributed token cache under the key resource/client id.
In the example, GetAccessTokenAsync() is used to grab the token to access the graph API.
In my case, I was hoping to update that method to retrieve the token for the WebApi which has a different clientId/clientSecret/resoruce. In my case, it will AcquireTokenSilentAsync will throw an AdalTokenAcquisitionExceptionFilter because the token needed is not stored in the cache and in the AdalTokenAcquisitionExceptionFilter it will call try to reauthenticate
context.Result = new ChallengeResult();
which will redirect to the authentication page and then hits the AddOpenIdConnect() method. However, the openIdConnect is configured with the web app clientID/ClientSecret/Resource and will not store the new token properly. It will try to call GetAccessTokenAsync() again and the whole process will go in an infinite loop.
In the example, if you were to comment out the "Anthentication:resource" in app.settings, you will experience the same issue with the infinite loop. What happens is that you initially authenticate correctly with no resource specified. Then when you click on you try to get the token for microsoft graph which is a new resource, it can't find it in the cache and then tries to reauthenticate over and over again.
I also notice that the acquireAsyncAuthentication only returns a AuthenticationResult with a bearer tokentype. How would you get the refresh token in this case?
Any advice?
UPDATE (Solution)
Thanks to #jaanus. All you have to do is update the resource to the clientid of the web api and pass that into AcquireTokenSilentAsync. The web api id uri that you can get from the azure portal did not work.
Okay, so it seems there are multiple questions here. I'll try to make some sense of this stuff to you.
Adding the "Web App"'s client id to the "ApiService" knownClientApplications is a good idea.
It allows for consent to be done for both apps at the same time. This really only matters for multi-tenant scenarios though.
Now, your Web App will be acquiring access tokens at some point.
When it does, it must specify a resource parameter.
This parameter says to AAD which API you wish to call.
In the case of the "ApiService", you should use either its client id or Application ID URI (this is more common).
Depending on the type of your Web App, the access token is acquired a bit differently.
For "traditional" back-end apps, the Authorization Code Grant flow is usually used.
In this flow your back-end gets an authorization code after the user logs in, and your Web App can then exchange that code for the access token.
In the case of a front-end JavaScript app, you would use the Implicit Grant flow, which you have allowed (no need to enable it in the API by the way).
This one allows you to get access tokens directly from the authorization endpoint (/oauth2/authorize) without talking to the token endpoint as you usually have to.
You can actually get the access token right away after login in the fragment of the URL if you wish.
ADAL.JS makes this quite a lot easier for you if you are going in this route.
The reason you get the authentication error is because the access token is probably meant for Microsoft Graph API. You need to request an access token for your API.
An access token is always only valid for one API.

How to Authenticate MS Teams User Against Azure AD

I am trying to create a bot which would be deployed into MS Teams (and Skype for Business). I see when a user interacts with the bot they are provided with a and the Bot Framework docs say that this is the "The tenant ID for the user." I was wondering if I can use this (or another piece of information coming from the inbound message) to authenticate the user against my Azure AD? Also, would this require me to authenticate the user via an authentication flow like is done with the AuthBot?(
Any help would be great!
You have the provided in channelData yes, so you could use it to make some customs requests like with Graph API.
For MS Teams, you can also get more information by calling GetConversationMembersAsync and call AsTeamsChannelAccount method on the members that you got (this method is included in Microsoft.Bot.Connector.Teams NuGet package)
// Fetch the members in the current conversation
var connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(context.Activity.ServiceUrl));
var members = await connector.Conversations.GetConversationMembersAsync(context.Activity.Conversation.Id);
// Concatenate information about all the members into a string
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var member in members.Select(m => m.AsTeamsChannelAccount()))
sb.AppendLine($"GivenName = '{member.Name}', Email = '{member.Email}', User Principal Name '{member.UserPrincipalName}', AAD ObjectId '{member.ObjectId}', TeamsMemberId = '{member.Id}'");
// Post the member info back into the conversation
await context.PostAsync($"People in this conversation: {sb.ToString()}");
With this call you will have additional interesting values: Email and ObjectId (which is the user's Azure AD object ID).
As a conclusion, you still have to log your user if you need to do some authenticated logic, but in MS Teams case you have more information and ways to do it.
