HubL / Twig: Not finding value from array - arrays

In HubSpot, I've created a custom module called footer. footer has five field types of menu:
I've created an array where all five of the above menu ID's are pushed to an array. I've done this via a template partial file which is included in my footer module.
<!-- creating array -->
{% set footer_id_array = [] %}
<!-- push menu id's to array -->
{% do footer_id_array.append(module.menus.menu_column_1) %}
{% do footer_id_array.append(module.menus.menu_column_2) %}
{% do footer_id_array.append(module.menus.menu_column_3) %}
{% do footer_id_array.append(module.menus.menu_column_4) %}
{% do footer_id_array.append(module.menus.menu_column_5) %}
Running {{ footer_id_array }} shows all the IDs in the array, i.e.
[29420054435, 29420223163, 29420054590, 29420158158, 29420071857]
So this is correct, the array contains the IDs.
Now, for each item in this array, I want to generate a nav, so in my footer custom module, I have the following:
{% set iterations = range(0, 5) %}
{% for i in iterations %}
{% menu id="{{ footer_id_array[i] }}" %}
{% endfor %}
However, on my page, this just prints HubSpots default menus, not the ones assigned to the ID's.
Why is this?


How can you loop through all of the children of a model?

In Django I am trying to loop through all of the children of my Todo model. But whenever I try to run it, it gives me an AttributeError that says "Manager isn't accessible via Todo instances". My code looks like this:
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block content %}
{% for t in model.objects.all %} <!-- Error -->
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block options %}
<li class="bg-light py-3 w-100 px-4 rounded text-nowrap fs-4">
<button class="text-decoration-none text-dark">Save</button>
{% endblock %}
I tried to just put the model in the context, and then I got an error in the HTML, so I figured out that it happened when I tried to reference 'model.objects.all'.
Inside of your view you need to specify what django should pass to the template. It does not serve the entire Database; therefore queries like in model.objects.all inside of your templates are not allowed.
Specify the queryset inside your
def todo_view(request):
context = {}
context['my_todos'] = my_todo_model.objects.all()
context['most_important_todo'] = my_todo_model.objects.get(pk=1)
# put your own logic inside the `.get` method above
return render(request, 'my_template.html' context)
And then access it inside of your template like so:
{% for t in my_todos %}
<p>{{ }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{{ }}
Because we put a queryset inside of my_todos we can loop over it in the template. most_important_todo ist just a single object passed to the template, so we can access its properties (e.g. the name) directly.
Let me know how it goes

Shopify - Add Number (1,2,3) before Product in Collection

I want the collection page to look like a numbered list (1. product 2. product 3. product ...) with a number in front of each product title.
In the product-grid-item.liquid I found the title and added {{ forloop.index }} in front of it but nothing shows up. When I add {% for product in collection.products %}{% endfor %} around it, it shows "123456789 title". When I add {% for product in collection.products %} before the top div and {% endfor %} after the bottom div, it repeats the whole collection multiple times.
When I use {% cycle '1', '2', '3', '4', '5' %} it shows "1." in front of every product.
What am I doing wrong? Are there other ways? Any help would be appreciated.
Okay, so this bellow code is for default Dawn theme from Shopify.
You need to edit the main-collection-product-grid.liquid and then navigate to code render 'card-product' and pass the foorloop.index as counter
on file card-product.liquid use it before the title
Need to add some logic to calculate correct number, add this code to calulcate it
{%- if paginate.pages > 1 -%}
{% assign page_size = paginate.page_size %}
{% if paginate.current_page > 1 %}
{% assign currPage = paginate.current_page | minus: 1 %}
{% assign loop_item = page_size | times: currPage %}
{% assign loop_item = loop_item | plus: forloop.index %}
{% else %}
{% assign loop_item = forloop.index %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% assign loop_item = forloop.index %}
{% endif %}

Wagtail Show latest blog posts on Homepage through a streamfield

I have 3 mains sections in my site, homepage, blog index, and blog specific. I am using the streamfield function in wagtail to order various sections in the homepage. One of those sections is for the latest three blog posts.
I have done this for the blog index page, but can't grab the latest blog posts in the streamfield.
My model looks like this
class CaseStudiesIndex(Page):
def casestudies(pages):
casestudies = CaseStudyPage.objects.all().order_by('-first_published_at')
return casestudies
intro = RichTextField(blank=True)
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
FieldPanel('intro', classname="full")
class LatestPosts(blocks.StructBlock):
static = blocks.StaticBlock(admin_text='Latest posts: no configuration needed.',)
def casestudies(pages):
casestudies = CaseStudyPage.objects.all().order_by('-first_published_at')[:3]
return casestudies
class Meta:
icon = 'doc-full'
label = 'Latest Posts'
template = 'blocks/_latestPosts.html'
class HomePage(Page):
blocksbody = StreamField([
('lead_banner', LeadBanner()),
('latest_posts', LatestPosts()),
('team', Team())
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
In my block folder I am calling the file fine and it renders the wrapper fine but I can't grab any of the data, I have tried a bunch of ways but nothing returns.
{% load wagtailcore_tags wagtailimages_tags %}
{% load static %}
<div class="wrapper__inner">
{% for case in self.casestudies %}
{% endfor %}
{% for case in self.case_studies %}
{% endfor %}
{% for case in self.latest_posts %}
{% endfor %}
{% for case in page.casestudies %}
{% endfor %}
{% for case in page.case_studies %}
{% endfor %}
{% for case in page.latest_posts %}
{% endfor %}
For the Blog Index page that does work I do the following.
{% extends "inner_base.html" %}
{% load wagtailcore_tags %}
{% block body_class %}template-case-studies{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="wrapper__inner">
{% include "blocks/CaseStudiesLatestBlock.html" %}
{% endblock %}
And the CaseStudiesLatestBlock.html which works fine looks like
{% load wagtailcore_tags wagtailimages_tags %}
{% load static %}
{% for case in self.casestudies %}
<strong>{{ case.title }}</strong>
{% endfor %}
Defining your own methods on a StructBlock won't work - the self (or value) variable you receive on the template is just a plain dict, not the StructBlock object itself. (This might seem counter-intuitive, but it's consistent with how blocks work in general: just as a CharBlock gives you a string value to work with and not a CharBlock instance, StructBlock gives you a dict rather than a StructBlock instance.)
Instead, you can define a get_context method (as documented here) to provide additional variables to the template:
class LatestPosts(blocks.StructBlock):
static = blocks.StaticBlock(admin_text='Latest posts: no configuration needed.',)
def get_context(self, value, parent_context=None):
context = super(LatestPosts, self).get_context(value, parent_context=parent_context)
context['casestudies'] = CaseStudyPage.objects.all().order_by('-first_published_at')[:3]
return context
You can then access the casestudies variable in the template, e.g. {% for case in casestudies %}.

looping over jekyll collections

I have the following code
{% for note in site.regnotes %}
{% if note.regulationno == page.regulationno %}
{{ note.regulationno }} - {{ note.url }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
This code loops over the regnotes collection in a jekyll site, checks if the current note regulationno is the same as the page regulationno and if so displays the regulationno and url - that is the url of the current page. How do I change this code to include the url of the previous page, the current page and the next page. I'm looking for three urls - previous, current and next? - The "page.previous.url" variable within jekyll does not appear to work in collections.
This is what it might look like in other code
for i=1 to number of items in the regnotes collection
if current note == page note
print page[i].url //current page url
print page[i-1].url //previous page url
print page[i+1].url //next page url
end if
end for
I suppose what I'm trying todo is reference the items in the collection by their array index. just can't seem to get the syntax correct.
Since you are a programmer, you just need to know that you need to use forloop.index0 to know where you are in the for loop (
The code will be something like:
{% for note in site.regnotes %}
{% assign current_index = forloop.index0 }}
{% assign next_index = current_index | plus: 1 %}
{% assign prev_index = current_index | minus: 1 %}
{% if note.regulationno == page.regulationno %}
{{ note.regulationno }} - {{ note.url }}
{% if site.regnotes[prev_index] %}prev{% endif %}
{% if site.regnotes[next_index] %}next{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

How to populate an array of array in Twig?

I have a problem with an array of arrays in Twig.
Here is the code I am struggling with :
{% set tabTmp = {0:{},1:{},2:{},3:{},4:{},5:{},6:{},7:{},8:{}} %}
{%for element in box.elements%}
{% set tab = tabTmp[] %}
{% set elementId = %}
{% set tab = tab | merge({elementId:element}) %}
{% endfor%}
{%for key, tmp in tabTmp %}
{% if tmp is iterable %}
{{ dump(tmp) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor%}
box.elements and element exist, and are integer and element is the object I want to work with.
But I keep having Array(0) as a result of dump(tmp).
Any ideas ?
Everything looks fine, but if you want to merge a variable as key to an associative array you need to use ();
so try changing
{% set tab = tab | merge({elementId:element}) %}
{% set tab = tab | merge({(elementId):element}) %}
